Using AppleScript you can easily import e-mail messages from
• Apple Mail,
• Barebones Mailsmith,
• Eudora and
• Microsoft Entourage.
To import selected e-mail messages from Apple Mail, do the following:
(1) Open the folder »Mails« in the folder »Scripts (Additional)« on the DEVONthink Professional disk image.
(2) Copy the script »Import Selected Mail« to the folder »~/Library/Scripts/Mail Scripts«.
(3) If required, open Mail and select »Scripts > Update Script Menu« (the Scripts menu is named with an AppleScript »S« symbol instead of the word »Scripts«).
(4) Select the e-mail(s) you want to import.
(5) Select »Scripts > Import Selected Mail«.
To import selected e-mail messages from Microsoft Entourage, do the following:
(1) Open the folder »Mails« in the folder »Scripts (Additional)« on the DEVONthink Professional disk image.
(2) Copy the script »Import selected Entourage messages« to the folder »~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/*Entourage Script Menu Items«.
(3) If required, open Entourage and select »Scripts > Update Script Menu« (the Scripts menu is named with an AppleScript »S« symbol instead of the word »Scripts«).
(4) Select the e-mail(s) you want to import.
(5) Select »Scripts > Import selected Entourage messages« (DEVONthink Pro is automatically launched if required).
To import selected e-mail messages from Eudora, do the following:
(1) Open the folder »Mails« in the folder »Scripts (Additional)« on the DEVONthink Professional disk image.
(2) Copy the script »Import selected Eudora messages« to wherever you like on your hard drive.
(3) Select the e-mail(s) you want to import.
(4) Start the »Import selected Eudora messages« script in the Finder. Note: This script sets the creation/modification date of the imported messages to the receipt date and the URL to the sender's address.
To import selected e-mail messages from Mailsmith, do the following:
(1) Open the folder »Mails« in the folder »Scripts (Additional)« on the DEVONthink Professional disk image.
(2) Copy the script »Import selected Mailsmith messages« to wherever you like on your hard drive.
(3) Select the e-mail(s) you want to import.
(4) Start the »Import selected Mailsmith messages« script in the Finder. Note: This script sets the creation/modification date of the imported messages to the receipt date and the URL to the sender's address.
Diesen Eintrag finde ich nicht. Kann mit Tiger zusammenhängenJOKER schrieb:mal auf >Update Script Menü geklickt in Mail ?
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