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Habe in Safari und Entourage keinen Ton mehr

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Hallo ihr lieben.
Ich poste selten hier, weil meine Probleme meist direkt über bereits vorhandene Einträge erledigt werden. Nun habe ich allerdings hier eine Weile gesucht und leider keine Lösung gefunden Hier mein Problem:

Ich bekomme keine Service-Töne mehr von Entourage geliefert und, was noch viel schlimmer ist, der Safari, als auch der Firefox Browser bringen auch keinen Ton mehr an.
Was kann das sein?

Systemeinstellungen war ich bereits, alles roger und in den Einstellungen der jeweiligen Programme konnte ich auch nix finden.

Hat jemand ne Ahnung?:-c


Hallo, ich hab es bei MacUser im Forum gefunden.

Also Das Programm Audio MIDI Konfiguration öffnen und bei Audio-Output 44100,00 einstellen - jetzt funktionierts wieder


Hier der artikel:
No sound from some applications, but system alert sounds play (Mac OS X 10.3, 10.4)

Some audio applications may change your computer's audio settings to a sample rate that is too high for other applications to use. In this situation, system alert sounds still work, and does iTunes, but other applications may have no sound (audio output). This document applies to Mac OS X 10.3 or later and applications that use QuickTime 6 or later for audio, such as Safari and Quicktime Player.

This can happen on Macs that support high sample rates (higher than 48000 Hz):

iMac G5
Mac mini
Power Mac G5 models that support sample rates higher than 48000 Hz
PowerBook G4 support sample rates higher than 48000 Hz
For example, if you play an Internet movie in Safari, it will make no sound; if you open a QuickTime movie on your computer, QuickTime Player reports the following error (and the movie will have no audio):

"You may experience problems playing a sound track in (Movie Name).mov because a software component needed by the movie could not be opened."


Open Audio MIDI Setup (/Applications/Utilities/), then check the Audio Output setting.
Change the Audio Output setting to 44100.0 Hz.
Quit Audio MIDI Setup.
Why does this happen?

Some third-party audio applications may change your computer's audio output setting. In fact, if you use the third-party application again after applying the above solution, the issue might occur again. Observe changes by watching the settings in Audio MIDI Setup before and after running a third-party application you suspect might be causing the issue. Contact the manufacturer of the application for more information.

Article ID: 300832 Date Created: 2005-01-28 Date Modified: 2005-12-06