Wie angekündigt hielt Tim Cook dieses Wochenende die Abschlussrede an der Duke University. Er ruft Studenten dazu auf, die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen, ähnlich wie große Menschen wie Steve Jobs es taten. Unter dem Motto Think Different gibt es auch Platz für aktuelle Themen wie Datenschutz und Umwelt.
So ruft Cook die Studenten dazu auf, die Welt besser zu hinterlassen als sie sie vorgefunden haben. Dabei nennt er beispiele wie Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. und letztlich auch seinen Vorgänger Steve Jobs. Vor allem auf Jobs geht Tim Cook in seiner Rede besonders ein, als alter Vertrauter des Visionärs. Letztlich kommt auch der Apple Werbeslogan Think Different zum Einsatz – die Studenten sollen in neuen Bahnen denken.
Hier ein schriftlicher Auszug der Abschlussrede:
The pace at which progress is possible has accelerated dramatically. Aided by technology, every individual has the tools, potential, and reach to build a better world. That makes this the best time in history to be alive. Whatever you choose to do with your life, wherever your passion takes you, I urge you to take the power you have been given and use it for good. Aspire to leave this world better than you found it.
I didn’t always see life as clearly as I do today. But I’ve learned that the greatest challenge of life is knowing when to break with conventional wisdom. Don’t just accept the world you inherit today. Don’t just accept the status quo. No big challenge has ever been solved, and no lasting improvement has ever been achieved, unless people dare to try something different. Dare to think different.
I was lucky to learn from someone who believed this deeply—someone who knew that changing the world starts with following a vision, not a path. He was my friend and mentor, Steve Jobs.
Steve’s vision was that great ideas come from a restless refusal to accept things as they are, and those principles still guide us at Apple today. We reject the notion that global warming is inevitable—that’s why we run Apple on 100 percent renewable energy. We reject the excuse that getting the most out of technology means trading away your right to privacy. So we choose a different path: collecting as little of your data as possible, and being thoughtful and respectful when it’s in our care.
Hier findet ihr auch die Aufzeichnung auf Youtube:
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