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Wie kann man die Mail-Regeln durchsuchen


Sequoia 15.1.1

Ich würde gerne schnell herausfinden, welche Regel welche Mail verschoben hat.
Gibt es irgendeine APP, die die Mail Regeln übersichtlich darstellen kann?



Sorry, aber das ist doch nicht übersichtlich, weil man jede Regel anklicken muss, um ihren Inhalt zu sehen.
Übersichtlich wäre eine Tabelle mit allen Regeln und ihren Einstellungen....


Das Script ist ein wenig weiter unten. Das Script schaut sich an, ob da irgendwo eine Aktion "Lösche Emails" ist und macht dann einen Dialog. Da müßte ein Loop rein, der sich durch die rule conditions arbeitet.

tell application "Mail"
set theRules to get rules
repeat with theRule in theRules
set doDelete to delete message of theRule
set theName to name of theRule
if doDelete then
display dialog theName
end if
end repeat

Irgendwie so etwas. Ist noch nicht fertig, weil da einige Actions fehlen.

tell application "Mail"

set allRules to rules
set resultList to {}

repeat with aRule in allRules
set ruleName to name of aRule
set conditions to rule conditions of aRule
set conditionList to {}
set actionList to {}

-- Extract conditions
repeat with aCondition in conditions
set conditionDescription to "Condition Type: " & (rule type of aCondition as rich text) & ", Criterion: " & (expression of aCondition as rich text) & ", Qualifier: " & (qualifier of aCondition as rich text)
set end of conditionList to conditionDescription
on error
set end of conditionList to "Could not retrieve condition details"
end try
end repeat

-- Extract actions (properties representing actions)
if should move message of aRule then
set end of actionList to "Move message to: " & (mailbox of aRule as rich text)
end if
if should copy message of aRule then
set end of actionList to "Copy message to: " & (mailbox of aRule as rich text)
end if
if color message of aRule then
set end of actionList to "Flag message with color: " & (color message of aRule as rich text)
end if
if highlight text using color of aRule then
set end of actionList to "Highlight message with color: " & (color message of aRule as rich text)
end if
--if should reply to message of aRule then
-- set end of actionList to "Reply with message: " & (reply message of aRule as text)
--end if
--if should forward message of aRule then
-- set end of actionList to "Forward message to: " & (forward message of aRule as text)
--end if
on error
set end of actionList to "Could not retrieve some action details"
end try
set end of resultList to {"Rule Name: " & ruleName, "Conditions: " & conditionList, "Actions: " & actionList}
end repeat

-- Display results in a dialog or log to console
repeat with resultEntry in resultList
log resultEntry
end repeat
return resultList
end tell
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