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iMac late 06 Grafikfehlerblitze mit Einfrieren


Westfälische Tiefblüte
Ich habe leider mal wieder ein iMacproblem. Diese Woche war es endlich soweit und ich habe mir den lang gehegten Traum, einen iMac late 06 zu zu legen, erfüllt. Dieser sieht fantastisch aus und macht im "Officebetrieb" eine super Figur. Doch sobald es grafiklastig wird, kommt es zu Problemen. Habe hier mal eine Auflistung gemacht. Bei der Suche im Internet wurde ich nicht so recht fündig, wie ich das Problem beheben kann oder ob ich das Gerät zurück schicken sollte.
Es stand teilweise etwas von anderer Nutzung des Grafikchips durch Betriebssysteme ab Snow Leopard, welche zu Problemen führen könnten, über Grafikchip/GrafikRAM defekt und RAM defekt. Kennt jemand die Problematik? Hat jemand vielleicht eine Möglichkeit das Problem zu beheben?

Habe mal ein kurzes Video der Problematik angefügt. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/39322751/IMG_7631.MOV

Skype (friert ein)
Sauerbraten (friert ein)
Peggle (Grafikfehler s.o.)
Spotify (keine Probleme)
Textverarbeitung und Internet (keine Probleme)
Film Flash Internet (friert ein) --> Ton läuft kurz weiter und ist dann auch weg
Film VLC Player 720k (friert ein) --> Ton läuft weiter

Übermäßige Prozessorauslastung war nicht zu erkennen.

Ein Displayportkabel ist nicht vorhanden, nur Mini-Displayport, somit kann ich den iMac nicht an einem anderen Bildschirm testen.

Würde mich über eure Tipps sehr freuen.



Halberstädter Jungfernapfel
1: Der iMac hat einen Mini-DVI Anschluss. Du brauchst einen Adapter um einen externen anzuschließen. Sind in der Bucht billig zu finden.
2: Der Fehler sieht doch stark nach Grafikkarte aus. Er geht ja offensichtlich bei grafisch anspruchsvollen Sachen in die Knie.

Beim weißen iMac sind die Grafikkartenprobleme ja kein Geheimnis. Ob 17", 20" oder 24", alle haben sie ihre Probleme.
beim 24"er kann man ja die Grafikkarte tauschen. Sie finden sich auf eBay des öfteren.
Bei den 17" und 20"ern ist die Grafikkarte leider verlötet und das ist für einen User nicht zu tauschen.
Es gibt im Internet auch keine Angebote für Reparaturen dieser Modelle.
Allerdings: In den Kleinanzeigen und bei eBay gibt ist zig Angebote für Reparaturen des MacBook Pro 2006, welches meines Wissens den gleichen Chip verbaut hat. Es wird zwar nicht angeboten, aber ich bin mir sicher, dass auf Nachfrage auch der iMac repariert wird, sofern möglich.

Reklamation wäre natürlich die bessere Wahl, wobei es vermutlich nahezu unmöglich ist, ein Modell ohne diesen Fehler zu finden. Lieber in einen 24"er investieren und ggf später selbst eine neue Grafik einbauen.
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Reaktionen: Fantom53


Westfälische Tiefblüte
Danke dir.
Habe jetzt eine Antwort vom Unternehmen. Sie möchten den iMac zurück und den Fehler überprüfen und ggf. reparieren.

Kann es sein, dass mit Tiger das Problem nicht auftritt und sie mir sagen, dass kein Defekt vorliegt? Da wäre ich dann etwas angearscht.


Halberstädter Jungfernapfel
Kann ich mir nicht vorstellen. Grafikfehler kommen nicht aus dem nichts, und dein installiertes System ist ja lange genug ausgereift. Apple hätte etwaige Softwarefehler längst korrigiert.


Westfälische Tiefblüte
Vielleicht interessiert sich ja jemand wie das mit dem Problem ausgegangen ist. Ich habe den iMac zurück zum Verkäufer (bekanntes Ankaufportal von Gebrauchtgegenständen) zurückgesendet. Sie haben ca. 1 Woche gebraucht und sich Erkan und Stefan den Film drauf angesehen.
Nach meinen ersten Tests scheint das Problem der Grafikfehler und des Einfrierens behoben zu sein. Endgültiges Urteil erst nach längerem Test möglich.

Soweit mir bekannt ist lässt sich bei diesem Mac die Grafikkarte nicht tauschen, wie denkt ihr wurde da das Problem behoben?


Westfälische Tiefblüte
Die Grafikfehler sind nun echt behoben, weder bei Spielen, bei Flash noch bei Filmen treten Probleme auf...

Dennoch ist mir der iMac einmal komplett eingefroren beim schreiben in Facebook, hab mal den Konsoleninhalt kopiert:
05.04.13 22:34:43,018 [0x0-0x1c01c].com.spotify.client: 20:34:43.017 E [watchdog.cpp:182                ] Fatal deadlock detected - would have crashed!! (Thread: gui)
05.04.13 22:35:56,000 bootlog: BOOT_TIME 1365194156 0
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: npvhash=4095
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: PAE enabled
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: 64 bit mode enabled
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 16:26:45 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_I386
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: vm_page_bootstrap: 637881 free pages and 17479 wired pages
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: zone leak detection enabled
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: standard timeslicing quantum is 10000 us
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: mig_table_max_displ = 73
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=0 LocalApicId=0 Enabled
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: AppleACPICPU: ProcessorId=1 LocalApicId=1 Enabled
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for TMSafetyNet
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Safety net for Time Machine (TMSafetyNet)
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for Sandbox
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Seatbelt sandbox policy (Sandbox)
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: calling mpo_policy_init for Quarantine
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: Security policy loaded: Quarantine policy (Quarantine)
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: MAC Framework successfully initialized
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: using 13107 buffer headers and 8601 cluster IO buffer headers
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: IOAPIC: Version 0x20 Vectors 64:87
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: ACPI: System State [S0 S3 S4 S5]
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: PFM64 (36 cpu) 0xf10000000, 0xf0000000
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: [ PCI configuration begin ]
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: PCI configuration changed (bridge=1 device=1 cardbus=0)
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: [ PCI configuration end, bridges 5 devices 16 ]
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: Sleep failure code 0x00015f90 0x12006600
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement: (built 16:32:10 Aug 23 2012) initialization complete
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: FireWire (OHCI) Lucent ID 5811 built-in now active, GUID 0017f2fffe827fbc; max speed s400.
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: mbinit: done [64 MB total pool size, (42/21) split]
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: Pthread support ABORTS when sync kernel primitives misused
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib kmod start
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless kmod start
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib load succeeded
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: com.apple.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless load succeeded
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: AppleIntelCPUPowerManagementClient: ready
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: BTCOEXIST off 
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: wl0: Broadcom BCM4328 802.11 Wireless Controller
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel:
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: rooting via boot-uuid from /chosen: 44CDF0E4-5F01-3120-AE6B-792938788AF8
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: Waiting on <dict ID="0"><key>IOProviderClass</key><string ID="1">IOResources</string><key>IOResourceMatch</key><string ID="2">boot-uuid-media</string></dict>
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: Got boot device = IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/SATA@1F,2/AppleAHCI/PRT2@2/IOAHCIDevice@0/AppleAHCIDiskDriver/IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice/IOBlockStorageDriver/WDC WD1600JS-40TGB0 Media/IOGUIDPartitionScheme/Apple_HFS_Untitled_1@2
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: BSD root: disk0s2, major 14, minor 2
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: jnl: unknown-dev: replay_journal: from: 1997312 to: 4376064 (joffset 0x4a8000)
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: jnl: unknown-dev: journal replay done.
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: [IOBluetoothHCIController::setConfigState] calling registerService
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: CSRUSBBluetoothHCIController::setupHardware super returned 0
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: AppleYukon2: Marvell Yukon Gigabit Adapter 88E8053 Singleport Copper SA
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: AppleYukon2: RxRingSize <= 1024, TxRingSize 256, RX_MAX_LE 1024, TX_MAX_LE 768, ST_MAX_LE 3328
05.04.13 22:36:17,000 kernel: hfs: Removed 23 orphaned / unlinked files and 2933 directories 
05.04.13 22:36:12,260 fseventsd: event logs in /.fseventsd out of sync with volume.  destroying old logs. (223005 15 223094)
05.04.13 22:35:59,147 com.apple.launchd: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
05.04.13 22:36:11,891 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.powerd) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
05.04.13 22:36:11,891 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.sandboxd) Unknown value for key POSIXSpawnType: Interactive
05.04.13 22:36:17,290 com.apple.ucupdate.plist: ucupdate: Checked 1 update, no match found.
05.04.13 22:36:17,361 com.apple.pfctl: No ALTQ support in kernel
05.04.13 22:36:17,361 com.apple.pfctl: ALTQ related functions disabled
05.04.13 22:36:18,000 kernel: Waiting for DSMOS...
05.04.13 22:36:18,416 com.apple.usbmuxd: usbmuxd-296.4 on Dec 21 2012 at 16:11:14, running 64 bit
05.04.13 22:36:18,493 mDNSResponder: mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-320.16 (Jul 19 2012 21:07:07) starting OSXVers 11
05.04.13 22:36:20,000 kernel: yukon: Ethernet address 00:16:cb:9a:ef:3d
05.04.13 22:36:20,000 kernel: AirPort_Brcm43224: Ethernet address 00:17:f2:9b:8e:d0
05.04.13 22:36:20,000 kernel: IO80211Controller::dataLinkLayerAttachComplete():  adding AppleEFINVRAM notification
05.04.13 22:36:21,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key $Num (kSMCKeyNotFound)
05.04.13 22:36:21,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR $Num kSMCKeyNotFound(0x84) fKeyHashTable=0x0
05.04.13 22:36:21,000 kernel: Previous Shutdown Cause: 3
05.04.13 22:36:21,000 kernel: SMC::smcInitHelper ERROR: MMIO regMap == NULL - fall back to old SMC mode
05.04.13 22:36:21,000 kernel: DSMOS has arrived
05.04.13 22:36:22,000 kernel: SMC::smcReadKeyAction ERROR: smcReadData8 failed for key BEMB (kSMCKeyNotFound)
05.04.13 22:36:22,306 fseventsd: implementation_register_rpc: implementation_added_client() => 22
05.04.13 22:36:22,308 com.apple.UserEventAgent-System: 2013-04-05 22:36 UserEventAgent[11] (CarbonCore.framework) FSEventStreamStart: register_with_server: ERROR: f2d_register_rpc() => (null) (-21)
05.04.13 22:36:22,340 UserEventAgent: starting CaptiveNetworkSupport as SystemEventAgent built May 25 2011 12:27:35
05.04.13 22:36:22,343 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CreateInterfaceWatchList:2788 WiFi Devices Found. :)
05.04.13 22:36:22,343 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
05.04.13 22:36:22,344 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
05.04.13 22:36:22,344 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
05.04.13 22:36:22,344 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
05.04.13 22:36:22,345 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
05.04.13 22:36:22,345 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
05.04.13 22:36:23,711 mds: (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
05.04.13 22:36:24,000 kernel: macx_swapon SUCCESS
05.04.13 22:36:26,588 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100000 created
05.04.13 22:36:32,917 com.apple.SecurityServer: Entering service
05.04.13 22:36:32,991 systemkeychain: done file: /var/run/systemkeychaincheck.done
05.04.13 22:36:33,020 mDNSResponder: D2D_IPC: Loaded
05.04.13 22:36:33,020 mDNSResponder: D2DInitialize succeeded
05.04.13 22:36:33,117 launchdadd: FAILURE: Could not send MIG reply: 0x10000003
05.04.13 22:36:33,126 UserEventAgent: ServermgrdRegistration cannot load config data
05.04.13 22:36:33,526 fseventsd: log dir: /.fseventsd getting new uuid: B4B56A6C-B7BE-403B-A3C7-99003DCA5FA2
05.04.13 22:36:33,576 UserEventAgent: get_backup_share_points no AFP
05.04.13 22:36:33,640 airportd: _processDLILEvent: en1 attached (down)
05.04.13 22:36:33,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
05.04.13 22:36:33,770 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
05.04.13 22:36:33,771 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveSCRebuildCache:81 Failed to get service order
05.04.13 22:36:33,789 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - PreProbe
05.04.13 22:36:33,822 configd: bootp_session_transmit: bpf_write(en1) failed: Network is down (50)
05.04.13 22:36:33,822 configd: DHCP en1: INIT-REBOOT transmit failed
05.04.13 22:36:33,834 configd: network configuration changed.
05.04.13 22:36:33,862 configd: setting hostname to "2nes-iMac.local"
05.04.13 22:36:33,919 rpcsvchost: sandbox_init: com.apple.msrpc.netlogon.sb succeeded
05.04.13 22:36:35,000 kernel: Auth result for: d8:5d:4c:bc:a4:b6 MAC AUTH succeeded
05.04.13 22:36:35,000 kernel: AirPort: Link Up on en1
05.04.13 22:36:35,000 kernel: en1: BSSID changed to d8:5d:4c:bc:a4:b6
05.04.13 22:36:35,350 loginwindow: Login Window Application Started
05.04.13 22:36:35,566 netbiosd: Unable to start NetBIOS name service: 
05.04.13 22:36:36,000 kernel: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en1
05.04.13 22:36:36,495 airportd: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “TP-LINK_BCA4B6”. Bailing on auto-join.
05.04.13 22:36:38,586 loginwindow: **DMPROXY** Found `/System/Library/CoreServices/DMProxy'.
05.04.13 22:36:39,311 loginwindow: 
   - file: /SourceCache/BezelServices/BezelServices-232.3/Utilities/Utilities.c
   - line: 91
05.04.13 22:36:39,311 loginwindow: Failed to lookup Bezel UI Server port: Bootstrap Unknown Service.
05.04.13 22:36:39,348 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100004 created
05.04.13 22:36:39,351 loginwindow: Login Window Started Security Agent
05.04.13 22:36:39,450 airportd: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “TP-LINK_BCA4B6”. Bailing on auto-join.
05.04.13 22:36:39,548 com.apple.launchctl.LoginWindow: com.apple.findmymacmessenger: Already loaded
05.04.13 22:36:39,766 SecurityAgent: Echo enabled
05.04.13 22:36:39,766 SecurityAgent: Echo enabled
05.04.13 22:36:39,893 SecurityAgent: User info context values set for 2ne
05.04.13 22:36:39,893 SecurityAgent: User info context values set for 2ne
05.04.13 22:36:40,299 configd: network configuration changed.
05.04.13 22:36:40,325 WindowServer: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
05.04.13 22:36:40,342 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Probe
05.04.13 22:36:40,342 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSPreferences:60 Creating new preferences
05.04.13 22:36:40,343 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptiveStartDetect:2343 Bypassing probe on TP-LINK_BCA4B6 because it is protected and not on the exception list
05.04.13 22:36:40,345 loginwindow: Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
05.04.13 22:36:40,364 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CaptivePublishState:1211 en1 - Unknown
05.04.13 22:36:40,369 loginwindow: USER_PROCESS: 37 console
05.04.13 22:36:40,371 configd: network configuration changed.
05.04.13 22:36:40,447 airportd: _doAutoJoin: Already associated to “TP-LINK_BCA4B6”. Bailing on auto-join.
05.04.13 22:36:40,593 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.iCalPush': unknown error code
05.04.13 22:36:40,594 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.AddressBook.PushNotification': unknown error code
05.04.13 22:36:40,595 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.safaridavclient.push': unknown error code
05.04.13 22:36:40,595 applepushserviced: Unable to bootstrap_lookup connection port for 'com.apple.syncdefaultsd.push': unknown error code
05.04.13 22:36:40,638 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.spotify.webhelper) Unknown key: SpotifyPath
05.04.13 22:36:40,642 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
05.04.13 22:36:40,651 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: load: option requires an argument -- D
05.04.13 22:36:40,651 com.apple.launchctl.Aqua: usage: launchctl load [-wF] [-D <user|local|network|system|all>] paths...
05.04.13 22:36:41,221 UserEventAgent: CaptiveNetworkSupport:CNSServerRegisterUserAgent:187 new user agent port: 27419
05.04.13 22:36:41,423 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.launchctl.Aqua[117]) Exited with code: 1
05.04.13 22:36:43,310 ntpd: proto: precision = 1.000 usec
05.04.13 22:36:46,952 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.04.13 22:36:46,953 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-04-05 22:36:46.949 com.apple.dock.extra[142:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.04.13 22:36:46,954 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.04.13 22:36:46,956 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-04-05 22:36:46.952 com.apple.dock.extra[142:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.04.13 22:36:46,957 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.04.13 22:36:46,960 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-04-05 22:36:46.955 com.apple.dock.extra[142:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.04.13 22:36:46,961 com.apple.dock.extra: Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.04.13 22:36:46,961 com.apple.dock.extra: 2013-04-05 22:36:46.958 com.apple.dock.extra[142:1a07] Could not connect the action buttonPressed: to target of class NSApplication
05.04.13 22:36:48,701 Mail: Using V2 Layout
05.04.13 22:36:49,068 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:49.066 I [breakpad.cpp:106                ] Registered Breakpad for product: spotify
05.04.13 22:36:49,880 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:49.880 I [translate.cpp:136               ] Reloading language file
05.04.13 22:36:50,266 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:50.264 I [breakpad.cpp:259                ] Searching for crashdumps: /Users/2ne/Library/Caches/com.spotify.client/*.dmp
05.04.13 22:36:50,329 Spotify: Reachability Flag Status: -- ------- networkStatusForFlags
05.04.13 22:36:54,429 Spotify: Mac OS version: 10.7
05.04.13 22:36:56,677 Spotify: Reachability Flag Status: -R ------- networkStatusForFlags
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.703 I [MainView.cpp:1075               ] Registering bundled framework bridge-desktop with version 0.12.2
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.703 I [MainView.cpp:1075               ] Registering bundled framework import with version 0.1.0
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.703 I [MainView.cpp:1075               ] Registering bundled framework api with version 0.2.8
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.703 I [MainView.cpp:1075               ] Registering bundled framework api with version 1.22.0
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.703 I [MainView.cpp:1075               ] Registering bundled framework resources with version 0.2.6
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1075               ] Registering bundled framework shared with version 0.1.0
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1075               ] Registering bundled framework social-artist-shared with version 0.0.10
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1075               ] Registering bundled framework test-utils with version 0.1.0
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1075               ] Registering bundled framework unstable with version 0.10.0
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1075               ] Registering bundled framework util with version 0.2.3
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1075               ] Registering bundled framework views with version 1.30.3
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app album-header with version 1.0.3
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app album with version 0.1.10
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app artist with version 0.4.4
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app bundles with version 1.1.0
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app error with version 1.0.0
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app facebook-profile with version 1.0.0
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app feed with version 1.4.3
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app finder with version 1.1.7
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app follow with version 1.0.6
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app home with version 1.4.4
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app html with version 0.1.0
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app inspector with version 0.2.0
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app install with version 1.0.0
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app notification-popup with version 0.1.5
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app og-popup with version 1.0.1
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app playlist-header with version 1.0.6
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app profile-header with version 1.0.3
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app profile with version 1.5.8
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app radio with version 1.3.3
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app search with version 2.2.2
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app search-single with version 2.2.2
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app search-dropdown with version 1.3.1
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app share with version 1.2.1
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app subscribe-popup with version 1.1.0
05.04.13 22:36:56,706 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:56.704 I [MainView.cpp:1072               ] Registering bundled app test-runner with version 0.1.0
05.04.13 22:36:58,657 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:58.655 I [AppManager.cpp:205              ] Creating instance of the application search-dropdown.
05.04.13 22:36:58,685 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:58.684 I [AppManager.cpp:205              ] Creating instance of the application notification-popup.
05.04.13 22:36:58,694 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:36:58,724 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:58.723 I [AppManager.cpp:205              ] Creating instance of the application home.
05.04.13 22:36:58,798 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:58.797 3 [playlist_be_toplist.cpp:207     ] [spotify:user:fantom53:toplist] Synchronization starting
05.04.13 22:36:59,627 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:59.621 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:purchaselist] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 1,a1738ec1c6d0b171f477f9af85a1a79ed8066d79) 
05.04.13 22:36:59,688 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:59.687 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:inbox] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 1,3d7e4334003c4e977012ad5c495362ba35822824) 
05.04.13 22:36:59,720 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:36:59.720 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:playlist:4zKeAwx3nWhIioGoyyQve4] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 19,b693dca3891654027b37c604b4a49f480b88f381) 
05.04.13 22:37:00,127 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:00.126 I [ap_connection.cpp:1767          ] Connecting to AP zayit.lon.spotify.com:4070
05.04.13 22:37:00,325 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:00.324 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:publishedrootlist] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 3,78a6238484a874f94cae7f6ab438abb02aaf2a99) 
05.04.13 22:37:00,326 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:00.325 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:collectionrootlist] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 2,800c5fff5af70c48c91a1b629e49b2627ff65e88) 
05.04.13 22:37:00,349 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:00,395 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:00.393 I [offline_manager.cpp:1715        ] Storage has been cleaned
05.04.13 22:37:00,442 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:00.412 3 [playlist_be_toplist.cpp:132     ] [spotify:user:fantom53:toplist] Updated
05.04.13 22:37:00,492 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:00.491 I [AppManager.cpp:205              ] Creating instance of the application feed.
05.04.13 22:37:00,632 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:00.632 I [ap_connection.cpp:1234          ] Connected to AP:
05.04.13 22:37:00,629 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:00,629 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:00,629 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:00,630 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:00,945 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:00.944 I [MainView.cpp:7248               ] Load complete (0) url: sp://3c6e964246cc8f3bace2e637ed02070e1a82ebcc.feed/index.html
05.04.13 22:37:02,402 com.apple.launchd: (com.apple.coreservices.appleid.authentication[105]) Exit timeout elapsed (20 seconds). Killing
05.04.13 22:37:02,505 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:02.505 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:inbox] Delta-updated to revision 1,3d7e4334003c4e977012ad5c495362ba35822824 (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:02,506 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:02.506 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:collectionrootlist] Delta-updated to revision 2,800c5fff5af70c48c91a1b629e49b2627ff65e88 (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:02,507 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:02.507 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:playlist:4zKeAwx3nWhIioGoyyQve4] Delta-updated to revision 19,b693dca3891654027b37c604b4a49f480b88f381 (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:02,511 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:02.510 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:purchaselist] Delta-updated to revision 1,a1738ec1c6d0b171f477f9af85a1a79ed8066d79 (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:02,511 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:02.511 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:publishedrootlist] Delta-updated to revision 3,78a6238484a874f94cae7f6ab438abb02aaf2a99 (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:02,541 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:02.540 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:billboard.com:playlist:1S98S4DSiiPCrH132VGmGu] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 160,02df97358641f3ff1521b933fe0627880686d31f) 
05.04.13 22:37:02,542 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:02.541 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:playlist:38XC9LQqTQ5cIQhhJtanul] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 1,3ab6eebcb5a63548a5b838cb711591f694a54795) 
05.04.13 22:37:02,542 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:02.542 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:1126447571:playlist:1MGU0j8FFKNjA8zEprCfWl] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 40,8b6c59e9f84d214baa14fc122c44cb3f1c20bb3d) 
05.04.13 22:37:02,543 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:02.542 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:playlist:1l2aO0RqUxvJbYh4UAMmlm] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 1,6520636f26dfc20329884a003b58da41a302ebb3) 
05.04.13 22:37:02,544 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:02.543 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:rootlist] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 21,3bd55604d1ef47eddaa4c5d48f7a9a97023a0fee) 
05.04.13 22:37:02,594 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:02.593 I [MainView.cpp:7248               ] Load complete (0) url: sp://1d40d84952e31497bcd09626994f3e8d25530e03.home/index.html
05.04.13 22:37:03,852 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:03.852 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:billboard.com:playlist:1S98S4DSiiPCrH132VGmGu] Delta-updated to revision 160,02df97358641f3ff1521b933fe0627880686d31f (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:04,344 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:04.338 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:1126447571:playlist:1MGU0j8FFKNjA8zEprCfWl] Delta-updated to revision 40,8b6c59e9f84d214baa14fc122c44cb3f1c20bb3d (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:04,344 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:04.338 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:playlist:38XC9LQqTQ5cIQhhJtanul] Delta-updated to revision 1,3ab6eebcb5a63548a5b838cb711591f694a54795 (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:04,344 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:04.338 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:playlist:1l2aO0RqUxvJbYh4UAMmlm] Delta-updated to revision 1,6520636f26dfc20329884a003b58da41a302ebb3 (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:04,344 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:04.338 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:rootlist] Delta-updated to revision 21,3bd55604d1ef47eddaa4c5d48f7a9a97023a0fee (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:04,355 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:04,373 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:04.373 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:collectiontracklist:3sizVSfQHBNgUO00IvcTWu] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 23,836f2e087595b69d38f2face33de6715616898c8) 
05.04.13 22:37:04,374 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:04.373 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:playlist:6wszkaqm7DEHe4oI4grEnL] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 1,f75dd8b8ace3a0da0dba35ae9caa53f9ccbf90f8) 
05.04.13 22:37:04,374 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:04.373 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:sonymusic:playlist:20Q0vjdMAy6Bbkt2hV8HMA] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 33,4e1d14928ea7a84894da2b4f2f4e6301caec4fff) 
05.04.13 22:37:04,374 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:04.373 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:spotify:playlist:4hOKQuZbraPDIfaGbM3lKI] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 1062,346036d2449377f60b5db57af50f6cb23f8cc538) 
05.04.13 22:37:04,374 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:04.373 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:playlist:6kTELX1gbFravIb2UbU3Uz] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 18,45e720c55a100e1a59c4a9070998d94a0d94ef8a) 
05.04.13 22:37:04,681 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:04,682 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:04,682 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:04,880 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:04.879 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:sonymusic:playlist:20Q0vjdMAy6Bbkt2hV8HMA] Delta-updated to revision 33,4e1d14928ea7a84894da2b4f2f4e6301caec4fff (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:05,000 kernel: IOSurface: buffer allocation size is zero
05.04.13 22:37:06,341 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:06.340 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:playlist:6kTELX1gbFravIb2UbU3Uz] Delta-updated to revision 18,45e720c55a100e1a59c4a9070998d94a0d94ef8a (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:06,341 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:06.341 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:spotify:playlist:4hOKQuZbraPDIfaGbM3lKI] Delta-updated to revision 1062,346036d2449377f60b5db57af50f6cb23f8cc538 (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:06,343 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:06.343 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:playlist:6wszkaqm7DEHe4oI4grEnL] Delta-updated to revision 1,f75dd8b8ace3a0da0dba35ae9caa53f9ccbf90f8 (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:06,344 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:06.343 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:fantom53:collectiontracklist:3sizVSfQHBNgUO00IvcTWu] Delta-updated to revision 23,836f2e087595b69d38f2face33de6715616898c8 (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:06,386 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:06,386 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:06,386 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:06,387 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:06,510 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: [0405/223706:ERROR:rankings.cc(763)] Inconsistent LRU.
05.04.13 22:37:06,510 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: [0405/223706:ERROR:backend_impl.cc(1148)] Critical error found -8
05.04.13 22:37:06,667 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:06.666 3 [playlist_be_popcount.cpp:116    ] [spotify:user:aviciiofficial:playlist:77JMlmtkNncY1URK6lqhCj] Synchronization starting
05.04.13 22:37:06,711 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:06.710 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:aviciiofficial:playlist:77JMlmtkNncY1URK6lqhCj] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 24,9b4728845d8bf78b8e4226ae1563a44222dfc59b) 
05.04.13 22:37:06,711 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:06.710 3 [playlist_be_popcount.cpp:116    ] [spotify:user:loreen_official:playlist:3TWsa0aT4I8giAymIc27yD] Synchronization starting
05.04.13 22:37:06,733 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:06.712 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1106  ] [spotify:user:loreen_official:playlist:3TWsa0aT4I8giAymIc27yD] Synchronization starting: DIFF (from revision 50,a2b799e80c28981ed605ac6068646d786d659b96) 
05.04.13 22:37:06,754 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:07,090 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:07.089 I [main.js:581                     ] precached users
05.04.13 22:37:07,143 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:07.143 3 [playlist_be_popcount.cpp:116    ] [spotify:user:fantom53:starred] Synchronization starting
05.04.13 22:37:08,320 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: [0405/223708:ERROR:entry_impl.cc(940)] Failed to save user data
05.04.13 22:37:09,165 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: [0405/223709:ERROR:entry_impl.cc(940)] Failed to save user data
05.04.13 22:37:09,427 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:09.426 3 [playlist_be_popcount.cpp:83     ] [spotify:user:aviciiofficial:playlist:77JMlmtkNncY1URK6lqhCj] Subscribers updated
05.04.13 22:37:09,427 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:09.427 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:loreen_official:playlist:3TWsa0aT4I8giAymIc27yD] Delta-updated to revision 50,a2b799e80c28981ed605ac6068646d786d659b96 (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:09,432 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:09.431 3 [playlist_be_popcount.cpp:83     ] [spotify:user:loreen_official:playlist:3TWsa0aT4I8giAymIc27yD] Subscribers updated
05.04.13 22:37:09,433 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:09.432 3 [playlist_be_pl4_context.h:1549  ] [spotify:user:aviciiofficial:playlist:77JMlmtkNncY1URK6lqhCj] Delta-updated to revision 24,9b4728845d8bf78b8e4226ae1563a44222dfc59b (no new changes)
05.04.13 22:37:09,954 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: [0405/223709:ERROR:entry_impl.cc(940)] Failed to save user data
05.04.13 22:37:11,183 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100008 created
05.04.13 22:37:11,000 kernel: WARNING: AppleUSBAudio has detected that a connected USB audio device is sending too much audio data.
05.04.13 22:37:11,000 kernel: WARNING: This USB audio device may not function properly. Please notify the device manufacturer.
05.04.13 22:37:12,377 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: 20:37:12.375 3 [playlist_be_popcount.cpp:83     ] [spotify:user:fantom53:starred] Subscribers updated
05.04.13 22:37:12,500 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:12,500 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:12,569 [0x0-0x6006].com.spotify.client: [0405/223712:ERROR:entry_impl.cc(940)] Failed to save user data
05.04.13 22:37:13,585 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:13,585 Spotify: setShowsApplicationBadge: is not yet implemented for the NSApp dockTile
05.04.13 22:37:43,121 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: (com.apple.mrt.uiagent[171]) Exited with code: 255
05.04.13 22:37:43,224 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501: ([email protected][178]) Exited with code: 1
05.04.13 22:38:38,888 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100006 created
05.04.13 22:38:55,313 com.apple.SecurityServer: Killing auth hosts
05.04.13 22:38:55,313 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100008 destroyed
05.04.13 22:38:55,814 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100010 created
05.04.13 22:39:01,074 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100012 created
05.04.13 22:39:14,797 mds: Unable to talk to lsboxd
05.04.13 22:39:15,391 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100009 created
05.04.13 22:39:37,319 com.apple.SecurityServer: Killing auth hosts
05.04.13 22:39:37,319 com.apple.SecurityServer: Session 100010 destroyed
05.04.13 22:39:38,735 mdworker: *** Failed to decode "8bit" data, treating as binary
05.04.13 22:39:38,739 mdworker: *** Failed to decode "8bit" data, treating as binary
05.04.13 22:39:38,745 mdworker: *** Failed to decode "8bit" data, treating as binary
05.04.13 22:39:38,758 mdworker: *** Failed to decode "8bit" data, treating as binary
05.04.13 22:39:48,425 mdworker: *** Failed to decode  data, treating as binary
05.04.13 22:39:48,596 mdworker: *** Failed to decode  data, treating as binary
Kann jemand etwas damit anfangen?


Halberstädter Jungfernapfel
Also zu 1:
Ich denke dass entweder das Logicboard inkl. GPU getauscht wurde oder dass eine Reparatur auf Bauteilebene durchgeführt wurde. Nur weil wir die Grafikkarte und CPU nicht tauschen können, heißt das ja nicht, dass es keiner schafft.
Die 8600M GT MBPs werden ja auch immer mit neuen GPUs versorgt. Geht genauso auch beim iMac mit gleichem Aufbau.

Und zur Konsole:
mdworker hängt soweit ich weiß mit dem Spotlight Index zusammen. Der Name "data" klingt für mich nach einer Festplatte/Ordner, die grade indiziert wurde, und bei dem es zu Problemen kam. Die Datei 8Bit könnte dafür verantwortlich sein. Ich überlass das Konsolenspiel aber lieber den Profis ;)

Tritt das Problem öfters auf solltest du mal einen neuen User anlegen und mal schauen ob das dort auch auftritt, was ich bezweifle.


Westfälische Tiefblüte
Ich würde das Logicboard einfach ausbauen und für 30 Minuten bei 180 Grad in den Ofen schieben. Wirkt wunder, habe so schon mehrere Grafikkarten gerettet (G80 Chip).

Wichtig hierbei ist, dass man das Reflowlötverlaufsdiagramm einhält.