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Candybar jetzt kostenlos!


... Candybar ist tot, killed by ML
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CandyBar, Mountain Lion, and Beyond

August 3rd, 2012

A quick update on CandyBar!
Updated for 10.8.

First, we’ve updated CandyBar for Mac OS X 10.8! You can now customize the 10.8 system icons. Just launch the app and click the big “Update” button to get the latest IconData.
But there’s a catch, or two: in Mountain Lion, Apple changed how the Dock is rendered, so it’s no longer possible to customize the Dock’s look. (You can still customize the indicator lights!) Also, CandyBar still can’t change the internal icons of Mac App Store apps, due to code signing.
CandyBar, although simply changing files on disk, has always fallen into a slightly-uncomfortable-for-us grey area of existence. It seems clear to us that there will undoubtedly come a time (soon?) when CandyBar can no longer customize system icons at all. So, what do we do?
Now free, and unsupported.

CandyBar 3.3.4.zip

Then, here’s a serial number everyone can use:
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