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kijiji: let's drive them crazy... :-)


Luxemburger Triumph
Wieso immer gleich von Betrug ausgehen bei kijiji ?? iPhones 3G, Unlocked, 16GB für 220 Euro - jomei, vielleicht gibt es ja irgendwo eine extrem günstige Quelle... Also, mal nachgefragt. Gerade bietet jemand so'n Teil an, Artikelstandort BW, Zitat: "Original Unlocked iPhone Deutschland" usw. Also, die Eingangsfrage lautet, wie das sein kann, original unlocked Deutschland, denn sowas gibt es ja gar nicht :)

Und die erste Antwort trifft ein:

kijiji schrieb:
Please excuse me but do not understand very well the question
If you know english please speak english
First tell me how many pieces do you want to buy ..because i have more phones and if you want to buy more i will give you a discount
Excuses for failing to understand !

Mhhh, der spricht nur Englisch, na gut.

mir schrieb:

I just need one (sorry for that), originally unlocked phone (like the Belgium one), CE-certified and European Guaranty. An invoice from 11/7 would be okay.

If you don't have an invoice / CE-certified device, what implies no warrenty, I would also be interested, depends on price.

Do you have such? What price?

My question was concerning the ad, saying "German original phone, unlocked". Just because there aren't any German unlocked phones I know. (Actually there are only the T-Com ones, which are locked)

kijiji schrieb:
The price for one is 220 euro all taxes including

Geil. 220 Euro :p. Aber bin ja nicht gierig... Eins für mich, eins für den Kumpel...

mir schrieb:
Ok, I would take two. How can I get them. You statet BW as location, where exactly?


kijiji schrieb:
The price for 2 pieces is 430 euro all taxes including
I live in Finland, there i have a phone shop and for the monent i am in a bussiness trip in all Europe.Right now i`m in
Romania for i tested the market here because i want to open a shop here. I`m reseller in all Europe Through TNT Express your
package will be in your hands in maximum 3 days and the payment must be make in my bank account after i will send you the
shippment confirmation.
No problem all the shipping taxes will be suported by me. The phone will be insured on the transport.

BW liegt also wahlweise in Finnland, oder Rumänien... Wieder was dazu gelernt. Na, dann stellen wir das mal auf seriöse Beine...

mir schrieb:
Hi man,

thanks for your very quick reply. So, your offer sounds promising.

One problem is, that one of my principle is not to doing advance bank transfers abroad. I hope you understand this. So I have two proposals how we could come to a deal tho.

First is, you put some trust in me. This is very easy, because I'm very trustworthy ;). No, really. I work at ***, no reason for not trusting me: <full link to my profile at work>

So you could send them to:

<address at work>

Just put an invoice there. I will _very_ carefully check the items and if everything is okay (I will think so), I will immediately transfer the money. If something is not right (e.g. phone not accepting card or anything else), I would send it back and take shipping costs, nevertheless.

Second proposal: You surely will pass by Frankfurt. Take two items with you, we meet there, I'll check it in place and you get the money in cash.

Hope to here from you soon, sorry for my possibly over wariness (but sometimes it helps :) )


Nun wird's schon kühler...

kijiji schrieb:
i will start the shipping only after you confirm me the payment

Immer freundlich bleiben :p

mir schrieb:
Okay, I will have to wait for a different offer. But it was nice talking to you.

kijiji schrieb:
but i need to tell me fast if you want to buy or no

Spricht der Englisch oder was??

mir schrieb:
As I said, I want to buy, but not with 'blind' bank transfers. I would like a method which is secure for both sides. If I advance the bank transfer, it is only secure for you. Means you get the money for sure. But I would not in any case the item. Don't misunderstand me, it is nothing against you. It is only about precautions. That's why I supposed my identity to you, thinking it is trustworthy enough for you. (And in fact I did a lot of deals like that with the US. I always payed invoices, deals up to $ 13.000!)

So if you can propose a way to make the deal for both sides secure enough, just tell me. I would buy immediately. But advance bank transfers I won't do.

So if you insist on bank transfer in advance I would have to tell no. Tho' it is not the case, I really would like to buy.


Jetzt wird's bizarr:

kijiji schrieb:
you want to pay me with western union or money gram?

Ein geschickter Konter mit dem Angebot der Kaufabwicklung über Ebay-Käuferschutz dürfte nun den vernichtenden Stoß versetzen :cool:

mir schrieb:
I would pay in advance via Paypal if you would file your transaction on ebay. Just add ebay costs and send me the article number. I would buy and transfer the money via paypal service.

Geschafft. Keine Antwort mehr. :p


Hey, vielen Dank für deine Mühe! Wirklich interessant zu lesen! War aber schon irgendwie klar, dass das nicht gescheites sein kann :oops:


saucool geschrieben.... Ich möchte aber nicht wissen wieviele idioten es gibt und einfach das Geld überweisen.... Auf alle fälle hatte ich gerade sehr unterhaltende 5 Min..:cool:


Filippas Apfel
Schade, dass man nicht zweimal nacheinander Karma geben kann - schöner Bericht über Möchtegern-Gauner... :)


Ís ja geil :) aber man merkt schon alleine an seinem englisch dass da was faul sein muss. mir tun die leute leid die so dumm sind und da geld ueberweisen


Neuer Berner Rosenapfel
Ich glaub, das versuch ich auch mal :)