08.12.14 17:27:12,815 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowTransformAtPlacement
08.12.14 17:27:12,815 CMA[231]: CGSTranslatePointForWindow
08.12.14 17:27:12,815 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowBounds
08.12.14 17:27:15,183 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowTransformAtPlacement
08.12.14 17:27:15,183 CMA[231]: CGSTranslatePointForWindow
08.12.14 17:27:15,183 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowBounds
08.12.14 17:27:17,260 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowTransformAtPlacement
08.12.14 17:27:17,260 CMA[231]: CGSTranslatePointForWindow
08.12.14 17:27:17,260 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowBounds
08.12.14 17:27:18,754 WindowServer[107]: _CGXSetWindowBackgroundBlurRadius: Invalid window 0xffffffff
08.12.14 17:27:18,755 loginwindow[59]: find_shared_window: WID -1
08.12.14 17:27:18,755 loginwindow[59]: CGSGetWindowTags: Invalid window 0xffffffff
08.12.14 17:27:18,756 loginwindow[59]: find_shared_window: WID -1
08.12.14 17:27:18,756 loginwindow[59]: CGSSetWindowTags: Invalid window 0xffffffff
08.12.14 17:27:19,136 WindowServer[107]: device_generate_desktop_screenshot: authw 0x7fb151cead00(2000), shield 0x7fb151cea950(2001)
08.12.14 17:27:19,182 WindowServer[107]: device_generate_lock_screen_screenshot: authw 0x7fb151cead00(2000), shield 0x7fb151cea950(2001)
08.12.14 17:27:30,000 kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][SuspendDevice] -- Suspend -- suspendDeviceCallResult = 0x0000 (kIOReturnSuccess) -- 0x8000 ****
08.12.14 17:27:36,000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Sleep
08.12.14 17:27:36,000 kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][SuspendDevice] -- Resume -- suspendDeviceCallResult = 0x0000 (kIOReturnSuccess) -- 0x8000 ****
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: hibernate image path: /var/vm/sleepimage
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: efi pagecount 540
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall(preflight 1) start 0xffffff8067407000, 0xffffff8067426000
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall time: 290 ms
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: pages 969630, wire 119095, act 286794, inact 5, cleaned 0 spec 366, zf 142372, throt 0, compr 0, xpmapped 40000
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: could discard act 142498 inact 106256 purgeable 10522 spec 161722 cleaned 0
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 1400223 xpmapped pages
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall preflight pageCount 548632 est comp 41 setfile 1004535808 min 2147483648
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: [0x1f72900000, 0x19000000]
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: [0x1f94816000, 0x19000000]
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: [0x1fc493f000, 0x32000000]
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: [0x206481b000, 0x1c000000]
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: [0x0, 0x0]
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: kern_open_file_for_direct_io(0) took 2 ms
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: Opened file /var/vm/sleepimage, size 2147483648, partition base 0x0, maxio 2000000 ssd 1
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: hibernate image major 1, minor 0, blocksize 4096, pollers 5
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: hibernate_alloc_pages act 433152, inact 255283, anon 181164, throt 0, spec 162088, wire 119349, wireinit 40508
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: hibernate_setup(0) took 0 ms
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: 00000000 00000020 NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
08.12.14 17:27:37,000 kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][SuspendDevice] -- Suspend -- suspendDeviceCallResult = 0x0000 (kIOReturnSuccess) -- 0x8000 ****
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall(preflight 0) start 0xffffff8067407000, 0xffffff8067426000
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall time: 309 ms
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: pages 971700, wire 121207, act 286802, inact 5, cleaned 0 spec 368, zf 142317, throt 0, compr 0, xpmapped 40000
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: could discard act 142497 inact 106260 purgeable 10522 spec 161722 cleaned 0
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: WARNING: hibernate_page_list_setall skipped 1455023 xpmapped pages
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: hibernate_page_list_setall found pageCount 550699
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: IOHibernatePollerOpen, ml_get_interrupts_enabled 0
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: IOHibernatePollerOpen(0)
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: encryptStart 14030
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: bitmap_size 0x1e050, previewSize 0x13f9c8, writing 549132 pages @ 0x171a48
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: encryptEnd 7568800
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: image1Size 0xc344000, encryptStart1 0x14030, End1 0x7568800
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: encryptStart c344000
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: encryptEnd 39686000
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: PMStats: Hibernate write took 11577 ms
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: all time: 11577 ms, comp bytes: 2249539584 time: 3677 ms 583 Mb/s, crypt bytes: 881420240 time: 6850 ms 122 Mb/s,
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: image 963141632 (44%), uncompressed 2249539584 (549204), compressed 957221456 (42%), sum1 4a7c6b26, sum2 7c2e110a
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: zeroPageCount 31931, wiredPagesEncrypted 69760, wiredPagesClear 49952, dirtyPagesEncrypted 429492
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: hibernate_write_image done(0)
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: sleep
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: Wake reason: ?
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: Previous Sleep Cause: 5
08.12.14 17:27:50,847 loginwindow[59]: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to log backtraces.
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][SuspendDevice] -- Resume -- suspendDeviceCallResult = 0x0000 (kIOReturnSuccess) -- 0x8000 ****
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link DOWN virtIf = 0
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'X3'.
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
08.12.14 17:27:52,269 configd[17]: network changed: v4(en1-: DNS- Proxy-
08.12.14 17:27:52,271 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
08.12.14 17:27:52,324 netbiosd[925]: network_reachability_changed : network is not reachable, netbiosd is shutting down
08.12.14 17:27:52,000 kernel[0]: 00000000 00000020 NVEthernet::setLinkStatus - not Active
08.12.14 17:27:55,000 kernel[0]: [BNBMouseDevice::init][80.14] init is complete
08.12.14 17:27:55,000 kernel[0]: [BNBMouseDevice::handleStart][80.14] returning 1
08.12.14 17:27:55,000 kernel[0]: [AppleMultitouchHIDEventDriver::start] entered
08.12.14 17:27:55,000 kernel[0]: [AppleMultitouchDevice::start] entered
08.12.14 17:27:55,000 kernel[0]: full wake (reason 1) 3521 ms
08.12.14 17:27:55,509 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowTransformAtPlacement
08.12.14 17:27:55,509 CMA[231]: CGSTranslatePointForWindow
08.12.14 17:27:55,510 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowBounds
08.12.14 17:27:58,434 WindowServer[107]: CGXDisplayDidWakeNotification [9569752453261]: posting kCGSDisplayDidWake
08.12.14 17:27:58,435 WindowServer[107]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: Deferring.
08.12.14 17:28:00,000 kernel[0]: en1: 802.11d country code set to 'DE'.
08.12.14 17:28:00,000 kernel[0]: en1: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
08.12.14 17:28:00,000 kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en1 Auth result for: 02:23:08:91:52:b8 MAC AUTH succeeded
08.12.14 17:28:00,000 kernel[0]: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
08.12.14 17:28:00,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
08.12.14 17:28:00,000 kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 02:23:08:91:52:b8
08.12.14 17:28:00,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
08.12.14 17:28:00,994 configd[17]: network changed: DNS* Proxy
08.12.14 17:28:00,995 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1655] en1: SSID 'alio' making interface primary (cache indicates network not captive)
08.12.14 17:28:00,997 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
08.12.14 17:28:00,998 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: en1: Not probing 'alio' (cache indicates not captive)
08.12.14 17:28:00,998 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
08.12.14 17:28:01,004 configd[17]: network changed: v4(en1!: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
08.12.14 17:28:01,000 kernel[0]: flow_divert_kctl_disconnect (0): disconnecting group 1
08.12.14 17:28:01,638 airportd[80]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “alio”. Bailing on auto-join.
08.12.14 17:28:01,887 apsd[78]: Unrecognized leaf certificate
08.12.14 17:28:05,673 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowTransformAtPlacement
08.12.14 17:28:05,673 CMA[231]: CGSTranslatePointForWindow
08.12.14 17:28:05,673 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowBounds
08.12.14 17:28:06,922 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowTransformAtPlacement
08.12.14 17:28:06,923 CMA[231]: CGSTranslatePointForWindow
08.12.14 17:28:06,923 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowBounds
08.12.14 17:28:11,053 loginwindow[59]: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CATransaction; set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to log backtraces.
08.12.14 17:28:11,113 AirPlayUIAgent[453]: 2014-12-08 05:28:11.113074 PM [AirPlayUIAgent] Changed PIN pairing: no
08.12.14 17:28:11,141 AirPlayUIAgent[453]: 2014-12-08 05:28:11.140586 PM [AirPlayUIAgent] Changed PIN pairing: no
08.12.14 17:28:11,143 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowTransformAtPlacement
08.12.14 17:28:11,143 CMA[231]: CGSTranslatePointForWindow
08.12.14 17:28:11,144 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowBounds
08.12.14 17:28:11,774 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowTransformAtPlacement
08.12.14 17:28:11,774 CMA[231]: CGSTranslatePointForWindow
08.12.14 17:28:11,776 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowBounds
08.12.14 17:28:12,224 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowTransformAtPlacement
08.12.14 17:28:12,224 CMA[231]: CGSTranslatePointForWindow
08.12.14 17:28:12,224 CMA[231]: CGSGetWindowBounds