26.02.15 00:13:29,251 Google Chrome Helper[424]: CoreText CopyFontsForRequest received mig IPC error (FFFFFFFFFFFFFECC) from font server
26.02.15 00:13:29,258 Google Chrome Helper[424]: CoreText CopyFontsForRequest received mig IPC error (FFFFFFFFFFFFFECC) from font server
26.02.15 00:13:29,258 Google Chrome Helper[424]: CoreText CopyFontsForRequest received mig IPC error (FFFFFFFFFFFFFECC) from font server
26.02.15 00:13:29,263 Google Chrome Helper[424]: CoreText CopyFontsForRequest received mig IPC error (FFFFFFFFFFFFFECC) from font server
26.02.15 00:13:29,264 Google Chrome Helper[424]: CoreText CopyFontsForRequest received mig IPC error (FFFFFFFFFFFFFECC) from font server
26.02.15 00:13:29,734 Google Chrome Helper[424]: CoreText CopyFontsForRequest received mig IPC error (FFFFFFFFFFFFFECC) from font server
26.02.15 00:13:29,735 Google Chrome Helper[424]: CoreText CopyFontsForRequest received mig IPC error (FFFFFFFFFFFFFECC) from font server
26.02.15 00:17:33,235 distnoted[184]: # distnote server agent absolute time: 51.582661423 civil time: Thu Feb 26 00:17:33 2015 pid: 184 uid: 501 root: no
26.02.15 00:17:35,369 ReportPanic[191]: Failed to connect (panicHeaderLabel) outlet from (ReportPanicAppDelegate) to (NSTextField): missing setter or instance variable
26.02.15 00:17:35,369 ReportPanic[191]: Failed to connect (panicMessageLabel) outlet from (ReportPanicAppDelegate) to (NSTextField): missing setter or instance variable
26.02.15 00:17:35,369 ReportPanic[191]: Failed to connect (reportButton) outlet from (ReportPanicAppDelegate) to (NSButton): missing setter or instance variable
26.02.15 00:17:35,373 ReportPanic[191]: ReportPanic could not stat /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Kernel_2015-02-26-001034_Florians-MacBook-Pro.panic
26.02.15 00:17:36,331 pboard[196]: Attempt to unlink previous shared memory during startup returned an error. Continuing...
26.02.15 00:17:41,604 sharingd[218]: 00:17:41.602 : Starting Up...
26.02.15 00:17:41,680 sharingd[218]: 00:17:41.679 : Device Capabilities (Handoff:NO, Instant Hotspot:NO, AirDrop:NO, Legacy AirDrop:YES, Remote Disc:NO)
26.02.15 00:17:51,409 Calendar[200]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log] [Couldn't update cached me card from CalendarAgent]
26.02.15 00:17:57,370 Console[205]: Failed to connect (_consoleX) outlet from (NSApplication) to (ConsoleX): missing setter or instance variable
26.02.15 00:17:59,500 CalendarAgent[204]: Exception fetching ABCDContact in context <ABManagedObjectContext: 0x7fc033953780>: keypath birthdayComponents not found in entity <NSSQLEntity ABCDContact id=21>
26.02.15 00:17:59,500 CalendarAgent[204]: Error fetching ABCDContact in context <ABManagedObjectContext: 0x7fc033953780>: (null) (null)
26.02.15 00:17:59,550 CalendarAgent[204]: Exception fetching ABCDContact in context <ABManagedObjectContext: 0x7fc033953780>: keypath birthdayComponents not found in entity <NSSQLEntity ABCDContact id=21>
26.02.15 00:17:59,551 CalendarAgent[204]: Error fetching ABCDContact in context <ABManagedObjectContext: 0x7fc033953780>: (null) (null)
26.02.15 00:18:04,176 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: Configuring notification center for identifier: com.apple.iChat topics: (
26.02.15 00:18:04,632 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: NC Disabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:04,861 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: DND Enabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:04,861 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
26.02.15 00:18:05,242 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: NC Disabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:05,307 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: DND Enabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:05,307 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
26.02.15 00:18:05,562 SystemUIServer[208]: Cannot find executable for CFBundle 0x7fba686049a0 </System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/Clock.menu> (not loaded)
26.02.15 00:18:09,668 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: NC Disabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:09,692 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: DND Enabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:09,693 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
26.02.15 00:18:12,242 callservicesd[264]: Failed to get the bundle id
26.02.15 00:18:13,331 SystemUIServer[208]: Could not find image named 'greenmarker'.
26.02.15 00:18:13,656 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: NC Disabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:13,665 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: DND Enabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:13,665 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
26.02.15 00:18:13,863 imagent[268]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fc22a5311d0>: Configuring notification center for identifier: com.apple.FaceTime topics: (null)
26.02.15 00:18:13,894 imagent[268]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fc22a5311d0>: NC Disabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:13,902 imagent[268]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fc22a5311d0>: DND Enabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:13,902 imagent[268]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fc22a5311d0>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (null))
26.02.15 00:18:13,916 imagent[268]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fc22a5311d0>: NC Disabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:13,925 imagent[268]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fc22a5311d0>: DND Enabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:13,926 imagent[268]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fc22a5311d0>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
26.02.15 00:18:15,572 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: NC Disabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:15,581 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: DND Enabled: NO
26.02.15 00:18:15,581 identityservicesd[261]: <IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7fea8bd22420>: Updating enabled: YES (Topics: (
26.02.15 00:18:17,587 fmfd[280]: Initialized sandbox
26.02.15 00:18:17,764 Spotlight[267]: spot: agent checkin
26.02.15 00:18:17,776 Spotlight[267]: connectionToService 0x60800010fe40
26.02.15 00:18:19,974 pkd[222]: enabling pid=209 for plug-in com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon(1.0) 07BF9A11-368C-4D5A-8A43-0AA081AE0F29 /Applications/Dropbox.app/Contents/PlugIns/garcon.appex
26.02.15 00:18:23,285 Spotlight[267]: applications query - started
26.02.15 00:18:24,849 com.apple.internetaccounts[248]: Additional Logging , array retured in signedInAccounts is (
"<IAAccount: 0x60000005faa0> -- uid: FBF211AC-3FC7-401B-A62D-FE8E54D5B609; loginName: [email protected]; provider: com.apple.account.icloud; parent: (null)\n\taccount ID: [email protected] - com.apple.account.icloud - \n\tprovider attrs: {\n IADSIDKey = 178548166;\n \"com.apple.InternetAccounts.loginName\" = \"[email protected]\";\n \"com.apple.InternetAccounts.provider\" = \"com.apple.account.icloud\";\n fullName = \"Florian Singer\";\n}"
26.02.15 00:18:26,316 garcon[286]: Failed to connect (colorGridView) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
26.02.15 00:18:26,316 garcon[286]: Failed to connect (view) outlet from (NSApplication) to (NSColorPickerGridView): missing setter or instance variable
26.02.15 00:18:26,533 storeaccountd[289]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fbeca51c530> connection from pid 283 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fbeca523160> (PID 283)
26.02.15 00:18:27,108 com.apple.NotesMigratorService[282]: 0x7fbed1c0de60 got exception tagging database with database major version (error 5: database is locked), current retries 2
26.02.15 00:18:28,727 com.apple.internetaccounts[248]: Returning accountUIDs: (
26.02.15 00:18:28,727 com.apple.internetaccounts[248]: Adding listener
26.02.15 00:18:29,651 garcon[286]: Initialized badges.
26.02.15 00:18:29,739 garcon[286]: Connecting to Dropbox on 'com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon.cafe_501'
26.02.15 00:18:29,740 garcon[286]: Could not connect to Dropbox on port com.getdropbox.dropbox.garcon.cafe_501. Trying again later.
26.02.15 00:18:33,711 Spotlight[267]: applications query - finished in 10 seconds
26.02.15 00:18:43,131 Keychain Circle Notification[299]: Posted at launch: (
26.02.15 00:18:44,586 Keychain Circle Notification[299]: REMINDER TIME: 2015-02-25 23:18:44 +0000 >>> 2014-12-13 17:19:44 +0000
26.02.15 00:18:46,961 storeaccountd[289]: AccountServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7fbeca70bde0> connection from pid 303 with interface <AccountServiceInterface: 0x7fbeca70d520> (PID 303)
26.02.15 00:18:48,920 WiFiAgent[313]: [NO client logger] <Sep 9 2014 16:12:26> WIFICLOUDSYNC WiFiCloudSyncEngineCreate: created...
26.02.15 00:18:48,921 WiFiAgent[313]: [NO client logger] <Sep 9 2014 16:12:26> WIFICLOUDSYNC WiFiCloudSyncEngineRegisterCallbacks: WiFiCloudSyncEngineCallbacks version - 0, bundle id - com.apple.wifi.WiFiAgent
26.02.15 00:18:50,384 NotificationCenter[303]: Layout still needs update after calling -[NSView layout]. NSView or one of its superclasses may have overridden -layout without calling super. Or, something may have dirtied layout in the middle of updating it. Both are programming errors in Cocoa Autolayout. The former is pretty likely to arise if some pre-Cocoa Autolayout class had a method called layout, but it should be fixed.
26.02.15 00:18:54,505 Keychain Circle Notification[299]: rawStatus 0, #applicants 0, #peers 7, err=(null)
26.02.15 00:18:54,506 Keychain Circle Notification[299]: REMINDER TIME: 2015-02-25 23:18:54 +0000 >>> 2014-12-13 17:19:44 +0000
26.02.15 00:18:54,507 Keychain Circle Notification[299]: Checking validity of 0 notes
26.02.15 00:18:54,507 Keychain Circle Notification[299]: writeToStorage plist={
applcationDate = "2014-12-11 17:19:44 +0000";
lastCircleStatus = 0;
lastWritten = "2015-02-25 23:18:54 +0000";
pendingApplicationReminder = "2014-12-13 17:19:44 +0000";
pendingApplicationReminderInterval = 172800;
26.02.15 00:18:54,805 storeaccountd[289]: ADI: {
"Cache-Control" = "no-transform, max-age=6043";
Connection = "keep-alive";
"Content-Encoding" = gzip;
"Content-Length" = 20600;
"Content-Type" = "text/xml; charset=UTF-8";
Date = "Wed, 25 Feb 2015 23:18:54 GMT";
"Last-Modified" = "Wed, 25 Feb 2015 19:20:29 GMT";
Server = "ATS/4.1.0";
"Strict-Transport-Security" = "max-age=31536000";
Vary = "Accept-Encoding, X-Apple-Store-Front, Cookie, User-Agent";
"X-Apple-ATS-Cache-Key" = "/init.itunes.apple.com/80/WebObjects/MZInit.woa/wa/initiateSession/MacAppStore/2.0%20/143443-4/13/https/itspod=15?ix=5";
"X-Apple-Partner" = "origin.0";
"apple-timing-app" = "48 ms";
"x-apple-aka-ttl" = "Generated Wed Feb 25 11:20:29 PST 2015, Expires Wed Feb 25 17:00:29 PST 2015, TTL 20400s";
"x-apple-application-instance" = 33809;
"x-apple-application-site" = ST11;
"x-apple-jingle-correlation-key" = 3PGKBRIZMVJ6LYUZW56JVGICSY;
"x-apple-max-age" = 14400;
"x-apple-orig-url" = "https://init.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZInit.woa/wa/initiateSession?ix=5&userAgentCacheKey=MacAppStore%2f2.0%20";
"x-apple-request-store-front" = "143443-4,13";
"x-apple-translated-wo-url" = "/WebObjects/MZInit.woa/wa/initiateSession?ix=5&userAgentCacheKey=MacAppStore%2f2.0%20";
"x-webobjects-loadaverage" = 0;
26.02.15 00:18:55,132 AppleIDAuthAgent[305]: AppleIdAuth URL: https://identity.apple.com/dsservices/dsxmlrpc
26.02.15 00:18:58,586 findNames[344]: dispatch_semaphore_wait() time out: -[IMKUserDictionary reloadWithCompletionHandler:]
26.02.15 00:19:01,378 storeaccountd[289]: ADI: {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" = "*";
"Cache-Control" = "private, max-age=60";
Connection = "keep-alive";
"Content-Length" = 2;
"Content-Type" = "application/json; charset=UTF-8";
Date = "Wed, 25 Feb 2015 23:19:01 GMT";
Expires = "Wed, 25 Feb 2015 23:20:01 GMT";
"Strict-Transport-Security" = "max-age=31536000";
Vary = "X-Apple-Store-Front,X-Dsid,Cookie";
"access-control-allow-credentials" = true;
"apple-timing-app" = "1 ms";
"x-apple-application-instance" = 847;
"x-apple-application-site" = NWK;
"x-apple-jingle-correlation-key" = KSSEVOJW23TVPLQVOUDR4XLFBU;
"x-webobjects-loadaverage" = 3;
26.02.15 00:19:08,345 storeassetd[358]: AssetServiceDelegate: Accepting new connection <NSXPCConnection: 0x7ffc59f030c0> connection from pid 352 with interface <AssetServiceInterface: 0x7ffc59f040d0> (PID 352)
26.02.15 00:19:10,839 storeassetd[358]: addOperation <UpdateOperation: 0x7ffc59e24ea0>{name = '(null)'}
26.02.15 00:19:12,872 recentsd[355]: Failed to get Mail account information in a timely manner