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[Sammelthread] macOS & OS X - KFKA Thread


AT Moderation
Problem gelöst - Lösung gefunden.

Warten wir auf die nächste kurze Frage und die kurze Antwort.


Altgelds Küchenapfel
Okay, werde ich machen.
Ergänzend: ich mag nicht, wenn man Vorschläge ignoriert, aber behauptet, man habe sie schon probiert.
Extra mal getestet: bei einem neuen Benutzer sieht man die Werkseinstellungen. Dauert keine Minute...
Aber das weisst Du doch gar nicht.
Ich habe Deine Vorschläge nicht ignoriert. Das ist eine falsche Wahrnehmung von Dir.

Für mich gibt es einen Unterschied zwischen der Frage nach Vorschlägen und dem Fragen nach einer einfachen Antwort ohne großes TamTam.

Bitte nimm das nicht persönlich. Es ist nicht böse oder anfeinend gemeint.

Und jetzt wieder zurück zum

KFKA Thread​

Seit macOS Sonoma 14.7 werden Mitteilungen bei mir unterschlagen. Egal ob Mail oder wenn sich der Akku von Tastatur / Trackpad zu Ende neigt. Es kommen einfach keine Mitteilungen mehr. Verändert habe ich nichts, außer das 14.7 Update installiert.

Haben andere auch dieses Phänomen oder Lösungen parat?



AT Moderation
Wie sind denn die Einstellungen der jeweiligen Apps?

Mitteilungen bei allen genannten aktiv?
Ein aktiver Fokus?


Seit Update auf Sequioa funktioniert bei mir das Timemachine nicht mehr.

Immer bei ca. 80% bricht es ab.

Fehlermeldung: Der Mac ist gesperrt (ist er aber nicht)

Hardware: MBA M2 / mobile Festplatte Seagate Ultra Touch

Habe die Festplatte neu formatiert. Ohne Erfolg

Marcel Bresink

Filippas Apfel
Das ist ein gängiger Konstruktionsfehler in neueren Versionen von Time Machine. Die Fehlermeldung ist irreführend (auch im englischen Original). Die Meldung soll in Wirklichkeit heißen, dass Time Machine mindestens eine Datei nicht sichern konnte, weil ein anderes Programm diese Datei länger als üblich für "für exklusiven Zugriff" angemeldet hat, so dass Time Machine der Lesezugriff verweigert wurde. Nach etwas Warten wird die Sicherung dann irgendwann abgebrochen.

In vielen Fällen reicht es, manuell eine neue Sicherung anzustoßen.

Wenn das nicht hilft, muss man erst einmal herausfinden, um welche Datei es sich handelt. Man kann wie folgt eine Datenbankabfrage für die Protokolldatenbank von macOS machen, um einen Bericht über die Time Machine-Tätigkeiten der letzten Stunde zu erhalten:

log show --info --start "$(date -j -v-1H +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" --predicate 'processImagePath contains "backupd" and subsystem beginswith "com.apple.TimeMachine"'
  • Like
Reaktionen: Frequenzfilter


Das ist ein gängiger Konstruktionsfehler in neueren Versionen von Time Machine. Die Fehlermeldung ist irreführend (auch im englischen Original). Die Meldung soll in Wirklichkeit heißen, dass Time Machine mindestens eine Datei nicht sichern konnte, weil ein anderes Programm diese Datei länger als üblich für "für exklusiven Zugriff" angemeldet hat, so dass Time Machine der Lesezugriff verweigert wurde. Nach etwas Warten wird die Sicherung dann irgendwann abgebrochen.

In vielen Fällen reicht es, manuell eine neue Sicherung anzustoßen.

Wenn das nicht hilft, muss man erst einmal herausfinden, um welche Datei es sich handelt. Man kann wie folgt eine Datenbankabfrage für die Protokolldatenbank von macOS machen, um einen Bericht über die Time Machine-Tätigkeiten der letzten Stunde zu erhalten:

log show --info --start "$(date -j -v-1H +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" --predicate 'processImagePath contains "backupd" and subsystem beginswith "com.apple.TimeMachine"'
Vielen Dank!

Manuell anstossen ging nicht.

Deinen 2. Tipp: Was muss ich genau tun? Über welches Programm?

Marcel Bresink

Filippas Apfel
Befehle in macOS werden immer über das Programm "Terminal" (aus dem Ordner "Dienstprogramme") eingegeben. Du kannst den Befehl per Kopieren/Einsetzen übertragen. Es ist wichtig, den Zeilenschalter erst "hinter" dem Befehl am Ende der Zeile zu drücken.
  • Like
Reaktionen: Zippodw


Golden Noble
Poste das Ergebnis doch hier im Forum, per copy and paste.
Am besten in Code-Tags (Icon </> in der oberen Leite vom Antworten-Fenster), wenn es mehr als eine Handvoll Zeilen sind.


Last login: Sat Oct 19 11:52:10 on ttys000

daniwidmer@Mac ~ % log show --info --start "$(date -j -v-1H +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')" --predicate 'processImagePath contains "backupd" and subsystem beginswith "com.apple.TimeMachine"'

Filtering the log data using "processImagePath CONTAINS "backupd" AND subsystem BEGINSWITH "com.apple.TimeMachine""

Skipping debug messages, pass --debug to include.

Timestamp Thread Type Activity PID TTL

2024-10-19 16:18:15.378240+0200 0x1bb037c Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:TMDeviceRulesEngine] Failed to read sticky exclusion extended attribute for /System/Volumes/Data/Users/daniwidmer/Library/com.apple.icloud.searchpartyd/BeaconEstimatedLocation/C24F1B6E-41E0-496B-93E4-47CD938B1169/3BAD9619-BE70-4D67-8DA2-164B6F963229.record, error: 2 No such file or directory

2024-10-19 16:18:44.561859+0200 0x1bb0380 Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] .•• .

Progress: 24% done, 77.52%/h, 55.31 MB/s, avg: 88.05 MB/s, 278.40 items/s, avg: 172.75 items/s

ByPhysicalSize:29% (CV:109.52 GB/381.75 GB (D: Zero KB),T:381.75 GB,D:Zero KB(-),LA:Zero KB(-))Y

ByItemCount:20% (CV:220613/1093880 (D: 0),T:1093880,D:0(-),LA:0(-))Y

ByEventPath:- ()N

Copied: 223726 (l:107.74 GB p:107.42 GB) Propagated: 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB) Propagated (shallow): 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB)

Tracker: FlCp:167263DrCp:52866SmCp:3113FlCl:484


Comparisons: Operations:

Backup Projected Stats: 1262564 items (p:415.96 GB)

Sized: l:27.58 GB p:26.02 GB c:168683, Outstanding:0/1323, Finished Volumes:0

Current: 2.16 GB/(l:2.23 GB,p:2.8 GB) - /Volumes/LaCie 1/2024-10-19-155821.inprogress/Data/Users/daniwidmer/Library/Mobile Documents/57T9237FN3~net~whatsapp~WhatsApp/Accounts/41787835588/backup/Media.tar

2024-10-19 16:23:37.300598+0200 0x1bafe5b Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:powerManagement] TMPowerState: 2

2024-10-19 16:23:37.321468+0200 0x1bb8337 Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Skipping scheduled Time Machine backup: Backup already running

2024-10-19 16:23:44.605495+0200 0x1bb0380 Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] .•• .

Progress: 29% done, 52.36%/h, 114.44 MB/s, avg: 93.33 MB/s, 10.93 items/s, avg: 140.39 items/s

ByPhysicalSize:37% (CV:141.7 GB/381.75 GB (D: Zero KB),T:381.75 GB,D:Zero KB(-),LA:Zero KB(-))Y

ByItemCount:20% (CV:223893/1093870 (D: 0),T:1093870,D:0(-),LA:0(-))Y

ByEventPath:- ()N

Copied: 227006 (l:142.07 GB p:141.76 GB) Propagated: 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB) Propagated (shallow): 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB)

Tracker: FlCp:170469DrCp:52940SmCp:3113FlCl:484


Comparisons: Operations:

Backup Projected Stats: 1262564 items (p:415.96 GB)

Sized: l:27.58 GB p:26.02 GB c:168693, Outstanding:0/1328, Finished Volumes:0

Current: Zero KB/(l:8.1 MB,p:8.1 MB) - /Volumes/LaCie 1/2024-10-19-155821.inprogress/Data/Users/daniwidmer/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Privat/Ferien/Kreuzfahrt Karibik/aruba/DSC01487.JPG

2024-10-19 16:26:44.391658+0200 0x1bb037c Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:FileProtection] Failed to acquire device lock assertion for '/Volumes/com.apple.TimeMachine.localsnapshots/Backups.backupdb/MacBook Air M2 von Dani/2024-10-19-155821/Data/Users/daniwidmer/Library/Weather/com.apple.weather/StateRestoration' (assertion state: <dropped>), error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

2024-10-19 16:26:44.391689+0200 0x1bb037c Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:FileProtection] Enabled greedy assertion taking

2024-10-19 16:28:44.609184+0200 0x1bb0380 Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] .••• .

Progress: 35% done, 73.87%/h, 91.10 MB/s, avg: 92.95 MB/s, 193.81 items/s, avg: 149.29 items/s

ByPhysicalSize:44% (CV:168.36 GB/381.69 GB (D: Zero KB),T:381.69 GB,D:Zero KB(-),LA:Zero KB(-))Y

ByItemCount:26% (CV:281997/1093526 (D: 0),T:1093526,D:0(-),LA:0(-))Y

ByEventPath:- ()N

Copied: 285151 (l:173.3 GB p:169.09 GB) Propagated: 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB) Propagated (shallow): 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB)

Tracker: FlCp:224983DrCp:56280SmCp:3154FlCl:734


Comparisons: Operations:

Backup Projected Stats: 1262564 items (p:415.96 GB)

Sized: l:27.64 GB p:26.09 GB c:169037, Outstanding:0/1400, Finished Volumes:0

Current: Zero KB/(l:529 KB,p:532 KB) - /Volumes/LaCie 1/2024-10-19-155821.inprogress/Data/Users/daniwidmer/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/Outlook/Outlook 15 Profiles/Main Profile/Data/Message Attachments/111/6F9F3A53-B19B-405D-BDF4-C2377BE375AB.olk15MsgAttachment

2024-10-19 16:33:18.200648+0200 0x1bb037c Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:FileProtection] Failed to acquire device lock assertion for '/Volumes/com.apple.TimeMachine.localsnapshots/Backups.backupdb/MacBook Air M2 von Dani/2024-10-19-155821/Data/Users/daniwidmer/Library/Containers/com.goodnotesapp.x/Data/Library/Saved Application State/com.goodnotesapp.x~iosmac.savedState/data.data' (assertion state: <dropped>), error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

2024-10-19 16:33:44.741353+0200 0x1bb0380 Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] .•••• .

Progress: 43% done, 91.14%/h, 77.52 MB/s, avg: 90.75 MB/s, 314.44 items/s, avg: 172.88 items/s

ByPhysicalSize:52% (CV:191.07 GB/369.02 GB (D: Zero KB),T:369.02 GB,D:Zero KB(-),LA:Zero KB(-))Y

ByItemCount:33% (CV:351942/1056378 (D: 0),T:1056378,D:0(-),LA:0(-))Y

ByEventPath:- ()N

Copied: 379526 (l:196.41 GB p:192.36 GB) Propagated: 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB) Propagated (shallow): 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB)

Tracker: FlCp:279086DrCp:70443SmCp:27584FlCl:2413


Comparisons: Operations:

Backup Projected Stats: 1262564 items (p:415.96 GB)

Sized: l:40.16 GB p:38.75 GB c:206185, Outstanding:0/2334, Finished Volumes:0

Current: 134.2 MB/(l:201.3 MB,p:2.29 GB) - /Volumes/LaCie 1/2024-10-19-155821.inprogress/Data/Users/daniwidmer/Outlook Postfach Dani Widmer bis 31.12.2020.pst

2024-10-19 16:38:35.114321+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Running for notifyd event com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status

2024-10-19 16:38:35.116954+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.118907+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.119993+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:powerManagement] TMPowerState: 2

2024-10-19 16:38:35.120005+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Triggered for screen unlock!

2024-10-19 16:38:35.120674+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.122998+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.124696+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.125660+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.128144+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.129463+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.136409+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.138839+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.140629+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.153890+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.155812+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.156598+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.157838+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.158953+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.160716+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.164369+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:38:35.167614+0200 0x1bbb7a9 Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:FileProtection] Failed to proactively acquire device lock assertion on lock state change (deviceIsLocking), assertion state: <dropped>, error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.070138+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Running for notifyd event com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status

2024-10-19 16:38:45.072580+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.073839+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.074444+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.075239+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:powerManagement] TMPowerState: 2

2024-10-19 16:38:45.075479+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.075589+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Triggered for screen unlock!

2024-10-19 16:38:45.078996+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.081474+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.084745+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.086696+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.088511+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.089865+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.090490+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.091140+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.091738+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.092257+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.092749+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.093294+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.093802+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.094390+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.103468+0200 0x1bbac3e Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:FileProtection] Failed to proactively acquire device lock assertion on lock state change (deviceIsLocked), assertion state: <dropped>, error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

2024-10-19 16:38:45.368920+0200 0x1bb0380 Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] .•••• .

Progress: 47% done, 54.37%/h, 105.33 MB/s, avg: 92.57 MB/s, 10.82 items/s, avg: 152.63 items/s

ByPhysicalSize:61% (CV:223.44 GB/369.02 GB (D: Zero KB),T:369.02 GB,D:Zero KB(-),LA:Zero KB(-))Y

ByItemCount:34% (CV:355196/1056378 (D: 0),T:1056378,D:0(-),LA:0(-))Y

ByEventPath:- ()N

Copied: 382780 (l:228.07 GB p:224.02 GB) Propagated: 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB) Propagated (shallow): 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB)

Tracker: FlCp:282258DrCp:70525SmCp:27584FlCl:2413


Comparisons: Operations:

Backup Projected Stats: 1262564 items (p:415.96 GB)

Sized: l:40.16 GB p:38.75 GB c:206185, Outstanding:0/2334, Finished Volumes:0

Current: 838.9 MB/(l:906 MB,p:1.48 GB) - /Volumes/LaCie 1/2024-10-19-155821.inprogress/Data/Users/daniwidmer/iCloud Drive (Archiv) - 1/Privat/Ferien/Kreuzfahrt Karibik/curacao_fotos/curacao_gopro/GOPR0387.MP4

2024-10-19 16:39:20.235422+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Running for notifyd event com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status

2024-10-19 16:39:20.239035+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.240371+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.241357+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.242441+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.242811+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:powerManagement] TMPowerState: 2

2024-10-19 16:39:20.242836+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Triggered for screen unlock!

2024-10-19 16:39:20.243186+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.244076+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.244703+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.245526+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.247605+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.253751+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.255483+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.257614+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.258684+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.261409+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.265396+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.266565+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.267207+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.267818+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 16:39:20.284044+0200 0x1bbb3d9 Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:FileProtection] Failed to proactively acquire device lock assertion on lock state change (deviceIsUnlocked), assertion state: <dropped>, error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

2024-10-19 16:43:46.073185+0200 0x1bb0380 Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] .••••• .

Progress: 52% done, 53.04%/h, 103.79 MB/s, avg: 93.82 MB/s, 20.86 items/s, avg: 137.99 items/s

ByPhysicalSize:69% (CV:253.95 GB/369.02 GB (D: Zero KB),T:369.02 GB,D:Zero KB(-),LA:Zero KB(-))Y

ByItemCount:34% (CV:361468/1056378 (D: 0),T:1056378,D:0(-),LA:0(-))Y

ByEventPath:- ()N

Copied: 389052 (l:259.27 GB p:255.23 GB) Propagated: 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB) Propagated (shallow): 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB)

Tracker: FlCp:287733DrCp:71316SmCp:27584FlCl:2419


Comparisons: Operations:

Backup Projected Stats: 1262564 items (p:415.96 GB)

Sized: l:40.16 GB p:38.75 GB c:206185, Outstanding:0/2334, Finished Volumes:0

Current: 134.2 MB/(l:134.2 MB,p:4 GB) - /Volumes/LaCie 1/2024-10-19-155821.inprogress/Data/Users/daniwidmer/Movies/Filme Javi/James Bond/✅Skyfall/00001.m2ts

2024-10-19 16:48:46.936117+0200 0x1bb0380 Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] .••••• .

Progress: 56% done, 50.41%/h, 99.30 MB/s, avg: 94.37 MB/s, 0.06 items/s, avg: 124.19 items/s

ByPhysicalSize:77% (CV:285.03 GB/369.02 GB (D: Zero KB),T:369.02 GB,D:Zero KB(-),LA:Zero KB(-))Y

ByItemCount:34% (CV:361486/1056378 (D: 0),T:1056378,D:0(-),LA:0(-))Y

ByEventPath:- ()N

Copied: 389070 (l:289.15 GB p:285.11 GB) Propagated: 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB) Propagated (shallow): 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB)

Tracker: FlCp:287746DrCp:71321SmCp:27584FlCl:2419


Comparisons: Operations:

Backup Projected Stats: 1262564 items (p:415.96 GB)

Sized: l:40.16 GB p:38.75 GB c:206185, Outstanding:0/2334, Finished Volumes:0

Current: 1.34 GB/(l:1.34 GB,p:1.56 GB) - /Volumes/LaCie 1/2024-10-19-155821.inprogress/Data/Users/daniwidmer/Movies/Filme Javi/Lethal Weapon/✅LW2.avi

2024-10-19 16:53:46.958420+0200 0x1bb0380 Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] .•••••• .

Progress: 60% done, 52.55%/h, 102.46 MB/s, avg: 95.10 MB/s, 21.16 items/s, avg: 114.83 items/s

ByPhysicalSize:85% (CV:314.43 GB/368.22 GB (D: Zero KB),T:368.22 GB,D:Zero KB(-),LA:Zero KB(-))Y

ByItemCount:35% (CV:367833/1056233 (D: 0),T:1056233,D:0(-),LA:0(-))Y

ByEventPath:- ()N

Copied: 395419 (l:319.87 GB p:315.85 GB) Propagated: 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB) Propagated (shallow): 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB)

Tracker: FlCp:294012DrCp:71386SmCp:27586FlCl:2435


Comparisons: Operations:

Backup Projected Stats: 1262564 items (p:415.96 GB)

Sized: l:40.95 GB p:39.56 GB c:206330, Outstanding:0/2335, Finished Volumes:0

Current: Zero KB/(l:2.6 MB,p:2.6 MB) - /Volumes/LaCie 1/2024-10-19-155821.inprogress/Data/Users/joliceretti/Pictures/Photos Library.photoslibrary/resources/renders/C/C38192CC-B1C3-447F-BCAD-8A790474336E_2_100_a.mov

2024-10-19 16:57:40.340052+0200 0x1bb037c Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:FileProtection] Failed to acquire device lock assertion for '/Volumes/com.apple.TimeMachine.localsnapshots/Backups.backupdb/MacBook Air M2 von Dani/2024-10-19-155821/Data/Users/joliceretti/Library/Preferences/com.apple.morphology.internal.plist' (assertion state: <dropped>), error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

2024-10-19 16:58:47.064172+0200 0x1bb0380 Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] .•••••• .

Progress: 67% done, 87.99%/h, 84.57 MB/s, avg: 94.22 MB/s, 221.67 items/s, avg: 123.73 items/s

ByPhysicalSize:93% (CV:339.86 GB/365.92 GB (D: Zero KB),T:365.92 GB,D:Zero KB(-),LA:Zero KB(-))Y

ByItemCount:42% (CV:433968/1033053 (D: 0),T:1033053,D:0(-),LA:0(-))Y

ByEventPath:- ()N

Copied: 461940 (l:345.13 GB p:341.23 GB) Propagated: 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB) Propagated (shallow): 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB)

Tracker: FlCp:350048DrCp:81410SmCp:27972FlCl:2510


Comparisons: Operations:

Backup Projected Stats: 1262564 items (p:415.96 GB)

Sized: l:43.14 GB p:41.86 GB c:229510, Outstanding:0/2676, Finished Volumes:0

Current: 67.1 MB/(l:134.2 MB,p:232.6 MB) - /Volumes/LaCie 1/2024-10-19-155821.inprogress/Data/Users/joliceretti/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Downloads/IMG_3383.MOV

2024-10-19 16:58:48.827033+0200 0x1bb037c Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:FileProtection] Failed to acquire device lock assertion for '/Volumes/com.apple.TimeMachine.localsnapshots/Backups.backupdb/MacBook Air M2 von Dani/2024-10-19-155821/Data/Users/joliceretti/Library/Weather/com.apple.weather/StateRestoration' (assertion state: <dropped>), error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.531060+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Running for notifyd event com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status

2024-10-19 16:59:20.536061+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:powerManagement] TMPowerState: 2

2024-10-19 16:59:20.536078+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Triggered for screen unlock!

2024-10-19 16:59:20.580270+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.582557+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.583222+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.584132+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.585936+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.586981+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.588008+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.588680+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.590067+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.591334+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.592175+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.593174+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.594065+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.594814+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.596175+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.596859+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.597385+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.598021+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsUnlocked" to "deviceIsLocking"

2024-10-19 16:59:20.598956+0200 0x1bc10ec Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:FileProtection] Failed to proactively acquire device lock assertion on lock state change (deviceIsLocking), assertion state: <dropped>, error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.516019+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Running for notifyd event com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status

2024-10-19 16:59:30.516926+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.518126+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.518634+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:powerManagement] TMPowerState: 2

2024-10-19 16:59:30.518654+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Triggered for screen unlock!

2024-10-19 16:59:30.518988+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.520873+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.522893+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.523713+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.525632+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.526223+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.526780+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.527300+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.527918+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.528675+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.529251+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.529741+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.530212+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.530720+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.531224+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.531747+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocking" to "deviceIsLocked"

2024-10-19 16:59:30.540797+0200 0x1bc1f69 Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:FileProtection] Failed to proactively acquire device lock assertion on lock state change (deviceIsLocked), assertion state: <dropped>, error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

2024-10-19 16:59:32.085343+0200 0x1bb037c Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:FileProtection] Failed to acquire device lock assertion for '/Volumes/com.apple.TimeMachine.localsnapshots/Backups.backupdb/MacBook Air M2 von Dani/2024-10-19-155821/Data/Users/joliceretti/Library/Containers/net.whatsapp.WhatsApp/Data/Library/rc1.dat' (assertion state: <dropped>), error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

2024-10-19 17:03:47.206377+0200 0x1bb0380 Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] .••••••• .

Progress: 77% done, 119.43%/h, 37.60 MB/s, avg: 89.87 MB/s, 602.45 items/s, avg: 160.55 items/s

ByPhysicalSize:97% (CV:350.92 GB/362.37 GB (D: Zero KB),T:362.37 GB,D:Zero KB(-),LA:Zero KB(-))Y

ByItemCount:58% (CV:593341/1023710 (D: 0),T:1023710,D:0(-),LA:0(-))Y

ByEventPath:- ()N

Copied: 642760 (l:357.68 GB p:352.51 GB) Propagated: 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB) Propagated (shallow): 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB)

Tracker: FlCp:487106DrCp:103470SmCp:49419FlLn:51FlCl:2714


Comparisons: Operations:

Backup Projected Stats: 1262564 items (p:415.96 GB)

Sized: l:46.64 GB p:45.41 GB c:238853, Outstanding:0/4020, Finished Volumes:0

Current: 51.5 MB/(l:Zero KB,p:Zero KB) - /Volumes/LaCie 1/2024-10-19-155821.inprogress/Data/Applications/Microsoft Word.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Proofing Tools/FinnishGrammar.proofingtool/Contents/SharedSupport/FinnishGrammar.lexicon/Contents/Resources/DataFile.lex

2024-10-19 17:05:23.119580+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Running for notifyd event com.apple.mobile.keybagd.lock_status

2024-10-19 17:05:23.123755+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.131791+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.133067+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.134702+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.136232+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.137632+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:powerManagement] TMPowerState: 2

2024-10-19 17:05:23.137654+0200 0x125f Info 0x0 653 0 backupd-helper: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupScheduling] Triggered for screen unlock!

2024-10-19 17:05:23.137704+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.140712+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.142157+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.144588+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.147457+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.149264+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.150151+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.151078+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.151885+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.152568+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.154199+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.155357+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.156521+0200 0x1325 Info 0x0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"

2024-10-19 17:05:23.172486+0200 0x1bc3afe Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:FileProtection] Failed to proactively acquire device lock assertion on lock state change (deviceIsUnlocked), assertion state: <dropped>, error: Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=1 "Operation not permitted"

2024-10-19 17:08:47.220556+0200 0x1bb0380 Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] .•••••••• .

Progress: 88% done, 125.89%/h, 18.86 MB/s, avg: 84.80 MB/s, 665.80 items/s, avg: 196.64 items/s

ByPhysicalSize:98% (CV:356.53 GB/362.37 GB (D: Zero KB),T:362.37 GB,D:Zero KB(-),LA:Zero KB(-))Y

ByItemCount:77% (CV:792292/1023710 (D: 0),T:1023710,D:0(-),LA:0(-))Y

ByEventPath:- ()N

Copied: 842510 (l:366.04 GB p:358.17 GB) Propagated: 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB) Propagated (shallow): 0 (l:Zero KB p:Zero KB)

Tracker: FlCp:671380DrCp:118147SmCp:50218FlLn:51FlCl:2714


Comparisons: Operations:

Backup Projected Stats: 1262564 items (p:415.96 GB)

Sized: l:46.64 GB p:45.41 GB c:238853, Outstanding:0/4020, Finished Volumes:0

Current: Zero KB/(l:3 KB,p:4 KB) - /Volumes/LaCie 1/2024-10-19-155821.inprogress/Data/Applications/GarageBand.app/Contents/Resources/Patches/Instrument/Electronic Drum Kit/Metallic Edges GB.patch/com.apple.musicapps.metadata.plist

2024-10-19 17:12:12.297918+0200 0x1bb037c Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] Finished copying items for "Data" (device: /dev/disk3s5 mount: '/System/Volumes/Data' fsUUID: BBD504A6-69DC-4D1E-97CD-E9D98FC674F6 eventDBUUID: 149423DB-BCB7-491B-B048-F98D4C5E5D97)

Time elapsed: 1 hour, 13 minutes, 48.000 seconds

2024-10-19 17:12:12.298362+0200 0x1bb037c Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:CopyProgress] Finished copying from volume "Data"

957367 Total Items Added (l: 375.71 GB p: 365.68 GB)

0 Total Items Propagated (shallow) (l: Zero KB p: Zero KB)

0 Total Items Propagated (recursive) (l: Zero KB p: Zero KB)

957367 Total Items in Backup (l: 375.71 GB p: 365.68 GB)

772134 Files Copied (l: 374.07 GB p: 364.04 GB)

131372 Directories Copied (l: Zero KB p: Zero KB)

51096 Symlinks Copied (l: 1.4 MB p: Zero KB)

51 Files Linked (l: 173.4 MB p: 173.5 MB)

2714 Files Cloned (l: 1.46 GB p: 1.47 GB)

2024-10-19 17:12:13.323532+0200 0x1bb037c Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackUpLaterCache] Saved back-up-later cache (Protected:5) at /Volumes/LaCie 1/2024-10-19-155821.inprogress/.reservations.plist

2024-10-19 17:12:13.323887+0200 0x1bb037c Info 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackUpLaterCache] Records for BULRecordType(rawValue: 2)

(59434579) Users/joliceretti/Library/Containers/net.whatsapp.WhatsApp/Data/Library

(47044522) Users/daniwidmer/Library/Weather/com.apple.weather

(10236733) Users/joliceretti/Library/Preferences

(665627) Users/daniwidmer/Library/Containers/com.goodnotesapp.x/Data/Library/Saved Application State/com.goodnotesapp.x~iosmac.savedState

(32478658) Users/joliceretti/Library/Weather/com.apple.weather

2024-10-19 17:12:13.647578+0200 0x1bb037c Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:General] Failed to unmount '/Volumes/com.apple.TimeMachine.localsnapshots/Backups.backupdb/MacBook Air M2 von Dani/2024-10-19-155821/Data', Disk Management error: {

Action = Unmount;

Dissenter = 1;

DissenterPID = 0;

DissenterStatus = 49168;

Target = "file:///Volumes/com.apple.TimeMachine.localsnapshots/Backups.backupdb/MacBook%20Air%20M2%20von%20Dani/2024-10-19-155821/Data/";


2024-10-19 17:12:13.656799+0200 0x1bb037c Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:General] Failed to unmount snapshot: com.apple.TimeMachine.2024-10-19-155821.local source: Data

2024-10-19 17:12:13.675116+0200 0x1bb037c Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:Analytics] Failed to com.apple.backupd.result analytics.

2024-10-19 17:12:13.684710+0200 0x1bb0380 Error 0x178d4b0 741 0 backupd: (TimeMachine) [com.apple.TimeMachine:BackupDispatching] Backup failed: BACKUP_DELAYED_UNFINISHED_PROTECTED_FILES (104)


Log - Default: 0, Info: 144, Debug: 0, Error: 16, Fault: 0

Activity - Create: 0, Transition: 0, Actions: 0

daniwidmer@Mac ~ %


Golden Noble
Ups...bei mir wird da ein Drei- oder Vierzeiler ausgespuckt.

Aber was ist denn so kompliziert an den Codetags?

Mich überfordert eine Interpretation total - auffällig aber die endlosen Wiederholungen von
[com.apple.TimeMachine:LockState] Changed from "deviceIsLocked" to "deviceIsUnlocked"
, ohne daß dazwischen was gemeldet wird.
Das Ziel (nehm ich an) wird entsperrt, freigeschaltet, aber dann passiert nichts - oder nichts, was in den Logs registriert wird. Und dann wiederholt sich das zigmal.

Vielleicht ist der letzte Absatz der wichtigste: daß es da “unfinished protected files“ gibt.

Spätestens nach dem Wochenende wird da sicher Marcel was dazu sagen können.
Oder jemand anders kompetentes.