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Rapid Wever 3.6 Released!


Kleiner Weinapfel

Heute wurde Rapid Wever 3.6 released!

Version 3.6.0 - May 24th 2007

  • Application Updates
    • Style support added to themes
    • Added support for lists
    • Snippets feature added
    • 6 completely new themes added
    • Publishing now shows more detail while uploading
    • Pages can now be dragged and dropped between documents
    • Added option to protect e-mail address in footer
    • Rel tag now supported when adding a link
    • Now supports JS page encoding
    • Added “Paste and Match Style” to edit menu
    • Added "Visit Published Website" menu item
    • Added a feature to enable code to be placed in the header
    • Custom page extensions, such as “php” are now carried over to sub pages
    • Duplicating a page now also duplicates the page’s attributes, including the sidebar
    • Missing pages are now displayed with a missing page icon, instead of being removed from the Hierarchy
    • Code view now reports PHP syntax errors
    • Dock Menu now supports open and new file commands
    • Updated preferences window
    • Applying shadows and borders to images quality improved
    • Images are now much smaller as they no longer have a colour profile embeded
    • Non 72dpi images are now scaled correctly
    • The site logo is now used only once per site
    • Text views with lots of content are now much, much faster
    • Publishing and Export no longer use excessive amounts of memory
    • Implemented a crash reporter, handy if something bad happens!
    • Many, many other minor fixes and enhancements
  • Includes localization for the following languages
    • English
    • French
    • German
    • Japanese
  • Blog Updates
    • Added Tag support for posts
    • Archive posts by Year option added
    • Support for Multiple categories added
    • The title of the post is now linked to it's permalink page
    • Added support for inline comments on permalink pages using haloscan
    • A title can now be set for categories. e.g. "Filed in:"
    • Images added in the sidebar of the blog now display correctly in the archives
    • Scrollwheel now works in the Main entry field
    • Sidebar arrows now work in the Summary field
    • Custom iTunes tag fields no longer remain inactive
    • Now uses SEO frendly browser titles on permalink pages
    • Moved RSS link to the header so the page should now validate strict, even without using Tidy
    • Fixed a bug whereby the blog plugin would sometimes crash RapidWeaver when loading a document
    • Archived by date pages now use better file names, e.g mar-01-2007.html
    • Fixed issue with non localized versions of RW displaying null as the date
    • Many other minor fixes
  • Contact Form Updates
    • Name is now included in the Email header
    • Now uses styled text fields for the sent and received messages
    • Added a footer text area
  • Photo Album Updates
    • Now supports EXIF data
    • Completely new Flash Slideshow with Audio, Ken Burns Effect and much more
    • Added a square thumbnail option for tidier gallery pages
    • Images are now much smaller as they no longer have a colour profile embeded
    • No longer uses excessive memory
    • Fixed a bug whereby white lines were sometimes visible along the top of images
RapidWeaver 3.6 is a free upgrade if you purchased version 3.5.1 on or after April 1st 2007

Inwieweit dieses Free Upgrade auch für die Kostenlose 3.5.1 Version gilt, die es letztens gab, ist mir nicht bekannt. Falls aber jemand dies testen könnte wäre es für mich und auch andere sicherlich interessant!

Link: http://www.realmacsoftware.com/rapidweaver/



Habe 2005 RapidWeaver gekauft. Ab der neuen Version ist jetzt ein kostenpflichtiges Update nötig (20,- EUR), falls man diese uneingeschränkt verwenden möchte.

PS: Danke für den Hinweis!


Niederhelfenschwiler Beeriapfel
gibt es eigentlich so was ähnliches wie rapidweaver auch für windows?

[ok, bin fündig geworden...]
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