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    Näheres könnt Ihr hier nachlesen: AGB-Änderung
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MacMini mit Mojave wird immer langsamer


Rheinischer Krummstiel
Mein MacMini (Ende 2012, 2,6 GHz i7, 16 GB Arbeitsspeicher, 1 TB Fusion-Drive) wird immer langsamer. Auf dem Fusion-Drive sind von 1,12 TB noch 157 GB verfügbar. Außerdem stelle ich fest, dass der Lüfter häufig und lange läuft.
Da ich noch ein für mich wichtiges Programm (eyeTV) nutze und dies noch nicht mit allen Funktionen unter Catalina läuft, kann ich den Update noch nicht vornehmen.
1. Gibt es ein Tool, mit dem ich herausfinden kann, womit der Mac wie stark beschäftigt ist?
2. Gibt es eine Anleitung, wie ich - falls es helfen könnte - macOS neu installiere, ohne dass ich Daten versehentlich verliere? Ich habe ein tägliches BackUp mit TimeMachine auf meinem NAS.


Lade Dir doch bitte das kostenlose Tool EtreCheck herunter und lass das mal durch laufen. Den Log kopierst Du und postest diesen hier. Dann schauen wir mal weiter :)


wenn da noch die Orginal HDD drinnen ist, tippe ich auf eine sterbende Festplatte, suche dir mal ein SMART Tool für Mac und lesese die SmartDaten der HDD aus, poste diese dann hier.



Rheinischer Krummstiel
Hi YoshuaThree,
bitte finde beigefügt den Report von EtreCheck als PDF. Ich bin gespannt, welche Ratschläge Du mir gibst? Danke schon mal vorab.


  • EtreCheck Report 17-05-2020.pdf
    69,4 KB · Aufrufe: 1


Hi YoshuaThree,
bitte finde beigefügt den Report von EtreCheck als PDF. Ich bin gespannt, welche Ratschläge Du mir gibst? Danke schon mal vorab.

Könntest Du es bitte nochmals posten wie über Dir beschrieben? Bin am Handy. PDF ist doof für uns hier :)

Einfach nochmals kopieren und wie oben beschrieben als CODE einfügen :)


Rheinischer Krummstiel
EtreCheck version: 5.5.5 (5111)
Report generated: 2020-05-17 12:06:41
Download EtreCheck from https://etrecheck.com
Runtime: 3:19
Performance: Good
Sandbox: Enabled
Full drive access: Disabled

Problem: Computer is too slow

Major Issues:
  Anything that appears on this list needs immediate attention.
  Runaway process - A process is using a large percentage of your CPU.
  Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed that could be adware and should be reviewed.

Minor Issues:
  These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement.
  Clean up - There are orphan files that could be removed.
  Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. Apple has said that unsigned software will not run by default in a future version of the operating system.
  32-bit Apps - This machine has 32-bits apps will not work on macOS 10.15 "Catalina".
  Limited drive access - More information may be available with Full Drive Access.
  Kernel extensions present - This machine has kernel extensions that may not work in the future.
  Sharing enabled - This machine has sharing services enabled that could be a security risk.

Hardware Information:
  Mac mini (Late 2012)
  Mac mini Model: Macmini6,2
  2,6 GHz Intel Core i7 (i7-3720QM) CPU: 4-core
  16 RAM - Upgradeable
    BANK 0/DIMM0 - 8 GB DDR3 1600 
    BANK 1/DIMM0 - 8 GB DDR3 1600 

Video Information:
  Intel HD Graphics 4000 - VRAM: 1536 MB
    DELL UP2716D 2560 x 1440

  disk0 - APPLE SSD SM128E 121.33 GB (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
  Internal SATA 6 Gigabit Serial ATA
    disk0s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB
    disk0s2 [APFS Fusion Drive] 121.12 GB
      disk2 [APFS Virtual drive] 1.12 TB (Shared by 4 volumes)
        disk2s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) (Shared - 1.00 TB used)
        disk2s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (Shared)
        disk2s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (Shared)
        disk2s4 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (Shared - 9.09 GB used)

  disk1 - APPLE HDD HTS541010A9E662 1.00 TB (Mechanical - 5400 RPM)
  Internal SATA 3 Gigabit Serial ATA
    disk1s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB
    disk1s2 [APFS Fusion Drive] 1000.00 GB
      disk2 [APFS Virtual drive] 1.12 TB (Shared by 4 volumes)
        disk2s1 - Macintosh HD (APFS) (Shared - 1.00 TB used)
        disk2s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (Shared)
        disk2s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (Shared)
        disk2s4 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (Shared - 9.09 GB used)

Mounted Volumes:
  disk2s1 - Macintosh HD
    1.12 TB (Shared - 1.00 TB used, 153.18 GB available, 100.49 GB free)
    Mount point: /

  disk2s4 - VM [APFS VM]
    1.12 TB (Shared - 9.09 GB used, 100.49 GB free)
    Mount point: /private/var/vm

  Interface Bluetooth-Modem: Bluetooth DUN
  Interface en0: Ethernet
  Interface fw0: FireWire
  Interface en1: Wi-Fi
    802.11 a/b/g/n
  Interface bridge0: Thunderbolt Bridge
  Interface en3: Bluetooth PAN
  Interface en4: iPhone
  Interface en5: TomTom GO 6200
  Interface en6: TomTom GO
  Interface en9: Android 3
  Interface en10: TomTom GO 6201
  Interface en11: TomTom GO 6202
  Interface en13: TomTom GO 6203
  Interface en14: TomTom GO 6204
  Interface en15: TomTom GO 6205
  Interface en12: iPad
  Interface en7: TomTom GO 6206
  Interface en8: TomTom GO 6207
  Interface en16: iPod
  Interface en17: TomTom GO 6208
  Interface en18: Display Ethernet
  Interface fw1: Display FireWire

  Printer sharing: Enabled
  Screen sharing: Enabled

System Software:
  macOS Mojave 10.14.6 (18G95)
  Time since boot: About 14 days

  Notifications not available without Full Drive Access.

  System Status
  Gatekeeper: Enabled
  System Integrity Protection: Enabled

  Antivirus software: Apple and Malwarebytes

  Printer sharing: Enabled
  Screen sharing: Enabled

Unsigned Files:
  Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.expressvpn.ExpressVPN.agent.plist
    Executable: /Applications/ExpressVPN.app/Contents/MacOS/expressvpnd --become-root

  Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.elgato.EyeConnect.plist
    Executable: /Library/Application Support/EyeConnect/EyeConnect.app/Contents/MacOS/EyeConnect
    Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

  Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist
    Executable: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Resources/Java Updater.app/Contents/MacOS/Java Updater -bgcheck
    Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

  Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist
    Executable: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Resources/Helper-Tool
    Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

  Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.aimersoft.iMusicHelper.plist
    Executable: ~/Library/Application Support/iMusic/iMusic Helper.app
    Details: Executable file is not accessible without Full Drive Access

  Launchd: /Library/LaunchAgents/de.devolo.networkservice.notify.plist
    Executable: /opt/devolo/bin/devolo Cockpit Notifier.app/Contents/MacOS/plcnotify /opt/devolo/share/devolonetsvc/trigger/notify
    Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

  Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/de.devolo.networkservice.plist
    Executable: /opt/devolo/bin/devolonetsvc
    Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

  Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/mega.mac.megaupdater.plist
    Executable: /Applications/MEGAsync.app/Contents/MacOS/MEGAupdater
    Details: Domain name invalid - possibly adware

  Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.google.keystone.xpcservice.plist
    Executable: ~/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent -runMode xpchost
    Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

  Launchd: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Resources/com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist
    Executable: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Resources/Java Updater.app/Contents/MacOS/Java Updater -bgcheck
    Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

  Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.wdc.WDPrivilegedHelper.plist
    Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.wdc.WDPrivilegedHelper
    Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

  Launchd: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Resources/com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist
    Executable: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Resources/Helper-Tool
    Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

  Launchd: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.google.keystone.agent.plist
    Executable: ~/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/Resources/GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/GoogleSoftwareUpdateAgent -runMode ifneeded
    Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

  Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.klieme.TMSHelper.plist
    Executable: /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.klieme.TMSHelper
    Details: Exact match found in the whitelist - probably OK

  Running app: /Library/Application Support/EyeTV/EyeTV Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/EyeTV Helper

  Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flip4Mac WMV Plugin.plugin
  Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin
  Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/GarminGpsControl.plugin
  Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Silverlight.plugin
  Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/AmazonMP3DownloaderPlugin101749.plugin
  Plugin: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/VLC Plugin.plugin

  Preference Pane: /Library/PreferencePanes/EyeConnect.prefPane
  Preference Pane: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/lib/deploy/JavaControlPanel.prefPane

  Apps: 23

32-bit Applications:
  10 32-bit apps

Kernel Extensions:
  /Library/Application Support/Logitech.localized/Logitech Options.localized
    LogiMgrDriver.kext (8.10.1 - SDK 10.13)

  /Library/Application Support/Malwarebytes/MBAM/Kext
    MB_MBAM_Protection.kext (4.4 - SDK 10.11)

    Fantom.kext (1.1.1)

    EyeTVAfaTechHidBlock.kext (1.1)
    EyeTVCinergy450AudioBlock.kext (1.1)
    EyeTVCinergyXSAudioBlock.kext (1.1)
    EyeTVEmpiaAudioBlock.kext (1.1)
    EyeTVVoyagerAudioBlock.kext (1.1)
    PlantronicsDriverShield.kext (4.3 - SDK 10.8)

System Launch Agents:
  [Not Loaded]  15 Apple tasks
  [Loaded]  149 Apple tasks
  [Running]  136 Apple tasks

System Launch Daemons:
  [Not Loaded]  36 Apple tasks
  [Loaded]  174 Apple tasks
  [Running]  125 Apple tasks
  [Other]  One Apple task

Launch Agents:
  [Other] com.adobe.ARMDCHelper.cc24aef4a1b90ed56a725c38014c95072f92651fb65e1bf9c8e43c37a23d420d.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-05-09)
  [Running] com.logitech.manager.daemon.plist (Logitech Inc. - installed 2019-12-05)
  [Running] com.malwarebytes.mbam.frontend.agent.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2020-04-21)
  [Not Loaded] com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist (? e1a8be59  - installed 2019-12-11)
  [Not Loaded] com.teamviewer.teamviewer.plist (TeamViewer GmbH - installed 2019-06-05)
  [Not Loaded] com.teamviewer.teamviewer_desktop.plist (TeamViewer GmbH - installed 2019-06-05)
  [Loaded] de.devolo.networkservice.notify.plist (? 71d7c587  - installed 2015-01-24)

Launch Daemons:
  [Running] com.adobe.ARMDC.Communicator.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-04-21)
  [Running] com.adobe.ARMDC.SMJobBlessHelper.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-04-21)
  [Loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-04-24)
  [Not Loaded] com.apple.installer.osmessagetracing.plist (Apple - installed 2019-08-23)
  [Running] com.dcomplex.ipcamerarecorder.5.plist (DComplex LLC - installed 2017-02-28)
  [Running] com.elgato.EyeConnect.plist (? 17b2e577  - installed 2019-09-24)
  [Loaded] com.klieme.TMSHelper.plist (? cb35ab46  - installed 2020-02-29)
  [Running] com.malwarebytes.mbam.rtprotection.daemon.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2020-05-07)
  [Running] com.malwarebytes.mbam.settings.daemon.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2020-04-21)
  [Loaded] com.microsoft.autoupdate.helpertool.plist (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2016-01-04)
  [Loaded] com.microsoft.office.licensingV2.helper.plist (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2015-12-06)
  [Other] com.ni.Fantom.plist (Apple - installed 2019-08-23)
  [Not Loaded] com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist (? e3fefdd2  - installed 2019-12-11)
  [Running] com.tclementdev.timemachineeditor.scheduler.plist (Thomas CLEMENT - installed 2019-09-26)
  [Loaded] com.teamviewer.Helper.plist (TeamViewer GmbH - installed 2019-06-05)
  [Not Loaded] com.teamviewer.teamviewer_service.plist (TeamViewer GmbH - installed 2019-06-05)
  [Loaded] com.wdc.WDPrivilegedHelper.plist (? 9f7f4405  - installed 2018-01-16)
  [Running] de.devolo.networkservice.plist (? ce536d47  - installed 2015-01-24)

User Launch Agents:
  [Other] com.aimersoft.iMusicHelper.plist (? 0  - installed 2017-12-26)
  [Loaded] com.dropbox.DropboxMacUpdate.agent.plist (Dropbox, Inc. - installed 2019-08-22)
  [Other] com.expressvpn.ExpressVPN.agent.plist (? 0  - installed 2019-05-17)
  [Loaded] com.google.keystone.agent.plist (? 0  - installed 2020-03-05)
  [Loaded] com.google.keystone.xpcservice.plist (? 0  - installed 2020-03-05)
  [Other] mega.mac.megaupdater.plist (? 0  - installed 2020-04-08)

User Login Items:
  [Not Loaded] App for Youtube Helper (App Store - installed 2015-12-26)
    Modern Login Item
    /Applications/App for Youtube.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/App for Youtube Helper.app

  [Not Loaded] Evernote Helper (App Store - installed 2020-01-28)
    Modern Login Item

  [Running] EvernoteHelper (App Store - installed 2020-01-28)
    Modern Login Item

  [Not Loaded] EvernoteLauncher (App Store - installed 2020-01-28)
    Modern Login Item

  [Not Loaded] LivingWallpaperHDfreeHelper (App Store - installed 2019-03-26)
    Modern Login Item
    /Applications/Living Wallpaper HD free.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/LivingWallpaperHDfreeHelper.app

  [Not Loaded] RadioHelper (App Store - installed 2017-12-25)
    Modern Login Item

  [Not Loaded] Solitaire, Spider & Freecell Login Helper (App Store - installed 2018-11-06)
    Modern Login Item
    /Applications/Solitaire, Spider & Freecell.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/Solitaire, Spider & Freecell Login Helper.app

  [Not Loaded] Steuerbot Login Helper (App Store - installed 2019-11-02)
    Modern Login Item
    /Applications/Steuerbot.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/Steuerbot Login Helper.app

  [Not Loaded] SystemMonitorMenuTrial (Marcel Bresink - installed 2019-12-16)
    Modern Login Item

  [Not Loaded] WhatsApp Login Helper (App Store - installed 2020-05-16)
    Modern Login Item
    /Applications/WhatsApp.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/WhatsApp Login Helper.app

  [Not Loaded] YSGKH5J2H6.com.iflicksapp.iFlicksWatchFolderHelper (App Store - installed 2019-11-01)
    Modern Login Item
    /Applications/iFlicks 2.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/YSGKH5J2H6.com.iflicksapp.iFlicksWatchFolderHelper.app

  [Not Loaded] PhotoStreamAgent (App Store - installed 2038-01-19)
    Modern Login Item

  [Running] HP Device Monitor (Hewlett Packard - installed 2016-08-31)
    Modern Login Item
    /Library/Printers/hp/Frameworks/HPDeviceMonitoring.framework/Versions/1.0/Helpers/HP Device Monitor Manager.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/HP Device Monitor.app

  [Not Loaded] HP Product Research (Hewlett Packard - installed 2016-08-31)
    Modern Login Item
    /Library/Printers/hp/Utilities/HPPU Plugins/ProductImprovementStudy.hptask/Contents/Helpers/HP Product Research Manager.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/HP Product Research.app

Internet Plug-ins:
  Flip4Mac WMV Plugin:   (? - installed 2014-04-05)
  FlashPlayer-10.6: (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-05-12)
  JavaAppletPlugin: Java 8 Update 241 build 07 (? - installed 2020-02-24)
  AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: 17.012.20098 (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-05-15)
  AdobePDFViewer: 20.009.20063 (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-05-15)
  Flash Player: (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-05-12)
  GarminGpsControl: Release (? - installed 2012-11-02)
  Silverlight: 5.1.50901.0 (? - installed 2016-11-14)
  AmazonMP3DownloaderPlugin101749:  (?)
  VLC Plugin: 2.2.4 (? - installed 2016-06-02)

User Internet Plug-ins:
  User Internet Plug-ins need Full Drive Access

Audio Plug-ins:
  AppleTimeSyncAudioClock: 1.0 (Apple - installed 2019-05-21)
  BluetoothAudioPlugIn: 6.0.14 (Apple - installed 2019-08-06)
  AirPlay: 2.0 (Apple - installed 2019-08-06)
  AppleAVBAudio: 760.6 (Apple - installed 2019-08-06)
  BridgeAudioSP: 5.52 (Apple - installed 2019-09-04)
  iSightAudio: 7.7.3 (Apple - installed 2019-08-06)

User Audio Plug-ins:
  User Audio Plug-ins need Full Drive Access

User iTunes Plug-ins:
  User iTunes Plug-ins need Full Drive Access

Safari Extensions:
  Evernote Web Clipper (App Store - installed 2020-02-10)
  Todoist (App Store - installed 2020-05-13)

3rd Party Preference Panes:
  EyeConnect (? - installed 2014-10-25)
  Flash Player (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2020-04-24)
  Java (? - installed 2020-02-24)

Time Machine:
  Time Machine information not available without Full Drive Access.
  2 local snapshots
  Oldest local snapshot: 2020-05-16 03:32:10
  Last local snapshot: 2020-05-17 03:32:25

  System Load: 1.75 (1 min ago) 2.05 (5 min ago) 2.10 (15 min ago)
  Nominal I/O speed: 1.92 MB/s
  File system: 54.22 seconds
  Write speed: 106 MB/s
  Read speed: 459 MB/s

CPU Usage Snapshot:
  Type Overall
  System: 5 %
  User: 12 %
  Idle: 83 %

Top Processes Snapshot by CPU:
  Process (count) CPU (Source - Location)
  Other processes 99.21 % (?)
  trustd 26.92 % (Apple)
  EtreCheck 5.60 % (App Store)
  HP Device Monitor.app 1.28 % (Hewlett Packard)

Top Processes Snapshot by Memory:
  Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location)
  EtreCheck 539 MB (App Store)
  iTunes 479 MB (Apple)
  Safari 357 MB (Apple)
  Finder 190 MB (Apple)
  App Store 165 MB (Apple)

Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use:
  Process (count) Input / Output (Source - Location)
  Other processes 98.44 GB / 89.60 GB (?)
  Dropbox 20 MB / 4 MB (Dropbox, Inc.)
  com.apple.WebKit.Networking 3 MB / 77 KB (Apple)
  iTunes 252 KB / 98 KB (Apple)

Virtual Memory Information:
  Physical RAM: 16 GB

  Free RAM: 18 MB
  Used RAM: 12.90 GB
  Cached files: 3.08 GB

  Available RAM: 3.10 GB
  Swap Used: 2.58 GB

Software Installs (past 30 days):
  Install Date Name (Version)
  2020-05-06 Mobilgerät (
  2020-05-07 Malwarebytes for Mac
  2020-05-07 Logitech Options
  2020-05-09 ARMDC Agent Installer
  2020-05-12 Adobe Flash Player
  2020-05-13 Todoist (7.2.7)
  2020-05-15 Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (20.009.20063)
  2020-05-16 WhatsApp (2.2019.8)
  2020-05-17 EtreCheck (5.5.5)

Clean up:
    Executable not found
    Executable not found
    ~/Library/Application Support/iMusic/iMusic Helper.app
    Executable not found

Diagnostics Information (past 7-30 days):
  Directory /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports is not accessible.
  Enable Full Drive Access to see more information.

End of report


Du kannst - siehe Report ganz unten - paar Files cleanen.....

Ansonsten. Mein iPhone Akku ist gleich leer [emoji6] ... Deine Festplatte bzw. Dein FusionDrive ist brechend voll so wie es ausschaut...!


so voll ist das FusionDrive nicht, es sind noch um die 100Gb frei, tippe eher auf eine sterbende HDD, deshalb eine SMART Test Software runterladen und die HDD Testen.



so voll ist das FusionDrive nicht, es sind noch um die 100Gb frei, tippe eher auf eine sterbende HDD, deshalb eine SMART Test Software runterladen und die HDD Testen.


Das wäre auch eine Option.

Ansonsten schaut eigentlich alles gut aus. Genügend RAM, ein FusionDrive, auch die installierte Software ist ok und keine größeren Fehler.