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Diagnosehilfe: Mac erwacht(e) nicht aus Ruhezustand


Hallo Community,

gestern hatte ich ein für mich erschreckendes Erlebnis. Ich saß in der Bibliothek, das Macbook war an, geöffnet waren Word und Safari.
Ich habe es eine Weile nicht benutzt, sondern einen Text gelesen. Es ging in den Ruhezustand. So weit, so gut.

Als ich dann fertig mit Lesen war und weitertippen wollte, ließ es sich nicht mehr aufwecken. Es reagierte gar nicht mehr, weder auf gewaltsames Ausschalten mithilfe des Powerknopfes noch auf irgendetwas anderes, es war komplett eingefroren. Ohne, dass ich vorher irgendwie bemerkt hätte, dass etwas nicht stimmt, ich habe ganz normal gearbeitet, die Temperatur war nicht auffällig heiß, Performanceprobleme hatte ich keine.

Zuerst dachte ich, der Akku sei leer (Anzeige war bei 63% VOR dem Einfrieren), also habe ich den Netzstecker reingesteckt, aber auch das brachte keine Veränderung.

Ich habe es zugeklappt und mit nach Hause genommen. Dabei fiel mir auf, dass die kleine Leuchte unten rechts, die normalerweise blinkt, wenn das Macbook schläft, permanent leuchtete (auch nachdem ich versucht hatte, es gewaltsam auszuschalten). Ich habe auch Geräusche der Festplatte gehört, das Book war also definitiv nicht aus. Nur gesehen habe ich nichts mehr, der Bildschirm war schwarz.

Über Nacht habe ich es dann leerlaufen lassen, jetzt sitze ich davor und es geht wieder, Gott sei Dank. Es lädt, beim Starten wachte er auch aus dem Ruhemodus auf, mit dem Bildschirm, der gestern hätte kommen müssen.

Was kann das gewesen sein? Ich habe leider gar keine Ahnung, wie das einzuschätzen ist. Muss ich mir langsam die neue Produktplalette ansehen?

Ich habe ein Macbook 5,1 (2009), 4 GB RAM, HDD, OS X 10.6.8. Damals das kleinste Modell, allerdings vom Händler aufgerüsteter Arbeitsspeicher.
Der Akku meldete vor zirka zwei Wochen "Batterie warten", allerdings nicht zum ersten Mal. Bisher habe ich aber nichts dergleichen unternommen. Ist das mein Problem?
Die Steckdosen in der Bibliothek sind aus den 70ern. Stromschlag, auch ohne das ich etwas merke?
Flüssigkeiten waren nicht beteiligt, das Macbook hat höchstens mal Bekanntschaft mit einem Brillenputztuch gemacht.
Und ja, ich mache regelmäßig Backups, das letzte heute morgen.

Ich poste mal das letzte aus der Konsole, dass gestern gemeldet wurde (aus "alle Meldungen").

15.12.11 14:01:35    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory15.12.11 14:01:43    configd[13]    BUG in libdispatch: 10K549 - 1678 - 0xad07
15.12.11 14:01:43    bootlog[40]    BOOT_TIME: 1323954085 0
15.12.11 14:01:43    /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow.app/Contents/MacOS/loginwindow[29]    Login Window Application Started
15.12.11 14:01:43    blued[41]    Apple Bluetooth daemon started
15.12.11 14:01:43    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:43    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:43    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:43    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:44    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:44    configd[13]    setting hostname to "beispiel-macbook.local"
15.12.11 14:01:44    configd[13]    network configuration changed.
15.12.11 14:01:44    mDNSResponder[28]    mDNSResponder mDNSResponder-258.21 (May 26 2011 14:40:13) starting
15.12.11 14:01:44    com.apple.usbmuxd[21]    usbmuxd-263 on Aug 23 2011 at 00:44:06, running 64 bit
15.12.11 14:01:44    com.apple.backupd-attach[63]    Not starting scheduled Time Machine backup - computer is on battery power.
15.12.11 14:01:45    configd[13]    network configuration changed.
15.12.11 14:01:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:46    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
15.12.11 14:01:47    loginwindow[29]    Login Window Started Security Agent
15.12.11 14:01:47    com.apple.WindowServer[62]    Thu Dec 15 14:01:47 beispiel-macbook.local WindowServer[62] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
15.12.11 14:01:47    WindowServer[62]    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
15.12.11 14:01:53    loginwindow[29]    Login Window - Returned from Security Agent
15.12.11 14:01:53    loginwindow[29]    USER_PROCESS: 29 console
15.12.11 14:01:53    configd[13]    network configuration changed.
15.12.11 14:01:53    configd[13]    setting hostname to "zdv-wireless-43-149.zdv.uni-beispiel.de"
15.12.11 14:01:53    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[90]    (com.apple.ReportCrash) Falling back to default Mach exception handler. Could not find: com.apple.ReportCrash.Self
15.12.11 14:01:54    com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[90]    (com.apple.Kerberos.renew.plist[112]) Exited with exit code: 1
15.12.11 14:02:08    root[127]    sntp options: a=2 v=1 e=0.100 E=5.000 P=2147483647.000
15.12.11 14:02:08    root[127]        d=15 c=5 x=0 op=1 l=/var/run/sntp.pid f= time.euro.apple.com
15.12.11 14:02:08    root[127]    sntp: not enough valid responses received in time
15.12.11 14:11:54    /System/Library/CoreServices/CCacheServer.app/Contents/MacOS/CCacheServer[118]    No valid tickets, timing out
15.12.11 14:27:47    ntpd[18]    time reset +0.524880 s
15.12.11 14:29:43    login[156]    USER_PROCESS: 156 ttys000
15.12.11 14:30:59    login[156]    DEAD_PROCESS: 156 ttys000
15.12.11 14:31:11    login[169]    USER_PROCESS: 169 ttys000
15.12.11 14:31:22    login[169]    DEAD_PROCESS: 169 ttys000
15.12.11 14:33:25    mdworker32[186]    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
15.12.11 14:43:50    mdworker32[223]    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
15.12.11 14:45:58    [0x0-0x22022].com.adiumX.adiumX[231]    SocketRead: read(5) error 0
15.12.11 14:45:58    [0x0-0x22022].com.adiumX.adiumX[231]    SocketRead err = -9802
15.12.11 14:51:43    mdworker32[258]    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
15.12.11 14:55:12    mdworker32[265]    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
15.12.11 14:58:20    mdworker32[271]    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
15.12.11 15:01:30    com.apple.backupd-auto[293]    Not starting scheduled Time Machine backup - computer is on battery power.
15.12.11 15:04:38    mdworker32[300]    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
15.12.11 15:09:39    mdworker32[310]    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
15.12.11 15:16:05    mdworker32[322]    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
15.12.11 15:19:56    mdworker32[337]    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
16.12.11 08:13:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
16.12.11 08:13:50    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
16.12.11 08:13:51    configd[13]    setting hostname to "beispiel-macbook.local"
16.12.11 08:13:52    configd[13]    network configuration changed.
16.12.11 08:14:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
16.12.11 08:14:01    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
16.12.11 08:14:03    ntpd[18]    bind() fd 25, family 30, port 123, scope 5, addr fe80::225:ff:fe41:e1c4, in6_is_addr_multicast=0 flags=0x11 fails: Can't assign requested address
16.12.11 08:14:03    ntpd[18]    unable to create socket on en1 (7) for fe80::225:ff:fe41:e1c4#123
16.12.11 08:14:05    configd[13]    network configuration changed.
16.12.11 08:14:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
16.12.11 08:14:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
16.12.11 08:14:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
16.12.11 08:14:12    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
16.12.11 08:14:21    ntpd[18]    time reset -1.383350 s
16.12.11 08:14:27    com.apple.backupd[454]    Starting standard backup
16.12.11 08:14:28    com.apple.backupd[454]    Backing up to: /Volumes/Beispiel/Backups.backupdb
16.12.11 08:14:37    SCHelper[455]    no command
16.12.11 08:14:37    com.apple.backupd[454]    No pre-backup thinning needed: 598.4 MB requested (including padding), 404.52 GB available
16.12.11 08:15:12    mdworker32[468]    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
16.12.11 08:15:27    com.apple.backupd[454]    Copied 1363 files (6.7 MB) from volume Macintosh HD.
16.12.11 08:15:28    com.apple.backupd[454]    No pre-backup thinning needed: 590.4 MB requested (including padding), 404.51 GB available
16.12.11 08:15:34    com.apple.backupd[454]    Copied 624 files (68 KB) from volume Macintosh HD.
16.12.11 08:15:35    com.apple.backupd[454]    Starting post-backup thinning
16.12.11 08:15:35    com.apple.backupd[454]    No post-back up thinning needed: no expired backups exist
16.12.11 08:15:36    com.apple.backupd[454]    Backup completed successfully.
16.12.11 08:18:19    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
16.12.11 08:18:19    com.apple.launchd[1]    (com.apple.SystemStarter) Failed to count the number of files in "/System/Library/StartupItems": No such file or directory
16.12.11 08:20:23    mdworker32[484]    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
16.12.11 08:22:46    com.apple.kextcache[360]    Created prelinked kernel /System/Library/Caches/com.apple.kext.caches/Startup/kernelcache_i386.DF14F17F.
16.12.11 08:40:56    Safari[460]    IPCClient: Server port 0 is invalid; looking it up again...
16.12.11 08:46:09    com.apple.backupd-auto[503]    Not starting scheduled Time Machine backup - time machine destination not resolvable.

Für jeden Ratschlag wäre ich dankbar.

Besorgte Grüße

PS. Nachträglich fällt mir ein, dass gestern das erste mal war, dass ich mit dem Update von Itunes und dem von Office 2008 gearbeitet habe. Kann das damit etwas zu tun haben?
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