PS: ist der Ticker eigentlich 1:1 von und nur deutsch?Mack Stone Posted Jan 18th 2010 1:04 PM: (
Don't forget my list of predictions for the event!
1) Apple will release a beautiful tablet with a UI that no other company would have ever thought of implementing, but they will leave out a vital feature that most geeks (but not regular folk) find invaluable, like the ability to play music with a bitrate of infinity squared.
2) As a result of this missing feature, the geeks will angrily dismiss anyone who likes the so-called Tablet, including the editors of Engadget. In fact, the geeks will even question whether the Apple Tablet is actually a Tablet, due to this missing feature, which will be ironic because no such definition for what constitutes a "true" Tablet will currently exist. A new definition containing said missing feature will quickly be created by the offended geeks, for the sole purpose of bashing the Tablet henceforth.
3) Months later the Tablet will be released to glowing reviews and lines outside Apple Stores, enraging the offended geeks further. As a result, any Tablet related posts made by sites like Engadget will swell with angry geeks, dismissing the Tablet out of hand. Taunts of "Well, the iTablet is nice, unless you want to listen to music in a bitrate of infinity squared," will be repeated ad nauseum until it becomes an annoying cliche.
4) As a result of the popularity of said Tablet posts, sites like Engadget make even more Tablet related posts, which in turn, cause the angry geeks to accuse sites like Engadget of being "biased" for Apple. The click rates on the hated Tablet posts go even higher until invariably, it wins gadget of the year in magazines like Time.
5) Shortly after the iTablet makes a big splash and great sales, several companies will promise to come out with Tablets that contain the missing feature that the angry geeks have been wailing about, but the imitation Tablets can't quite "touch" the new revolutionary interface that Apple has designed expressly for their Tablet. As a result, the so-called "iTablet Killers" don't make quite as big as an impact.
6) The few people who are actually brave enough to praise Apple for the iTablet, will mock the new "iTablet Killers" by pointing out just how much the other companies rip off Apple's new revolutionary UI. The angry geeks will respond in turn by pointing out that Apple didn't invent Tablets, and will even dig out an obscure company in Romania that did Apple's revolutionary UI first.
7) The controversy about the iTablet finally dies down when rumors surface that Apple is working on a new gaming console. Angry geeks everywhere start tearing their hair out.
Mir ist ehrlich gesagt auch unklar, wie Leute bei so einer Ankündigung an iPods denken
Zeit wäre es auch für das MBA...ich fürchte, es wird durch das Tablet (oder was auch immer neues kommt) ersetzt.
@lmb: ??? versteh ich nicht was du meinst. da ist ja ein wiedersprich in sich.
Hoffentlich kommen aktualisierte MacBook Pros.
Also, ich glaube ja eher an aktualisierte MBPs als daran, dass Apple ins Bier- und Popcorngeschäft einsteigt. Und dass du Taschentücher für deine Erregung brauchst finde ich ehrlich gesagt etwas widerlich.Ich brauche Bier, Popcorn und Taschentücher. Man bin ich erregt.
Also, ich glaube ja eher an aktualisierte MBPs als daran, dass Apple ins Bier- und Popcorngeschäft einsteigt. Und dass du Taschentücher für deine Erregung brauchst finde ich ehrlich gesagt etwas widerlich.
sorry, couldn't resist.
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