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Tokyo Rose
Hallo Community,

mein Imac 27" Mitte 2011
Prozessor 2,7 GHz Intel Core i5
Speicher 16 GB 1067 MHz DDR3

Grafikkarte AMD Radeon HD 6770M 512 MB

ist ziemlich gemütlich unterwegs. Hochfahren dauert ungefähr 3 Minuten bis man mit ihm schaffen kann.
Ich arbeite sehr viel mit Lightroom, da ich People und Hochzeitsfotografie betreibe. Ein vernünftiges arbeiten ist irgendwie gar nicht mehr möglich.
In Lightroom benutze ich verschiedene Kataloge und für jedes Projekt einen neuen Katalog.
Der Rechner ist wirklich sehr sehr langsam. Nun meine Frage, System neu aufsetzen, worauf ich nicht wirklich Lust hätte, oder gibt es andere Möglichkeiten? Ein Freund von mir hat den nahezu gleichen Imac, aber mit nur 8 Gig Ram und sein Lightroom rennt wie die Feuerwehr.
Ich freue mich auf Eure Unterstützung, mir sind die Ideen ausgegangen.
Diese Cleantools haben alle nix bracht, ich hab die auch wieder runter geschmissen.

Vielen Dank im vorraus für Eure Mühen


deaktivierter Benutzer
Diese Cleantools haben alle nix bracht, ich hab die auch wieder runter geschmissen.

Prima, damit hast du die Situation sicherlich noch verschlimmert.

Wie immer: Konsolenmeldungen posten, mehr Infos über installierte Software, EntreCheck herunterladen und Ergebnisse hier posten.

Aber wenn man erst seit 2009 hier angemeldet ist kann man das alles ja noch nicht wissen.....


Golden Noble
Damit du es auch findest: das hilfreiche Script heißt EtreCheck.


deaktivierter Benutzer
Wie immer hat die Ente natürlich recht. Es muss die Hitze sein.... :)


Tokyo Rose
Hardware Information:
iMac (27-inch, Mid 2011)
iMac - model: iMac12,2
1 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 4 cores

Video Information:
AMD Radeon HD 6770M - VRAM: 512 MB

System Software:
OS X 10.8.4 (12E55) - Uptime: 0 days 1:30:14

Disk Information:
ST31000528AS disk0 : (1 TB)
disk0s1 (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209,7 MB
Macintosh HD (disk0s2) /: 999,35 GB (320,19 GB free)
Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB


USB Information:
Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)

Canon MX880 series

Wacom Co.,Ltd. Wacom Wireless Receiver

Logitech Optical USB Mouse

Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller

Apple Internal Memory Card Reader

Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver

FireWire Information:
Iomega HDD unknown_device 800mbit - 800mbit max
disk2s1 (disk2s1) <not mounted>: 209,7 MB
Raid-Backup (disk2s2) /Volumes/Raid-Backup: 1 TB (359,63 GB free)
Datenlagerung (disk2s3) /Volumes/Datenlagerung: 999,92 GB (482,78 GB free)

Thunderbolt Information:
Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus

Kernel Extensions:
com.rim.driver.BlackBerryUSBDriverInt (0.0.74)
com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower (1.5.2)

Problem System Launch Daemons:

Problem System Launch Agents:

Launch Daemons:
[loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
[loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist
[loaded] com.google.keystone.daemon.plist
[loaded] com.rim.BBDaemon.plist
[failed] com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceDaemon.plist
[not loaded] com.teamviewer.teamviewer_service.plist

Launch Agents:
[not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
[loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist
[loaded] com.rim.BBAlbumArtCacher.plist
[loaded] com.rim.BBLaunchAgent.plist
[failed] com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceAgent.plist
[not loaded] com.teamviewer.teamviewer.plist
[not loaded] com.teamviewer.teamviewer_desktop.plist
[loaded] com.wacom.pentablet.plist

User Launch Agents:
[loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
[failed] com.apple.MobileMeSyncClientAgent.plist

User Login Items:
Canon IJ Network Scanner Selector EX

3rd Party Preference Panes:
Flash Player

Internet Plug-ins:
Easy-WebPrint EX.plugin
EPPEX Plugin.plugin
Flash Player.plugin
QuickTime Plugin.plugin

User Internet Plug-ins:

Bad Fonts:

Top Processes by CPU:
3% WindowServer
2% Finder
1% backupd
1% Bamboo Dock
1% Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4
1% SystemUIServer
1% EtreCheck
1% AppleFileServer
0% Google Chrome
0% fontd

Top Processes by Memory:
3.60 GB Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4
164 MB firefox
131 MB Google Chrome
115 MB Mail
115 MB WindowServer
98 MB mds
98 MB ocspd
88 MB Google Chrome Helper
82 MB Messages
66 MB backupd

Virtual Memory Statistics
269 MB Free RAM
5.70 GB Active RAM
8.72 GB Inactive RAM
1.31 GB Wired RAM
2.05 GB Page-ins
1 MB Page-outs


Tokyo Rose
An Programmen habe ich primär Lightroom 4 & 5 laufen, Photoshop, Keynote und Pages. ab und zu mal ein Spielchen. Ich hab damals das Microsoft Word mal draufgeschmissen, nutz ich aber eigentlich gar nicht mehr.
Ich hab verschiedene Ergänzungsprogramme für Lightroom von NikSOftware. Aber ansonsten nur normales Zeugs wie Skype etc.

Bins grad selbst noch mal durchgegangen, die Blackberry Software hatte ich eigentlich deinstalliert, hab inzwischen ein Iphone und kein Blackberry mehr :innocent:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Golden Noble
[failed] com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceDaemon.plist
Brauchst diesen splashstop? Schau mal ob das aktuell ist. In beiden Launch-Ordnern des Systems wird der Daemon / Agent nicht geladen. Das heißt da ist ein Fehler.

Hast du schon geprüft, ob der Rechner schneller startet, wenn du das Tablett oder was immer BambooCore ist, nicht in den Anmeldeobjekten hast?

das kannst du entfernen. Das hat sich mit Office geladen, damit du eine Verbindung zum internet herstellen und Daten austauschen kannst. Ich denke das brauchst du nicht.

Ist das notwendig? Die Plugins werden ja immer geladen, auch wenn man sie nicht benötigt.
EPPEX.plugin gehört wohl zum Drucker? Ich frage nur, weil ich es nicht kenne.
Und starte bitte einmal im Safe Mode um die Caches zu bereinigen. Wenn der Normalstart danach immer noch so langsam ist, dann öffne wie Farafan schon geraten hat, die Konsole und poste den Startvorgang möglichst inklusive Öffnen von Lightroom.


Tokyo Rose
Ich les mir nicht nur die Problemthreads durch, vor allem bin ich sicher nicht der Qualifizierteste um technische Probleme zu lösen. Dafür gibts Leute die da wesentlich mehr Ahnung haben.


Tokyo Rose
Vielen Dank für Dein Durchschauen.

splashtop inzwischen nicht mehr, kann ich löschen. Wie kann ich die Sachen aus den Anmeldedaten löschen?


Golden Noble
Anmeldeobjekte löscht du dort, wo du sie eingetragen hast: Systemeinstellungen /Benutzer /deinen Benutzer markieren, im rechten Fenster ist der Tab "Anmeldeobjekte". :)
Manche Programme bieten in den Einstellungen auch an, "bei Anmeldung starten", dann musst du das Hakerl auch dort heraus nehmen.


Tokyo Rose
Brauchst diesen splashstop? Schau mal ob das aktuell ist. In beiden Launch-Ordnern des Systems wird der Daemon / Agent nicht geladen. Das heißt da ist ein Fehler.

Hast du schon geprüft, ob der Rechner schneller startet, wenn du das Tablett oder was immer BambooCore ist, nicht in den Anmeldeobjekten hast?

das kannst du entfernen. Das hat sich mit Office geladen, damit du eine Verbindung zum internet herstellen und Daten austauschen kannst. Ich denke das brauchst du nicht.

Ist das notwendig? Die Plugins werden ja immer geladen, auch wenn man sie nicht benötigt.
EPPEX.plugin gehört wohl zum Drucker? Ich frage nur, weil ich es nicht kenne.
Und starte bitte einmal im Safe Mode um die Caches zu bereinigen. Wenn der Normalstart danach immer noch so langsam ist, dann öffne wie Farafan schon geraten hat, die Konsole und poste den Startvorgang möglichst inklusive Öffnen von Lightroom.

Das Office dingens etc. wie lösche ich das?
Ich habe Splashtop eigentlich schon gelöscht, wie kann ich den gruscht auch loswerden?
BambooCore lässt sich nicht aus den ANmeldedaten rausnehmen.

Ich habe versucht den Safe Mode zu starten, keine AHnung ob ich das richtig gemacht habe.
Hab den Imac ausgeschalten, beim start mit ertönen des Gongs auf die Umschalttaste. Dann hatte ich die AUswahl zwischen Mac HD und Wiederherstellg. 18.06. Hab dann Mac HD ausgewählt. Der Rechner ist schon deutlich schneller beim hochfahren, nur bis ich loslegen kann dauerts immernoch.


Tokyo Rose
Was wären die nächsten Schritte, also das mit der Konsole wie geht das?


Tokyo Rose
Vielen Dank übrigens für Eure hilfen, weil ein ganzes System neu aufsetzen ist echt hammer viel arbeit, vor allem mit den ganzen Lightroom EInstellungen usw.


Golden Noble
Bitte Factosus, wenn du antwortest musst du das vorher Geschriebene nicht wiederholen, das macht den Thread unübersichtlich. Mit ein wenig Grütze weiß man doch, worauf du dich beziehst. Wozu soll ich den lesen, was ich geschrieben habe.
Zweitens: wenn du innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeitspanne (und die ist relativ lang) Ergänzungen hast, dann mache keine neue Antwort auf, sondern öffne deine letzten Zeilen mit dem Bearbeiten -Button, der statt "antworten" zu sehen ist.
Wenn du das machst um einen Fehler auszubessern, dann ist es fair,unten eine Begründung hin zu schreiben. Dann kann es nicht passieren, dass etwas moniert wird, du besserst es aus, ohne Begründung, der der den Fehler bemerkt hat, steht dann blöd da.
Dies zur leichteren Lesbarkeit eine Threads.

Diese [failed] Launcher kannst du einfach aus dem entsprechenden Ordner heraus ziehen. Der Pfad steht ja deutlich im EtreCheck-Ergebnis.
Schaust du was Bamboo betrifft auch wirklich in deinen Systemeinstellungen / Benutzer ] Gruppen /Anmeldeobjekte? Da lässt sich jedes eingetragene Programm (oder ein Helper oder sonst was) löschen. Manche Programme bestehen allerdings drauf, dass ihre Helper oder sonstiges gleich beim Start geöffnet werden, und legen sie automatisch wieder hinein. Da hilft nur, wie ich schon gesagth abe, in den Einstellungen (Preferences) des Programms selber zu schaun, ob es eine Einstellung "Beim Start öffne" gibt.

Safe Mode mit Auswahl? Nein, da hast du die Wahltaste verwendet, die bietet eine Auswahl der Startvolumen an.
Die Shift-Taste für den Start im Sicheren Modus ist diese: ⬆
Weißt du eigentlich was eine Suchmaschine ist?
Hier lernst du die beste kennen.

Edit: wird die plugins und Launcher, die aus ihrem Ordner ziehst nicht gleich weg, sondern hebe sie auf,bis du sicher sein kannst, dass sie nicht abgehen. Vor allem alles, was in Launch Agents oder Launch Daemons im Systemordner liegt.


Tokyo Rose
gut, ich versuche so übersichtlich wie möglich diesen Thread zu gestalten. Bezüglich des Bamboo, ja genau so hab ichs gemacht, aber ich probiere gern noch mal.
Bezüglich den Programminternen Einstellungen, ja ich habe alle Programme gesucht und untersucht ;). Ich suchte vorhin meine Suchanfrage auch über Google und kam zu dem Ergebnis. Deine "Hier lernst" du die beste kennen ist mir durchaus bekannt.

Also sind meine nächsten Schritte das ich die failed Launcher aus den Ordnern rausziehe?!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Golden Noble
Salut Factiosus:

Der sichere Systemstart machst nach Anleitung Apple
Du fährst den Mac runter bis er ganz aus ist.

  1. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Mac heruntergefahren ist.
  2. Drücken Sie die Ein/Aus-Taste.
  3. Drücken Sie sofort nach dem Startton die Umschalttaste, und halten Sie sie gedrückt. Die Umschalttaste sollte so bald wie möglich nach dem Startton gedrückt und gehalten werden, nicht jedoch vor Ertönen des Tons.
  4. Lassen Sie die Umschalttaste los, wenn das graue Apple-Symbol und die Fortschrittsanzeige (ein sich drehendes Zahnrad) angezeigt werden.

Die Umschalttaste ist die Shifttaste. Der Startvorgang kann etwa dauern. Danach meldets du dich an und fährst das System runter und normal wieder hoch. Anschliessen musst du in die Dienstprogramme > Konsole.

Dort kopierst du unter "alle Meldungen" ab dem Bootvorgang alles raus und postet es hier im erweiterten Modus zwische die Code Tags.

 test, test, test
So könnten allfällige Helfer das Logfile ansehen und mögliche Fehler erkennen. Hoffe ich habe mich einigermassen verständlich ausgedrückt


Tokyo Rose
Ja, selbst für einen nicht versierten war das sehr gut erklärt. Vielen Dank, ich werds nachher posten :)


Golden Noble
Ja, ziehe die betreffenden launch.plist heraus - aber hebe sie eine Weile auf, denn sie sind im Systemordner und der ist heikel.
Du kannst auch zuerst im Safe Mode starten und nach dem nächsten Normalstart (beide Vorgänge dauern lang, das ist normal) nohcmal Etrecheck laufen lassen, manchmal haben sich die .plist dann wieder erfangen.


Tokyo Rose
So, also anbei nun die Konsolendatei.

das mit den Launchplist muss ich zugeben hab ich bisher nichts rausgezogen, weil ich nicht wirklich weiß wo und was es ausmacht.

04.08.13 17:37:10,987 shutdown[284]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1375630630 98648104.08.13 17:37:26,000 bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1375630646 0
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: PMAP: PCID enabled
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Darwin Kernel Version 12.4.0: Wed May  1 17:57:12 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2050.24.15~1/RELEASE_X86_64
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 4056673 free pages and 104863 wired pages
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: kext submap [0xffffff7f80737000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000737000]
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: zone leak detection enabled
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: standard background quantum is 2500 us
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: mig_table_max_displ = 74
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: TSC Deadline Timer supported and enabled
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: corecrypto kext started!
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Running kernel space in FIPS MODE
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Plist hmac value is    735d392b68241ef173d81097b1c8ce9ba283521626d1c973ac376838c466757d
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Computed hmac value is 735d392b68241ef173d81097b1c8ce9ba283521626d1c973ac376838c466757d
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: corecrypto.kext FIPS integrity POST test passed!
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: corecrypto.kext FIPS AES CBC POST test passed!
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: corecrypto.kext FIPS TDES CBC POST test passed!
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: corecrypto.kext FIPS AES ECB AESNI POST test passed!
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: corecrypto.kext FIPS AES XTS AESNI POST test passed!
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: corecrypto.kext FIPS SHA POST test passed!
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: corecrypto.kext FIPS HMAC POST test passed!
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: corecrypto.kext FIPS ECDSA POST test passed!
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: corecrypto.kext FIPS DRBG POST test passed!
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: corecrypto.kext FIPS POST passed!
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=2 LocalApicId=2 Enabled
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=3 LocalApicId=4 Enabled
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=4 LocalApicId=6 Enabled
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=5 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=6 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=7 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=8 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: MAC Framework successfully initialized
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5]
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: PFM64 (36 cpu) 0xf80000000, 0x80000000
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration begin ]
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: Turbo Ratios 159A
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 00:59:42 Aug 25 2012) initialization complete
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: console relocated to 0xfc0010000
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: PCI configuration changed (bridge=16 device=3 cardbus=0)
04.08.13 17:37:27,607 com.apple.launchd[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 12 devices 17 ]
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Thunderbolt runtime power conservation disabled.
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: mbinit: done [128 MB total pool size, (85/42) split]
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 8E23424B-5C28-38A3-A1B5-33CB5A2B75B4
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleIntelPchSeriesAHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/ST31000528AS Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Customer@2
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s2, major 1, minor 2
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5901 built-in now active, GUID c82a14fffee7c860; max speed s800.
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: Kernel is LP64
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000009833 0x5ac 0x8403 0x9833
04.08.13 17:37:27,607 com.apple.launchd[1]: *** Shutdown logging is enabled. ***
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: ath_get_caps[4038] rx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0
04.08.13 17:37:34,835 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.automountd) Unknown key for boolean: NSSupportsSuddenTermination
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: 1.049474: ath_get_caps[4013] tx chainmask mismatch actual 7 sc_chainmak 0
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: 1.053256: Atheros: mac 448.3 phy 1475.6 radio 0.0
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: 1.053266: Use hw queue 0 for WME_AC_BE traffic
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: 1.053272: Use hw queue 1 for WME_AC_BK traffic
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: 1.053279: Use hw queue 2 for WME_AC_VI traffic
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: 1.053285: Use hw queue 3 for WME_AC_VO traffic
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: 1.053291: Use hw queue 8 for CAB traffic
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: 1.053296: Use hw queue 9 for beacons
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: 1.053385: wlan_vap_create : enter. devhandle=0xa26056b8, opmode=IEEE80211_M_STA, flags=0x1
04.08.13 17:37:35,000 kernel[0]: 1.053426: wlan_vap_create : exit. devhandle=0xa26056b8, opmode=IEEE80211_M_STA, flags=0x1.
04.08.13 17:37:37,000 kernel[0]: BCM5701Enet: Ethernet address c8:2a:14:55:f8:b4
04.08.13 17:37:37,000 kernel[0]: AirPort_AtherosNewma40: Ethernet address e4:ce:8f:61:ad:bc
04.08.13 17:37:37,000 kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
04.08.13 17:37:37,000 kernel[0]: IO80211Interface::efiNVRAMPublished():  
04.08.13 17:37:43,782 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceDaemon[63]) Exited with code: 2
04.08.13 17:37:43,782 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceDaemon) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
04.08.13 17:37:43,785 hidd[50]: Posting 'com.apple.iokit.hid.displayStatus' notifyState=1
04.08.13 17:37:43,787 hidd[50]: void __IOHIDLoadBundles(): Loaded 0 HID plugins
04.08.13 17:37:44,000 kernel[0]: macx_swapon SUCCESS
04.08.13 17:37:45,813 kdc[48]: label: default
04.08.13 17:37:45,813 kdc[48]:     dbname: od:/Local/Default
04.08.13 17:37:45,813 kdc[48]:     mkey_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/m-key
04.08.13 17:37:45,813 kdc[48]:     acl_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/kadmind.acl
04.08.13 17:37:45,844 mDNSResponder[42]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-379.38.1 (Apr 25 2013 19:19:56) starting OSXVers 12
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: Waiting for DSMOS...
04.08.13 17:37:46,096 coreservicesd[67]: FindBestLSSession(), no match for inSessionID 0xfffffffffffffffc auditTokenInfo( uid=0 euid=0 auSessionID=100000 create=false
04.08.13 17:37:46,114 airportd[70]: _processDLILEvent: en1 attached (down)
04.08.13 17:37:46,137 appleeventsd[56]: main: Starting up
04.08.13 17:37:46,151 com.apple.usbmuxd[29]: usbmuxd-296.4 on Dec 21 2012 at 16:11:14, running 64 bit
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: AtherosNewma40P2PInterface::init name <p2p0> role 1 this 0xffffff8023e12000
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: AtherosNewma40P2PInterface::init() <p2p> role 1
04.08.13 17:37:46,341 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceDaemon) Throttling respawn: Will start in 8 seconds
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothUSBDFU::probe
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: IOBluetoothUSBDFU::probe ProductID - 0x8215 FirmwareVersion - 0x0201
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: [BroadcomBluetoothHCIControllerUSBTransport][start] -- completed
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][staticBluetoothHCIControllerTransportShowsUp] -- Received Bluetooth Controller register service notification 
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: Previous Shutdown Cause: 5
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: AMDTurksGraphicsAccelerator: ** Device in slot: SLOT--1 **
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: DSMOS has arrived
04.08.13 17:37:46,958 configd[18]: setting hostname to "Sebastian-Seltmanns-iMac.local"
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
04.08.13 17:37:46,000 kernel[0]: en1::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
04.08.13 17:37:46,965 configd[18]: network changed.
04.08.13 17:37:48,650 com.apple.SecurityServer[15]: Session 100000 created
04.08.13 17:37:49,679 mds[41]: (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
04.08.13 17:37:50,000 kernel[0]: Ethernet [AppleBCM5701Ethernet]: Link up on en0, 100-Megabit, Full-duplex, Symmetric flow-control, Debug [796d,0301,0de1,0300,45e1,0000]
04.08.13 17:37:50,333 blued[59]: Read the UHE Info
04.08.13 17:37:50,334 blued[59]: Read version 2 info.  Number of devices:3
04.08.13 17:37:50,334 blued[59]: Class of device:     0x2580
04.08.13 17:37:50,334 blued[59]: Device name: '_Users_Name_ Maus' length:25
04.08.13 17:37:50,334 blued[59]: Finished reading the HID data
04.08.13 17:37:50,334 blued[59]: Found a device with PID:0x030d VID:0x05ac
04.08.13 17:37:50,335 blued[59]: Class of device:     0x2540
04.08.13 17:37:50,335 blued[59]: Device name: 'Apple Wireless Keyboard' length:24
04.08.13 17:37:50,335 blued[59]: Finished reading the HID data
04.08.13 17:37:50,335 blued[59]: Found a device with PID:0x023a VID:0x05ac
04.08.13 17:37:50,336 blued[59]: Class of device:     0x2594
04.08.13 17:37:50,336 blued[59]: Device name: 'Apple Wireless Trackpad' length:24
04.08.13 17:37:50,336 blued[59]: Finished reading the HID data
04.08.13 17:37:50,336 blued[59]: Found a device with PID:0x030e VID:0x05ac
04.08.13 17:37:54,342 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceDaemon[83]) Exited with code: 2
04.08.13 17:37:54,342 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceDaemon) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
04.08.13 17:37:56,065 com.apple.SecurityServer[15]: Entering service
04.08.13 17:37:56,100 stackshot[32]: Timed out waiting for IOKit to finish matching.
04.08.13 17:37:56,146 systemkeychain[75]: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
04.08.13 17:37:56,161 configd[18]: network changed: DNS*
04.08.13 17:37:56,164 mDNSResponder[42]: D2D_IPC: Loaded
04.08.13 17:37:56,164 mDNSResponder[42]: D2DInitialize succeeded
04.08.13 17:37:56,169 netbiosd[78]: Unable to start NetBIOS name service: 
04.08.13 17:37:57,336 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [HandleNetworkInformationChanged:2435] nwi_state_copy returned NULL
04.08.13 17:37:57,463 digest-service[100]: label: default
04.08.13 17:37:57,463 digest-service[100]:     dbname: od:/Local/Default
04.08.13 17:37:57,463 digest-service[100]:     mkey_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/m-key
04.08.13 17:37:57,463 digest-service[100]:     acl_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/kadmind.acl
04.08.13 17:37:57,465 digest-service[100]: digest-request: uid=0
04.08.13 17:37:58,109 kdc[48]: WARNING Found KDC certificate (O=System Identity,CN=com.apple.kerberos.kdc)is missing the PK-INIT KDC EKU, this is bad for interoperability.
04.08.13 17:37:59,271 com.apple.kextd[12]: Kext id com.apple.kernel.iokit not found; removing personalities from kernel.
04.08.13 17:37:59,271 com.apple.kextd[12]: String/URL conversion failure.
04.08.13 17:37:59,000 kernel[0]: [AGPM Controller] build GPUDict by Vendor1002Device6740
04.08.13 17:37:59,000 kernel[0]: 33.334456: setWOW_PARAMETERS:wowevents = 2(1)
04.08.13 17:38:00,000 kernel[0]: 34.248039: setDISASSOC from ATH_INTERFACE_CLASS disconnectVap
04.08.13 17:38:00,000 kernel[0]: 34.248067: switchVap from 1 to 1 
04.08.13 17:38:01,429 kdc[48]: KDC started
04.08.13 17:38:01,884 loginwindow[45]: Login Window Application Started
04.08.13 17:38:02,425 apsd[62]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
04.08.13 17:38:02,426 apsd[62]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
04.08.13 17:38:03,479 WindowServer[82]: Server is starting up
04.08.13 17:38:03,485 WindowServer[82]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
04.08.13 17:38:03,485 WindowServer[82]: Session 256 released (1 references)
04.08.13 17:38:03,503 WindowServer[82]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
04.08.13 17:38:03,503 WindowServer[82]: init_page_flip: page flip mode is on
04.08.13 17:38:03,819 WindowServer[82]: mux_initialize: Couldn't find any matches
04.08.13 17:38:03,836 WindowServer[82]: GLCompositor enabled for tile size [256 x 256]
04.08.13 17:38:03,836 WindowServer[82]: CGXGLInitMipMap: mip map mode is on
04.08.13 17:38:03,898 WindowServer[82]: WSMachineUsesNewStyleMirroring: false
04.08.13 17:38:03,898 WindowServer[82]: MPServiceForDisplayDevice: Invalid device alias (0)
04.08.13 17:38:03,899 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x042801c0: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[2560 x 1440], 36 modes available
Main, Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model a007, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0x000006100000a00700000000042801c0
04.08.13 17:38:03,899 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x003f0040: GL mask 0x10; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 4, Rotation 0
UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff003f0040
04.08.13 17:38:03,899 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x003f003f: GL mask 0x8; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 3, Rotation 0
UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff003f003f
04.08.13 17:38:03,899 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff003f003e
04.08.13 17:38:03,899 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x2b2828cd: GL mask 0x2; bounds (2560, 0)[1920 x 1200], 54 modes available
Active, on-line, enabled, Vendor 10ac, Model a07a, S/N 3041364c, Unit 1, Rotation 0
UUID 0x000010ac0000a07a3041364c00000000
04.08.13 17:38:03,905 WindowServer[82]: Created shield window 0x7 for display 0x042801c0
04.08.13 17:38:03,905 WindowServer[82]: Created shield window 0x8 for display 0x003f0040
04.08.13 17:38:03,906 WindowServer[82]: Created shield window 0x9 for display 0x003f003f
04.08.13 17:38:03,906 WindowServer[82]: Created shield window 0xa for display 0x003f003e
04.08.13 17:38:03,910 WindowServer[82]: Created shield window 0xb for display 0x2b2828cd
04.08.13 17:38:03,913 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x042801c0: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[2560 x 1440], 36 modes available
Main, Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model a007, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0x000006100000a00700000000042801c0
04.08.13 17:38:03,913 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x003f0040: GL mask 0x10; bounds (5504, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 4, Rotation 0
UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff003f0040
04.08.13 17:38:03,913 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x003f003f: GL mask 0x8; bounds (5505, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 3, Rotation 0
UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff003f003f
04.08.13 17:38:03,913 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x4; bounds (5506, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 2, Rotation 0
UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffff003f003e
04.08.13 17:38:03,913 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x2b2828cd: GL mask 0x2; bounds (2560, 0)[1920 x 1200], 54 modes available
Active, on-line, enabled, Vendor 10ac, Model a07a, S/N 3041364c, Unit 1, Rotation 0
UUID 0x000010ac0000a07a3041364c00000000
04.08.13 17:38:03,913 WindowServer[82]: CGXPerformInitialDisplayConfiguration
04.08.13 17:38:03,913 WindowServer[82]:   Display 0x042801c0: MappedDisplay Unit 0; Vendor 0x610 Model 0xa007 S/N 0 Dimensions 23.50 x 13.23; online enabled built-in, Bounds (0,0)[2560 x 1440], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
04.08.13 17:38:03,914 WindowServer[82]:   Display 0x003f0040: MappedDisplay Unit 4; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (5504,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
04.08.13 17:38:03,914 WindowServer[82]:   Display 0x003f003f: MappedDisplay Unit 3; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (5505,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
04.08.13 17:38:03,914 WindowServer[82]:   Display 0x003f003e: MappedDisplay Unit 2; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (5506,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
04.08.13 17:38:03,914 WindowServer[82]:   Display 0x2b2828cd: MappedDisplay Unit 1; Vendor 0x10ac Model 0xa07a S/N 809580108 Dimensions 20.39 x 12.76; online enabled, Bounds (2560,0)[1920 x 1200], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
04.08.13 17:38:03,928 WindowServer[82]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01021b06, GL mask 0x0000001f, accelerator 0x0000480b, unit 0, caps QEX|QGL|MIPMAP, vram 512 MB
04.08.13 17:38:03,928 WindowServer[82]: GLCompositor: GL renderer id 0x01021b06, GL mask 0x0000001f, texture units 8, texture max 16384, viewport max {16384, 16384}, extensions FPRG|NPOT|GLSL|FLOAT
04.08.13 17:38:03,931 loginwindow[45]: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
04.08.13 17:38:03,944 WindowServer[82]: Unable to open IOHIDSystem (e00002bd)
04.08.13 17:38:03,947 launchctl[107]: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
04.08.13 17:38:03,000 kernel[0]: virtual bool IOHIDEventSystemUserClient::initWithTask(task_t, void *, UInt32): Client task not privileged to open IOHIDSystem for mapping memory (e00002c1)
04.08.13 17:38:04,108 rpcsvchost[109]: sandbox_init: com.apple.msrpc.netlogon.sb succeeded
04.08.13 17:38:04,137 digest-service[100]: digest-request: init request
04.08.13 17:38:04,141 digest-service[100]: digest-request: init return domain: BUILTIN server: SEBASTIAN-SELTMANNS-IMAC
04.08.13 17:38:04,344 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceDaemon[113]) Job failed to exec(3). Setting up event to tell us when to try again: 2: No such file or directory
04.08.13 17:38:04,344 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceDaemon[113]) Job failed to exec(3) for weird reason: 2
04.08.13 17:38:04,373 locationd[46]: NOTICE,Location icon should now be in state 0
04.08.13 17:38:04,387 WindowServer[82]: Created shield window 0xc for display 0x042801c0
04.08.13 17:38:04,387 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x042801c0: MappedDisplay Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "iMac"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
04.08.13 17:38:04,393 WindowServer[82]: Created shield window 0xd for display 0x2b2828cd
04.08.13 17:38:04,393 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x2b2828cd: MappedDisplay Unit 1; ColorProfile { 3, "DELL U2412M"}; TransferFormula (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
04.08.13 17:38:04,402 launchctl[114]: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
04.08.13 17:38:04,414 launchctl[114]: com.apple.findmymacmessenger: Already loaded
04.08.13 17:38:04,434 com.apple.SecurityServer[15]: Session 100004 created
04.08.13 17:38:04,639 coreaudiod[122]: Enabled automatic stack shots because audio IO is inactive
04.08.13 17:38:04,726 hidd[50]: CGSShutdownServerConnections: Detaching application from window server
04.08.13 17:38:04,726 hidd[50]: CGSDisplayServerShutdown: Detaching display subsystem from window server
04.08.13 17:38:04,805 loginwindow[45]: Login Window Started Security Agent
04.08.13 17:38:04,830 awacsd[60]: Starting awacsd connectivity-78.3 (Apr 25 2013 19:22:44)
04.08.13 17:38:04,833 awacsd[60]: InnerStore CopyAllZones: no info in Dynamic Store
04.08.13 17:38:04,874 configd[18]: network changed: v4(en0+: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
04.08.13 17:38:04,995 SecurityAgent[125]: This is the first run
04.08.13 17:38:04,995 SecurityAgent[125]: MacBuddy was run = 0
04.08.13 17:38:05,390 WindowServer[82]: MPAccessSurfaceForDisplayDevice: Set up page flip mode on display 0x042801c0 device: 0x10623ab90  isBackBuffered: 1 numComp: 3 numDisp: 3
04.08.13 17:38:05,395 SecurityAgent[125]: User info context values set for sebastianseltmann
04.08.13 17:38:05,398 WindowServer[82]: MPAccessSurfaceForDisplayDevice: Set up page flip mode on display 0x2b2828cd device: 0x10623aa10  isBackBuffered: 1 numComp: 3 numDisp: 3
04.08.13 17:38:05,429 ntpd[97]: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
04.08.13 17:38:05,853 loginwindow[45]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
04.08.13 17:38:05,874 loginwindow[45]: ERROR | ScreensharingLoginNotification | Failed sending message to screen sharing GetScreensharingPort, err: 1102
04.08.13 17:38:05,913 loginwindow[45]: USER_PROCESS: 45 console
04.08.13 17:38:05,971 WindowServer[82]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
04.08.13 17:38:06,013 launchctl[135]: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
04.08.13 17:38:06,082 launchctl[136]: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
04.08.13 17:38:06,161 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[134]: (com.apple.gamed) Ignored this key: UserName
04.08.13 17:38:06,161 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[134]: (com.apple.gamed) Ignored this key: GroupName
04.08.13 17:38:06,161 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[134]: (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
04.08.13 17:38:06,165 loginwindow[45]: Connection with distnoted server was invalidated
04.08.13 17:38:06,181 distnoted[139]: # distnote server agent  absolute time: 40.092650156   civil time: Sun Aug  4 17:38:06 2013   pid: 139 uid: 501  root: no
04.08.13 17:38:06,205 coreservicesd[67]: SendFlattenedData, got error #268435459 (ipc/send) invalid destination port from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationDeath to notificationID=113
04.08.13 17:38:06,209 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.wacom.pentablet[120]) Exited with code: 255
04.08.13 17:38:06,283 WindowServer[82]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
04.08.13 17:38:06,283 WindowServer[82]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
04.08.13 17:38:06,486 coreservicesd[67]: SendFlattenedData, got error #268435460 (ipc/send) timed out from ::mach_msg(), sending notification kLSNotifyApplicationBirth to notificationID=115
04.08.13 17:38:06,772 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xprotectupdater[26]) Exited with code: 252
04.08.13 17:38:06,793 blued[59]: kBTXPCUpdateUserPreferences gConsoleUserUID = 501
04.08.13 17:38:06,799 WindowServer[82]: Created shield window 0x13 for display 0x042801c0
04.08.13 17:38:06,799 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x042801c0: MappedDisplay Unit 0; ColorProfile { 4, "Apple iMac-1"}; TransferTable (256, 3)
04.08.13 17:38:06,806 WindowServer[82]: Created shield window 0x14 for display 0x2b2828cd
04.08.13 17:38:06,806 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x2b2828cd: MappedDisplay Unit 1; ColorProfile { 5, "Dell U2412M-2"}; TransferTable (256, 3)
04.08.13 17:38:06,821 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x042801c0: MappedDisplay Unit 0; ColorProfile { 4, "Apple iMac-1"}; TransferTable (256, 3)
04.08.13 17:38:06,821 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x042801c0: MappedDisplay Unit 0; ColorProfile { 4, "Apple iMac-1"}; TransferTable (256, 3)
04.08.13 17:38:06,822 talagent[149]: _LSSetApplicationInformationItem(kLSDefaultSessionID, asn, _kLSApplicationIsHiddenKey, hidden ? kCFBooleanTrue : kCFBooleanFalse, NULL) produced OSStatus -50 on line 623 in TCApplication.m
04.08.13 17:38:06,822 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x2b2828cd: MappedDisplay Unit 1; ColorProfile { 5, "Dell U2412M-2"}; TransferTable (256, 3)
04.08.13 17:38:06,822 talagent[149]: _LSSetApplicationInformationItem(kLSDefaultSessionID, asn, TAL_kLSIsProxiedForTALKey, kCFBooleanTrue, NULL) produced OSStatus -50 on line 626 in TCApplication.m
04.08.13 17:38:06,823 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x2b2828cd: MappedDisplay Unit 1; ColorProfile { 5, "Dell U2412M-2"}; TransferTable (256, 3)
04.08.13 17:38:06,883 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[134]: (com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceAgent[171]) Exited with code: 2
04.08.13 17:38:06,883 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[134]: (com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceAgent) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
04.08.13 17:38:06,906 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[134]: (com.apple.afpstat-qfa[169]) Exited with code: 2
04.08.13 17:38:07,110 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Starting album art daemon...
04.08.13 17:38:07,000 kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=174[GoogleSoftwareUp] clearing CS_VALID
04.08.13 17:38:07,159 launchctl[177]: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
04.08.13 17:38:07,192 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Processing iTunes XML file: /Users/_Users-Name_/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml
04.08.13 17:38:07,419 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Finished parsing iTunes XML file
04.08.13 17:38:07,420 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Processing list of albums
04.08.13 17:38:07,804 NetworkBrowserAgent[182]: Starting NetworkBrowserAgent
04.08.13 17:38:07,856 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x042801c0: MappedDisplay Unit 0; ColorProfile { 4, "Apple iMac-1"}; TransferTable (256, 3)
04.08.13 17:38:07,857 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x2b2828cd: MappedDisplay Unit 1; ColorProfile { 5, "Dell U2412M-2"}; TransferTable (256, 3)
04.08.13 17:38:08,441 BezelServices 236.3[45]: -[DriverServices sendPreferencesToDevice:resetDefaults:] error: classPrefID (null), classPrefs (null)
04.08.13 17:38:08,452 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x042801c0: MappedDisplay Unit 0; ColorProfile { 4, "Apple iMac-1"}; TransferTable (256, 3)
04.08.13 17:38:08,453 WindowServer[82]: Display 0x2b2828cd: MappedDisplay Unit 1; ColorProfile { 5, "Dell U2412M-2"}; TransferTable (256, 3)
04.08.13 17:38:08,783 WindowServer[82]: CGXDisableUpdate: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "SystemUIServer" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
04.08.13 17:38:08,819 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[134]: (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[159]) Exited with code: 255
04.08.13 17:38:09,611 WindowServer[82]: reenable_update_for_connection: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "SystemUIServer" after 1.83 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
04.08.13 17:38:12,503 apsd[62]: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.ubd.system-push': Unknown service name
04.08.13 17:38:13,000 kernel[0]: [BNBTrackpadDevice::init][75.19] init is complete
04.08.13 17:38:13,000 kernel[0]: [BNBTrackpadDevice::handleStart][75.19] returning 1
04.08.13 17:38:13,000 kernel[0]: [AppleMultitouchHIDEventDriver::start] entered
04.08.13 17:38:13,532 locationd[191]: NOTICE,Location icon should now be in state 0
04.08.13 17:38:14,000 kernel[0]: [AppleMultitouchDevice::start] entered
04.08.13 17:38:15,048 com.apple.SecurityServer[15]: Session 100005 created
04.08.13 17:38:15,698 PenTabletDriver[170]: Could not find image named 'DKTouchRingToggleLeft'.
04.08.13 17:38:15,699 PenTabletDriver[170]: Could not find image named 'DKTouchRingToggleRight'.
04.08.13 17:38:16,885 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[134]: (com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceAgent[194]) Job failed to exec(3). Setting up event to tell us when to try again: 2: No such file or directory
04.08.13 17:38:16,885 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[134]: (com.splashtop.streamer.SRServiceAgent[194]) Job failed to exec(3) for weird reason: 2
04.08.13 17:38:20,207 awacsd[60]: Exiting
04.08.13 17:38:25,219 ConsumerTouchDriver[198]: Could not find image named 'TouchRingToggleLEDSlitOff'.
04.08.13 17:38:25,219 ConsumerTouchDriver[198]: Could not find image named 'DKTouchRingToggleLeft'.
04.08.13 17:38:25,220 ConsumerTouchDriver[198]: Could not find image named 'DKTouchRingToggleRight'.
04.08.13 17:38:26,026 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.coreservices.appleid.authentication[119]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
04.08.13 17:38:26,530 TabletDriver[170]: Finish launching /Library/Application Support/Tablet/PenTabletDriver.app/Contents/Resources/ConsumerTouchDriver.app
04.08.13 17:38:29,021 TabletDriver[170]: Finish launching /Library/Application Support/Tablet/PenTabletDriver.app/Contents/Resources/TabletDriver.app
04.08.13 17:38:35,066 launchctl[207]: launchctl: Dubious permissions on file (skipping): /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
04.08.13 17:38:40,000 kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x100000000): p=213[AdobeCrashDaemon] clearing CS_VALID
04.08.13 17:38:41,567 com.apple.time[138]: Interval maximum value is 946100000 seconds (specified value: 9223372036854775807).
04.08.13 17:38:45,371 com.apple.SecurityServer[15]: Session 100002 created
04.08.13 17:38:49,936 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Caching album art for embedded tracks: 138 candidates
04.08.13 17:38:51,091 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/pepper/martin pepper songs
04.08.13 17:38:52,593 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/du bist herr (premium collection vol. 1)
04.08.13 17:38:53,855 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/neunzehn72 - fotografie podcast/neunzehn72 - fotografie podcast
04.08.13 17:38:57,966 com.apple.time[138]: Interval maximum value is 946100000 seconds (specified value: 9223372036854775807).
04.08.13 17:38:58,666 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/der wöchentliche photoshop video-podcast
04.08.13 17:39:00,980 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/in christ alone
04.08.13 17:39:02,261 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/christliches zentrum reutlingen - predigtpodcast
04.08.13 17:39:02,606 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/kutless/live from portland disc 1
04.08.13 17:39:02,949 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/vanessa-mae/original four seasons & the devil's trill sonata
04.08.13 17:39:03,373 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/UserNameLibrary/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/xavier naidoo/alles kann besser werden [disc 3]
04.08.13 17:39:04,944 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/(hänssler togo cd2)/feiert jesus! - to go 2
04.08.13 17:39:05,706 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/bastille/bad blood
04.08.13 17:39:06,021 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/the dubliners/40 years of the dubliners
04.08.13 17:39:06,155 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/sherlock/sherlock
04.08.13 17:39:07,069 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/UserName/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/krolop & gerst photography/photography lighting tutorials _ krolop & gerst
04.08.13 17:39:08,252 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/joshua mills/waterfall
04.08.13 17:39:09,340 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/gary rydstrom & pixar/unknown
04.08.13 17:39:09,909 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/albert frey/unser vater
04.08.13 17:39:10,626 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/glaubenszentrum/du allein live
04.08.13 17:39:11,035 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/12 tage geschenke/12 tage geschenke
04.08.13 17:39:12,323 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/laura rhinehart/the soaking room, vol. 2
04.08.13 17:39:13,842 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/disney's ducktales/disney's ducktales, vol. 1
04.08.13 17:39:14,417 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/looney tunes collections/looney tunes collections
04.08.13 17:39:15,913 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/feiert jesus!togo
04.08.13 17:39:17,422 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/sUsername/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/jason upton/on the rim of the visible world
04.08.13 17:39:17,000 kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=227[ksadmin] clearing CS_VALID
04.08.13 17:39:19,032 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/rea garvey/can't stand the silence (special version) - single
04.08.13 17:39:19,797 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/jason upton/trusting the angels
04.08.13 17:39:20,383 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/bravo hits 26 [disc 2]
04.08.13 17:39:20,000 kernel[0]: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=230[ksadmin] clearing CS_VALID
04.08.13 17:39:21,015 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/sUsername/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/ed sheeran/itunes festival 2012_ holiday gift - single
04.08.13 17:39:21,429 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/the crossing/baile (home)
04.08.13 17:39:21,692 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/UsernameLibrary/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/jason upton/dying star
04.08.13 17:39:21,846 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/nicole und ralf obermann/praxistraining fotografie_ hochzeit
04.08.13 17:39:22,270 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/miris geburtstagscd/miris geburtstags cd
04.08.13 17:39:23,215 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/eden burning/smilingly home
04.08.13 17:39:23,280 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Usernamen/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/feiert jesus!/feiert jesus 15
04.08.13 17:39:23,451 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/sUsernamen/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/martin pepper/flügelleicht
04.08.13 17:39:23,653 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/xavier naidoo/alles gute vor uns disc 1
04.08.13 17:39:24,925 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/delirious?_hillsong/unified praise
04.08.13 17:39:25,767 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/sUsernamen/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/bravo hits 26 [disc 1]
04.08.13 17:39:25,858 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Usernamen/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/xavier naidoo/alles kann besser werdenn [disc 2]
04.08.13 17:39:25,974 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/patrick ludolph und martin krolop/das paddy und das maddin
04.08.13 17:39:26,327 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/sUsername/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/arne kopfermann/so groß ist der herr 2
04.08.13 17:39:27,203 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/sUsername/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/gary barlow & the commonwealth band/sing
04.08.13 17:39:27,351 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/jason upton/the summoning
04.08.13 17:39:27,584 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/nightwish/angels fall first [bonus track]
04.08.13 17:39:27,861 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/ana mendez/the power of his blood
04.08.13 17:39:28,107 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/sUsername/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/nightwish/oceanborn
04.08.13 17:39:28,940 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/sUsernamen/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/disney's ducktales/disney's ducktales, vol. 2
04.08.13 17:39:29,073 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Uswername/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/23/erwachsen sein (feat. peter maffay) - single
04.08.13 17:39:29,971 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/sUsername/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/martin gommel/digitale fotografie lernen_ der kwerfeldein podcast
04.08.13 17:39:30,187 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/jason upton/remember
04.08.13 17:39:30,341 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/jason upton/jacob's dream
04.08.13 17:39:30,510 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/sUsername/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/sunshine (music from the motion picture)
04.08.13 17:39:30,649 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/martin pepper/siesta
04.08.13 17:39:30,920 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/jason upton/open up the earth
04.08.13 17:39:31,178 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /UsersUsernmen/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/gossip/a joyful noise
04.08.13 17:39:31,244 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/casting crowns/the altar and the door
04.08.13 17:39:31,382 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/our version of events (special edition)
04.08.13 17:39:31,600 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/leona lewis/spirit (the deluxe edition)
04.08.13 17:39:31,703 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/arne kopfermann/so groß ist der herr
04.08.13 17:39:31,993 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/oliver heuschele/brennweite50 -der fotopodcast von oliver heuschele-
04.08.13 17:39:32,409 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/jason upton/between earth & sky
04.08.13 17:39:32,729 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/roxette/don't bore us - get to the chorus! roxette's greatest hits
04.08.13 17:39:32,901 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/culcha candela/hungry eyes - single
04.08.13 17:39:32,981 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/martin pepper und uli kringler/saitenwechsel
04.08.13 17:39:33,495 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/Username/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/laura rhinehart/hidden
04.08.13 17:39:33,689 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/die liebe des retters
04.08.13 17:39:34,199 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/nothing but the beat (party mix) [extended version] - ep
04.08.13 17:39:34,287 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/wettsingen in schwetzingen mtv unplugged [disc 1]
04.08.13 17:39:34,378 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/gero breloer/praxistraining_ filmen mit der dslr
04.08.13 17:39:34,395 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/video2brain gmbh/lightroom-tutorials
04.08.13 17:39:34,590 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/the faith crew/a christian tribute to cindy morgan & susan ashton
04.08.13 17:39:34,634 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/compilations/elin kolev
04.08.13 17:39:34,731 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/jason upton/1200 feet below sea level
04.08.13 17:39:34,797 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/galileo design/blende 8 - der foto-podcast (hd)
04.08.13 17:39:34,858 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/söhne mannheims/wettsingen in schwetzingen mtv unplugged [disc 2]
04.08.13 17:39:34,941 WindowServer[82]: CGXDisableUpdate: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Lightroom" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
04.08.13 17:39:34,945 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/albert frey/frey - anker in der zeit - studio
04.08.13 17:39:35,187 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/psd-tutorials.de/psd-tutorials.de - selection-dvd
04.08.13 17:39:35,229 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Failed to write artwork to folder, will try again directly from iTunes: /Users/_UsersName_/Library/Application Support/BlackBerryDesktop/MediaCache/AlbumArtCache/xavier naidoo/alles gute vor uns disc 2
04.08.13 17:39:35,317 RimAlbumArtDaemon[173]: Monitoring folder for changes: /Users/sebastianseltmann/Music/iTunes/Album Artwork
04.08.13 17:39:36,126 WindowServer[82]: reenable_update_for_connection: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Lightroom" after 2.19 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
04.08.13 17:40:03,000 kernel[0]: considerRebuildOfPrelinkedKernel com.apple.driver.AudioAUUC triggered rebuild
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Tokyo Rose
Wahnsinn, da steht ja meine Itunes Mediathek mit drinnen. Ich hab selbst mal das ganze Zeugs durchgesehen. So richtig ist mir nicht klar welchen Hintergrund das alles hat, ist das in einem anderen Thread mal erklärt? Oder gibts dafür eine weiterführende Seite oder so?