Mac ist nicht Windows - das System neu zu installieren nützt meistens gar nichts, weil die Fehler fast immer in einer der beiden Librarys (/Library oder ~/Library) liegen und von irgendwelchen Programmen (inkompatibel oder nicht aktualisiert), von sogenannten Verbesserungs- oder Säuberungstools oder anderer 3rdParty Software verursacht sind.
Dass ein unbedarfter User im Systemordner herumwerkelt kommt zwar vor, aber doch eher selten. Das System ist so streng von den Daten getrennt, dass es schlank und sauber bleibt, beziehungsweise sich täglich, wöchentlich und monatlich selbst säubert.
Was du unter "Datenmüll" meinst, verstehe ich nicht.
Volle Zustimmung... grundsaetzlich laesst sich aber jedes OS verhunzen
PS: Hast du eine englische Tastatur? Muss mühsam sein!
20.07.11 23:13:13 kernel kmod start
20.07.11 23:13:13 kernel 2.3.09 Little Snitch: starting
20.07.11 23:13:13 kernel load succeeded
20.07.11 23:13:13 kernel AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
20.07.11 23:13:13 kernel BTCOEXIST off
20.07.11 23:13:13 kernel wl0: Broadcom BCM4353 802.11 Wireless Controller
20.07.11 23:13:13 kernel
20.07.11 23:13:13 kernel Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleIntelPchSeriesAHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/Hitachi HTS545050B9SA02 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Customer@2
20.07.11 23:13:13 kernel BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
20.07.11 23:13:13 kernel USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000009833 0x5ac 0x8403 0x9833
20.07.11 23:13:13 kernel hfs: Removed 1 orphaned / unlinked files and 0 directories
20.07.11 23:13:06[1] *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
20.07.11 23:13:13[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key for dictionary: cccTaskDict
20.07.11 23:13:13[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key for dictionary: cccTimingDict
20.07.11 23:13:13[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key for integer: cccVersion
20.07.11 23:13:13[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key for boolean: hideTaskFinishedPanel
20.07.11 23:13:13[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key for string: cccTaskUUID
20.07.11 23:13:13[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key: cccTaskUUID
20.07.11 23:13:13[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown value type '5' for key: cccNextFireDate
20.07.11 23:13:13[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key for string: cccTaskName
20.07.11 23:13:13[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key: cccTaskName
20.07.11 23:13:14 kernel BCM5701Enet: Ethernet address xx:xx:ee:xx:xx
20.07.11 23:13:14 kernel AirPort_Brcm43224: Ethernet address xx:xx:ee:xx:xx
20.07.11 23:13:14 kernel IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete(): adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
20.07.11 23:13:14 kernel IO80211Interface::efiNVRAMPublished():
20.07.11 23:13:14 kernel systemShutdown false
20.07.11 23:13:15 mDNSResponder[22] mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
20.07.11 23:13:15 blued[21] Apple Bluetooth daemon started
20.07.11 23:13:15[25] Session 0x5fbff962 created
20.07.11 23:13:15[25] Entering service
20.07.11 23:13:17 kernel NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered.
20.07.11 23:13:17 kernel AGC: 2.10.6, HW version=1.9.21, flags:0, features:20600
20.07.11 23:13:17 kernel Warning - com.serato.usb.kext declares no kernel dependencies; using
20.07.11 23:13:17 kernel Previous Shutdown Cause: 3
20.07.11 23:13:18 kernel DSMOS has arrived
20.07.11 23:13:21 bootlog[54] BOOT_TIME: 1311196385 0
20.07.11 23:13:26 kernel AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
20.07.11 23:13:30[36] usbmuxd-211 built on Feb 8 2011 at 13:49:43 on Feb 8 2011 at 13:49:43, running 64 bit
20.07.11 23:13:30 /System/Library/CoreServices/[43] Login Window Application Started
20.07.11 23:13:31 kernel AppleBCM5701Ethernet: 0 0 setFixedSpeed - logic error, speed any?
20.07.11 23:13:31 configd[19] bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en1) failed: Network is down (50)
20.07.11 23:13:31 configd[19] DHCP en1: INIT-REBOOT transmit failed
20.07.11 23:13:31 configd[19] network configuration changed.
20.07.11 23:13:31 configd[19] setting hostname to "MacBook.local"
20.07.11 23:13:31 configd[19] bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en4) failed: Operation not permitted (1)
20.07.11 23:13:31 configd[19] DHCP en4: INIT transmit failed
20.07.11 23:13:32 kernel IOBluetoothBNEPDriver: Ethernet address xx:xx:xx:xx:x
20.07.11 23:13:32 kernel en1: 802.11d country code set to 'DE'.
20.07.11 23:13:32 kernel en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
20.07.11 23:13:32 kernel Auth result for: 00:24:36:aa:b5:da MAC AUTH succeeded
20.07.11 23:13:32 kernel AirPort: Link Up on en1
20.07.11 23:13:33 kernel AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
20.07.11 23:13:35 configd[19] network configuration changed.
20.07.11 23:13:38 kernel 2.3.09 Little Snitch: connection deferred for:/usr/libexec/XProtectUpdater uid:0 to: :80
20.07.11 23:13:41 Firewall[72] krb5kdc is listening from :::88 proto=6
20.07.11 23:13:41 Firewall[72] krb5kdc is listening from proto=6
20.07.11 23:13:42[25] Session 0x24d519 created
20.07.11 23:13:42[25] Session 0x24d519 attributes 0x30
20.07.11 23:13:43 loginwindow[43] Login Window Started Security Agent
20.07.11 23:13:43 kernel 2.3.09 Little Snitch: connection deferred for:/usr/libexec/XProtectUpdater uid:0 to: :80
20.07.11 23:13:43 WindowServer[79] kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
20.07.11 23:13:43[79] Wed Jul 20 23:13:43 MacBook.local WindowServer[79] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
20.07.11 23:13:44 SecurityAgent[108] Showing Login Window
20.07.11 23:13:49 SecurityAgent[108] User info context values set for sasha
20.07.11 23:13:50 SecurityAgent[108] Login Window Showing Progress
20.07.11 23:13:50 SecurityAgent[108] Login Window done
20.07.11 23:13:50 loginwindow[43] Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
20.07.11 23:13:50 loginwindow[43] USER_PROCESS: 43 console
20.07.11 23:13:50[116] ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
20.07.11 23:13:53 1PasswordAgent[150] Starting 1PasswordAgent 3.6.0 #31043 built Jun 20 2011 13:42:40
20.07.11 23:13:53 1PasswordAgent[150] Trying to load Localizable.strings [English] from the main bundle
20.07.11 23:13:53 1PasswordAgent[150] Cannot find English version, using English localization for Localizable.strings
20.07.11 23:13:53[116] ([141]) Exited with exit code: 1
20.07.11 23:13:53 1PasswordAgent[150] Trying to load English version of Localizable.strings. from the main bundle
20.07.11 23:13:53 1PasswordAgent[150] Failed to load '/Applications/'
20.07.11 23:13:59 1PasswordAgent[150] reloadAllObjects
20.07.11 23:14:00 1PasswordAgent[150] Database (AGHtmlDatabase:file://localhost/Users/sasha/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain/) load time [Cache]: 0.589+0.001 (165 objects)
20.07.11 23:14:00 1PasswordAgent[150] [SES] /Users/sasha/Library/Safari/Databases/Databases.db does not exist
20.07.11 23:14:04 hdiejectd[173] running
20.07.11 23:14:05 kernel AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/Backup, pid 160
20.07.11 23:14:07 [0x0-0x20020].com.pv.twonkymediaserverx[192] No matching processes belonging to you were found
20.07.11 23:14:15[36] HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101b00da0-iTunesHelper/ using library usbmuxd-211 built on Jan 13 2011 at 04:19:31, running usbmuxd-211 built on Feb 8 2011 at 13:49:43
20.07.11 23:14:17 Knox[194] ERROR! Couldn't get process info for pid 187
20.07.11 23:14:17 Knox[194] ERROR! Couldn't get process info for pid 2
20.07.11 23:14:17 Knox[194] ERROR! Couldn't get process info for pid 161
20.07.11 23:14:17 Knox[194] ERROR! Couldn't get process info for pid 184
20.07.11 23:14:17 Knox[194] ERROR! Couldn't get process info for pid 198
20.07.11 23:14:17 Knox[194] ERROR! Couldn't get process info for pid 200
20.07.11 23:14:33 [0x0-0x25025][208] [0720/] Breakpad disabled
20.07.11 23:14:42 kernel AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/Media, pid 160
20.07.11 23:14:53 Firewall[72] twonkymediaserve is listening from proto=6
20.07.11 23:14:53 Firewall[72] twonkymediaserve is listening from proto=6
20.07.11 23:14:56 Firewall[72] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
20.07.11 23:14:58 Firewall[72] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
20.07.11 23:14:58 Firewall[72] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
20.07.11 23:14:59 Firewall[72] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
20.07.11 23:15:01 Firewall[72] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
20.07.11 23:15:02 Firewall[72] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
20.07.11 23:15:26 [0x0-0x20020].com.pv.twonkymediaserverx upnp_malloc: MemCriticalSection not initialized when upnp_malloc called
20.07.11 23:15:44 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:15:45 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:15:47 Google Chrome Helper[303] Loading 1Password.plugin
20.07.11 23:15:47 [0x0-0x25025][208] 2011-07-20 23:15:47.545 Google Chrome Helper[303:107] Loading 1Password.plugin
20.07.11 23:15:47 Google Chrome Helper[303] NP_Initialize
20.07.11 23:15:47 [0x0-0x25025][208] 2011-07-20 23:15:47.698 Google Chrome Helper[303:107] NP_Initialize
20.07.11 23:15:47 Google Chrome Helper[303] NP_GetEntryPoints
20.07.11 23:15:47 [0x0-0x25025][208] 2011-07-20 23:15:47.699 Google Chrome Helper[303:107] NP_GetEntryPoints
20.07.11 23:15:47 Google Chrome Helper[303] NPP_GetValue
20.07.11 23:15:47 [0x0-0x25025][208] 2011-07-20 23:15:47.944 Google Chrome Helper[303:107] NPP_GetValue
20.07.11 23:15:48 [0x0-0x25025][208] [30941] Wed Jul 20 23:15:48 2011| Initializing new AGHtmlDatabase object with path '/Users/sasha/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain'.
20.07.11 23:15:48 Google Chrome Helper[303] reloadAllObjects
20.07.11 23:15:48 [0x0-0x25025][208] 2011-07-20 23:15:48.308 Google Chrome Helper[303:5d07] reloadAllObjects
20.07.11 23:15:48 [0x0-0x25025][208] [30941] Wed Jul 20 23:15:48 2011| reloadAllObjects
20.07.11 23:15:48 Google Chrome Helper[303] Trying to load Localizable.strings [de] from the main bundle
20.07.11 23:15:48 [0x0-0x25025][208] 2011-07-20 23:15:48.356 Google Chrome Helper[303:5d07] Trying to load Localizable.strings [de] from the main bundle
20.07.11 23:15:48 [0x0-0x25025][208] [30941] Wed Jul 20 23:15:48 2011| Trying to load Localizable.strings [de] from the main bundle
20.07.11 23:15:48 Google Chrome Helper[303] Database (agilekeychain:/Users/sasha/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain) load time [Cache]: 0.549+0.001 (165 objects)
20.07.11 23:15:48 [0x0-0x25025][208] 2011-07-20 23:15:48.859 Google Chrome Helper[303:5d07] Database (agilekeychain:/Users/sasha/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain) load time [Cache]: 0.549+0.001 (165 objects)
20.07.11 23:15:48 [0x0-0x25025][208] [30941] Wed Jul 20 23:15:48 2011| Database (agilekeychain:/Users/sasha/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain) load time [Cache]: 0.549+0.001 (165 objects)
20.07.11 23:15:52 osascript[306] Performance: Please update this scripting addition to supply a value for ThreadSafe for each event handler: "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SIMBL.osax"
20.07.11 23:16:19 Software Update[279] PackageKit: *** Missing bundle identifier: /Library/Receipts/NeoOffice-3.1.1-Patch-1-Intel.pkg
20.07.11 23:16:19 Software Update[279] PackageKit: *** Missing bundle identifier: /Library/Receipts/NeoOffice-3.1.1-Patch-2-Intel.pkg
20.07.11 23:16:21 osascript[309] Performance: Please update this scripting addition to supply a value for ThreadSafe for each event handler: "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SIMBL.osax"
20.07.11 23:16:21 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:26 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:28 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:30 Firewall[72] Dropbox is listening from proto=6
20.07.11 23:16:30 Firewall[72] Dropbox is listening from proto=6
20.07.11 23:16:31 [0x0-0x1f01f].com.SugarSync.Manager[191] waiting for connection
20.07.11 23:16:31 Finder[122] Performance: Please update this scripting addition to supply a value for ThreadSafe for each event handler: "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SIMBL.osax"
20.07.11 23:16:31 launchproxy[311] /Applications/SugarSync getnameinfo() only supports IPv4/IPv6. Connection from address family: 1
20.07.11 23:16:31 com.sharpcast.xfsmond[311] launchproxy[311]: /Applications/SugarSync getnameinfo() only supports IPv4/IPv6. Connection from address family: 1
20.07.11 23:16:32[122] objc[122]: Class SugarSyncExtension_JRLogDefaultFormatter is implemented in both /Users/sasha/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader.cocoa.osax/Contents/MacOS/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader and /Applications/SugarSync One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
20.07.11 23:16:32[122] objc[122]: Class SugarSyncExtension_JRLogDefaultLogger is implemented in both /Users/sasha/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader.cocoa.osax/Contents/MacOS/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader and /Applications/SugarSync One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
20.07.11 23:16:32[122] objc[122]: Class SugarSyncExtension_JRLogCall is implemented in both /Users/sasha/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader.cocoa.osax/Contents/MacOS/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader and /Applications/SugarSync One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
20.07.11 23:16:32[122] objc[122]: Class SugarSyncExtension_SugarSyncLogger is implemented in both /Users/sasha/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader.cocoa.osax/Contents/MacOS/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader and /Applications/SugarSync One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 1
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 1
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] origAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:33 Finder[122] altAddSuccessful = 0
20.07.11 23:16:37 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:37 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:38 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:39 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:39 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:39 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:47 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:50 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:53 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:54 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:16:59 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:17:01 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:17:03 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:17:04 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:17:05 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:17:06 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:17:10 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:17:12 mdworker[275] CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary.
20.07.11 23:17:12 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:17:12 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:17:16 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:17:22 Software Update[279] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
20.07.11 23:18:44 Firewall[72] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
20.07.11 23:18:51 osascript[321] Performance: Please update this scripting addition to supply a value for ThreadSafe for each event handler: "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SIMBL.osax"
20.07.11 23:18:52[116] ([0x0-0x1d01d][189]) Exited: Killed
20.07.11 23:18:52[1] ([280]) Exited with exit code: 2
20.07.11 23:18:52[116] ([0x0-0x13013][156]) Exited: Killed
20.07.11 23:18:52[116] ([0x0-0x2b02b][279]) Exited: Killed
20.07.11 23:18:52[122] 2011-07-20 21:16:31.4 Finder[122:207] DEBUG SugarSyncAddition-main.m:99: +++ Entering SugarSyncLoadEventHandler
20.07.11 23:18:52[122] 2011-07-20 21:16:31.5 Finder[122:207] DEBUG SugarSyncAddition-main.m:103: /System/Library/CoreServices/
20.07.11 23:18:52[122] 2011-07-20 21:16:31.5 Finder[122:207] DEBUG SugarSyncAddition-main.m:106: SugarSync Extension Path = '/Applications/SugarSync'
20.07.11 23:18:52[122] 2011-07-20 21:16:31.5 Finder[122:207] DEBUG SugarSyncAddition-main.m:109: Log Path = '/Users/sasha/Library/Application Support/SugarSync'
20.07.11 23:18:52[122] 2011-07-20 21:16:31.5 Finder[122:207] DEBUG SugarSyncAddition-main.m:112: Log Level = 'INFO'
20.07.11 23:18:52[122] 2011-07-20 21:16:32.8 Finder[122:207] DEBUG SugarSyncAddition-main.m:118: Loaded extension bundle successfully!
20.07.11 23:18:52[122] 2011-07-20 21:16:32.8 Finder[122:207] DEBUG SugarSyncAddition-main.m:122: Principal Class => SugarSyncFinderExtension
20.07.11 23:18:52[122] 2011-07-20 21:16:33.0 Finder[122:207] DEBUG SugarSyncAddition-main.m:140: --- Leaving SugarSyncLoadEventHandler
20.07.11 23:18:52[116] ([143]) Exited: Killed
20.07.11 23:18:52[116] ([152]) Exited: Killed
20.07.11 23:18:52 1PasswordAgent[150] Shutting down 1PasswordAgent 3.6.0 #31043 built Jun 20 2011 13:42:40
20.07.11 23:18:52 /Applications/SugarSync[312] relay to client failed: n=-1, client must be down Broken pipe
20.07.11 23:18:52 loginwindow[43] DEAD_PROCESS: 43 console
20.07.11 23:18:52 kernel systemShutdown true
20.07.11 23:18:52 kernel AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount: /Volumes/Backup, flags 0, pid 326
20.07.11 23:18:52 kernel AFP_VFS afpfs_unmount: /Volumes/Media, flags 0, pid 325
20.07.11 23:18:52 ccc_helper[59] CGSShutdownServerConnections: Detaching application from window server
20.07.11 23:18:52 ccc_helper[59] CGSDisplayServerShutdown: Detaching display subsystem from window server
20.07.11 23:18:52[25] Session 0x24d519 dead
20.07.11 23:18:52[25] Killing auth hosts
20.07.11 23:18:52[25] Session 0x24d519 destroyed
20.07.11 23:18:52 /System/Library/CoreServices/[328] Login Window Application Started
20.07.11 23:18:53[25] Session 0x601160 created
20.07.11 23:18:53[25] Session 0x601160 attributes 0x30
20.07.11 23:18:54 loginwindow[328] USER_PROCESS: 328 console
20.07.11 23:18:54 WindowServer[329] kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
20.07.11 23:18:54[329] Wed Jul 20 23:18:54 MacBook.local WindowServer[329] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
20.07.11 23:18:55 /System/Library/CoreServices/Software Update[339] PackageKit: ----- Begin install -----
20.07.11 23:18:57 ccc_helper[59] (os/kern) invalid address: writableFramebufferMemory: Cannot protect framebuffer visible region (0x4c9a000 - 0x53a2000)
20.07.11 23:18:57 ccc_helper[59] kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
20.07.11 23:18:57 ccc_helper[59] kCGErrorInvalidConnection: CGSColorProfileCreateWithColorProfileID: Cannot resolve color profile id(2)
20.07.11 23:18:57 ccc_helper[59] kCGErrorInvalidConnection: CGSColorProfileCreateWithColorProfileID: Cannot resolve color profile id(2)
20.07.11 23:18:57 ccc_helper[59] kCGErrorInvalidConnection: CGSColorProfileCreateWithColorProfileID: Cannot resolve color profile id(2)
20.07.11 23:19:01 hdiejectd[173] quitCheck: calling exit(0)
20.07.11 23:19:01 kernel ASP_TCP CancelOneRequest: cancelling slot 8 error 89 reqID 3119 flags 0x9 afpCmd 0xF0000002 so 0xaa786d0
20.07.11 23:19:14 /System/Library/CoreServices/Software Update[339] PackageKit: Patching Applications/
20.07.11 23:19:22[36] stopping.
20.07.11 23:19:22[351] usbmuxd-211 built on Feb 8 2011 at 13:49:43 on Feb 8 2011 at 13:49:43, running 64 bit
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel npvhash=4095
20.07.11 23:23:53 /System/Library/CoreServices/[154] No valid tickets, timing out
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel PAE enabled
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel 64 bit mode enabled
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun 7 16:33:36 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_I386
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel vm_page_bootstrap: 981680 free pages and 25936 wired pages
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel mig_table_max_displ = 73
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=2 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=3 LocalApicId=4 Enabled
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=4 LocalApicId=5 Enabled
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=5 LocalApicId=0 Disabled
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=6 LocalApicId=0 Disabled
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=7 LocalApicId=0 Disabled
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=8 LocalApicId=0 Disabled
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel MAC Framework successfully initialized
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel using 16384 buffer headers and 4096 cluster IO buffer headers
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5] (S3)
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel PFM64 0xf10000000, 0xf0000000
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel [ PCI configuration begin ]
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel console relocated to 0xf10030000
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel PCI configuration changed (bridge=3 device=2 cardbus=0)
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel [ PCI configuration end, bridges 7 devices 16 ]
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: Turbo Ratios 0002
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 16:44:45 Jun 7 2011) initialization complete
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel [ PCI configuration begin ]
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel PCI configuration changed (bridge=3 device=2 cardbus=0)
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel [ PCI configuration end, bridges 8 devices 22 ]
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel mbinit: done (64 MB memory set for mbuf pool)
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5901 built-in now active, GUID d83062fffeeb6a4a; max speed s800.
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: D398D3DB-A293-3127-8F16-BC6F4A038B0B
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel kmod start
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel 2.3.09 Little Snitch: starting
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel load succeeded
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleIntelPchSeriesAHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/Hitachi HTS545050B9SA02 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Customer@2
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 1
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel BTCOEXIST off
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel wl0: Broadcom BCM4353 802.11 Wireless Controller
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel jnl: unknown-dev: replay_journal: from: 10132480 to: 11596288 (joffset 0xe8e000)
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel USBMSC Identifier (non-unique): 000000009833 0x5ac 0x8403 0x9833
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel jnl: unknown-dev: journal replay done.
21.07.11 00:02:16 kernel hfs: Removed 1 orphaned / unlinked files and 0 directories
21.07.11 00:02:06[1] *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
21.07.11 00:02:16[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key for dictionary: cccTaskDict
21.07.11 00:02:16[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key for dictionary: cccTimingDict
21.07.11 00:02:16[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key for integer: cccVersion
21.07.11 00:02:16[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key for boolean: hideTaskFinishedPanel
21.07.11 00:02:16[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key for string: cccTaskUUID
21.07.11 00:02:16[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key: cccTaskUUID
21.07.11 00:02:16[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown value type '5' for key: cccNextFireDate
21.07.11 00:02:16[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key for string: cccTaskName
21.07.11 00:02:16[1] (com.bombich.ccc.scheduledtask.795230EC-F480-4BFE-AED8-EE6B118E0C32) Unknown key: cccTaskName
21.07.11 00:02:18 DirectoryService[15] Improper shutdown detected
21.07.11 00:02:20 kernel BCM5701Enet: Ethernet address xx:xx:ee:xx:xx
21.07.11 00:02:20 kernel AirPort_Brcm43224: Ethernet addressxx:xx:ee:xx:xx
21.07.11 00:02:20 kernel IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete(): adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
21.07.11 00:02:20 kernel IO80211Interface::efiNVRAMPublished():
21.07.11 00:02:20 kernel systemShutdown false
21.07.11 00:02:20 blued[21] Apple Bluetooth daemon started
21.07.11 00:02:34 mDNSResponder[22] mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
21.07.11 00:02:35[27] Session 0x5fbff962 created
21.07.11 00:02:35[27] Entering service
21.07.11 00:02:35 kernel AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
21.07.11 00:02:36 configd[19] bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en1) failed: Network is down (50)
21.07.11 00:02:36 configd[19] DHCP en1: INIT-REBOOT transmit failed
21.07.11 00:02:36 configd[19] network configuration changed.
21.07.11 00:02:36 configd[19] setting hostname to "MacBook.local"
21.07.11 00:02:37 kernel NVDANV50HAL loaded and registered.
21.07.11 00:02:37 kernel AGC: 2.10.6, HW version=1.9.21, flags:0, features:20600
21.07.11 00:02:37 kernel Warning - com.serato.usb.kext declares no kernel dependencies; using
21.07.11 00:02:37 kernel Previous Shutdown Cause: 3
21.07.11 00:02:37 kernel en1: 802.11d country code set to 'DE'.
21.07.11 00:02:37 kernel en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
21.07.11 00:02:37 kernel Auth result for: 00:24:36:aa:b5:da MAC AUTH succeeded
21.07.11 00:02:37 kernel AirPort: Link Up on en1
21.07.11 00:02:37 kernel AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
21.07.11 00:02:37 configd[19] network configuration changed.
21.07.11 00:02:37 configd[19] bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en4) failed: Operation not permitted (1)
21.07.11 00:02:37 configd[19] DHCP en4: INIT transmit failed
21.07.11 00:02:38 kernel IOBluetoothBNEPDriver: Ethernet address xx:xx:ee:xx:xx
21.07.11 00:02:38 kernel DSMOS has arrived
21.07.11 00:02:38 bootlog[56] BOOT_TIME: 1311199324 0
21.07.11 00:02:38[38] usbmuxd-211 built on Feb 8 2011 at 13:49:43 on Feb 8 2011 at 13:49:43, running 64 bit
21.07.11 00:02:38 fseventsd[49] event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync with volume. destroying old logs. (2926 34 2984)
21.07.11 00:02:38 /System/Library/CoreServices/[45] Login Window Application Started
21.07.11 00:02:39 configd[19] network configuration changed.
21.07.11 00:02:41 fseventsd[49] log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: 2812DD14-7E4B-48DC-B00D-3DD5D6ACBEEF
21.07.11 00:02:42 kernel AppleBCM5701Ethernet: 0 0 setFixedSpeed - logic error, speed any?
21.07.11 00:02:49 configd[19] network configuration changed.
21.07.11 00:02:50 WindowServer[87] Unable to open IOHIDSystem (0xe00002bd)
21.07.11 00:02:50[27] Session 0x329059 created
21.07.11 00:02:50[27] Session 0x329059 attributes 0x30
21.07.11 00:02:50 kernel [AppleBluetoothHIDKeyboard][handleStart] staticPrepControlChannelAction returned error e00002c0
21.07.11 00:02:50 kernel [AppleBluetoothHIDKeyboard][handleStart] calling staticWillTerminateAction().
21.07.11 00:02:50 kernel [AppleBluetoothHIDKeyboard][handleStart] Failed.
21.07.11 00:02:50 kernel virtual bool IOHIDEventSystemUserClient::initWithTask(task*, void*, UInt32): Client task not privileged to open IOHIDSystem for mapping memory
21.07.11 00:02:50 loginwindow[45] Login Window Started Security Agent
21.07.11 00:02:51 SecurityAgent[110] Showing Login Window
21.07.11 00:02:51 WindowServer[87] kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
21.07.11 00:02:51[87] Thu Jul 21 00:02:51 MacBook.local WindowServer[87] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
21.07.11 00:02:52 kernel 2.3.09 Little Snitch: connection deferred for:/usr/libexec/XProtectUpdater uid:0 to: :80
21.07.11 00:02:54 Firewall[68] krb5kdc is listening from :::88 proto=6
21.07.11 00:02:54 Firewall[68] krb5kdc is listening from proto=6
21.07.11 00:02:55 SecurityAgent[110] User info context values set for sasha
21.07.11 00:02:55 SecurityAgent[110] Login Window Showing Progress
21.07.11 00:02:55 SecurityAgent[110] Login Window done
21.07.11 00:02:55 loginwindow[45] Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
21.07.11 00:02:55 loginwindow[45] USER_PROCESS: 45 console
21.07.11 00:02:55[118] ( Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find:
21.07.11 00:02:59[118] ([142]) Exited with exit code: 1
21.07.11 00:02:59 1PasswordAgent[151] Starting 1PasswordAgent 3.6.0 #31043 built Jun 20 2011 13:42:40
21.07.11 00:02:59 1PasswordAgent[151] Trying to load Localizable.strings [English] from the main bundle
21.07.11 00:02:59 1PasswordAgent[151] Cannot find English version, using English localization for Localizable.strings
21.07.11 00:02:59 1PasswordAgent[151] Trying to load English version of Localizable.strings. from the main bundle
21.07.11 00:02:59 1PasswordAgent[151] Failed to load '/Applications/'
21.07.11 00:02:59 1PasswordAgent[151] reloadAllObjects
21.07.11 00:02:59 1PasswordAgent[151] Database (AGHtmlDatabase:file://localhost/Users/sasha/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain/) load time [Cache]: 0.022+0.002 (165 objects)
21.07.11 00:02:59 1PasswordAgent[151] [SES] /Users/sasha/Library/Safari/Databases/Databases.db does not exist
21.07.11 00:03:06 hdiejectd[174] running
21.07.11 00:03:11 kernel AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/Backup, pid 159
21.07.11 00:03:14 kernel AFP_VFS afpfs_mount: /Volumes/Media, pid 159
21.07.11 00:03:15[38] HandleUSBMuxDictionary client 0x101800640-iTunesHelper/ using library usbmuxd-211 built on Jan 13 2011 at 04:19:31, running usbmuxd-211 built on Feb 8 2011 at 13:49:43
21.07.11 00:03:18 [0x0-0x22022].com.pv.twonkymediaserverx[200] No matching processes belonging to you were found
21.07.11 00:03:23 Knox[202] ERROR! Couldn't get process info for pid 207
21.07.11 00:03:41 [0x0-0x27027][222] [0721/] Breakpad disabled
21.07.11 00:03:49 Firewall[68] twonkymediaserve is listening from proto=6
21.07.11 00:03:49 Firewall[68] twonkymediaserve is listening from proto=6
21.07.11 00:03:51 Firewall[68] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
21.07.11 00:03:52 mdworker[183] (Error) SyncInfo: Catalog changed during searchfs too many times -- falling back to fsw search /
21.07.11 00:03:52 Firewall[68] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
21.07.11 00:03:58 Firewall[68] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
21.07.11 00:03:58 Firewall[68] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
21.07.11 00:04:00 Firewall[68] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
21.07.11 00:04:01 Firewall[68] Allow twonkymediaserve connecting from to port 9000 proto=6
21.07.11 00:04:31 Software Update[227] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
21.07.11 00:04:34 Software Update[227] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
21.07.11 00:04:34 [0x0-0x27027][222] [] Critical error found -8
21.07.11 00:04:31 Software Update[227] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
21.07.11 00:04:34 Software Update[227] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
21.07.11 00:04:34 [0x0-0x27027][222] [] Critical error found -8
21.07.11 00:04:31 Software Update[227] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
21.07.11 00:04:34 Software Update[227] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
21.07.11 00:04:34 [0x0-0x27027][222] [] Critical error found -8
21.07.11 00:05:05 osascript[312] Performance: Please update this scripting addition to supply a value for ThreadSafe for each event handler: "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SIMBL.osax"
21.07.11 00:05:09 Google Chrome Helper[313] Loading 1Password.plugin
21.07.11 00:05:09 [0x0-0x27027][222] 2011-07-21 00:05:09.339 Google Chrome Helper[313:107] Loading 1Password.plugin
21.07.11 00:05:09 Google Chrome Helper[313] NP_Initialize
21.07.11 00:05:09 [0x0-0x27027][222] 2011-07-21 00:05:09.481 Google Chrome Helper[313:107] NP_Initialize
21.07.11 00:05:09 Google Chrome Helper[313] NP_GetEntryPoints
21.07.11 00:05:09 [0x0-0x27027][222] 2011-07-21 00:05:09.482 Google Chrome Helper[313:107] NP_GetEntryPoints
21.07.11 00:05:09 Google Chrome Helper[313] NPP_GetValue
21.07.11 00:05:09 [0x0-0x27027][222] 2011-07-21 00:05:09.571 Google Chrome Helper[313:107] NPP_GetValue
21.07.11 00:05:09 [0x0-0x27027][222] [30941] Thu Jul 21 00:05:09 2011| Initializing new AGHtmlDatabase object with path '/Users/sasha/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain'.
21.07.11 00:05:09 Google Chrome Helper[313] reloadAllObjects
21.07.11 00:05:09 [0x0-0x27027][222] 2011-07-21 00:05:09.924 Google Chrome Helper[313:5d07] reloadAllObjects
21.07.11 00:05:09 [0x0-0x27027][222] [30941] Thu Jul 21 00:05:09 2011| reloadAllObjects
21.07.11 00:05:09 Google Chrome Helper[313] Trying to load Localizable.strings [de] from the main bundle
21.07.11 00:05:09 [0x0-0x27027][222] 2011-07-21 00:05:09.925 Google Chrome Helper[313:5d07] Trying to load Localizable.strings [de] from the main bundle
21.07.11 00:05:09 [0x0-0x27027][222] [30941] Thu Jul 21 00:05:09 2011| Trying to load Localizable.strings [de] from the main bundle
21.07.11 00:05:10 Google Chrome Helper[313] Database (agilekeychain:/Users/sasha/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain) load time [Cache]: 0.350+0.001 (165 objects)
21.07.11 00:05:10 [0x0-0x27027][222] 2011-07-21 00:05:10.275 Google Chrome Helper[313:5d07] Database (agilekeychain:/Users/sasha/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain) load time [Cache]: 0.350+0.001 (165 objects)
21.07.11 00:05:10 [0x0-0x27027][222] [30941] Thu Jul 21 00:05:10 2011| Database (agilekeychain:/Users/sasha/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain) load time [Cache]: 0.350+0.001 (165 objects)
21.07.11 00:05:19 osascript[317] Performance: Please update this scripting addition to supply a value for ThreadSafe for each event handler: "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SIMBL.osax"
21.07.11 00:05:26 Software Update[227] PackageKit: *** Missing bundle identifier: /Library/Receipts/NeoOffice-3.1.1-Patch-1-Intel.pkg
21.07.11 00:05:26 Software Update[227] PackageKit: *** Missing bundle identifier: /Library/Receipts/NeoOffice-3.1.1-Patch-2-Intel.pkg
21.07.11 00:05:28 Software Update[227] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
21.07.11 00:05:34 Software Update[227] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
21.07.11 00:05:35 Software Update[227] Package Authoring: my.result.title and my.result.message not defined or empty
21.07.11 00:05:36 Firewall[68] Dropbox is listening from proto=6
21.07.11 00:05:37 Firewall[68] Dropbox is listening from proto=6
21.07.11 00:05:41 [0x0-0x21021].com.SugarSync.Manager[199] waiting for connection
21.07.11 00:05:41 Finder[124] Performance: Please update this scripting addition to supply a value for ThreadSafe for each event handler: "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SIMBL.osax"
21.07.11 00:05:41 com.sharpcast.xfsmond[321] launchproxy[321]: /Applications/SugarSync getnameinfo() only supports IPv4/IPv6. Connection from address family: 1
21.07.11 00:05:41 launchproxy[321] /Applications/SugarSync getnameinfo() only supports IPv4/IPv6. Connection from address family: 1
21.07.11 00:05:42[124] objc[124]: Class SugarSyncExtension_JRLogDefaultFormatter is implemented in both /Users/sasha/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader.cocoa.osax/Contents/MacOS/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader and /Applications/SugarSync One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
21.07.11 00:05:42[124] objc[124]: Class SugarSyncExtension_JRLogDefaultLogger is implemented in both /Users/sasha/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader.cocoa.osax/Contents/MacOS/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader and /Applications/SugarSync One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
21.07.11 00:05:42[124] objc[124]: Class SugarSyncExtension_JRLogCall is implemented in both /Users/sasha/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader.cocoa.osax/Contents/MacOS/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader and /Applications/SugarSync One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
21.07.11 00:05:42[124] objc[124]: Class SugarSyncExtension_SugarSyncLogger is implemented in both /Users/sasha/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader.cocoa.osax/Contents/MacOS/SugarSyncCMPlugInLoader and /Applications/SugarSync One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
21.07.11 00:05:42 Finder[124] origAddSuccessful = 0
Da widerspricht dir die eigene Konsole vehement.Ich habe keinerlei dieser Tools, bis auf Applejack.
Warum? Ich habe nie Onyx oder ähnlich genutzt?Da widerspricht dir die eigene Konsole vehement.
Habe nicht so viel auf dem MacBook, daher sollte das im Rahmen bleien, aber danach habe ich dann wieder ein sauberes System.
?Dafür habe ich zuviele Daten..
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