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KeyLemon Löschen


Golden Delicious
Ich habe mir dummerweise KeyLemon installiert. Da diese Programm leider sinnfrei ist wollte ich es nun löschen. Also alles gelöscht was ich finden konnte. Problem ist nun das der Lockscreen nach Neustart und Ruhemodus immer noch auszufüllen ist.

Hat jemand ne Idee wie ich den Mist ganz runter kriege?


Tydemans Early Worcester
Auf der Hersteller-Seite steht folgendes:

In order to uninstall KeyLemon properly, you have to use the "Uninstall KeyLemon" button from within KeyLemon application. Simply removing the application (/Applications/KeyLemon.app) will not uninstall KeyLemon correctly. This is clearly explains in the ReadMe step of KeyLemon installation.

In order to uninstall properly KeyLemon, please follow the following steps:

Open KeyLemon application (/Applications/KeyLemon.app). Depending if you are in end of trial or not, KeyLemon should open in the "General" tab or in the "Licenses" tab directly. Both tabs have an "Uninstall KeyLemon" button.
Click on the "Uninstall KeyLemon" button. A dialog asks you if you really wants to uninstall KeyLemon. Click on "Yes" (See printscreen "uninstall_2.png"). Then you are asking for an administrator passwords.
Finally, KeyLemon tells you that the uninstallation completed correctly and that the Application package (/Applications/KeyLemon.app) will now be removed.
Yes, but what if I have already removed KeyLemon.app ?

If you have already removed KeyLemon.app, please install again KeyLemon and follow the steps described above.

Heißt nochmal installieren und dann aus den Einstellungen heraus deinstallieren.