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Verbotszeichen, nichts ging mehr - Ursachensuche


Granny Smith

Ich fang mal von vorne an.

Mein Laptop wurde am Wochenende richtig langsam und schmierte auch öfters ab, es half nur noch der Power Button.
Und irgendwann bootete er nicht mehr, es erschien nur ein Verbotszeichen. Habe danach viel hier recherchiert und bin erstmal auch mit dem Safe-Mode wieder reingekommen. Hab mich dann sofort auf Fehlersuche begeben, aber da ich in 4 Jahren nie wirklich Probleme mit meinem Book hatte, wusste ich auch nicht was man machen kann.
Und dann schmierte er wieder ab und das Verbotszeichen war wieder da. Nur half diesmal der Safe Mode auch nicht mehr, genauso wenig der PRAM Reset, Verbose Mode, Single User Mode. Überall ist er abgeschmiert.

Zum Glück hatte ich mir ein paar Wochen zuvor ne externe Festplatte zugelegt und ein Backup gemacht. Hab dann über die externe gebootet und mit Festplatten Programm repariert, oder jedenfalls versucht. Ne Neuinstallation wollte ich machen, hat das Volume aber nicht gefunden. Keine Ahnung wie, aber nach vielen Stunden, hat er dann angezeigt, das ich die Festplatte formatieren muss. Das ging zwar davor auch nicht, aber war nun möglich. Dann hab ich das Backup draufgespielt, war ungefähr nen Monat alt war, und jetzt passt eigentlich wieder alles.

Nur interessiert mich jetzt, was das ganze für ne Ursache hatte. Muss jetzt noch Hausarbeiten schreiben, und es wäre ungut wenn das jetzt zum Dauerproblem wird. Zwar läuft jetzt alles wieder normal, aber ich trau dem Braten nicht so wirklich.

Das Macbook ist ein Mitte 2009ner, und ich habe im Laufe der Jahre soviel Zeug auf der Platte gehabt und wieder runtergeworfen. Darunter auch Onyx, zig Cleaner, Antivir und lauter Zeugs, von dem ich nachher bemerkt hab, das es nicht so wirklich gut fürs System ist.

Da in vielen anderen Themen hier auch so ein Problem vorkam, und darauf hin immer die Logfiles vom Start untersucht wurden, werde ich meinen hier auch gleich mal drunter packen.

Könnt ihr aus denen vielleicht paar Ursachen und Probleme herauslesen? Das einzige ich rausgefunden habe, dass da ziemlich oft Error vorkommt.

Würde mich riesig über Antworten freuen!
Danke schonmal,


// Musste leider zwei Post's draus machen, da ich sonst über die 20000 Zeichen gekommen wäre


Granny Smith
11.02.14 18:00:14,000 bootlog: BOOT_TIME 1392138014 0
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:25:48 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_X86_64
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: vm_page_bootstrap: 941947 free pages and 32901 wired pages
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: kext submap [0xffffff7f80736000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000736000]
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: zone leak detection enabled
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: mig_table_max_displ = 73
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
11.02.14 18:00:26,542 UserEventAgent: starting CaptiveNetworkSupport as SystemEventAgent built Jun 13 2011 17:29:21
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
11.02.14 18:00:26,573 UserEventAgent: CertsKeychainMonitor: configuring
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
11.02.14 18:00:26,719 UserEventAgent: WirelessAirPortDeviceNameCopy(): no BSD interface name found for object 29447
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
11.02.14 18:00:26,719 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCCopyWiFiDevices:388 WiFi Device Name == NULL
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: MAC Framework successfully initialized
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: IOAPIC: Version 0x11 Vectors 64:87
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5]
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: PFM64 (36 cpu) 0xf10000000, 0xf0000000
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: [ PCI configuration begin ]
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: console relocated to 0xf10010000
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: PCI configuration changed (bridge=2 device=1 cardbus=0)
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 5 devices 18 ]
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 16:32:09 Aug 23 2012) initialization complete
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: mbinit: done [64 MB total pool size, (42/21) split]
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: 2.4.4 Little Snitch: starting
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: BTCOEXIST off
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: wl0: Broadcom BCM432b 802.11 Wireless Controller
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel:
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5901 built-in now active, GUID d49a20fffe0d31d8; max speed s800.
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000009833 0x5ac 0x8403 0x9833
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: AD69C5DC-E40D-3317-A685-971C17EBC2DD
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@B/AppleMCP79AHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/FUJITSU MJA2250BH FFS G1 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Customer@2
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
11.02.14 18:00:27,000 kernel: Kernel is LP64
11.02.14 18:00:15,704 com.apple.launchd: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
11.02.14 18:00:24,716 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.powerd) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
11.02.14 18:00:24,716 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.sandboxd) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
11.02.14 18:00:29,000 kernel: NVEthernet: Ethernet address d4:9a:20:0d:31:d8
11.02.14 18:00:29,000 kernel: AirPort_Brcm4331: Ethernet address 00:26:bb:1d:6a:24
11.02.14 18:00:29,000 kernel: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
11.02.14 18:00:29,000 kernel: IO80211Interface::efiNVRAMPublished(): 
11.02.14 18:00:31,617 mDNSResponder: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-320.16 (Jul 19 2012 21:07:07) starting OSXVers 11
11.02.14 18:00:33,000 kernel: Previous Shutdown Cause: 5
11.02.14 18:00:33,000 kernel: SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode
11.02.14 18:00:33,000 kernel: NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered.
11.02.14 18:00:34,000 kernel: in func createVirtualInterface ifRole = 1
11.02.14 18:00:34,000 kernel: Created virtif 0xffffff800bfe8800 p2p0
11.02.14 18:00:34,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key MOTP (kSMCKeyNotFound)
11.02.14 18:00:34,000 kernel: DSMOS has arrived
11.02.14 18:00:34,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key BEMB (kSMCKeyNotFound)
11.02.14 18:00:34,500 airportd: _processDLILEvent: en1 attached (down)
11.02.14 18:00:35,030 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CreateInterfaceWatchList:2788 WiFi Devices Found. :)
11.02.14 18:00:35,030 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
11.02.14 18:00:35,030 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
11.02.14 18:00:35,030 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
11.02.14 18:00:35,030 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
11.02.14 18:00:35,040 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
11.02.14 18:00:35,190 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100000 created
11.02.14 18:00:35,963 configd: setting hostname to "David-Herrmanns-MacBook-Pro.local"
11.02.14 18:00:35,000 kernel: 00000000  00000020  NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
11.02.14 18:00:35,967 configd: network configuration changed.
11.02.14 18:00:35,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
11.02.14 18:00:40,763 com.apple.SecurityServer: Entering service
11.02.14 18:00:41,523 systemkeychain: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
11.02.14 18:00:41,538 configd: network configuration changed.
11.02.14 18:00:41,541 configd: network configuration changed.
11.02.14 18:00:41,541 mDNSResponder: D2D_IPC: Loaded
11.02.14 18:00:41,541 mDNSResponder: D2DInitialize succeeded
11.02.14 18:00:41,661 com.apple.pfctl: No ALTQ support in kernel
11.02.14 18:00:41,661 com.apple.pfctl: ALTQ related functions disabled
11.02.14 18:00:41,844 com.apple.ucupdate.plist: ucupdate: Checked 1 update, no match found.
11.02.14 18:00:41,885 com.apple.launchd: (com.logmein.hamachi[81]) open("/Library/Logs/LogMeIn Hamachi/stdout.log", ...): No such file or directory
11.02.14 18:00:41,935 com.apple.launchd: (com.logmein.hamachi[81]) open("/Library/Logs/LogMeIn Hamachi/stderr.log", ...): No such file or directory
11.02.14 18:00:42,211 com.apple.usbmuxd: usbmuxd-296.4 on Dec 21 2012 at 16:11:14, running 64 bit
11.02.14 18:00:43,000 kernel: RIMVirtualNetwork_start
11.02.14 18:00:43,000 kernel: creating /dev/rimtun0
11.02.14 18:00:43,000 kernel: RIMVPN MAC Address is 22:34:5f:e9:19:ec
11.02.14 18:00:43,000 kernel: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'DE'.
11.02.14 18:00:43,000 kernel: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
11.02.14 18:00:43,104 UserEventAgent: ServermgrdRegistration cannot load config data
11.02.14 18:00:44,000 kernel: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 08:96:d7:05:98:35  MAC AUTH succeeded
11.02.14 18:00:44,000 kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
11.02.14 18:00:44,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Up on en1
11.02.14 18:00:44,000 kernel: en1: BSSID changed to 08:96:d7:05:98:35
11.02.14 18:00:45,000 kernel: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
11.02.14 18:00:50,068 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:00:50.065 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:00:50,070 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[90]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:00:50,070 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 2 seconds
11.02.14 18:00:51,284 configd: network configuration changed.
11.02.14 18:00:51,317 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Probe
11.02.14 18:00:51,317 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSPreferencesBuildSSIDLookup:278 ssidLookup:
11.02.14 18:00:51,317 UserEventAgent:   <empty>
11.02.14 18:00:51,318 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on HerrmannLan because it is protected and not on the exception list
11.02.14 18:00:51,321 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Unknown
11.02.14 18:00:51,325 configd: network configuration changed.
11.02.14 18:00:51,334 configd: setting hostname to "david-herrmanns-macbook-pro.fritz.box"
11.02.14 18:00:51,701 mds: (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
11.02.14 18:00:51,827 mds: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
11.02.14 18:00:51,827 mds: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
11.02.14 18:00:51,919 mds: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
11.02.14 18:00:52,000 kernel: macx_swapon SUCCESS
11.02.14 18:00:52,908 loginwindow: Login Window Application Started
11.02.14 18:00:53,637 ntpd: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
11.02.14 18:00:53,000 kernel: ham kernel extension version 20090913 <[email protected]>
11.02.14 18:00:54,381 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:00:53.809 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:00:54,413 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[101]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:00:54,413 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds
11.02.14 18:00:54,000 kernel: 2.4.4 Little Snitch: connection deferred for:/Library/Application Support/LogMeIn Hamachi/bin/hamachid uid:0 to: :12975
11.02.14 18:00:55,428 loginwindow: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
11.02.14 18:00:55,525 rpcsvchost: sandbox_init: com.apple.msrpc.netlogon.sb succeeded
11.02.14 18:00:55,000 kernel: nspace-handler-set-snapshot-time: 1392138057
11.02.14 18:00:56,430 com.apple.launchctl.LoginWindow: com.apple.findmymacmessenger: Already loaded
11.02.14 18:00:56,560 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100004 created
11.02.14 18:00:56,562 loginwindow: Login Window Started Security Agent
11.02.14 18:00:56,616 airportd: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “HerrmannLan”. Bailing on auto-join.
11.02.14 18:00:56,000 kernel: 2.4.4 Little Snitch: connection deferred for:/Library/Application Support/LogMeIn Hamachi/bin/hamachid uid:0 to: :12975
11.02.14 18:00:57,159 SecurityAgent: Echo enabled
11.02.14 18:00:57,159 SecurityAgent: Echo enabled
11.02.14 18:00:57,176 com.apple.mtmfs: /var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T//mtmfsMap59
11.02.14 18:00:57,178 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
11.02.14 18:00:57,178 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
11.02.14 18:00:57,370 SecurityAgent: User info context values set for davidherrmann
11.02.14 18:00:57,370 SecurityAgent: User info context values set for davidherrmann
11.02.14 18:00:58,658 WindowServer: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
11.02.14 18:00:58,662 loginwindow: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
11.02.14 18:00:58,813 loginwindow: USER_PROCESS: 64 console
11.02.14 18:00:59,170 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.divx.agent.postinstall) Unknown key: LimitToSessionType
11.02.14 18:00:59,170 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.spotify.webhelper) Unknown key: SpotifyPath
11.02.14 18:00:59,171 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
11.02.14 18:00:59,177 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: load: option requires an argument -- D
11.02.14 18:00:59,177 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: usage: launchctl load [-wF] [-D <user|local|network|system|all>] paths...
11.02.14 18:00:59,853 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSServerRegisterUserAgent:187 new user agent port: 45079
11.02.14 18:01:01,755 xpchelper: for uid: 501 -- timeout while waiting on FSEvents flush; clearing cache.
11.02.14 18:01:01,884 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[134]) Exited with code: 1
11.02.14 18:01:01,952 com.apple.loginwindow: 2014-02-11 18:01:01.949 mdmclient[143:b303] Pre-login MDM check is disabled
11.02.14 18:01:02,369 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:01:02.346 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:01:02,372 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[151]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:01:02,372 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:01:02,000 kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link DOWN virtIf = 0
11.02.14 18:01:02,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
11.02.14 18:01:02,000 kernel: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 24:65:11:9b:16:8b   unknown auth fail = 37
11.02.14 18:01:03,347 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
11.02.14 18:01:03,349 configd: setting hostname to "David-Herrmanns-MacBook-Pro.local"
11.02.14 18:01:03,357 configd: network configuration changed.
11.02.14 18:01:05,000 kernel: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 24:65:11:9c:6c:f2  MAC AUTH succeeded
11.02.14 18:01:05,000 kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
11.02.14 18:01:05,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Up on en1
11.02.14 18:01:05,000 kernel: en1: BSSID changed to 24:65:11:9c:6c:f2
11.02.14 18:01:05,378 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.wondershare.mobilegodaemon[177]) posix_spawn("/Users/davidherrmann/Library/Application Support/wondershare_mobilego/MobileGoDaemon.app", ...): No such file or directory
11.02.14 18:01:05,500 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.wondershare.mobilegodaemon[177]) Exited with code: 1
11.02.14 18:01:05,500 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.wondershare.mobilegodaemon) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:01:05,501 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.goacemjobhmmbdlbbfjgifjcojdfnjfm.updater[181]) posix_spawn("/Users/davidherrmann/Library/Application Support/Best Youtube Downloader/updater", ...): No such file or directory
11.02.14 18:01:05,504 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.goacemjobhmmbdlbbfjgifjcojdfnjfm.updater[181]) Exited with code: 1
11.02.14 18:01:05,505 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.goacemjobhmmbdlbbfjgifjcojdfnjfm.updater) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:01:05,000 kernel: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=180[GoogleSoftwareUp] clearing CS_VALID
11.02.14 18:01:06,130 loginwindow: Login items - LSOpenApplication returned error -10660, url=/Users/davidherrmann/.Trash/Wondershare Helper Compact/Wondershare Helper Compact.app
11.02.14 18:01:06,130 loginwindow: Unable to lauch startup item: (null)
11.02.14 18:01:07,032 RimAlbumArtDaemon: Starting album art daemon...
11.02.14 18:01:07,118 RimAlbumArtDaemon: Processing iTunes XML file: /Users/davidherrmann/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml
11.02.14 18:01:08,329 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[162]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:01:08,358 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
11.02.14 18:01:08,359 com.apple.dock.extra: 2014-02-11 18:01:08.348 com.apple.dock.extra[193:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
11.02.14 18:01:08,359 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
11.02.14 18:01:08,359 com.apple.dock.extra: 2014-02-11 18:01:08.358 com.apple.dock.extra[193:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
11.02.14 18:01:08,360 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
11.02.14 18:01:08,362 com.apple.dock.extra: 2014-02-11 18:01:08.359 com.apple.dock.extra[193:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
11.02.14 18:01:08,362 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
11.02.14 18:01:08,363 com.apple.dock.extra: 2014-02-11 18:01:08.361 com.apple.dock.extra[193:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
11.02.14 18:01:08,000 kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link DOWN virtIf = 0
11.02.14 18:01:08,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 2 (Previous authentication no longer valid).
11.02.14 18:01:08,000 kernel: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 08:96:d7:05:98:35  MAC AUTH succeeded
11.02.14 18:01:08,000 kernel: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
11.02.14 18:01:08,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Up on en1
11.02.14 18:01:08,000 kernel: en1: BSSID changed to 08:96:d7:05:98:35
11.02.14 18:01:08,000 kernel: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
11.02.14 18:01:09,531 RimAlbumArtDaemon: Finished parsing iTunes XML file
11.02.14 18:01:09,533 RimAlbumArtDaemon: Processing list of albums
11.02.14 18:01:10,633 configd: network configuration changed.
11.02.14 18:01:10,648 mDNSResponder: mDNS_RegisterInterface: Frequent transitions for interface en1 (FE80:0000:0000:0000:0226:BBFF:FE1D:6A24)
11.02.14 18:01:10,649 mDNSResponder: mDNS_RegisterInterface: Frequent transitions for interface en1 (
11.02.14 18:01:10,666 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Probe
11.02.14 18:01:10,667 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on HerrmannLan because it is protected and not on the exception list
11.02.14 18:01:10,667 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Unknown
11.02.14 18:01:10,669 configd: network configuration changed.
11.02.14 18:01:11,383 airportd: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “HerrmannLan”. Bailing on auto-join.
11.02.14 18:01:11,937 UserEventAgent: servermgr_certs[11] -[CertsRequestHandler(HelperAdditions) identitiesFromKeychain:]:    SecItemCopyMatching (err = -25300)
11.02.14 18:01:12,037 com.apple.UserEventAgent-System: SecItemCopyMatching: Das angegebene Objekt konnte nicht im Schlüsselbund gefunden werden.
11.02.14 18:01:12,065 UserEventAgent: servermgr_certs[11] -[CertsRequestHandler(HelperAdditions) identitiesFromKeychain:]:    SecItemCopyMatching (err = -25300)
11.02.14 18:01:12,075 UserEventAgent: CertsKeychainMonitor: ready to process keychain & timer events


Granny Smith
11.02.14 18:01:12,076 com.apple.UserEventAgent-System: SecItemCopyMatching: Das angegebene Objekt konnte nicht im Schlüsselbund gefunden werden.
11.02.14 18:01:12,198 warmd: [___bootcachectl_filter_out_sharedio_from_history_block_invoke_0:1683] Unable to open i386 shared cache: 2 No such file or directory
11.02.14 18:01:12,554 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.CSConfigDotMacCert-david.herrmann@me.com-SharedServices[182]) Exited with code: 1
11.02.14 18:01:12,572 [0x0-0xd00d].OpenObject.fuspredownloader: login item fuspredownloader.app
11.02.14 18:01:12,842 Adobe Reader Updater Helper: Adobe Reader Updater encountered errorCode 260
11.02.14 18:01:12,976 Adobe Reader Updater Helper: Adobe Reader Updater encountered errorCode 1001
11.02.14 18:01:13,208 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:01:13.043 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:01:13,211 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[217]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:01:13,211 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:01:13,517 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100008 created
11.02.14 18:01:13,607 Memory Clean: Receipt at /Applications/Memory Clean.app/Contents/_MASReceipt/receipt Ok!
11.02.14 18:01:13,994 Memory Clean: This app has been run 13 times
11.02.14 18:01:18,261 RimAlbumArtDaemon: Caching album art for embedded tracks: 0 candidates
11.02.14 18:01:18,427 RimAlbumArtDaemon: Monitoring folder for changes: /Users/davidherrmann/Music/iTunes/Album Artwork
11.02.14 18:01:19,094 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.coreservices.appleid.authentication[116]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
11.02.14 18:01:24,547 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:01:24.544 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:01:24,550 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[228]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:01:24,550 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 9 seconds
11.02.14 18:01:27,987 com.rim.blackberrylink.BlackBerry-Link-Helper-Agent: qlmanage: resetting quicklookd
11.02.14 18:01:28,329 com.rim.blackberrylink.BlackBerry-Link-Helper-Agent: qlmanage: call reset on cache
11.02.14 18:01:28,716 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:28,862 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/com.divx.divxprefs.plist
11.02.14 18:01:28,967 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,028 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,030 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,031 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,033 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,034 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,035 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,037 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,038 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,040 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,041 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,043 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,044 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,045 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,047 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,049 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,051 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,053 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,054 sandboxd: ([231]) WebKitPluginHost(231) deny file-read-data /Users/davidherrmann/Library/Preferences/QuickTime Preferences
11.02.14 18:01:29,734 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100009 created
11.02.14 18:01:33,613 com.rim.tunmgr: terminate called without an active exception18:01:33.611 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:01:33,683 ReportCrash: DebugSymbols was unable to start a spotlight query: spotlight is not responding or disabled.
11.02.14 18:01:33,935 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[239]) Job appears to have crashed: Abort trap: 6
11.02.14 18:01:33,935 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:01:34,051 ReportCrash: Saved crash report for tunmgr[239] version 1.0.77 (6573334) to /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/tunmgr_2014-02-11-180134_localhost.crash
11.02.14 18:01:41,259 com.apple.quicklook: ImageIO: <ERROR>  JPEG Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment
11.02.14 18:01:43,995 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:01:43.992 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:01:43,998 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[246]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:01:43,998 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:01:51,334 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100012 created
11.02.14 18:01:54,061 com.rim.tunmgr: terminate called without an active exception18:01:54.059 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:01:54,297 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[253]) Job appears to have crashed: Abort trap: 6
11.02.14 18:01:54,297 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:01:54,341 ReportCrash: Saved crash report for tunmgr[253] version 1.0.77 (6573334) to /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/tunmgr_2014-02-11-180154_localhost.crash
11.02.14 18:02:04,412 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:02:04.410 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:02:04,415 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[260]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:02:04,415 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:02:14,482 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:02:14.479 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:02:14,484 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[264]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:02:14,484 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:02:17,976 Console: Could not find image named 'BackArrow'.
11.02.14 18:02:17,977 Console: Could not find image named 'ForwardArrow'.
11.02.14 18:02:21,024 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100014 created
11.02.14 18:02:22,548 com.apple.quicklook: ImageIO: <ERROR>  JPEG Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment
11.02.14 18:02:24,554 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:02:24.551 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:02:24,556 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[274]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:02:24,556 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:02:34,625 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:02:34.623 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:02:34,627 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[277]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:02:34,627 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:02:44,695 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:02:44.691 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:02:44,696 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[280]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:02:44,696 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:02:45,550 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.wondershare.mobilegodaemon[281]) posix_spawn("/Users/davidherrmann/Library/Application Support/wondershare_mobilego/MobileGoDaemon.app", ...): No such file or directory
11.02.14 18:02:45,550 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.wondershare.mobilegodaemon[281]) Exited with code: 1
11.02.14 18:02:45,550 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.wondershare.mobilegodaemon) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:02:46,006 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.goacemjobhmmbdlbbfjgifjcojdfnjfm.updater[282]) posix_spawn("/Users/davidherrmann/Library/Application Support/Best Youtube Downloader/updater", ...): No such file or directory
11.02.14 18:02:46,007 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.goacemjobhmmbdlbbfjgifjcojdfnjfm.updater[282]) Exited with code: 1
11.02.14 18:02:46,007 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.goacemjobhmmbdlbbfjgifjcojdfnjfm.updater) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:02:52,056 mds: (Error) Backup: Couldn't stat source path '/private/var/db/BootCaches/A7567979-DC4A-4938-A850-D8159E3A42C8/Merged.playlist' -- importing from backup path instead
11.02.14 18:02:54,757 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:02:54.755 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:02:54,759 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[284]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:02:54,759 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
11.02.14 18:03:04,824 com.rim.tunmgr: 18:03:04.822 os_core_unix.c !pjlib 2.0.1 for POSIX initialized
11.02.14 18:03:04,826 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr[287]) Exited with code: 255
11.02.14 18:03:04,826 com.apple.launchd: (com.rim.tunmgr) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds

Oh gott ist das viel Code...
Ich hoffe ich hab nich irgendwas falsch gemacht, bin echt ein wenig überfordert mit all dem.

Marcel Bresink

Geflammter Kardinal
Das hört sich so an, als wäre die interne Festplatte defekt. Du solltest im Festplattendienstprogramm mal den SMART-Status kontrollieren. Wenn der Normalwert "überprüft" angezeigt wird, kann man nichts weiter diagnostizieren, sondern man muss abwarten, ob der Fehler demnächst wieder auftritt.

Die Protokolldateien sind überflüssig, denn diese zeigen ja nur den Start von heute.
Man hätte nur etwas aus denjenigen Protokolldateien ablesen können, die zu dem Zeitpunkt aufgezeichnet wurden, als das Problem bestanden hat. Aber die sind ja beim Formatieren gelöscht worden.

Ein Symptom ist allerdings auch heute noch aufgetreten: Es ist eine nicht funktionierende Version des "Blackberry Tunnel Manager" installiert. Der verursacht im Hintergrund einige Probleme und stürzt dann ab. Du solltest diese Software entfernen oder, falls nötig und möglich, auf eine korrekt arbeitende Version aktualisieren.

Auch solltest Du darüber nachdenken, das Programm "Memory Clean" zu löschen. Das Programm verlangsamt den Rechner, indem es die Datei- und Netzwerk-Caches behindert.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: daherr


Schweizer Glockenapfel
Ich hab die Logs nur überflogen und sofort MemoryClean entdeckt. Auch so ein unnötiges Tool, wie die anderen Sachen, die du installiert hattest.
Außerdem spinnt ein Prozess für das Blackberry rum. Hast du ein Blackberry-Phone in Verwendung?

Ansonsten befürchte ich auch, dass ein Defekt der HD vorliegen könnte.
  • Like
Reaktionen: daherr


Granny Smith
Danke erstmal für die schnellen Antworten, hab direkt das Blackberry Zeugs sowie Memory Clean deinstalliert.

Der SMART - Status lautet "überprüft". Also scheint alles in Ordnung zu sein. Schon ein bisschen komisch....
Dann bleibt mir wohl nichts anderes übrig, als die Sache weiter zu beobachten und fleißig BackUp's machen.

Danke schonmal!


Granny Smith

Da nimmt man den Laptop kurz vom Strom um beim Nudelkochen bisschen Musik zu hören und zack.

Absturz - Verbotszeichen.
SafeMode funktioniert nicht, Verbose + Single User Mode auch nicht. Bei letzteren steht immer "Still waiting for root device" und dann schmiert es dort auch ab.

Also ist doch die Festplatte kaputt?? Oder das Festplattenkabel??

Da hab ich ich wohl zu früh gefreut......


Ich würd mal die Festplatte wechseln und schauen ob das Problem weiterhin auftritt. Das klingt sehr nach sterbender Festplatte...

Gesendet von meinem iPad mit Apfeltalk


Pomme Etrangle
Lad dir mal smart Utility und lass das die Platte checken !


Pomme Etrangle
Lad dir mal smart Utility und lass das die Platte checken !