• Apfeltalk ändert einen Teil seiner Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB), das Löschen von Useraccounts betreffend.
    Näheres könnt Ihr hier nachlesen: AGB-Änderung
  • Das Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen unseres Januar-Fotowettbewerbes kann und muss durch eine Stichwahl entschieden werden. Deshalb stimmt bitte noch einmal für Euren Favoriten ab! Hier geht es lang zur Abstimmung --> Klick
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Macbook hängt nach reboot - Gast Account geht aber normal


Hallo Community,

ich weiß wirklich nicht mehr weiter, deshalb hoffe ich hier Hilfe zu finden.

Hab ein Macbook Mid 2012 mit OS X Mavericks.

Vorgestern am Abend ging plötzlich gar nichts mehr bei meinem Macbook und nachdem ich gefühlte 10-20 mal neugestartet habe hängt er trotzdem immer sobald ich meinen Hauptbenutzer verwende. Finder, Safari und Mail reagieren nicht laut "sofort beenden"

Sobald ich mich jedoch mit dem Gast Account anmelde funktioniert alles ganz normal.

alt-cmd p-r hab ich beim reboot schon probiert jedoch hat es nichts gebracht. Sicherer Systemstart hab ich auch probiert aber selbst da hängt er.

was kann ich noch machen?


Pomme Etrangle
wenns bei nem anderen benutzer gehtvliegts an deinem haupt account ! erstell den mal neu


danke für deine Hilfe. Ja das funktioniert. Kann ich meinen alten User irgendwie reparieren. Meine Konsole ist voll mit Fehlermeldungen von den letzten 2 Tagen.


Golden Noble
Bitte das ist kein so perfekter Tipp, den Hauptaccount neu zu erstellen. Wie soll denn das gemacht werden?
Lass den Account in Ruhe.
Eine erste Information erhältst du aus der Konsole. Sie liegt im Ordner Dienstprogramme und zeigt dir an, was das System so macht.

Starte bitte fürs Erste im Safe Mode (shift Taste halten bis der horizontale Balken erscheint, das dauert ziemlich lang und auch der nächste, normale, Start dauert etwas länger. Dann versuchst du den Freeze zu repruzieren. Wenn das Problem immer noch vorhanden ist, dann Neustart, Konsole öffnen, und die letzten Zeilen (ab dem Zeitpunkt des Hängers bis zum vollendeten Neustart) auf diese Weise hier posten. Möglich dass der Fehler erkannt wird. Da die Konsole im Programmordner liegt, solltest du problemlos darauf zugreifen können.


06.12.13 22:32:50,023 WindowServer[126]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Mail" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.06.12.13 22:32:50,130 WindowServer[126]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Mail" after 1.11 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
06.12.13 22:32:50,591 com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Session 100034 created
06.12.13 22:33:03,726 Mail[758]: INFO: FMM: containsRecoveryPartition: NO, version: (null)
06.12.13 22:33:03,729 AppleIDAuthAgent[447]: SERVER AppleIDAuth: Already existing account "iv...ic@???.??" re-added; succeeded.[ NULL ]  (__AppleIDDoAddAppleID()/AppleIDAuthenticationImpl.cpp #169) client 444
06.12.13 22:33:03,742 Mail[758]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:03,750 Mail[758]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:03,754 Mail[758]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:03,760 Mail[758]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:03,763 Mail[758]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:03,765 Mail[758]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:03,925 sandboxd[283]: ([758]) Mail(758) deny mach-lookup com.apple.diskmanagementd
06.12.13 22:33:04,049 Mail[758]: CoreLocation: CLInternalIsLocationServicesCapable failed
06.12.13 22:33:04,050 Mail[758]: INFO: FMM: isLocationServicesCapable: YES
06.12.13 22:33:04,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:33:04,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:33:04,085 Mail[758]: INFO: FMM: areLocationServicesEnabled: NO
06.12.13 22:33:04,103 Mail[758]: CoreLocation: CLInternalIsLocationServicesCapable failed
06.12.13 22:33:04,104 Mail[758]: INFO: FMM: isLocationServicesCapable: YES
06.12.13 22:33:04,110 Mail[758]: INFO: FMM: areLocationServicesEnabled: NO
06.12.13 22:33:04,181 sandboxd[283]: ([758]) Mail(758) deny mach-lookup com.apple.locationd.desktop.synchronous
06.12.13 22:33:04,203 sandboxd[283]: ([758]) Mail(758) deny mach-lookup com.apple.locationd.desktop.synchronous
06.12.13 22:33:04,223 sandboxd[283]: ([758]) Mail(758) deny mach-lookup com.apple.locationd.desktop.synchronous
06.12.13 22:33:04,244 sandboxd[283]: ([758]) Mail(758) deny mach-lookup com.apple.locationd.desktop.synchronous
06.12.13 22:33:04,797 Mail[758]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:04,801 Mail[758]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:04,812 Mail[758]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:04,817 Mail[758]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:04,822 Mail[758]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:04,822 Mail[758]: INFO: FMM: containsRecoveryPartition: NO, version: (null)
06.12.13 22:33:04,822 Mail[758]: INFO: FMM: can enable: NO
06.12.13 22:33:27,969 xpcd[335]: restored permissions (100600 -> 100700) on /Users/ivanrasic1/Library/Containers/com.apple.mail/Container.plist
06.12.13 22:33:28,851 com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Session 100035 created
06.12.13 22:33:28,856 com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Killing auth hosts
06.12.13 22:33:28,856 com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Session 100034 destroyed
06.12.13 22:33:41,651 AppleIDAuthAgent[447]: SERVER AppleIDAuth: Already existing account "iv...ic@???.??" re-added; succeeded.[ NULL ]  (__AppleIDDoAddAppleID()/AppleIDAuthenticationImpl.cpp #169) client 444
06.12.13 22:33:41,658 Mail[765]: INFO: FMM: containsRecoveryPartition: NO, version: (null)
06.12.13 22:33:41,673 Mail[765]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:41,679 Mail[765]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:41,683 Mail[765]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:41,686 Mail[765]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:41,688 Mail[765]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:41,691 Mail[765]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:41,804 sandboxd[283]: ([765]) Mail(765) deny mach-lookup com.apple.diskmanagementd
06.12.13 22:33:41,976 Mail[765]: CoreLocation: CLInternalIsLocationServicesCapable failed
06.12.13 22:33:41,977 Mail[765]: INFO: FMM: isLocationServicesCapable: YES
06.12.13 22:33:41,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:33:41,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:33:41,997 sandboxd[283]: ([765]) Mail(765) deny mach-lookup com.apple.locationd.desktop.synchronous
06.12.13 22:33:42,013 Mail[765]: INFO: FMM: areLocationServicesEnabled: NO
06.12.13 22:33:42,000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: Mail(765) deny mach-lookup com.apple.locationd.desktop.synchronous
06.12.13 22:33:42,028 Mail[765]: CoreLocation: CLInternalIsLocationServicesCapable failed
06.12.13 22:33:42,028 Mail[765]: INFO: FMM: isLocationServicesCapable: YES
06.12.13 22:33:42,000 kernel[0]: Sandbox: Mail(765) deny mach-lookup com.apple.locationd.desktop.synchronous
06.12.13 22:33:42,029 Mail[765]: INFO: FMM: areLocationServicesEnabled: NO
06.12.13 22:33:42,032 sandboxd[283]: ([765]) Mail(765) deny mach-lookup com.apple.locationd.desktop.synchronous
06.12.13 22:33:42,848 Mail[765]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:42,853 Mail[765]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:42,861 Mail[765]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:42,865 Mail[765]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:42,869 Mail[765]: Could not connect the action checkboxClicked: to target of class iCloudSetupTableRow
06.12.13 22:33:42,869 Mail[765]: INFO: FMM: containsRecoveryPartition: NO, version: (null)
06.12.13 22:33:42,869 Mail[765]: INFO: FMM: can enable: NO
06.12.13 22:35:28,830 PubSubAgent[771]: SQL Error: SQLITE_CANTOPEN[14.0]: Database file not found
06.12.13 22:36:21,465 apsd[90]: Unrecognized leaf certificate
06.12.13 22:38:52,049 Dock[505]: CGSSetWindowTransformAtPlacement: Singular matrix [inf 0.000 0.000 inf]
06.12.13 22:38:53,797 SecurityAgent[795]: MacBuddy was run = 0
06.12.13 22:38:53,859 parentalcontrolsd[796]: StartObservingFSEvents [849:] -- *** StartObservingFSEvents started event stream
06.12.13 22:38:53,922 WindowServer[126]: _CGXSetWindowBackgroundBlurRadius: Invalid window 0xffffffff
06.12.13 22:38:54,007 SecurityAgent[795]: User info context values set for Guest
06.12.13 22:38:54,235 SecurityAgent[795]: Login Window login proceeding
06.12.13 22:38:54,408 WindowServer[126]: Session 256 is switching to console
06.12.13 22:38:54,417 Safari[586]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x41dc9d00
06.12.13 22:38:54,442 Safari[586]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x042731c0
06.12.13 22:38:54,453 Safari[586]: CGSCopyDisplayUUID: Invalid display 0x042731c0
06.12.13 22:38:54,467 WindowServer[126]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
06.12.13 22:38:54,468 WindowServer[126]: Session 257 released (1 references)
06.12.13 22:38:56,481 WindowServer[126]: **DMPROXY** (2) Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
06.12.13 22:38:56,524 WindowServer[126]: Display 0x042731c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
06.12.13 22:39:00,228 WindowServer[126]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 53515
06.12.13 22:39:00,229 WindowServer[126]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 53515
06.12.13 22:39:00,229 WindowServer[126]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 53515
06.12.13 22:39:00,229 WindowServer[126]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 53515
06.12.13 22:39:00,229 WindowServer[126]: CGXOrderWindowList: Invalid window 44 (index 0/1)
06.12.13 22:39:00,229 WindowServer[126]: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 53515
06.12.13 22:39:00,319 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.ShareKitHelper[251]) Exited: Killed: 9
06.12.13 22:39:00,325 WindowServer[126]: CGXSetWindowListSystemAlpha: Invalid window 44 (index 0/1)
06.12.13 22:39:00,342 loginwindow[71]: ERROR | -[ApplicationManager(AppleEventHandling) sendQuitEventToApp:withDelay:] | sendQuitEventToApp (TeamViewer_Desktop): AESendMessage returned error -600
06.12.13 22:39:00,469 librariand[221]: [ERROR] [0.000s] default-qu framework_client.c:56 server_disappeared() ubd died
06.12.13 22:39:00,498 sessionlogoutd[815]: sessionlogoutd Launched
06.12.13 22:39:00,510 sessionlogoutd[815]: DEAD_PROCESS: 71 console
06.12.13 22:39:00,637 loginwindow[71]: ERROR | SLODErrorHandler | Connection to sessionlogoutd lost, exiting loginwindow
06.12.13 22:39:00,000 kernel[0]: LS(4050) m2db8808a:m412d9f39:71
06.12.13 22:39:00,638 WindowServer[126]: CGXRestartSessionWorkspace: session workspace exited for session 256 (on console)
06.12.13 22:39:00,639 WindowServer[126]: Session 258 retained (2 references)
06.12.13 22:39:00,639 WindowServer[126]: Session 258 released (1 references)
06.12.13 22:39:00,642 WindowServer[126]: Session 258 is switching to console
06.12.13 22:39:00,693 WindowServer[126]: CGXSetWindowListSystemAlpha: Invalid window 42 (index 0/1)
06.12.13 22:39:00,693 WindowServer[126]: CGXSetWindowListSystemAlpha: Invalid window 36 (index 0/1)
06.12.13 22:39:00,694 WindowServer[126]: CGXSetWindowListSystemAlpha: Invalid window 39 (index 0/1)
06.12.13 22:39:00,694 WindowServer[126]: CGXSetWindowListSystemAlpha: Invalid window 16 (index 0/1)
06.12.13 22:39:00,699 WindowServer[126]: Session 258 retained (2 references)
06.12.13 22:39:00,705 WindowServer[126]: Session 256 released (1 references)
06.12.13 22:39:00,700 UserEventAgent[11]: Captive: [UserAgentDied:142] User Agent @port=63239 Died
06.12.13 22:39:00,704 identityservicesd[235]: Quit - notifying about shutdown
06.12.13 22:39:00,706 identityservicesd[235]: Quit - shutting down daemon
06.12.13 22:39:00,714 imagent[234]: Quit - notifying about shutdown
06.12.13 22:39:00,714 imagent[234]: Quit - shutting down daemon
06.12.13 22:39:00,716 WindowServer[126]: Session 256 released (0 references)
06.12.13 22:39:00,717 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 256 is defunct for callback to 0x10656dd9a
06.12.13 22:39:00,736 com.apple.IconServicesAgent[225]: Interrupted error received
06.12.13 22:39:00,744 secd[254]:  handle_xpc_event >>>>> handle_connection_event via event_handler <<<<<, WTF?
06.12.13 22:39:00,755 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.loginwindow[71]) Exited with code: 3
06.12.13 22:39:00,757 cfprefsd[182]: cfprefsd failed to open /Users/Guest/Library/Preferences/com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad.plist.ph76ahm for writing. Cancelling attempt to save preferences. Errno was 2
06.12.13 22:39:00,758 cfprefsd[182]: cfprefsd failed to open /Users/Guest/Library/Preferences/com.TeamViewer8.Settings.plist.YCoyMWF for writing. Cancelling attempt to save preferences. Errno was 2
06.12.13 22:39:00,758 cfprefsd[182]: cfprefsd failed to open /Users/Guest/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.loginwindow.14AB4801-CE1E-5577-A65B-C27806938EE4.plist.VoPLq5R for writing. Cancelling attempt to save preferences. Errno was 2
06.12.13 22:39:00,823 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 256 is defunct for callback to 0x10655b060
06.12.13 22:39:00,825 loginwindow[818]: Login Window Application Started
06.12.13 22:39:00,834 loginwindow[818]: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
06.12.13 22:39:00,892 WindowServer[126]: Display 0x042731c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
06.12.13 22:39:00,907 launchctl[822]: launchctl: Couldn't stat("/Library/LaunchAgents/com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist"): No such file or directory
06.12.13 22:39:01,003 loginwindow[818]: Setting the initial value of the magsave brightness level 1
06.12.13 22:39:01,019 airportd[92]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “toptwo”. Bailing on auto-join.
06.12.13 22:39:01,061 loginwindow[818]: Login Window Started Security Agent
06.12.13 22:39:01,183 launchctl[822]: com.apple.findmymacmessenger: Already loaded
06.12.13 22:39:01,258 SecurityAgent[825]: MacBuddy was run = 0
06.12.13 22:39:01,589 com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Session 100036 created
06.12.13 22:39:01,811 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 0 is defunct for callback to 0x10656cf67
06.12.13 22:39:01,811 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 0 is defunct for callback to 0x10656cf67
06.12.13 22:39:01,811 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 0 is defunct for callback to 0x10656cf67
06.12.13 22:39:01,954 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 0 is defunct for callback to 0x10671e2d1
06.12.13 22:39:02,097 UserEventAgent[826]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
06.12.13 22:39:05,425 SecurityAgent[825]: User info context values set for >restart
06.12.13 22:39:05,427 loginwindow[818]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
06.12.13 22:39:07,605 WindowServer[126]: CGXRestartSessionWorkspace: session workspace exited for session 258 (on console)
06.12.13 22:39:07,605 WindowServer[126]: Session 259 retained (2 references)
06.12.13 22:39:07,606 WindowServer[126]: Session 259 released (1 references)
06.12.13 22:39:07,608 WindowServer[126]: Session 259 is switching to console
06.12.13 22:39:07,610 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.loginwindow) Throttling respawn: Will start in 4 seconds
06.12.13 22:39:07,612 WindowServer[126]: Session 259 retained (2 references)
06.12.13 22:39:07,612 WindowServer[126]: Session 258 released (1 references)
06.12.13 22:39:07,616 WindowServer[126]: Session 258 released (0 references)
06.12.13 22:39:07,616 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 258 is defunct for callback to 0x1064f754a
06.12.13 22:39:07,617 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 258 is defunct for callback to 0x1064f754a
06.12.13 22:39:07,617 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 258 is defunct for callback to 0x1064f754a
06.12.13 22:39:07,617 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 258 is defunct for callback to 0x1064f754a
06.12.13 22:39:07,617 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 258 is defunct for callback to 0x1064f754a
06.12.13 22:39:07,617 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 258 is defunct for callback to 0x1064f754a
06.12.13 22:39:07,617 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 258 is defunct for callback to 0x1064f754a
06.12.13 22:39:07,617 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 258 is defunct for callback to 0x10656dd9a
06.12.13 22:39:07,617 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 258 is defunct for callback to 0x1064f754a
06.12.13 22:39:07,621 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 258 is defunct for callback to 0x10655b060
06.12.13 22:39:07,794 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 258 is defunct for callback to 0x10671e2d1
06.12.13 22:39:07,982 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 0 is defunct for callback to 0x10656cf67
06.12.13 22:39:07,982 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 0 is defunct for callback to 0x10656cf67
06.12.13 22:39:07,982 WindowServer[126]: run_timer_pass: Session 0 is defunct for callback to 0x10656cf67
06.12.13 22:39:08,723 parentalcontrolsd[835]: StartObservingFSEvents [849:] -- *** StartObservingFSEvents started event stream
06.12.13 22:39:11,666 loginwindow[836]: Login Window Application Started
06.12.13 22:39:11,674 loginwindow[836]: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
06.12.13 22:39:11,720 WindowServer[126]: Display 0x042731c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
06.12.13 22:39:11,731 launchctl[838]: launchctl: Couldn't stat("/Library/LaunchAgents/com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist"): No such file or directory
06.12.13 22:39:11,751 launchctl[838]: com.apple.findmymacmessenger: Already loaded
06.12.13 22:39:11,873 loginwindow[836]: Setting the initial value of the magsave brightness level 1
06.12.13 22:39:11,912 loginwindow[836]: Login Window Started Security Agent
06.12.13 22:39:12,029 com.apple.SecurityServer[14]: Session 100037 created
06.12.13 22:39:12,052 airportd[92]: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “toptwo”. Bailing on auto-join.
06.12.13 22:39:12,090 SecurityAgent[846]: MacBuddy was run = 0
06.12.13 22:39:12,221 UserEventAgent[839]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
06.12.13 22:39:15,341 SecurityAgent[846]: User info context values set for >restart
06.12.13 22:39:15,343 loginwindow[836]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
06.12.13 22:39:18,518 launchctl[849]: launchctl: Couldn't stat("/Library/LaunchAgents/com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist"): No such file or directory
06.12.13 22:39:18,537 SecurityAgent[846]: spawn_via_launchd() failed, errno=5 label=[0x0-0x85085].com.apple.AppleSpell path=/System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell flags=0 : LaunchApplicationClient.cp #990 LaunchApplicationWithSpawnViaLaunchD() q=NSOperationQueue Serial Queue
06.12.13 22:39:18,537 SecurityAgent[846]: spawn_via_launchd() failed, errno=5 label=[0x0-0x85085].com.apple.AppleSpell path=/System/Library/Services/AppleSpell.service/Contents/MacOS/AppleSpell flags=0
06.12.13 22:39:22,983 shutdown[853]: reboot by _atsserver: 
06.12.13 22:39:22,000 kernel[0]: Kext loading now disabled.
06.12.13 22:39:22,000 kernel[0]: Kext unloading now disabled.
06.12.13 22:39:22,000 kernel[0]: Kext autounloading now disabled.
06.12.13 22:39:22,000 kernel[0]: Kernel requests now disabled.
06.12.13 22:39:22,983 shutdown[853]: SHUTDOWN_TIME: 1386365962 982973
06.12.13 22:39:23,081 Safari[586]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection interrupted
06.12.13 22:39:23,082 Safari[586]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection invalid
06.12.13 22:39:23,082 Dock[505]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection interrupted
06.12.13 22:39:23,082 Dock[505]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection invalid
06.12.13 22:39:23,092 SystemUIServer[507]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection interrupted
06.12.13 22:39:23,093 SystemUIServer[507]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection invalid
06.12.13 22:39:53,000 bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1386365993 0
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.appstore" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.authd" sharing output destination "/var/log/system.log" with ASL Module "com.apple.asl".
Output parameters from ASL Module "com.apple.asl" override any specified in ASL Module "com.apple.authd".
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.authd" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.bookstore" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.eventmonitor" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.install" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.iokit.power" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.mail" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.MessageTracer" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.performance" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 syslogd[16]: Configuration Notice:
ASL Module "com.apple.securityd" claims selected messages.
Those messages may not appear in standard system log files or in the ASL database.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: Longterm timer threshold: 1000 ms
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: PMAP: PCID enabled
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: PMAP: Supervisor Mode Execute Protection enabled
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: Darwin Kernel Version 13.0.0: Thu Sep 19 22:22:27 PDT 2013; root:xnu-2422.1.72~6/RELEASE_X86_64
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: vm_page_bootstrap: 2004888 free pages and 75880 wired pages
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: kext submap [0xffffff7f807a5000 - 0xffffff8000000000], kernel text [0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff80007a5000]
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: zone leak detection enabled
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: "vm_compressor_mode" is 4
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: standard background quantum is 2500 us
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: mig_table_max_displ = 74
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: TSC Deadline Timer supported and enabled
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: SAFE BOOT DETECTED - only valid OSBundleRequired kexts will be loaded.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: "name" not a kext
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=2 LocalApicId=2 Enabled
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=3 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=4 LocalApicId=3 Enabled
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=5 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=6 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=7 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=8 LocalApicId=255 Disabled
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: MAC Framework successfully initialized
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: using 16384 buffer headers and 10240 cluster IO buffer headers
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore starting (BUILT: Sep 19 2013 22:20:34)
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: ACPI: sleep states S3 S4 S5
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: pci (build 22:16:29 Sep 19 2013), flags 0x63008, pfm64 (36 cpu) 0xf80000000, 0x80000000
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration begin ]
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: console relocated to 0xf80000000
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 11, devices 15 ]
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: Turbo Ratios 0046
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 22:16:38 Sep 19 2013) initialization complete
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: mcache: 4 CPU(s), 64 bytes CPU cache line size
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: mbinit: done [96 MB total pool size, (64/32) split]
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: BTCOEXIST off 
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: BRCM tunables:
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: pullmode[1] txringsize[  256] txsendqsize[1024] reapmin[   32] reapcount[  128]
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 0C4DC325-A54B-39AE-AFBC-D4AE1BA7A08B
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5901 built-in now active, GUID 003ee1fffe49e86a; max speed s800.
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: TBIOBlockStorageDriver: super::probe failed
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: TBIOBlockStorageDriver: super::probe failed
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleIntelPchSeriesAHCI/PRT0@0/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/Samsung SSD 840 Series Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/SSD@2
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: BSD root: disk0s2, major 1, minor 3
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted SSD on device root_device
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
06.12.13 22:39:54,365 com.apple.launchd[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
06.12.13 22:39:54,365 com.apple.launchd[1]: *** Shutdown logging is enabled. ***
06.12.13 22:40:14,144 com.apple.kextd[11]: Safe boot mode detected; invalidating system extensions caches.
06.12.13 22:40:14,147 com.apple.kextd[11]: Cache file /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Directories/System/Library/Extensions/KextIdentifiers.plist.gz is out of date; not using.
06.12.13 22:40:14,151 com.apple.SecurityServer[13]: Session 100000 created
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
06.12.13 22:40:14,000 kernel[0]: IO80211Interface::efiNVRAMPublished():  
06.12.13 22:40:16,527 com.apple.kextd[11]: Cache file /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/IOKitPersonalities_x86_64.ioplist.gz is out of date; not using.
06.12.13 22:40:16,537 com.apple.SecurityServer[13]: Entering service
06.12.13 22:40:16,685 UserEventAgent[10]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
06.12.13 22:40:16,751 UserEventAgent[10]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Inactive
06.12.13 22:40:16,000 kernel[0]: flow_divert_kctl_disconnect (0): disconnecting group 1
06.12.13 22:40:17,000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Macintosh HD on device disk1s2
06.12.13 22:40:17,000 kernel[0]: Waiting for DSMOS...
06.12.13 22:40:17,901 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/SMCMotionSensor.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:17,902 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.driver.SMCMotionSensor failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:18,512 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/AppleThunderboltEDMService.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleThunderboltEDMSink.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:18,513 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltEDMSink failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:18,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
06.12.13 22:40:18,853 configd[17]: dhcp_arp_router: en1 SSID unavailable
06.12.13 22:40:18,870 configd[17]: network changed.
06.12.13 22:40:18,871 configd[17]: setting hostname to "Ivans-MacBook-Pro-2.local"
06.12.13 22:40:18,893 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHWAccess.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:18,895 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.driver.AppleHWAccess failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:18,000 kernel[0]: Previous Shutdown Cause: 3
06.12.13 22:40:19,044 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/AppleSMCLMU.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:19,046 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.driver.AppleSMCLMU failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:19,000 kernel[0]: VM Swap Subsystem is ON
06.12.13 22:40:19,107 hidd[75]: void __IOHIDPlugInLoadBundles(): Loaded 0 HID plugins
06.12.13 22:40:19,110 hidd[75]: Posting 'com.apple.iokit.hid.displayStatus' notifyState=1
06.12.13 22:40:19,235 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleHDAController.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:19,237 mDNSResponder[66]: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-522.1.11 (Aug 24 2013 23:49:34) starting OSXVers 13
06.12.13 22:40:19,238 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:19,275 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/IOFireWireIP.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:19,277 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.iokit.IOFireWireIP failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:19,401 com.apple.usbmuxd[52]: usbmuxd-323.1 on Oct  3 2013 at 12:43:24, running 64 bit
06.12.13 22:40:19,559 digest-service[93]: label: default
06.12.13 22:40:19,559 digest-service[93]:     dbname: od:/Local/Default
06.12.13 22:40:19,560 digest-service[93]:     mkey_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/m-key
06.12.13 22:40:19,560 digest-service[93]:     acl_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/kadmind.acl
06.12.13 22:40:19,569 kdc[73]: label: default
06.12.13 22:40:19,569 kdc[73]:     dbname: od:/Local/Default
06.12.13 22:40:19,569 kdc[73]:     mkey_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/m-key
06.12.13 22:40:19,569 kdc[73]:     acl_file: /var/db/krb5kdc/kadmind.acl
06.12.13 22:40:19,698 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleSMCPDRC.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:19,701 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.driver.AppleSMCPDRC failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:19,824 kdc[73]: WARNING Found KDC certificate (O=System Identity,CN=com.apple.kerberos.kdc)is missing the PK-INIT KDC EKU, this is bad for interoperability.
06.12.13 22:40:19,835 configd[17]: network changed: DNS*
06.12.13 22:40:19,838 configd[17]: network changed: DNS*
06.12.13 22:40:19,845 mDNSResponder[66]: D2D_IPC: Loaded
06.12.13 22:40:19,845 mDNSResponder[66]: D2DInitialize succeeded
06.12.13 22:40:19,851 mDNSResponder[66]:   4: Listening for incoming Unix Domain Socket client requests
06.12.13 22:40:19,851 mDNSResponder[66]: Adding registration domain 273686313.members.btmm.icloud.com.
06.12.13 22:40:19,909 apsd[88]: CGSLookupServerRootPort: Failed to look up the port for "com.apple.windowserver.active" (1102)
06.12.13 22:40:19,931 networkd[108]: networkd.108 built Aug 24 2013 22:08:46
06.12.13 22:40:19,967 digest-service[93]: digest-request: uid=0
06.12.13 22:40:20,043 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/AppleThunderboltIP.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:20,045 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.driver.AppleThunderboltIP failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:20,075 systemkeychain[94]: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
06.12.13 22:40:20,171 locationd[71]: NBB-Could not get UDID for stable refill timing, falling back on random
06.12.13 22:40:20,196 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AppleMikeyDriver.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:20,198 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.driver.AppleMikeyDriver failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:20,206 locationd[71]: Location icon should now be in state 'Inactive'
06.12.13 22:40:20,324 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/IOBluetoothFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOBluetoothUSBDFU.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:20,328 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothUSBDFU failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:20,331 kdc[73]: KDC started
06.12.13 22:40:20,000 kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- completed -- result = TRUE -- 0x2400 ****
06.12.13 22:40:20,000 kernel[0]: **** [BroadcomBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][start] -- Completed -- 0x2400 ****
06.12.13 22:40:20,376 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelHD4000Graphics.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:20,377 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.driver.AppleIntelHD4000Graphics failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:20,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:20,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:20,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:20,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:20,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:20,560 awacsd[86]: Starting awacsd connectivity_executables-97 (Aug 24 2013 23:49:23)
06.12.13 22:40:20,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:20,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:20,609 digest-service[93]: digest-request: netr probe 0
06.12.13 22:40:20,610 digest-service[93]: digest-request: init request
06.12.13 22:40:20,624 digest-service[93]: digest-request: init return domain: BUILTIN server: IVANS-MACBOOK-PRO-2 indomain was: <NULL>
06.12.13 22:40:20,808 awacsd[86]: Configuring lazy AWACS client: 273686313.p11.members.btmm.icloud.com.
06.12.13 22:40:20,825 awacsd[86]: KV HTTP 0
06.12.13 22:40:20,892 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/AppleUpstreamUserClient.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:20,893 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.driver.AppleUpstreamUserClient failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:20,968 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/ApplePlatformEnabler.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:20,969 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.driver.ApplePlatformEnabler failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: IOPPF: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement mode
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: X86PlatformShim::sendStepper - in safe boot. Set PState to PMin.
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: createVirtIf(): ifRole = 1
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: in func createVirtualInterface ifRole = 1
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4331_P2PInterface::init name <p2p0> role 1
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: AirPort_Brcm4331_P2PInterface::init() <p2p> role 1
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: Created virtif 0xffffff801249e800 p2p0
06.12.13 22:40:21,226 airportd[90]: airportdProcessDLILEvent: en1 attached (up)
06.12.13 22:40:21,366 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/IOBluetoothFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/IOBluetoothSerialManager.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:21,370 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothSerialManager failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:21,898 com.apple.kextd[11]: Can't load /System/Library/Extensions/IOUserEthernet.kext - ineligible during safe boot.
06.12.13 22:40:21,902 com.apple.kextd[11]: Load com.apple.iokit.IOUserEthernet failed; removing personalities from kernel.
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: DSMOS has arrived
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][staticBluetoothHCIControllerTransportShowsUp] -- Received Bluetooth Controller register service notification -- 0x2400 
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHCIController][protectedBluetoothHCIControllerTransportShowsUp] -- Connected to the transport successfully -- 0xef40 -- 0xa000 -- 0x2400 ****
06.12.13 22:40:21,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:22,021 loginwindow[69]: Login Window Application Started
06.12.13 22:40:22,000 kernel[0]: **** [IOBluetoothHostControllerUSBTransport][SuspendDevice] -- Suspend -- suspendDeviceCallResult = 0x0000 (kIOReturnSuccess) -- 0x2400 ****
06.12.13 22:40:22,433 WindowServer[118]: Server is starting up
06.12.13 22:40:22,471 WindowServer[118]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
06.12.13 22:40:22,472 WindowServer[118]: Session 256 released (1 references)
06.12.13 22:40:22,520 mds[65]: (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
06.12.13 22:40:22,542 mds[65]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7f8fbd804a00 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V1 occlude:0 /
06.12.13 22:40:22,612 WindowServer[118]: Session 256 retained (2 references)
06.12.13 22:40:22,622 WindowServer[118]: init_page_flip: page flip mode is on
06.12.13 22:40:22,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:22,655 mds[65]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7f8fbc80f800 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:/Volumes/Macintosh HD/.Spotlight-V100/Store-V1 occlude:0 /Volumes/Macintosh HD
06.12.13 22:40:22,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:22,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:22,000 kernel[0]: Network delay is not specified! Defaulting to 0x384
06.12.13 22:40:22,747 WindowServer[118]: Found 16 modes for display 0x00000000 [8, 8]
06.12.13 22:40:22,754 WindowServer[118]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
06.12.13 22:40:22,759 WindowServer[118]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
06.12.13 22:40:22,765 WindowServer[118]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
06.12.13 22:40:22,768 WindowServer[118]: mux_initialize: Couldn't find any matches
06.12.13 22:40:22,775 WindowServer[118]: Found 16 modes for display 0x00000000 [8, 8]
06.12.13 22:40:22,789 WindowServer[118]: update_gl_acceleration: device (0x7fe4baf10970) is unsuitable for gl - disabling OpenGL
06.12.13 22:40:22,824 mDNSResponder[66]: mDNS_Register_internal: ERROR!! Tried to register AuthRecord 00007F81EB00F360 Ivans-MacBook-Pro-2.local. (AAAA) that's already in the list
06.12.13 22:40:22,824 mDNSResponder[66]: mDNS_Register_internal: ERROR!! Tried to register AuthRecord 00007F81EB00F7F0 4.4.D.5.E.7.E.F.F.F.3.C.1.D.E. (PTR) that's already in the list
06.12.13 22:40:22,825 mDNSResponder[66]: mDNS_Register_internal: ERROR!! Tried to register AuthRecord 00007F81EB010F60 Ivans-MacBook-Pro-2.local. (Addr) that's already in the list
06.12.13 22:40:22,825 mDNSResponder[66]: mDNS_Register_internal: ERROR!! Tried to register AuthRecord 00007F81EB0113F0 (PTR) that's already in the list
06.12.13 22:40:22,000 kernel[0]: hfs: mounted Recovery HD on device disk0s3
06.12.13 22:40:22,862 WindowServer[118]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
06.12.13 22:40:22,862 WindowServer[118]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
06.12.13 22:40:22,863 WindowServer[118]: Found 1 modes for display 0x00000000 [1, 0]
06.12.13 22:40:22,873 mds[65]: (Normal) Volume: volume:0x7f8fbc827000 ********** Bootstrapped Creating a default store:0 SpotLoc:(null) SpotVerLoc:(null) occlude:0 /Volumes/Recovery HD
06.12.13 22:40:22,917 WindowServer[118]: WSMachineUsesNewStyleMirroring: true
06.12.13 22:40:22,919 WindowServer[118]: Display 0x042731c0: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1280 x 800], 16 modes available
Main, Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model 9cc7, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0xcb5a19e16c20c98ebb2d70fc3bb550b4
06.12.13 22:40:22,919 WindowServer[118]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
06.12.13 22:40:22,920 WindowServer[118]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
06.12.13 22:40:22,920 WindowServer[118]: Display 0x003f003c: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[0 x 0], 1 modes available
off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
06.12.13 22:40:22,934 WindowServer[118]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
06.12.13 22:40:22,934 WindowServer[118]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
06.12.13 22:40:22,935 WindowServer[118]: WSSetWindowTransform: Singular matrix
06.12.13 22:40:22,948 WindowServer[118]: update_gl_acceleration: device (0x7fe4baf10970) is unsuitable for gl - disabling OpenGL
06.12.13 22:40:22,966 WindowServer[118]: Display 0x042731c0: GL mask 0x1; bounds (0, 0)[1280 x 800], 16 modes available
Main, Active, on-line, enabled, built-in, boot, Vendor 610, Model 9cc7, S/N 0, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0xcb5a19e16c20c98ebb2d70fc3bb550b4
06.12.13 22:40:22,966 WindowServer[118]: Display 0x003f003e: GL mask 0x1; bounds (2304, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
06.12.13 22:40:22,966 WindowServer[118]: Display 0x003f003d: GL mask 0x1; bounds (2305, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
06.12.13 22:40:22,967 WindowServer[118]: Display 0x003f003c: GL mask 0x1; bounds (2306, 0)[1 x 1], 1 modes available
off-line, enabled, Vendor ffffffff, Model ffffffff, S/N ffffffff, Unit 0, Rotation 0
UUID 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
06.12.13 22:40:22,967 WindowServer[118]: CGXPerformInitialDisplayConfiguration
06.12.13 22:40:22,968 WindowServer[118]:   Display 0x042731c0: Unit 0; Vendor 0x610 Model 0x9cc7 S/N 0 Dimensions 11.26 x 7.05; online enabled built-in, Bounds (0,0)[1280 x 800], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
06.12.13 22:40:22,968 WindowServer[118]:   Display 0x003f003e: Unit 0; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2304,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
06.12.13 22:40:22,968 WindowServer[118]:   Display 0x003f003d: Unit 0; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2305,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
06.12.13 22:40:22,968 WindowServer[118]:   Display 0x003f003c: Unit 0; Vendor 0xffffffff Model 0xffffffff S/N -1 Dimensions 0.00 x 0.00; offline enabled, Bounds (2306,0)[1 x 1], Rotation 0, Resolution 1
06.12.13 22:40:22,969 WindowServer[118]: GLCompositor enabled for tile size [256 x 256]
06.12.13 22:40:22,970 WindowServer[118]: CGXGLInitMipMap: mip map mode is on
06.12.13 22:40:22,982 fseventsd[76]: Logging disabled completely for device:1: /Volumes/Recovery HD
06.12.13 22:40:23,008 loginwindow[69]: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
06.12.13 22:40:23,000 kernel[0]: hfs: unmount initiated on Recovery HD on device disk0s3
06.12.13 22:40:24,000 kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 8c:04:ff:b9:5b:60  MAC AUTH succeeded
06.12.13 22:40:24,000 kernel[0]: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
06.12.13 22:40:24,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en1
06.12.13 22:40:24,000 kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 8c:04:ff:b9:5b:60
06.12.13 22:40:24,375 WindowServer[118]: Display 0x042731c0: Unit 0; ColorProfile { 2, "Color LCD"}; TransferTable (256, 12)
06.12.13 22:40:24,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
06.12.13 22:40:24,688 launchctl[135]: com.apple.findmymacmessenger: Already loaded
06.12.13 22:40:24,000 kernel[0]: flow_divert_kctl_disconnect (0): disconnecting group 1
06.12.13 22:40:24,965 com.apple.SecurityServer[13]: Session 100003 created
06.12.13 22:40:25,106 loginwindow[69]: Login Window Started Security Agent
06.12.13 22:40:25,515 SecurityAgent[143]: This is the first run
06.12.13 22:40:25,516 SecurityAgent[143]: MacBuddy was run = 0
06.12.13 22:40:25,864 UserEventAgent[137]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
06.12.13 22:40:25,891 awacsd[86]: KV HTTP 0
06.12.13 22:40:27,142 parentalcontrolsd[147]: StartObservingFSEvents [849:] -- *** StartObservingFSEvents started event stream
06.12.13 22:40:27,589 configd[17]: network changed: DNS* Proxy
06.12.13 22:40:27,594 UserEventAgent[10]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1655] en1: SSID 'toptwo' making interface primary (protected network)
06.12.13 22:40:27,595 UserEventAgent[10]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Evaluating
06.12.13 22:40:27,603 UserEventAgent[10]: Captive: en1: Probing 'toptwo'
06.12.13 22:40:27,609 configd[17]: network changed: v4(en1!: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
06.12.13 22:40:27,993 UserEventAgent[10]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en1: Authenticated
06.12.13 22:40:28,537 ntpd[124]: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
06.12.13 22:40:28,872 apsd[88]: Unrecognized leaf certificate
06.12.13 22:40:34,402 SecurityAgent[143]: User info context values set for ivanssd
06.12.13 22:40:36,907 SecurityAgent[143]: Login Window login proceeding
06.12.13 22:40:37,435 loginwindow[69]: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
06.12.13 22:40:37,488 loginwindow[69]: USER_PROCESS: 69 console
06.12.13 22:40:37,515 warmd[51]: [__bootcachectl_set_preheated_user_block_invoke:684] Unable to unlink preated user symlink /var/db/BootCaches/PreheatedUser: 1 Operation not permitted
06.12.13 22:40:37,515 warmd[51]: [__bootcachectl_set_preheated_user_block_invoke:695] Unable to create preated user symlink /var/db/BootCaches/PreheatedUser to BC6EA1FF-70FF-441D-ACDC-0D3DA2174781: 17 File exists
06.12.13 22:40:37,631 mds[65]: (Normal) Volume: Spotlight is disabled on /Users/ivanrasic 2FF7E97B-3E4F-49B7-BEA4-6FA4C3B6BB6A.  This can impact search in Mail and other applications
06.12.13 22:40:38,000 kernel[0]: utun_ctl_connect: creating interface utun0
06.12.13 22:40:38,000 kernel[0]: AppleKeyStore:Sending lock change 0
06.12.13 22:40:38,562 launchctl[167]: com.apple.pluginkit.pkd: Already loaded
06.12.13 22:40:38,562 launchctl[167]: com.apple.sbd: Already loaded
06.12.13 22:40:38,609 racoon[166]: failed to bind to address fdf7:2716:baf0:f1af:6010:da81:b2b5:1ffd[500] (Can't assign requested address).
06.12.13 22:40:38,610 racoon[166]: failed to bind to address fdf7:2716:baf0:f1af:6010:da81:b2b5:1ffd[500]: because interface address is/was not ready (flags 2).
06.12.13 22:40:38,611 racoon[166]: failed to bind to address fdf7:2716:baf0:f1af:6010:da81:b2b5:1ffd[4500] (Can't assign requested address).
06.12.13 22:40:38,612 racoon[166]: failed to bind to address fdf7:2716:baf0:f1af:6010:da81:b2b5:1ffd[4500]: because interface address is/was not ready (flags 2).
06.12.13 22:40:38,000 kernel[0]: flow_divert_kctl_disconnect (0): disconnecting group 1
06.12.13 22:40:41,681 accountsd[204]: assertion failed: 13A603: liblaunch.dylib + 25164 [FCBF0A02-0B06-3F97-9248-5062A9DEB32C]: 0x25
06.12.13 22:40:41,988 SocialPushAgent[179]: ApplePushService: APSConnection being used without a delegate queue
06.12.13 22:40:44,245 launchproxyls[172]: Waiting for Launch Services seeding, UID 501
06.12.13 22:40:44,694 sharingd[211]: Starting Up...
06.12.13 22:40:44,741 mds[65]: (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputer"
06.12.13 22:40:44,839 revisiond[60]: objc[60]: Class GSLockToken is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GenerationalStorage.framework/Versions/A/Support/revisiond and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GenerationalStorage.framework/Versions/A/GenerationalStorage. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
06.12.13 22:40:45,168 com.apple.SecurityServer[13]: Session 100008 created
06.12.13 22:40:45,723 UserEventAgent[168]: Failed to copy info dictionary for bundle /System/Library/UserEventPlugins/alfUIplugin.plugin
06.12.13 22:40:45,843 xpcproxy[219]: assertion failed: 13A603: xpcproxy + 3438 [EE7817B0-1FA1-3603-B88A-BD5E595DA86F]: 0x2
06.12.13 22:40:45,875 com.apple.SecurityServer[13]: Session 100010 created
06.12.13 22:40:46,018 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class AMDRadeonX4000_AMDAccelDevice.
06.12.13 22:40:46,019 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class AMDRadeonX4000_AMDAccelSharedUserClient.
06.12.13 22:40:46,019 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class AMDSIVideoContext.
06.12.13 22:40:46,019 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IGAccelDevice.
06.12.13 22:40:46,020 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IGAccelSharedUserClient.
06.12.13 22:40:46,020 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IGAccelVideoContextMain.
06.12.13 22:40:46,020 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IGAccelVideoContextMedia.
06.12.13 22:40:46,020 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IGAccelVideoContextVEBox.
06.12.13 22:40:46,021 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IOHIDParamUserClient.
06.12.13 22:40:46,021 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IOSurfaceRootUserClient.
06.12.13 22:40:46,021 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class Gen6DVDContext.
06.12.13 22:40:46,021 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named AirPlay.driver requires extending the sandbox for the mach service named com.apple.AirPlayXPCHelper.
06.12.13 22:40:46,215 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named BluetoothAudioPlugIn.driver requires extending the sandbox for the IOKit user-client class IOBluetoothDeviceUserClient.
06.12.13 22:40:46,215 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named BluetoothAudioPlugIn.driver requires extending the sandbox for the mach service named com.apple.blued.
06.12.13 22:40:46,215 com.apple.audio.DriverHelper[216]: The plug-in named BluetoothAudioPlugIn.driver requires extending the sandbox for the mach service named com.apple.bluetoothaudiod.
06.12.13 22:40:48,451 coreaudiod[198]: 2013-12-06 10:40:48.449040 PM [AirPlay] AirPlay: Performing audio format change for 4 (AP Out) to PCM,  44100 Hz, 16-bit, Stereo
06.12.13 22:41:09,954 librariand[212]: [ERROR] [0.000s] default-qu framework_client.c:103 IPCSendMessageTimed() Could not send a message to ubd: Operation timed out
06.12.13 22:41:09,954 librariand[212]: [ERROR] [0.001s] default-qu framework_client.c:737 IPCSyncingEnabled() failed to contact ubd: -1
06.12.13 22:41:25,026 librariand[212]: [ERROR] [15.072s] default-qu framework_client.c:103 IPCSendMessageTimed() Could not send a message to ubd: Operation timed out
06.12.13 22:41:25,026 librariand[212]: [ERROR] [15.072s] default-qu framework_client.c:737 IPCSyncingEnabled() failed to contact ubd: -1
06.12.13 22:41:44,312 launchproxyls[172]: Launch Services seeding did not complete
06.12.13 22:42:31,000 kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
06.12.13 22:43:00,000 kernel[0]: MacAuthEvent en1   Auth result for: 8c:04:ff:b9:5b:60  MAC AUTH succeeded
06.12.13 22:43:00,000 kernel[0]: wlEvent: en1 en1 Link UP virtIf = 0
06.12.13 22:43:00,000 kernel[0]: wl0: Roamed or switched channel, reason #8, bssid 8c:04:ff:b9:5b:60
06.12.13 22:43:00,000 kernel[0]: en1: BSSID changed to 8c:04:ff:b9:5b:60
06.12.13 22:43:00,000 kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
06.12.13 22:44:01,000 kernel[0]: disk1s2: I/O error.
06.12.13 22:45:16,673 com.apple.kextd[11]: Cache file /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/KextPropertyValues_OSBundleHelper_x86_64.plist.gz is out of date; not using.
06.12.13 22:45:16,675 com.apple.kextd[11]: Rescanning kernel extensions.
06.12.13 22:45:16,000 kernel[0]: Resetting IOCatalogue.
06.12.13 22:45:16,830 com.apple.kextcache[228]: rebuilding /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/kernelcache


Schweizer Glockenapfel
Wenn ich das richtig sehe, ist das der Konsoleneintrag der Guest-Anmeldung, oder? Die funktioniert ja, laut deiner Aussage. Am Ende wird ein I/O Error ausgegeben, was auf einen Defekt der Festplatte hindeuten kann!

Du hattest ja geschrieben, dass du den sicheren Systemstart schon probiert hattest, aber der auch bereits auf Fehler lief. Gab es irgendeine Meldung?

Führe mal den Apple Hardware Test aus!


Golden Noble
Promis hat recht: I/O error deutet nicht nur sondern meldet oder kündigt an: Festplatte im Status abeundi, also i. A.
Sofort aktuelles Backup machen, neue Festplatte bereit halten.
Eventuell kannst du danach die Platte neu formatieren und die Daten wieder aufspielen, aber die Aussicht auf ein langes Leben der HD kannst du begraben.
Testen musst du nicht mehr viel.
Wenn mich mein Gedächtnis nicht trügt, ist die Platte doch neu. Also hast du Garantie