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MacBook Pro fährt nicht herunter und braucht lange beim Hochfahren


Golden Delicious
MacBook Pro 6.2
OSX 10.6.8

Hallo liebe Apfeltalker,

mein MacBook braucht seit ein paar Tagen ewig lange, um hochzufahren. Erst läuft lange die 'Uhr' unter dem Apfel, dann kommt lange ein blauer Bildschirm, und wenn dann endlich das normale Hintergrundbild erscheint, dann braucht es noch lange Zeit, bis das Dock erscheint und funktioniert. Beim Ausschalten rollt sich dann von oben erst ein grauer Vorhang über das Hintergrundbild, und dann erscheint jedesmal die Meldung, dass der Rechner nicht ausgeschaltet werden kann und man das mit gedrückter Powertaste machen soll, um ihn dann wieder anzustellen.

Nach Durchsicht der diversen Foren habe ich schon Applejack drüberlaufen lassen, ebenso habe ich den Rechner im Safe Mode hochfahren lassen und die Zugriffsrechte für die Festplattendienste reparieren lassen. Ich hatte auch versucht, OS X Mavericks zu installieren, aber da heißt es, dass die Installation nicht erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden kann. Leider war also bislang alles erfolglos... Hat jemand eine Idee, was ich noch machen könnte? Schonmal vielen Dank für Eure Hilfe!

Beste Grüsse


Golden Noble
Möglicherweise stehen in der Konsole ein paar hilfreiche Informationen. Poste mal was beim Einschalten so gemeldet wird und auch beim Versuch des Runterfahrens (bitte über "erweitert" und dann mit code-Tags, damit der Post nicht endlos lang wird).
Vielleicht kann da ja jemand was erkennen.
Zeitprobleme beim Start hängen meistens damit zusammen, daß irgendwelche Prozesse - vorwiegend launchd - nach nicht mehr vorhandenen Dateien suchen, die sie starten sollen, aber nicht können. Das Startvolume ist in den Systemeinstellungen korrekt eingetragen?


Golden Noble
Wenn Launcher deinen Mac bremsen, dann könnten wir das eventuell auch in den Ergebnissen von EtreCheck sehen. Die werden ebenfalls so gepostet.


Golden Delicious
erstmal Danke für Eure Hilfe! Das sind die Konsolenmeldungen - ich weiss nicht, ob das zuviel ist, wenn ja: Sorry! Bin eher unerfahren damit...
Den Etre Check lasse ich gleich mal laufen und poste dann die Ergebnisse nochmal separat.


23.10.13 20:16:47    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***23.10.13 20:16:51    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
23.10.13 20:16:56    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:16:56    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:10    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:10    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:10    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:10    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 20:17:14    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[91]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
23.10.13 20:17:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[25]) Exited with exit code: 252
23.10.13 20:17:16    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[91]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[117]) Exited with exit code: 1
23.10.13 20:17:16    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[91]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[116]) Exited with exit code: 255
23.10.13 21:02:41    com.apple.WindowServer[60]    Wed Oct 23 21:02:41 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[60] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
23.10.13 21:16:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 21:16:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 21:21:49    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 21:21:49    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 23:05:04    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 23:05:04    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 23:22:36    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 23:22:36    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 23:52:35    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[91]    (com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent[119]) Exited: Killed
23.10.13 23:52:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 23:52:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 23:52:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
23.10.13 23:52:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:04:45    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
25.10.13 20:04:49    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
25.10.13 20:04:54    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:04:54    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:07    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:07    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:07    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:07    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:10    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:10    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:05:12    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[91]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
25.10.13 20:05:14    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[91]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[114]) Exited with exit code: 1
25.10.13 20:05:15    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[91]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[113]) Exited with exit code: 255
25.10.13 20:05:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[25]) Exited with exit code: 252
25.10.13 20:33:53    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[91]    (com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent[116]) Exited: Killed
25.10.13 20:33:53    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:33:53    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:33:53    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
25.10.13 20:33:53    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:23:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
26.10.13 08:23:40    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
26.10.13 08:23:45    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:23:45    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:23:59    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:23:59    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:23:59    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:23:59    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:23:59    com.apple.DumpPanic[42]    2013-10-26 08:23:59.163 DumpPanic[42:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
26.10.13 08:23:59    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[42]) Exited with exit code: 1
26.10.13 08:24:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:24:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:24:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:24:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:24:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:24:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:24:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:24:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:24:02    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:24:02    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:24:25    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[25]) Exited with exit code: 252
26.10.13 08:24:41    mdworker[86]    _CFGetHostUUIDString: unable to determine UUID for host. Error: 35
26.10.13 08:25:02    com.apple.WindowServer[60]    Sat Oct 26 08:25:02 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[60] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
26.10.13 08:25:15    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[106]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
26.10.13 08:25:23    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[106]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[125]) Exited with exit code: 1
26.10.13 08:25:23    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[106]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[124]) Exited with exit code: 255
26.10.13 08:27:18    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
26.10.13 08:27:22    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
26.10.13 08:27:28    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:28    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:44    com.apple.DumpPanic[38]    2013-10-26 08:27:44.712 DumpPanic[38:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
26.10.13 08:27:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[38]) Exited with exit code: 1
26.10.13 08:27:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:27:55    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with exit code: 252
26.10.13 08:28:47    com.apple.WindowServer[74]    Sat Oct 26 08:28:47 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[74] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
26.10.13 08:29:04    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[106]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
26.10.13 08:29:12    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[106]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[123]) Exited with exit code: 1
26.10.13 08:29:12    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[106]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[122]) Exited with exit code: 255
26.10.13 08:40:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:40:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:40:41    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 08:40:41    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 09:29:04    [0x0-0x11011].com.apple.Safari[1532]    CoreAnimation: context hosting changed while locked!
26.10.13 09:29:05    SubmitDiagInfo[1578]    Cleaning up expired diagnostic messages database at path: /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2013.09.24.asl
26.10.13 10:30:02    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
26.10.13 10:30:07    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
26.10.13 10:30:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:29    com.apple.DumpPanic[38]    2013-10-26 10:30:29.265 DumpPanic[38:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
26.10.13 10:30:29    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[38]) Exited with exit code: 1
26.10.13 10:30:29    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:29    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:29    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:29    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:29    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:29    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:29    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:29    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:33    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:33    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 10:30:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with exit code: 252
26.10.13 10:31:06    mdworker[83]    _CFGetHostUUIDString: unable to determine UUID for host. Error: 35
26.10.13 10:31:07    mdworker[88]    _CFGetHostUUIDString: unable to determine UUID for host. Error: 35
26.10.13 10:31:32    com.apple.WindowServer[60]    Sat Oct 26 10:31:32 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[60] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
26.10.13 10:31:52    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[105]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
26.10.13 10:31:59    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[105]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[123]) Exited with exit code: 1
26.10.13 10:32:01    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[105]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[122]) Exited with exit code: 255
26.10.13 13:03:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 13:03:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 13:03:38    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 13:03:38    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:48:47    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
26.10.13 14:48:53    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
26.10.13 14:48:58    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:48:58    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:10    com.apple.DumpPanic[38]    2013-10-26 14:49:10.551 DumpPanic[38:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
26.10.13 14:49:10    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[38]) Exited with exit code: 1
26.10.13 14:49:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 14:49:23    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with exit code: 252
26.10.13 14:50:15    com.apple.WindowServer[72]    Sat Oct 26 14:50:15 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[72] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
26.10.13 14:50:27    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[97]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
26.10.13 14:50:36    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[97]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[118]) Exited with exit code: 1
26.10.13 14:50:36    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[97]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[117]) Exited with exit code: 255
26.10.13 15:10:02    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 15:10:02    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 15:28:03    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 15:28:03    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 15:28:04    com.apple.UserEventAgent-Aqua[112]    dontAutoLoad = EMPTY!
26.10.13 15:57:19    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 15:57:19    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 18:05:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
26.10.13 18:05:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:05    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
27.10.13 08:17:10    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
27.10.13 08:17:15    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:15    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:33    com.apple.DumpPanic[38]    2013-10-27 08:17:33.055 DumpPanic[38:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 08:17:33    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[38]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 08:17:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:36    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:36    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:17:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with exit code: 252
27.10.13 08:18:33    com.apple.WindowServer[60]    Sun Oct 27 08:18:33 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[60] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
27.10.13 08:18:52    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[104]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
27.10.13 08:19:01    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[104]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[122]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 08:19:01    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[104]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[121]) Exited with exit code: 255
27.10.13 08:22:18    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
27.10.13 08:22:24    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
27.10.13 08:22:29    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:29    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:51    com.apple.DumpPanic[38]    2013-10-27 08:22:51.018 DumpPanic[38:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 08:22:51    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[38]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 08:22:52    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:52    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:52    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:52    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:52    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:52    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:52    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:52    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:53    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:53    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:22:56    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with exit code: 252
27.10.13 08:23:53    com.apple.WindowServer[61]    Sun Oct 27 08:23:53 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[61] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
27.10.13 08:24:06    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[108]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
27.10.13 08:24:12    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[108]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[126]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 08:24:15    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[108]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[125]) Exited with exit code: 255
27.10.13 08:26:22    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:26:22    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:26:22    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:26:22    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:20    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
27.10.13 08:30:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
27.10.13 08:30:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:48    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:48    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:48    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:48    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:48    com.apple.DumpPanic[38]    2013-10-27 08:30:48.478 DumpPanic[38:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 08:30:48    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[38]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 08:30:49    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:49    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:49    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:49    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:30:55    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with exit code: 252
27.10.13 08:31:50    com.apple.WindowServer[62]    Sun Oct 27 08:31:50 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[62] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
27.10.13 08:32:03    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[89]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
27.10.13 08:32:11    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[89]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[127]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 08:32:13    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[89]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[126]) Exited with exit code: 255
27.10.13 08:32:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:32:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:32:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:32:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
27.10.13 08:35:17    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
27.10.13 08:35:22    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:22    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:30    com.apple.DumpPanic[38]    2013-10-27 08:35:30.257 DumpPanic[38:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 08:35:30    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[38]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 08:35:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:33    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:33    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:33    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:33    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:35:40    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with exit code: 252
27.10.13 08:36:34    com.apple.WindowServer[75]    Sun Oct 27 08:36:34 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[75] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
27.10.13 08:36:46    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[99]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
27.10.13 08:36:51    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:36:51    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:36:51    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:36:51    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 08:36:54    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[99]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[124]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 08:36:55    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[99]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[123]) Exited with exit code: 255
27.10.13 15:50:51    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
27.10.13 15:50:55    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
27.10.13 15:51:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:10    com.apple.DumpPanic[38]    2013-10-27 15:51:10.154 DumpPanic[38:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 15:51:10    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[38]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 15:51:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:15    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:15    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:51:18    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with exit code: 252
27.10.13 15:52:13    com.apple.WindowServer[73]    Sun Oct 27 15:52:13 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[73] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
27.10.13 15:52:30    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[87]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
27.10.13 15:52:39    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[87]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[125]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 15:52:39    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[87]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[124]) Exited with exit code: 255
27.10.13 15:52:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:52:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:52:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 15:52:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 16:00:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 16:00:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 16:03:28    AlertAll[1603]    Looking for applications at 
27.10.13 16:03:28    AlertAll[1603]    --(null)
27.10.13 16:03:28    AlertAll[1603]    img:1
27.10.13 16:03:28    AlertAll[1603]    >> timerMethod
27.10.13 16:03:28    AlertAll[1603]    >> updateTable
27.10.13 16:03:28    AlertAll[1603]    /Applications/Utilities/Migration Assistant.app
27.10.13 16:03:29    AlertAll[1603]    >> applicationShouldTerminate
27.10.13 16:03:29    AlertAll[1603]    >> applicationWillTerminate
27.10.13 16:03:29    AlertAll[1618]    Looking for applications at 
27.10.13 16:03:29    AlertAll[1618]    --(null)
27.10.13 16:03:29    AlertAll[1618]    Path Apple Configurator.app given to -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:] is not a full path.
27.10.13 16:03:29    AlertAll[1618]    Path PurpleRestore.app given to -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:] is not a full path.
27.10.13 16:03:29    AlertAll[1618]    Path Xcode.app given to -[NSWorkspace iconForFile:] is not a full path.
27.10.13 16:03:29    AlertAll[1618]    >> timerMethod
27.10.13 16:03:29    AlertAll[1618]    >> updateTable
27.10.13 16:03:29    AlertAll[1618]    >> applicationShouldTerminate
27.10.13 16:03:29    AlertAll[1618]    >> applicationWillTerminate
27.10.13 16:04:33    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 16:04:33    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 16:04:33    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 16:04:33    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 16:05:58    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
27.10.13 16:06:07    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.suhelperd[1553]) Exited with exit code: 2
27.10.13 16:07:32    com.sophos.notification[46]    2013-10-27 16:07:32.671 SophosAVAgent[1928:3503] Live protection is Enabled
27.10.13 16:07:32    com.sophos.notification[46]    2013-10-27 16:07:32.997 SophosAVAgent[1928:3503] Live protection is Enabled
27.10.13 16:16:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 16:16:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 16:16:53    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 16:16:53    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 16:20:37    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    Sun Oct 27 16:20:37 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1958] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x100654ed0
27.10.13 16:20:37    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:20:40    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    Sun Oct 27 16:20:40 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1958] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x100654ed0
27.10.13 16:20:40    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:20:40    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    Sun Oct 27 16:20:40 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1958] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x100654ed0
27.10.13 16:20:40    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:20:40    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    Sun Oct 27 16:20:40 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1958] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x100654ed0
27.10.13 16:20:40    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:20:40    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    Sun Oct 27 16:20:40 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1958] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x100654ed0
27.10.13 16:20:40    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:20:41    storeagent[1961]    port created
27.10.13 16:21:05    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:05 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1958] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x100654ed0
27.10.13 16:21:05    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:05    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:05 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1958] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x100654ed0
27.10.13 16:21:05    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:05    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:05 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1958] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x100654ed0
27.10.13 16:21:05    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:05    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:05 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1958] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x100654ed0
27.10.13 16:21:05    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:05    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:05 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1958] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x100654ed0
27.10.13 16:21:05    [0x0-0x21021].com.apple.appstore[1958]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:13    [0x0-0x23023].com.apple.appstore[1963]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:13 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1963] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10065af90
27.10.13 16:21:13    [0x0-0x23023].com.apple.appstore[1963]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:13    [0x0-0x23023].com.apple.appstore[1963]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:13 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1963] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10065af90
27.10.13 16:21:13    [0x0-0x23023].com.apple.appstore[1963]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:13    [0x0-0x23023].com.apple.appstore[1963]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:13 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1963] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10065af90
27.10.13 16:21:13    [0x0-0x23023].com.apple.appstore[1963]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:13    [0x0-0x23023].com.apple.appstore[1963]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:13 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1963] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10065af90
27.10.13 16:21:13    [0x0-0x23023].com.apple.appstore[1963]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:13    [0x0-0x23023].com.apple.appstore[1963]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:13 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1963] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10065af90
27.10.13 16:21:13    [0x0-0x23023].com.apple.appstore[1963]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:45    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:45 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:21:45    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:45    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:45 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:21:45    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:45    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:45 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:21:45    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:45    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:45 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:21:45    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:45    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:45 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:21:45    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:45    storeagent[1968]    port created
27.10.13 16:21:50    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:50 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:21:50    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:50    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:50 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:21:50    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:50    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:50 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:21:50    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:50    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:50 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:21:50    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:21:50    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:21:50 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:21:50    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:23:04    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:23:04 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:23:04    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:23:04    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:23:04 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:23:04    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:23:04    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:23:04 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:23:04    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:23:04    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:23:04 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:23:04    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:23:04    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    Sun Oct 27 16:23:04 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[1966] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x10272c8f0
27.10.13 16:23:04    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.appstore[1966]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 16:26:53    App Store[1966]    *** Assertion failure in -[ISDistributionManager verifyDistributionAtURL:allowsDevSign:error:distributionController:], /SourceCache/Pisa/Pisa-60.8/Source/ISDistributionManager.m:146
27.10.13 16:35:56    storeagent[1968]    wrote primary DSID: 1230745099
27.10.13 16:35:56    storeagent[1968]    wrote primary DSID: 1230745099
27.10.13 16:36:08    storeagent[1968]    wrote primary DSID: 1230745099
27.10.13 16:36:08    storeagent[1968]    wrote primary DSID: 1230745099
27.10.13 16:36:42    storeagent[1968]    CANCEL 2: -[DownloadQueue _notifyClientsAboutDownloadsChange:forSource:]
27.10.13 16:52:30    SubmitDiagInfo[2006]    Cleaning up expired diagnostic messages database at path: /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2013.09.27.asl
27.10.13 16:52:30    SubmitDiagInfo[2006]    Cleaning up expired diagnostic messages database at path: /var/log/DiagnosticMessages/2013.09.26.asl
27.10.13 17:08:34    storeagent[1968]    CANCEL 2: -[DownloadQueue _notifyClientsAboutDownloadsChange:forSource:]
27.10.13 17:08:37    UserEventAgent[119]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 17:08:40    Install OS X Mavericks[2040]    Error loading /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage:  dlopen(/Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage, 265): Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libcsfde.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage
  Reason: image not found
27.10.13 17:35:43    [0x0-0x31031].com.apple.InstallAssistant.Mavericks[2040]    nvram: nvram is not supported on this system
27.10.13 17:35:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:35:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:35:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:35:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:35:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:35:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:35:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:35:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:36:00    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:36:00    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:36:01    [0x0-0x31031].com.apple.InstallAssistant.Mavericks[2040]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 17:46:03    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:46:03    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:46:04    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:46:04    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 17:46:13    Install OS X Mavericks[2040]    NSDistantObject (0x11df8ca10) is invalid (no connection)
27.10.13 20:09:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:09:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:09:17    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:09:17    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:09:25    UserEventAgent[119]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 20:09:27    Install OS X Mavericks[2153]    Error loading /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage:  dlopen(/Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage, 265): Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libcsfde.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage
  Reason: image not found
27.10.13 20:18:40    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
27.10.13 20:18:45    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
27.10.13 20:18:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:18:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:08    com.apple.DumpPanic[38]    2013-10-27 20:19:08.616 DumpPanic[38:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 20:19:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[38]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 20:19:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:20    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:20    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:21    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:21    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:21    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:21    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:19:25    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with exit code: 252
27.10.13 20:20:20    com.apple.WindowServer[74]    Sun Oct 27 20:20:20 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[74] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
27.10.13 20:20:38    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[98]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
27.10.13 20:20:46    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[98]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[118]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 20:20:46    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[98]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[117]) Exited with exit code: 255
27.10.13 20:30:59    UserEventAgent[112]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 20:31:01    Install OS X Mavericks[1540]    Error loading /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage:  dlopen(/Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage, 265): Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libcsfde.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage
  Reason: image not found
27.10.13 20:33:11    [0x0-0x10010].com.apple.InstallAssistant.Mavericks[1540]    nvram: nvram is not supported on this system
27.10.13 20:33:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:33:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:33:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:33:13    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:33:15    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:33:15    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:33:15    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:33:15    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:33:28    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:33:28    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:33:29    [0x0-0x10010].com.apple.InstallAssistant.Mavericks[1540]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 20:33:37    Install OS X Mavericks[1540]    NSDistantObject (0x11d354f70) is invalid (no connection)
27.10.13 20:34:36    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
27.10.13 20:34:40    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
27.10.13 20:34:45    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:34:45    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:07    com.apple.DumpPanic[38]    2013-10-27 20:35:07.673 DumpPanic[38:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 20:35:07    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[38]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 20:35:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:15    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:15    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 20:35:21    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[21]) Exited with exit code: 252
27.10.13 20:36:13    com.apple.WindowServer[74]    Sun Oct 27 20:36:13 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[74] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
27.10.13 20:36:30    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[99]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
27.10.13 20:36:41    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[99]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[119]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 20:36:42    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[99]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[118]) Exited with exit code: 255
27.10.13 21:09:20    com.apple.diskmanagementd[171]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 21:09:20    com.apple.diskmanagementd[171]    Can't access "efi-boot-device" NVRAM variable
27.10.13 21:09:20    com.apple.diskmanagementd[171]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 21:09:20    com.apple.diskmanagementd[171]    Can't access "efi-boot-device" NVRAM variable
27.10.13 21:09:21    com.apple.diskmanagementd[171]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 21:09:21    com.apple.diskmanagementd[171]    Can't access "efi-boot-device" NVRAM variable
27.10.13 21:10:19    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.suhelperd[162]) Exited with exit code: 2
27.10.13 21:11:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.suhelperd[189]) Exited with exit code: 2
27.10.13 21:12:13    System Preferences[190]    Could not connect the action resetLocationWarningsSheetOk: to target of class AppleSecurity_Pref
27.10.13 21:12:13    System Preferences[190]    Could not connect the action resetLocationWarningsSheetCancel: to target of class AppleSecurity_Pref
27.10.13 21:15:16    [0x0-0x24024].com.apple.SystemProfiler[222]    nvram: nvram is not supported on this system
27.10.13 21:17:28    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:28 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:28    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:30    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:30 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:30    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:30    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:30 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:30    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:30    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:30 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:30    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:30    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:30 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:30    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:30    storeagent[237]    port created
27.10.13 21:17:31    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:31 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:31    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:31    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:31 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:31    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:31    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:31 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:31    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:31    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:31 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:31    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:31    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:31 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:31    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:32    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:32 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:32    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:33    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 21:17:33    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 21:17:33    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 21:17:33    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 21:17:54    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 21:17:54    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 21:17:54    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 21:17:55    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:55 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:55    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:55    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:55 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:55    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:55    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:55 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:55    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:55    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:55 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:55    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:17:55    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    Sun Oct 27 21:17:55 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local App Store[235] <Error>: CGBitmapContextGetBitsPerComponent: invalid context 0x1003563c0
27.10.13 21:17:55    [0x0-0x26026].com.apple.appstore[235]    This isn't a bitmap context. Forcing destination format to ARGB_8 for CGContext.
27.10.13 21:18:04    storeagent[237]    wrote primary DSID: 1230745099
27.10.13 21:18:05    App Store[235]    Calling purchase callback
27.10.13 21:18:05    storeagent[237]    CANCEL 2: -[DownloadQueue _notifyClientsAboutDownloadsChange:forSource:]
27.10.13 22:38:46    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 22:38:46    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 22:38:47    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 22:38:47    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 22:53:41    storeagent[237]    ISStoreURLOperation: Expected bytes (4040007934) did not match actual (995584604)! Setting error. See 9215068.
27.10.13 22:55:06    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 22:55:06    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 22:55:06    App Store[235]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 22:55:19    storeagent[237]    wrote primary DSID: 1230745099
27.10.13 22:55:21    App Store[235]    Calling purchase callback
27.10.13 22:57:31    storeagent[237]    multibyte IDs are unsupported.
27.10.13 22:57:39    storeagent[237]    CANCEL 2: -[DownloadQueue _notifyClientsAboutDownloadsChange:forSource:]
27.10.13 22:57:44    Install OS X Mavericks[344]    Error loading /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage:  dlopen(/Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage, 265): Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libcsfde.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage
  Reason: image not found
27.10.13 23:01:05    [0x0-0x3c03c].com.apple.InstallAssistant.Mavericks[344]    nvram: nvram is not supported on this system
27.10.13 23:01:07    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:01:07    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:01:07    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:01:07    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:01:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:01:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:01:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:01:08    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:01:25    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:01:25    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:01:26    [0x0-0x3c03c].com.apple.InstallAssistant.Mavericks[344]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 23:01:35    Install OS X Mavericks[344]    NSDistantObject (0x1004c07d0) is invalid (no connection)
27.10.13 23:01:40    Install OS X Mavericks[390]    Error loading /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage:  dlopen(/Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage, 265): Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libcsfde.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage
  Reason: image not found
27.10.13 23:04:34    [0x0-0x42042].com.apple.InstallAssistant.Mavericks[390]    nvram: nvram is not supported on this system
27.10.13 23:04:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:04:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:04:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:04:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:04:53    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:04:53    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:04:54    [0x0-0x42042].com.apple.InstallAssistant.Mavericks[390]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 23:05:32    Install OS X Mavericks[390]    NSDistantObject (0x11b73b320) is invalid (no connection)
27.10.13 23:13:36    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:13:36    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:13:36    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:13:36    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:16:15    Installer[468]    <ZeroSliderSplitView: 0x100347270>: the delegate <TargetSelectPage: 0x10034d740> was sent -splitView:resizeSubviewsWithOldSize: and left the subview frames in an inconsistent state:
27.10.13 23:16:15    Installer[468]    Split view bounds: {{0, 0}, {402, 104}}
27.10.13 23:16:15    Installer[468]        Subview frame: {{0, 0}, {0, 32}}
27.10.13 23:16:15    Installer[468]        Subview frame: {{0, 0}, {402, 104}}
27.10.13 23:16:15    Installer[468]    The outer edges of the subview frames are supposed to line up with the split view's bounds' edges. NSSplitView is working around the problem, perhaps at the cost of more redrawing. (This message is only logged once per NSSplitView.)
27.10.13 23:17:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
27.10.13 23:21:19    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.configd[129]) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.DirectoryService
27.10.13 23:21:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.coreservicesd[171]) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.DirectoryService
27.10.13 23:33:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
27.10.13 23:33:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
27.10.13 23:33:43    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:33:43    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:33:48    com.apple.DumpPanic[34]    2013-10-27 23:33:48.558 DumpPanic[34:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 23:33:48    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[34]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 23:33:51    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:33:51    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:00    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:00    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:00    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:00    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:00    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:00    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:00    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:00    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:03    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:03    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[15]) Exited with exit code: 252
27.10.13 23:34:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:34:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:35:38    com.apple.WindowServer[86]    Sun Oct 27 23:35:38 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[86] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
27.10.13 23:35:51    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[104]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
27.10.13 23:35:58    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[104]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[124]) Exited with exit code: 1
27.10.13 23:36:00    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[104]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[123]) Exited with exit code: 255
27.10.13 23:38:02    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:38:02    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:38:02    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:38:02    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:38:02    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:38:02    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:44:50    Install OS X Mavericks[154]    Error loading /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage:  dlopen(/Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage, 265): Library not loaded: /usr/lib/libcsfde.dylib
  Referenced from: /Applications/Install OS X Mavericks.app/Contents/PlugIns/IACoreStorage.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/IACoreStorage
  Reason: image not found
27.10.13 23:47:12    [0x0-0x10010].com.apple.InstallAssistant.Mavericks[154]    nvram: nvram is not supported on this system
27.10.13 23:47:14    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:47:14    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:47:14    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:47:14    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:47:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:47:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:47:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:47:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:47:30    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:47:30    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
27.10.13 23:47:30    [0x0-0x10010].com.apple.InstallAssistant.Mavericks[154]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
27.10.13 23:47:33    Install OS X Mavericks[154]    NSDistantObject (0x10016f1f0) is invalid (no connection)
28.10.13 17:09:05    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
28.10.13 17:09:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
28.10.13 17:09:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:21    com.apple.DumpPanic[34]    2013-10-28 17:09:21.199 DumpPanic[34:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
28.10.13 17:09:21    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[34]) Exited with exit code: 1
28.10.13 17:09:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 17:09:40    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[16]) Exited with exit code: 252
28.10.13 17:10:35    com.apple.WindowServer[74]    Mon Oct 28 17:10:35 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[74] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
28.10.13 17:10:47    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[98]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
28.10.13 17:10:56    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[98]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[119]) Exited with exit code: 1
28.10.13 17:10:56    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[98]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[118]) Exited with exit code: 255
28.10.13 17:19:33    Finder[104]    failed to send request 0: -1
28.10.13 17:19:33    Finder[104]    failed to send request 0: -1
28.10.13 17:19:33    Finder[104]    failed to send request 0: -1
28.10.13 17:19:33    Finder[104]    failed to send request 0: -1
28.10.13 17:21:28    com.apple.diskmanagementd[150]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
28.10.13 17:21:28    com.apple.diskmanagementd[150]    Can't access "efi-boot-device" NVRAM variable
28.10.13 17:21:28    com.apple.diskmanagementd[150]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
28.10.13 17:21:28    com.apple.diskmanagementd[150]    Can't access "efi-boot-device" NVRAM variable
28.10.13 17:21:28    com.apple.diskmanagementd[150]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
28.10.13 17:21:28    com.apple.diskmanagementd[150]    Can't access "efi-boot-device" NVRAM variable
28.10.13 17:21:28    com.apple.diskmanagementd[150]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
28.10.13 17:21:28    com.apple.diskmanagementd[150]    Can't access "efi-boot-device" NVRAM variable
28.10.13 17:21:50    com.apple.diskmanagementd[150]    /: no supported helper partitions to update.
28.10.13 17:21:50    com.apple.diskmanagementd[150]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
28.10.13 17:21:51    System Preferences[147]    Startup Disk could not set the startup disk: bless-Tool konnte das aktuelle Startvolume nicht festlegen
28.10.13 17:22:19    com.apple.diskmanagementd[150]    /: no supported helper partitions to update.
28.10.13 17:22:19    com.apple.diskmanagementd[150]    Could not find IODeviceTree:/options
28.10.13 17:22:19    System Preferences[147]    Startup Disk could not set the startup disk: bless-Tool konnte das aktuelle Startvolume nicht festlegen
28.10.13 17:30:06    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[98]    (com.apple.Finder[104]) Exited: Terminated
28.10.13 17:30:44    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[98]    (com.apple.Finder[181]) Exited: Terminated
28.10.13 17:41:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.suhelperd[215]) Exited with exit code: 2
28.10.13 18:23:00    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
28.10.13 18:23:05    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
28.10.13 18:23:10    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:10    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:18    com.apple.DumpPanic[34]    2013-10-28 18:23:18.418 DumpPanic[34:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
28.10.13 18:23:18    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[34]) Exited with exit code: 1
28.10.13 18:23:30    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:30    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:30    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:30    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:30    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:30    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:30    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:30    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:31    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:36    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:36    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:23:40    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[16]) Exited with exit code: 252
28.10.13 18:24:36    com.apple.WindowServer[73]    Mon Oct 28 18:24:36 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[73] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
28.10.13 18:24:48    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[99]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
28.10.13 18:24:58    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[99]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[120]) Exited with exit code: 1
28.10.13 18:24:58    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[99]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[119]) Exited with exit code: 255
28.10.13 18:34:15    Automator[146]    No application name for definition file at path: /Library/Automator/Office.definition
28.10.13 18:34:22    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „SQL-Befehl anwenden“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „Xcode“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:22    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Xcode Projekt erstellen“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „Xcode“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:22    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „CSV in SQL-Befehle konvertieren“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „Xcode“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:22    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Paket erstellen“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „PackageMaker“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:23    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „CVS hinzufügen“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da die Datei „/usr/bin/cvs“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:23    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „CVS-Export (Checkout)“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da die Datei „/usr/bin/cvs“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:23    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „CVS-Commit“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da die Datei „/usr/bin/cvs“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:23    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „CVS-Update“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da die Datei „/usr/bin/cvs“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:23    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „SQL-Befehl ausführen“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „Xcode“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:23    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Entfernte Übertragung starten“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „QuickTime Broadcaster“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:24    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Neue QuickTime-Diashow“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „QuickTime Player“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:24    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Keynote-Präsentationen öffnen“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „Keynote“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:24    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Keynote-Präsentation drucken“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „Keynote“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:24    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Filmanmerkungen festlegen“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „QuickTime Player“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:24    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Wiedergabe-Eigenschaften eines Films festlegen“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „QuickTime Player“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:24    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Film-URL festlegen“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „QuickTime Player“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:24    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Nächste Keynote-Folie anzeigen“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „Keynote“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:24    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Vorherige Keynote-Folie anzeigen“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „Keynote“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:24    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Angegebene Keynote-Folie anzeigen“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „Keynote“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:24    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Keynote-Präsentation starten“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „Keynote“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:34:25    Automator[146]    Die Aktion „Keynote-Präsentation stoppen“ konnte nicht geladen werden, da das Programm „Keynote“ nicht gefunden wurde.
28.10.13 18:36:43    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
28.10.13 18:38:49    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
28.10.13 18:38:54    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:38:54    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:01    com.apple.DumpPanic[31]    2013-10-28 18:39:01.880 DumpPanic[31:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
28.10.13 18:39:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[31]) Exited with exit code: 1
28.10.13 18:39:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:24    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:24    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:27    com.apple.coreservicesd[46]    2013-10-28 18:39:27.178 lsregister[69:903] _CFGetHostUUIDString: unable to determine UUID for host. Error: 35
28.10.13 18:39:27    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[14]) Exited with exit code: 252
28.10.13 18:39:48    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:48    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:48    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:48    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 18:39:49    com.apple.coreservicesd[46]    ThrottleProcessIO: throttling disk i/o
28.10.13 18:39:57    com.apple.fontd[66]    2013-10-28 18:39:57.799 genatsdb[74:903] _CFGetHostUUIDString: unable to determine UUID for host. Error: 35
28.10.13 18:39:58    com.apple.fontd[66]    FODBCheck: foRec->annexNumber != kInvalidAnnexNumber (0)
28.10.13 18:39:59    com.apple.fontd[66]    FODBCheck: foRec->annexNumber != kInvalidAnnexNumber (0)
28.10.13 18:40:52    com.apple.WindowServer[72]    Mon Oct 28 18:40:52 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[72] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
28.10.13 18:49:27    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[94]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
28.10.13 18:49:31    fontd[105]    Database content version mismatch (stored(15) != expected(14))
28.10.13 18:49:35    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[94]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[114]) Exited with exit code: 1
28.10.13 18:49:38    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[94]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[113]) Exited with exit code: 255
28.10.13 18:49:43    com.apple.coreservicesd[46]    ThrottleProcessIO: throttling disk i/o
28.10.13 18:49:50    SystemUIServer[99]    Could not load menu extra NSBundle </System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Volume.menu> (not yet loaded)
28.10.13 19:00:43    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
28.10.13 19:00:47    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
28.10.13 19:00:52    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:00:52    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:00    com.apple.DumpPanic[33]    2013-10-28 19:00:55.679 DumpPanic[33:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
28.10.13 19:01:00    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[33]) Exited with exit code: 1
28.10.13 19:01:17    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:17    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:17    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:17    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:18    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:18    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:18    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:18    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:18    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:18    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:18    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:18    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:32    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:01:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[16]) Exited with exit code: 252
28.10.13 19:01:53    mdworker[85]    _CFGetHostUUIDString: unable to determine UUID for host. Error: 35
28.10.13 19:01:54    mdworker[91]    _CFGetHostUUIDString: unable to determine UUID for host. Error: 35
28.10.13 19:02:29    com.apple.WindowServer[73]    Mon Oct 28 19:02:29 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[73] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
28.10.13 19:03:02    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[107]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
28.10.13 19:03:11    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[107]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[123]) Exited with exit code: 1
28.10.13 19:03:11    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[107]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[122]) Exited with exit code: 255
28.10.13 19:03:13    fontd[130]    Database content version mismatch (stored(15) != expected(14))
28.10.13 19:03:13    fontd[130]    Failed to open read-only database, regenerating DB
28.10.13 19:03:43    com.apple.fontd[130]    FODBCheck: foRec->annexNumber != kInvalidAnnexNumber (0)
28.10.13 19:03:45    com.apple.fontd[130]    FODBCheck: foRec->annexNumber != kInvalidAnnexNumber (0)
28.10.13 19:15:24    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:15:24    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:15:24    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 19:15:24    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:11    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
28.10.13 22:54:16    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
28.10.13 22:54:21    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:21    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:26    com.apple.DumpPanic[35]    2013-10-28 22:54:26.350 DumpPanic[35:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
28.10.13 22:54:26    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[35]) Exited with exit code: 1
28.10.13 22:54:34    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:34    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:34    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:34    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:34    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:34    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:34    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:34    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:42    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:42    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
28.10.13 22:54:47    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[17]) Exited with exit code: 252
28.10.13 22:55:41    com.apple.WindowServer[72]    Mon Oct 28 22:55:41 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[72] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
28.10.13 22:56:03    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[98]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
28.10.13 22:56:12    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[98]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[118]) Exited with exit code: 255
28.10.13 22:56:12    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[98]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[119]) Exited with exit code: 1
29.10.13 20:23:04    com.apple.launchd[1]    *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
29.10.13 20:23:09    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown key: POSIXSpawnType
29.10.13 20:23:14    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:14    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:17    com.apple.DumpPanic[35]    2013-10-29 20:23:17.058 DumpPanic[35:107] Error getting a reference to IODeviceTree:/options
29.10.13 20:23:17    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.DumpPanic[35]) Exited with exit code: 1
29.10.13 20:23:27    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:27    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:27    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:27    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:27    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:27    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:27    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:27    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:28    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:28    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:28    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:28    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:37    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
29.10.13 20:23:40    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.xprotectupdater[17]) Exited with exit code: 252
29.10.13 20:24:32    com.apple.WindowServer[73]    Tue Oct 29 20:24:32 Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[73] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
29.10.13 20:24:45    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[99]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
29.10.13 20:24:55    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[99]    (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[119]) Exited with exit code: 255
29.10.13 20:24:55    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[99]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[120]) Exited with exit code: 1
29.10.13 20:34:00    [0x0-0x10010].com.apple.Safari[1568]    WebProcess(1570,0x11da4a000) malloc: *** error for object 0x122a4f058: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed.
29.10.13 20:34:00    [0x0-0x10010].com.apple.Safari[1568]    *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
29.10.13 20:34:03    ReportCrash[1580]    Saved crash report for WebProcess[1570] version 6534.59 (6534.59.10) to /Users/tillhartenstein/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/WebProcess_2013-10-29-203403_Till-Hartensteins-MacBook-Pro.crash


Golden Delicious
Und hier das Protokoll vom Etre Check:

[B]Hardware Information:[/B]    MacBook Pro (15-inch, Mid 2010)
    MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro6,2
    1 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5 CPU: 2 cores
    4 GB RAM

[B]Video Information:[/B]
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M - VRAM: 256 MB
    Intel HD Graphics - VRAM: 288 MB

[B]System Software:[/B]
    Mac OS X 10.6.8 (10K549) - Uptime: 0 days 0:32:0

[B]Disk Information:[/B]
    Hitachi HTS545032B9SA02 disk0 : (298,09 GB)
        (null) (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 200 MB 
        Macintosh HD (disk0s2) /: 297,77 GB (254,09 GB free)

    MATSHITADVD-R   UJ-898  

[B]USB Information:[/B]
    Apple Internal Memory Card Reader 

    Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad 

    Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub 
        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller 

    Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver 

    Apple Inc. Built-in iSight 

[B]FireWire Information:[/B]

[B]Thunderbolt Information:[/B]

[B]Kernel Extensions:[/B]
    com.sophos.kext.sav    (8.0.14)

[B]Problem System Launch Daemons:[/B]
    [failed]    com.apple.DumpPanic.plist
    [not loaded]    org.samba.winbindd.plist

[B]Problem System Launch Agents:[/B]
    [failed]    com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist

[B]Launch Daemons:[/B]
    [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
    [loaded]    com.sophos.autoupdate.plist
    [loaded]    com.sophos.intercheck.plist
    [loaded]    com.sophos.notification.plist

[B]Launch Agents:[/B]

[B]User Launch Agents:[/B]

[B]User Login Items:[/B]

[B]3rd Party Preference Panes:[/B]
    Flash Player

[B]Internet Plug-ins:[/B]
    Flash Player.plugin
    QuickTime Plugin.plugin

[B]User Internet Plug-ins:[/B]

[B]Bad Fonts:[/B]

[B]Time Machine:[/B]
    Cannot find /usr/bin/tmutil

[B]Top Processes by CPU:[/B]
        10%    EtreCheck
         5%    WebProcess
         4%    WindowServer
         4%    SFLSharedPrefsTool
         3%    ps
         3%    syslogd
         2%    PluginProcess
         0%    Console
         0%    coreservicesd
         0%    InterCheck

[B]Top Processes by Memory:[/B]
    246 MB       WebProcess
    188 MB       Safari
    147 MB       InterCheck
    78 MB        PluginProcess
    66 MB        WindowServer
    49 MB        mds
    49 MB        EtreCheck
    41 MB        Console
    33 MB        SystemUIServer
    29 MB        Dock

[B]Virtual Memory Statistics:[/B]
    1.22 GB      Free RAM
    1004 MB      Active RAM
    1.04 GB      Inactive RAM
    654 MB       Wired RAM
    193 MB       Page-ins
    0 B          Page-outs


Golden Delicious
Sophos haben wir schon vor langer Zeit als Virenschutzprogramm draufgespielt - aber diese Mucken mit dem nicht ausschalten und ewig brauchen zum Hochfahren macht er erst seit ein paar Tagen. Das passt dann aber eigentlich nicht so richtig zusammen, oder?


Signe Tillisch
Ist immer die Frage wie lange man Glück hat… bzw. weißt du ja nicht, wie gut es ohne Sophos gelaufen wäre, da dir der direkte Vergleich fehlt.

Abgesehen davon sucht das Betriebssystem beim Hochfahren auch verzweifelt nach einem Ordner.


Soweit ich weiß, ist der in der Regel leer, aber es stört ihn anscheinend trotzdem, dass er den Ordner erst gar nicht findet.

Ab hier jetzt wilde Spekulation:
Vielleicht hilft es ja den Ordner aus einem Backup wieder herzustellen oder zur Not selbst anzulegen.

Und wie gesagt, Mavericks "hängt noch nach".


Golden Delicious
Sophos habe ich gerade runtergeputzt, aber leider keine Verbesserung erkennen können: Beim Runterfahren sagt er nach wie vor, dass ein Neustart erforderlich sei, und ich ihn über die Powertaste aus- und dann wieder einschalten soll. Und das Hochfahren dauert immer noch ewig.

Habe gerade mal nach dem letzten Backup geschaut (und traue es mich kaum zu sagen): Time Machine ist deaktiviert und kann auch derzeit nicht angestellt/konfiguriert werden... (es lässt sich kein AirPort finden/zuweisen).

Mavericks lässt sich leider trotz mehrfacher Versuche nicht installieren, auf der Zielgeraden meldet er jedesmal, dass die Installation fehlgeschlagen ist.

Gibt es irgendetwas, das ich 'manuell' tun kann, um den Mac wieder normal ans Laufen zu bringen?? Danke schonmal für die Mühe...


Golden Noble
Wenn Sophos, dieser Teufel, schon was angerichtet hat, zum Beispiel den Star: :tupItems Ordner geschluckt, ändert sich ja nichts, wenn du das Zeug endlich entfernst. Merke dir bitte: Der Mac braucht keinerlei Virenscanner, die fressen oft Systemdateien, weil sie keine Viren finden und alles was sich bewegt, für einen Virus halten. Sie sind auch nicht direkt für den Mac geschrieben, sondern nur leicht abgewandelt, dass sie halt geladen werden können.
Wenn du bissel paranoid bist, lade ClamXav, der findet auch nichts, schadet aber nicht, weil es ein Mac-Programm ist. Lass ihn aber nicht dauernd scannen, das bremst nur.
Den StartupItems- Ordner kannst du entweder ganz normal erstellen, wie jeden anderen Ordner und richtig benennen (StartupItems) oder du traust dich, das Terminal (Terminal im Ordner Dienstprogramme) zu benutzen. Was natürlich klüger ist, weil du dann sicher keinerlei Rechteprobleme mit diesem Ordner hast.
Ist nicht gar so schwer und auch nicht gefährlich, weil es ja keinen Löschbefehl gibt.

Also: Zuerst tippst du
cd /System/Library
⏎ ein

sudo mkdir StartupItems

Du wirst nach deinem Adminpasswort gefragt, das du eintippst, aber nichts davon siehst. Nichtmal Punkte.

Dann meldest du dich ab und wieder an. Der Fehler sollte behoben sein, der Ordner sollte in deinem Systemlibrary sichtbar sein. Wundere dich nicht: er ist leer und soll auch leer bleiben.
Ich meine der Befehl mkdir bedeute make a directory, also erzeuge einen Ordner.
Im allgemeinen hat der User im Systemordner nichts herum zu werkeln, aber dass dieser StartupItems-Ordner verschwindet, kommt öfter vor. Wie gesagt, vielleicht hat Sophos ihn gelöscht.

Du hast aber auch noch andere Fehler: zum Beispiel den DumpPanic Launcher, der nicht geladen werden kann. Um das zu beheben könnte ein NVRAM Reset helfen.

Auch TimeMachine macht Ärger. Hst du womöglich Backups, oder Ordner daraus, händisch gelöscht? Das wäre fatal, da solltest du die Backupplatte löschen und noch mal von vorn beginnen. Löschen darf nur TM selbst (beziehungsweise der User mit Hilfe der TM) Wenn dem nicht so war, dann weiß ich auch nicht, woher der Fehler kommt: "Time Machine: Cannot find /usr/bin/tmutil "
Aber die echten Fachleute werden das wohl wissen, vor allem wie man den Fehler repariert.

Wir freuen usn, wenn du dich nach Erledigung der Tipps wieder mit einem Feedback meldest.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Golden Delicious
Halleluja!!! Das Einfügen des StartupItems Ordners via Terminal allein hat es noch nicht gebracht, aber der anschließende Einsatz vom NVRAM Reset hat dann Abhilfe geschaffen - das MacBook fährt jetzt wieder ziemlich normal schnell hoch und auch das Runterfahren/Ausschalten funktioniert nun wieder ohne Probleme.DANKE!!! Diese Hilfe war großartig!

Werde dann jetzt noch versuchen, die Time Machine in Betrieb zu nehmen (die hatten wir bislang noch nie aktiviert... Guter Warnschuss!) und Mavericks zu installieren - mal sehen, ob das klappt.

Vielen Dank nochmal für die super Unterstützung!


Signe Tillisch

…und ich könnte ohne TimeMachine praktisch gar nicht mehr leben. Also ich wüsste nicht was ein Leben ohne Time Machine noch wert sein sollte… :)