Das wäre schei**e, wenn man jemand anderen anruft...
Frage mich nur, wie das gehen soll, wenn man einem Kontakt im Adressbuch zwei oder mehr Telefonnummern zugeordnet hat...

Muss man dann wohl sagen "call Steve at work"....oder "call Steve on mobile"
einfach mal hier :
http://www.apple.com/iphone/how-to/#basics.introduction alles durchlesen...
Auszug :
"Voice Dialing
You can use Voice Control (iPhone 3G S only) to call someone in your contacts or dial a specific number.
Use Voice Control to make phone calls:
Press and hold the Home button until the Voice Control screen appears and you hear a beep. Then use the commands described below to make calls.
You can also press and hold the center button on the iPhone headset to bring up Voice Control.
Call someone in contacts:
Say “call” or “dial” then say the name of the person. If the person has more than one number, specify which one you want to call.
Call John Appleseed
Call John Appleseed at home
Call John Appleseed, mobile
Dial a number:
Say “call” or “dial,” then say the number.
Make a correction:
Say “wrong,” “not that one,” “not that,” “no,” or “nope.”
For best results, speak the full name of the person you’re calling. If you give only the first name, and you have more than one contact with that same name, iPhone asks which of those contacts you want to call. If there’s more than one number for the person you’re calling, specify which number to use. If you don’t specify which number, iPhone asks you which one to use.
When voice dialing a number, speak each digit separately—for example, say “four one five, five five five, one two one two.”
NOTE: For the “800” area code only, you can say “eight hundred.”
Prevent voice dialing when iPhone is locked:
In Settings, choose General > Passcode Lock and turn Voice Dial off. Unlock iPhone to use voice dialing."
Außerdem :
"By default, Voice Control expects you to speak voice commands in the language that’s set for iPhone (the General > International > Language setting). The Voice Control settings let you change the language for speaking voice commands. Some languages are available in different dialects or accents."
LG Ninana