• Apfeltalk ändert einen Teil seiner Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB), das Löschen von Useraccounts betreffend.
    Näheres könnt Ihr hier nachlesen: AGB-Änderung
  • Der Frühling lässt den Schnee schmelzen, die Vögel jubilieren und die Sonne sorgt in wenigen Tagen auch noch dafür, das Grün endlich wieder draußen zur vorherrschenden Farbe wird. Wir freuen uns über diese wunderbaren Veränderungen und hoffen, sie feuern Eure Kreativität so richtig an!. Hier geht es lang --> Klick

Absturz im Ruhezustand


Golden Delicious
Hallo liebe Apfeltalk Cummunity,
Seit nun einiger Zeit habe ich mit meinem MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012) ein Problem, besser gesagt zwei, von denen ich glaube, dass sie zusammenhängen.
Erstens meldet sich mein Mac oft automatisch ab, obwohl ich das nicht will. In den Systemeinstellungen habe ich zwar angegeben, dass das macbook nach einiger Zeit ein Passwort fordern soll, aber er meldet sich immer automatisch ab.
Es gibt Ausnahmen, bei denen Programme im Hintergrung das Abmelden verhindern, z.B. wenn eine ungesicherte Datei geöffnet ist, aber sonst kommt immer die Abmeldung.

Wenn ich den Computer nun eine Weile unbenutzt stehen lasse (ca. 15 min) so schaltet sich dieser auch noch ab. Also wenn ich meine Arbeit z.B. zum Essen unterbreche und anschließend zurückkehre finde ich für gewöhnlich die mehrsprachige Fehlermeldung: "Ihr Computer hat sich aufgrung eines Problems abgeschaltet. Bitte drücken sie eine beliebige Taste, um ihn erneut zu starten." So, oder so ähnlich ergeht es mir recht regelmäßig, und es ärgert mich, das dardurch regelmäßig downloads oder Backups unterbrochen werden.

Kann mir jemand abhilfe leisten?
Vielen Dank im Voraus!


Hallo allerseits,

habe im November 2017 schweren Herzens das macOS-Upgrade durchgeführt, da unter OS-X 10.6 immer weniger Programme funktionierten und bereue die Entscheidung jeden Tag.
Typ: iMac 21,5" Late 2012
Etwa seit dem Upgrade (auf jeden Fall schon vor dem 10.13.2 Combo-Update) stürzt der Mac täglich ab. Wenn ich mal ganztägig zuhause bin, auch öfter. Nach dem Anmelden erhalte ich immer wieder folgende Fehlermeldung:

Date/Time: 2018-01-02 05:20:18 +0100

OS Version: Mac OS X 10.13.2 (Build 17C88)

Architecture: x86_64

Report Version: 26

Data Source: Stackshots

Event: Sleep Wake Failure

Duration: 0.06s

Steps: 6

Hardware model: iMac13,1

Active cpus: 4

Time Awake Since Boot: 34000s

Leider lässt sich wegen der Länge nicht der gesamte Bericht anhängen :(

Laut einiger Foren soll das mit den Ruhezustandseinstellungen zusammenhängen, diese habe ich allerdings in diversen Kombinationen und den Standardeinstellungen ausprobiert, ohne dass die Abstürze ausblieben.
Allerdings funktioniert die Aktivierung des Ruhemodus auf Zeit seit dem Update ohnehin nicht mehr, da alle gängigen Programme diesen neuerdings verhindern...
Neulich fiel mir dann mitten in der Nacht (und die meisten Abstürze sind zwischen 2 und 4 Uhr nachts) auf, dass der Rechner, nachdem er schon stundenlang im Ruhemodus war, plötzlich anfängt, die Magic Mouse oder die Bluetooth-Tastatur vom Bluetooth-Assistenten zu suchen, welche natürlich aus sind. In anderen Nächten läuft der Lüfter wie unter Vollast, obwohl der Bildschirm schwarz ist (aber der Mac ist trotzdem warm).
Außerdem häng sich der Mac ab und an auf, indem ein Programm nach dem anderen nicht mehr reagiert und letztendlich der Finder abschmiert und ich über den AN/AUS-Knopf neu starten muss:
Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-14 um 03.39.00 klein.png

Das sollte fürs erste alles Gravierende sein.
Vielen Dank schon mal im Vorraus


Aah, dann poste ich einfach mal den letzten Log, Die scheinen ohnehin mehr oder weniger identisch zu sein.

Date/Time:       2018-01-02 05:20:18 +0100

OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.13.2 (Build 17C88)

Architecture:    x86_64

Report Version:  26

Data Source:     Stackshots

Event:           Sleep Wake Failure

Duration:        0.06s

Steps:           6

Hardware model:  iMac13,1

Active cpus:     4

Time Awake Since Boot: 34000s

Process:         AAM Updates Notifier [82878] (suspended)

Architecture:    i386

Task size:       25.00 MB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         accountsd [42002] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       4028 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         adid [51586] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       7928 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         AirPlayUIAgent [602] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2988 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         AirPlayXPCHelper [114] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       3408 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         airportd [160] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       6172 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         akd [95854] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       11.43 MB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         amfid [42562] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2468 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         analyticsd [42124] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       4560 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         appleeventsd [68] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1692 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         AppleSpell [43171] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       55.26 MB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         ApplicationManager [597] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2524 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         apsd [93] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       6480 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         askpermissiond [662] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1016 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         aslmanager [1714] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       3740 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         assistantd [585] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       3252 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         AudioComponentRegistrar [42610] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1036 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         AudioComponentRegistrar [42612] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2428 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         authd [125] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       5596 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x3de              1 sample (1)              priority 4 (base 4)

  <thread QoS background (requested default), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>

  1  <truncated backtrace> 1

   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1

    *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1

      *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1

        *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1

          *1  ??? (kernel + 4909428) [0xffffff80006ae974] 1

            *1  spec_read + 667 (kernel + 5013659) [0xffffff80006c809b] 1

              *1  ??? (kernel + 7139060) [0xffffff80008ceef4] 1

                *1  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1

                  *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1

                    *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1

                      *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1

                        *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:

   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3) <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         autofsd [102] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       112 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         awdd [42043] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1516 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         backgroundtaskmanagementagent [553] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1012 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         backupd-helper [87] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1296 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         bird [42200] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2924 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         bluetoothd [111] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       6280 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         CalendarAgent [50682] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       6964 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         callservicesd [87602] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       6484 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         CalNCService [50691] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       4720 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         cfprefsd [127] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2800 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         cfprefsd [345] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       6736 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         cloudd [490] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       4368 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         CloudKeychainProxy [42056] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1048 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         cloudpaird [604] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2820 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         colorsyncd [43474] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       104 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         com.apple.AccountPolicyHelper [82299] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1044 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         com.apple.AmbientDisplayAgent [300] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1288 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         com.apple.BKAgentService [51439] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       13.43 MB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         com.apple.CodeSigningHelper [249] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2648 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         com.apple.CommerceKit.Transacti [96620] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       10.17 MB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         com.apple.ctkpcscd [173] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       108 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         com.apple.DictionaryServiceHelp [78867] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       752 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         com.apple.dock.extra [518] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       98.95 MB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         com.apple.geod [78721] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       5428 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         com.apple.ifdreader [94817] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       568 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         com.apple.PerformanceAnalysis.a [42132] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2776 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         com.apple.speech.speechsynthesi [4890] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1360 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         CommCenter [480] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       6020 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         commerce [522] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1152 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         configd [69] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       5244 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         ContactsAccountsService [43201] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1764 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         coreaudiod [165] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       4420 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         coreauthd [77603] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1872 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         corebrightnessd [113] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1360 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         coreduetd [42539] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       8480 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         coreservicesd [126] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2688 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x3e9              1 sample (1)              priority 31 (base 31)

  <thread QoS default (requested default), IO tier 0>

  1  <truncated backtrace> 1

   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1

    *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1

      *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1

        *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1

          *1  ??? (kernel + 4995046) [0xffffff80006c37e6] 1

            *1  ??? (kernel + 7518530) [0xffffff800092b942] 1

              *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1

                *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1

                  *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:

   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3) <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         CoreServicesUIAgent [26827] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       12.50 MB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         corespeechd [584] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       544 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         corespotlightd [547] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1220 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         coresymbolicationd [66322] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       412 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         crashpad_handler [537] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       980 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         CrashReporterSupportHelper [555] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       552 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         cron [215] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       344 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         ctkahp [77607] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       756 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         ctkahp [77614] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       768 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         ctkd [77616] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       484 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         ctkd [77620] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       104 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         cupsd [958] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1396 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         CVMServer [236] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       496 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         dasd [104] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       4872 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         deleted [78747] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       748 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         diagnostics_agent [607] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       3900 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         diskarbitrationd [84] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2524 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         displaypolicyd [101] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       584 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x38f              1 sample (1)              priority 20 (base 20)

  <thread QoS utility (requested default), timers tier 3 (coalesced), IO tier 1>

  1  <truncated backtrace> 1

   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1

    *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1

      *1  accept_nocancel + 418 (kernel + 7871010) [0xffffff8000981a22] 1

        *1  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1

          *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1

            *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1

              *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1

                *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Thread 0x390              1 sample (1)              priority 20 (base 20)

  <thread QoS utility (requested default), timers tier 3 (coalesced), IO tier 1>

  1  <truncated backtrace> 1

   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1

    *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1

      *1  __sigwait_nocancel + 522 (kernel + 7504570) [0xffffff80009282ba] 1

        *1  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1

          *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1

            *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1

              *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1

                *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:

   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3) <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         distnoted [117] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1836 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         distnoted [346] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       3836 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         distnoted [44620] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       752 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         Dock [484] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       15.83 MB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         dpd [219] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       648 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         filecoordinationd [336] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2112 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         fileproviderd [583] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2492 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         Finder [82763] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       24.02 MB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         FolderActionsDispatcher [705] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2608 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         followupd [95853] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       8240 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         fontd [509] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       6940 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         fpsd [577] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       868 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         fseventsd [62] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1700 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x348              1 sample (1)              priority 50 (base 50)

  <IO tier 0>

  1  <truncated backtrace> 1

   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1

    *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1

      *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1

        *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1

          *1  ??? (kernel + 4995046) [0xffffff80006c37e6] 1

            *1  ??? (kernel + 7518530) [0xffffff800092b942] 1

              *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1

                *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1

                  *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:

   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3) <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         gamecontrollerd [42538] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1492 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         hamachid [88] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1056 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         helperamc [609] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       9964 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         hidd [112] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       3260 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         icdd [595] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       3040 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         iconservicesagent [42220] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2036 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         iconservicesd [42222] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       108 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         identityservicesd [513] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       5276 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         imagent [515] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       2944 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         IMAutomaticHistoryDeletionAgent [26378] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1912 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         imklaunchagent [593] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1140 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent [654] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1936 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent [96311] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       4140 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         iTunes [51258] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       174.16 MB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         iTunesHelper [614] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1476 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         Kalanchoe_Rameses [594] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1232 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         KernelEventAgent [109] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       112 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         kextd [61] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       8268 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         keybagd [42140] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       156 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         keyboardservicesd [43179] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       1928 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         KeychainSyncingOverIDSProxy [95851] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       9024 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         LaterAgent [672] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       3004 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         launchd [1] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       9792 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         launchservicesd [96] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       5840 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         locationd [99] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       4464 KB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         logd [73] (suspended)

Architecture:    x86_64

Task size:       27.96 MB

Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:


Teil 2
Process:         logind [108] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1148 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         loginwindow [107] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       37.71 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         LogMeIn Hamachi Menubar [608] (suspended)
Architecture:    i386
Task size:       5036 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         lsd [225] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2980 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         lsd [352] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       4536 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         MagicPrefs [598] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       9444 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         mDNSResponder [208] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2776 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         mDNSResponderHelper [209] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       660 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         mds [77] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       10.71 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x65d              1 sample (1)              priority 50 (base 50)
  <IO tier 0 and passive>
  1  <truncated backtrace> 1
   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1
     *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1
       *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 4995046) [0xffffff80006c37e6] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 7518530) [0xffffff800092b942] 1
               *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                 *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                   *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:
   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3) <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         mds_stores [233] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       42.45 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         mdworker [339] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       780 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         mdworker [44615] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1828 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         mdworker [82983] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       31.94 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         mdwrite [629] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1280 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         mediaremoteagent [565] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1648 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         mediaremoted [42092] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       5496 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         mobileassetd [43189] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2624 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         MTLCompilerService [42950] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       648 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         nbagent [605] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2920 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         nbstated [95] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       108 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         nehelper [65068] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2364 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         networkserviceproxy [69470] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2044 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         NotificationCenter [530] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       19.92 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         notifyd [115] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1648 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         nsurlsessiond [200] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       4676 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         nsurlsessiond [78739] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1576 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         nsurlstoraged [27345] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       4600 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         ocspd [95857] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       5492 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         opendirectoryd [91] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       8020 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         Opera [481] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       193.89 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x2c8e             Thread name "CrBrowserMain"                         1 sample (1)              priority 46 (base 4)
  <thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive), process suppressed, timers tier 5 (throttled), IO tier 1>
  1  <truncated backtrace> 1
   *1  hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107686) [0xffffff8000402926] 1
     *1  mach_call_munger64 + 509 (kernel + 3511597) [0xffffff800055952d] 1
       *1  mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 891 (kernel + 2382715) [0xffffff8000445b7b] 1
         *1  ipc_kmsg_send + 189 (kernel + 2305213) [0xffffff8000432cbd] 1
           *1  ipc_kobject_server + 304 (kernel + 2448432) [0xffffff8000455c30] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 3315780) [0xffffff8000529844] 1
               *1  is_io_connect_method + 535 (kernel + 9182791) [0xffffff8000ac1e47] 1
                 *1  IOUserClient::externalMethod(unsigned int, IOExternalMethodArguments*, IOExternalMethodDispatch*, OSObject*, void*) + 472 (kernel + 9146424) [0xffffff8000ab9038] 1
                   *1  IOAccelCommandQueue::set_priority_and_background(eIOAccelCommandQueuePriority, eIOAccelCommandQueuePriority) + 164 (IOAcceleratorFamily2 + 213890) [0xffffff7f82d68382] 1
                     *1  IOGraphicsAccelerator2::acceleratorWaitEnabled() + 96 (IOAcceleratorFamily2 + 203172) [0xffffff7f82d659a4] 1
                       *1  waiting_for_fEnabled_after_displayModeChange(_IOLock*, IOGraphicsAccelerator2*) + 11 (IOAcceleratorFamily2 + 203252) [0xffffff7f82d659f4] 1
                         *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1
                           *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                             *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                               *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Thread 0x260aad           1 sample (1)              priority 46 (base 4)
  <thread QoS user interactive (requested user interactive, ipc override user interactive), process suppressed, timers tier 5 (throttled), IO tier 1>
  1  <truncated backtrace> 1
   *1  hndl_mach_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107686) [0xffffff8000402926] 1
     *1  mach_call_munger64 + 509 (kernel + 3511597) [0xffffff800055952d] 1
       *1  mach_msg_overwrite_trap + 891 (kernel + 2382715) [0xffffff8000445b7b] 1
         *1  ipc_kmsg_send + 189 (kernel + 2305213) [0xffffff8000432cbd] 1
           *1  ipc_kobject_server + 304 (kernel + 2448432) [0xffffff8000455c30] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 3315780) [0xffffff8000529844] 1
               *1  is_io_connect_method + 535 (kernel + 9182791) [0xffffff8000ac1e47] 1
                 *1  nvCommandQueue::externalMethod(unsigned int, IOExternalMethodArguments*, IOExternalMethodDispatch*, OSObject*, void*) + 100 (GeForce + 91598) [0xffffff7f82df05ce] 1
                   *1  IOUserClient::externalMethod(unsigned int, IOExternalMethodArguments*, IOExternalMethodDispatch*, OSObject*, void*) + 472 (kernel + 9146424) [0xffffff8000ab9038] 1
                     *1  IOAccelCommandQueue::s_submit_command_buffers(IOAccelCommandQueue*, void*, IOExternalMethodArguments*) + 264 (IOAcceleratorFamily2 + 209414) [0xffffff7f82d67206] 1
                       *1  IOAccelCommandQueue::submit_command_buffers(IOAccelCommandQueueSubmitArgs const*) + 103 (IOAcceleratorFamily2 + 212511) [0xffffff7f82d67e1f] 1
                         *1  IOGraphicsAccelerator2::acceleratorWaitEnabled() + 96 (IOAcceleratorFamily2 + 203172) [0xffffff7f82d659a4] 1
                           *1  waiting_for_fEnabled_after_displayModeChange(_IOLock*, IOGraphicsAccelerator2*) + 11 (IOAcceleratorFamily2 + 203252) [0xffffff7f82d659f4] 1
                             *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1
                               *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                                 *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                                   *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:
   *0xffffff7f82d34000 - 0xffffff7f82d82fff  com.apple.iokit.IOAcceleratorFamily2 376.6 (376.6) <5F8F39B4-41AB-3263-9867-D0FAF9BBD2AE>  /System/Library/Extensions/IOAcceleratorFamily2.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOAcceleratorFamily2
   *0xffffff7f82dda000 - 0xffffff7f82e4efff  com.apple.GeForce 10.28.10 (10.2.8)                <3ADA09ED-A1B5-3DA9-B39C-1833B5803638>  /System/Library/Extensions/GeForce.kext/Contents/MacOS/GeForce
   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3)                                 <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         Opera Helper [566] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       130.67 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         Opera Helper [576] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       72.10 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         Opera Helper [663] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       28.54 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         Opera Helper [28239] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       562.14 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x3be25            Thread name "AudioOutputDevice"                     1 sample (1)              priority 97 (base 97)
  <IO tier 0>
  1  <truncated backtrace> 1
   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1
     *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1
       *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1
           *1  soreceive + 5082 (kernel + 7818538) [0xffffff8000974d2a] 1
             *1  sbwait + 406 (kernel + 7856102) [0xffffff800097dfe6] 1
               *1  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1
                 *1  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1
                   *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1
                     *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                       *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                         *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:
   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3) <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         Opera Helper [28251] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       47.02 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         Opera Helper [28290] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       303.39 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x3c0c2            Thread name "AudioOutputDevice"                     1 sample (1)              priority 97 (base 97)
  <IO tier 0>
  1  <truncated backtrace> 1
   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1
     *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1
       *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1
           *1  soreceive + 5082 (kernel + 7818538) [0xffffff8000974d2a] 1
             *1  sbwait + 406 (kernel + 7856102) [0xffffff800097dfe6] 1
               *1  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1
                 *1  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1
                   *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1
                     *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                       *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                         *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:
   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3) <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         Opera Helper [28586] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       300.76 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x3c6b3            Thread name "AudioOutputDevice"                     1 sample (1)              priority 97 (base 97)
  <IO tier 0>
  1  <truncated backtrace> 1
   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1
     *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1
       *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1
           *1  soreceive + 5082 (kernel + 7818538) [0xffffff8000974d2a] 1
             *1  sbwait + 406 (kernel + 7856102) [0xffffff800097dfe6] 1
               *1  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1
                 *1  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1
                   *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1
                     *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                       *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                         *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:
   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3) <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         Opera Helper [28735] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       350.90 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x3cc6f            Thread name "AudioOutputDevice"                     1 sample (1)              priority 97 (base 97)
  <IO tier 0>
  1  <truncated backtrace> 1
   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1
     *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1
       *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1
           *1  soreceive + 5082 (kernel + 7818538) [0xffffff8000974d2a] 1
             *1  sbwait + 406 (kernel + 7856102) [0xffffff800097dfe6] 1
               *1  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1
                 *1  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1
                   *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1
                     *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                       *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                         *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:
   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3) <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         Opera Helper [33899] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       120.11 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         Opera Helper [53315] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       74.10 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         Opera Helper [83905] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       268.41 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         ornis [590] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3684 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x44b5             1 sample (1)              priority 20 (base 20)
  <thread QoS utility (requested utility), timers tier 3 (coalesced), IO tier 1>
  1  <truncated backtrace> 1
   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1
     *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1
       *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 7637225) [0xffffff80009488e9] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1
               *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1
                 *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                   *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                     *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Thread 0x44b7             1 sample (1)              priority 20 (base 20)
  <thread QoS utility (requested utility), timers tier 3 (coalesced), IO tier 1>
  1  <truncated backtrace> 1
   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1
     *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1
       *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 7637225) [0xffffff80009488e9] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1
               *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1
                 *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                   *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                     *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Thread 0x2615db           1 sample (1)              priority 20 (base 20)
  <thread QoS utility (requested utility), timers tier 3 (coalesced), IO tier 1>
  1  <truncated backtrace> 1
   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1
     *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1
       *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 7637225) [0xffffff80009488e9] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1
               *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1
                 *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                   *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                     *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:
   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3) <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         osascript [619] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       9796 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         osascript [620] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       980 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         osascript [30858] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       10008 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         OSDUIHelper [48116] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       9232 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         parsecd [78720] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3900 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         passd [658] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2676 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         pboard [497] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       304.48 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         pbs [68935] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       976 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         photoanalysisd [96028] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       23.28 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         photolibraryd [96085] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       10208 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         pkd [42613] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       5000 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         powerd [70] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3136 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         printtool [74745] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2076 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         PrintUITool [94815] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       8216 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         quicklookd [28773] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       13.49 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         rapportd [533] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1548 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         revisiond [106] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       920 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x418              1 sample (1)              priority 4 (base 4)
  <thread QoS background (requested default), thread darwinbg, process darwinbg, IO tier 2>
  1  <truncated backtrace> 1
   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1
     *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1
       *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 4909428) [0xffffff80006ae974] 1
             *1  spec_read + 667 (kernel + 5013659) [0xffffff80006c809b] 1
               *1  ??? (AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless + 6621) [0xffffff7f839e19dd] 1
                 *1  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1
                   *1  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1
                     *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1
                       *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                         *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                           *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:
   *0xffffff7f839e0000 - 0xffffff7f839e1fff  com.apple.AppleFSCompression.AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless 96.30.2 (1.0.0d1) <C810A07E-C979-3392-A954-188EB0216C1A>  /System/Library/Extensions/AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleFSCompressionTypeDataless
   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3)                                                            <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         routined [27319] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       5344 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         sandboxd [78744] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       13.16 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         ScopedBookmarkAgent [51462] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       5900 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         secd [42051] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2672 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         secinitd [43203] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3312 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         securityd [98] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3900 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Thread 0x327              1 sample (1)              priority 31 (base 31)
  <thread QoS default (requested default), IO tier 0>
  1  <truncated backtrace> 1
   *1  hndl_unix_scall64 + 22 (kernel + 2107654) [0xffffff8000402906] 1
     *1  unix_syscall64 + 600 (kernel + 8369128) [0xffffff80009fb3e8] 1
       *1  read_nocancel + 115 (kernel + 7613939) [0xffffff8000942df3] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 7614602) [0xffffff800094308a] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 4909428) [0xffffff80006ae974] 1
             *1  spec_read + 667 (kernel + 5013659) [0xffffff80006c809b] 1
               *1  ??? (kernel + 7139060) [0xffffff80008ceef4] 1
                 *1  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1
                   *1  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1
                     *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                       *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                         *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] (suspended) 1

  Binary Images:
   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3) <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

Process:         securityd_service [371] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       240 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         sharedfilelistd [251] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1052 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         sharedfilelistd [482] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3620 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         sharingd [525] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       8492 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         signpost_notificationd [42537] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       416 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         soagent [41990] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3072 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         SocialPushAgent [591] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1380 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         softwareupdate_notify_agent [96070] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       8740 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         softwareupdated [96027] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       10020 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         spindump [42097] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1472 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         spindump_agent [42870] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       716 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         Spotlight [508] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       10.46 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         storeaccountd [564] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       588 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         storeassetd [645] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3404 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         storedownloadd [632] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1696 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         storeinstalld [13995] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1036 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         storelegacy [639] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       860 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         SubmitDiagInfo [506] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2624 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         suggestd [549] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       4424 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         suhelperd [96049] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       8460 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         symptomsd [201] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       4484 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         syncdefaultsd [29884] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       14.15 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         syslogd [57] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1152 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         sysmond [44243] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1008 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         syspolicyd [211] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       8416 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         System Events [676] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       5896 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         systemsoundserverd [81238] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1880 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         systemstats [66] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       4884 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         systemstats [228] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1160 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         SystemUIServer [486] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       20.95 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         taskgated [439] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1812 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         tccd [42202] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       5836 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         tccd [68868] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3264 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         timed [50360] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2320 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         trustd [174] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       4452 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         trustd [41941] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       5616 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         uninstalld [60] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       572 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         universalAccessAuthWarn [26917] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3976 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         USBAgent [4184] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       544 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         usbd [94816] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1364 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         usbmuxd [97] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       996 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         useractivityd [516] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3508 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         UserEventAgent [58] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       6012 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         UserEventAgent [477] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       5992 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         usernoted [521] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       6288 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         VDCAssistant [220] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       1996 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         videosubscriptionsd [78742] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       672 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         ViewBridgeAuxiliary [51495] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       8972 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         VisualizerService [51476] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       14.82 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         VTDecoderXPCService [10357] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       4828 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         VTDecoderXPCService [53333] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       692 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         VTDecoderXPCService [83920] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       676 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         warmd [76] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2624 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         watchdogd [221] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       356 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         WiFiAgent [542] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3212 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         WiFiProxy [558] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2376 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         WindowServer [166] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       68.73 MB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         wirelessproxd [532] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2920 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         WirelessRadioManagerd [42122] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       3168 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         YTD Helper [600] (suspended)
Architecture:    x86_64
Task size:       2952 KB
Note:            Suspended for 1 sample

  Binary Images:

Process:         kernel_task [0]
Path:            /System/Library/Kernels/kernel
Architecture:    x86_64
Version:         Darwin Kernel Version 17.3.0: Thu Nov  9 18:09:22 PST 2017; root:xnu-4570.31.3~1/RELEASE_X86_64
Task size:       3614.77 MB
CPU Time:        0.006s

  Thread 0x6b               6 samples (1-6)           priority 95 (base 95)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 2732659) [0xffffff800049b273] 1-6
     *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
       *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
         *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x6c               6 samples (1-6)           priority 95 (base 95)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 2732659) [0xffffff800049b273] 1-6
     *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
       *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
         *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x6e               6 samples (1-6)           priority 95 (base 95)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  mapping_replenish + 465 (kernel + 3505937) [0xffffff8000557f11] 1-6
     *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
       *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
         *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x6f               Thread name "IOServiceTerminateThread"              6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  IOService::terminateThread(void*, int) + 132 (kernel + 8850612) [0xffffff8000a70cb4] 1-6
     *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
       *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
         *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
           *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x7e               6 samples (1-6)           priority 95 (base 95)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  pmInitThread + 925 (AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement + 25096) [0xffffff7f83628208] 1-6
     *6  pmSpawnThreads + 181 (AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement + 23950) [0xffffff7f83627d8e] 1-6
       *6  pmMasterIdleThread + 14 (AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement + 25141) [0xffffff7f83628235] 1-6
         *6  master_wait_for_forced_idle + 51 (AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement + 23066) [0xffffff7f83627a1a] 1-6
           *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
             *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
               *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
                 *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x90               Thread name "idle #1"     6 samples (1-6)           priority 0 (base 0)       idle time 0.059s
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  idle_thread + 32 (kernel + 2552336) [0xffffff800046f210] 1-6
     *6  processor_idle + 210 (kernel + 2550850) [0xffffff800046ec42] 1-6
       *6  machine_idle + 778 (kernel + 3608746) [0xffffff80005710aa] (runnable) 1-6

  Thread 0x96               Thread name "idle #3"     6 samples (1-6)           priority 0 (base 0)       idle time 0.059s
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  idle_thread + 32 (kernel + 2552336) [0xffffff800046f210] 1-6
     *6  processor_idle + 210 (kernel + 2550850) [0xffffff800046ec42] 1-6
       *6  machine_idle + 778 (kernel + 3608746) [0xffffff80005710aa] (runnable) 1-6

  Thread 0x127              6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5188673) [0xffffff80006f2c41] 1-6
     *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
       *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x1b2              6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 8039158) [0xffffff80009aaaf6] 1-6
     *6  mach_msg_receive + 178 (kernel + 2381714) [0xffffff8000445792] 1-6
       *6  ipc_mqueue_receive + 119 (kernel + 2322631) [0xffffff80004370c7] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x1c8              6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 7969356) [0xffffff8000999a4c] 1-6
     *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
       *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x305              6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5190161) [0xffffff80006f3211] 1-6
     *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
       *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x306              Thread name "ifnet_start_en0"                       6 samples (1-6)           priority 82 (base 82)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5226215) [0xffffff80006fbee7] 1-6
     *6  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1-6
       *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
         *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
           *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
             *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
               *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x307              6 samples (1-6)           priority 82 (base 82)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5226709) [0xffffff80006fc0d5] 1-6
     *6  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1-6
       *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
         *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
           *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
             *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
               *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x3eb              Thread name "dlil_input_en1"                        6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5192751) [0xffffff80006f3c2f] 1-6
     *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
       *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x3ec              Thread name "ifnet_start_en1"                       6 samples (1-6)           priority 82 (base 82)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5226215) [0xffffff80006fbee7] 1-6
     *6  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1-6
       *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
         *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
           *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
             *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
               *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6


Teil 3
  Thread 0x55e              Thread name "IOGraphicsWorkLoop"                    6 samples (1-6)           priority 93 (base 81)     cpu time 0.003s
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  IOWorkLoop::threadMain() + 44 (kernel + 8974812) [0xffffff8000a8f1dc] 1-6
     *6  IOWorkLoop::runEventSources() + 482 (kernel + 8977314) [0xffffff8000a8fba2] 1-6
       *6  IOInterruptEventSource::checkForWork() + 261 (kernel + 8983445) [0xffffff8000a91395] 1-6
         *6  IOFramebuffer::systemWork(OSObject*, IOInterruptEventSource*, int) + 125 (IOGraphicsFamily + 69611) [0xffffff7f81145feb] 1-6
           *6  IOFBController::checkPowerWork(unsigned int) + 164 (IOGraphicsFamily + 42934) [0xffffff7f8113f7b6] 1-6
             *6  IOFramebuffer::checkPowerWork(unsigned int) + 636 (IOGraphicsFamily + 43598) [0xffffff7f8113fa4e] 1-6
               *6  IONDRVFramebuffer::setAttribute(unsigned int, unsigned long) + 99 (IONDRVSupport + 18547) [0xffffff7f8118d873] 1-6
                 *6  IONDRVFramebuffer::ndrvSetPowerState(unsigned int) + 650 (IONDRVSupport + 19708) [0xffffff7f8118dcfc] 1-6
                   *6  IONDRVFramebuffer::_doControl(IONDRVFramebuffer*, unsigned int, void*) + 95 (IONDRVSupport + 8191) [0xffffff7f8118afff] 1-6
                     *6  NVDA::doDriverIO(unsigned int, void*, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 1118 (NVDAResman + 8400) [0xffffff7f811a80d0] 1-6
                       *6  odbDynamicCast + 236794 (NVDAResman + 2438550) [0xffffff7f813f9596] 1-6
                         *6  odbDynamicCast + 201327 (NVDAResman + 2403083) [0xffffff7f813f0b0b] 1-6
                           *6  odbDynamicCast + 195375 (NVDAResman + 2397131) [0xffffff7f813ef3cb] 1-6
                             *6  odbDynamicCast + 198197 (NVDAResman + 2399953) [0xffffff7f813efed1] 1-6
                               *4  odbDynamicCast + 232653 (NVDAResman + 2434409) [0xffffff7f813f8569] 1-4
                                 *1  delay_for_interval + 107 (kernel + 2408187) [0xffffff800044befb] 1
                                   *1  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1
                                     *1  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1
                                       *1  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1
                                 *3  delay_for_interval + 96 (kernel + 2408176) [0xffffff800044bef0] 2-4
                                   *3  assert_wait_deadline + 160 (kernel + 2533584) [0xffffff800046a8d0] (running) 2-4
                               *1  odbDynamicCast + 232646 (NVDAResman + 2434402) [0xffffff7f813f8562] 5
                                 *1  odbDynamicCast + 232365 (NVDAResman + 2434121) [0xffffff7f813f8449] 5
                                   *1  NvRmInterrupt + 96 (NVDAResman + 480470) [0xffffff7f8121b4d6] 5
                                     *1  insert_registration_func + 2824 (NVDAResman + 473028) [0xffffff7f812197c4] 5
                                       *1  rmFreeInternal + 1693 (NVDAResman + 216960) [0xffffff7f811daf80] 5
                                         *1  NvRmDupObject + 411 (NVDAResman + 483512) [0xffffff7f8121c0b8] 5
                                           *1  inforomSetModeBufferState + 2236 (NVDAResman + 1492510) [0xffffff7f8131261e] 5
                                             *1  NVDAGK100HAL::probe(IOService*, int*) + 1038324 (NVDAGK100Hal + 1042518) [0xffffff7f8159a856] 5
                                               *1  NVDAGK100HAL::probe(IOService*, int*) + 1040694 (NVDAGK100Hal + 1044888) [0xffffff7f8159b198] 5
                                                 *1  gpuExecRegOps + 55467 (NVDAResman + 1316456) [0xffffff7f812e7668] 5
                                                   *1  gpuExecRegOps + 55297 (NVDAResman + 1316286) [0xffffff7f812e75be] 5
                                                     *1  osReadRegistryBinary + 603 (NVDAResman + 455784) [0xffffff7f81215468] (running) 5
                               *1  odbDynamicCast + 232653 (NVDAResman + 2434409) [0xffffff7f813f8569] 6
                                 *1  delay_for_interval + 96 (kernel + 2408176) [0xffffff800044bef0] 6
                                   *1  assert_wait_deadline + 160 (kernel + 2533584) [0xffffff800046a8d0] (running) 6

  Thread 0x574              Thread name "dlil_input_en5"                        6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5192751) [0xffffff80006f3c2f] 1-6
     *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
       *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x575              Thread name "ifnet_start_en5"                       6 samples (1-6)           priority 82 (base 82)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5226215) [0xffffff80006fbee7] 1-6
     *6  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1-6
       *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
         *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
           *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
             *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
               *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x579              6 samples (1-6)           priority 97 (base 97)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  AppleOSXWatchdog::watchdogMainThread() + 133 (AppleOSXWatchdog + 5667) [0xffffff7f83330623] 1-6
     *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
       *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
         *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x57e              Thread name "dlil_input_en6"                        6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5192751) [0xffffff80006f3c2f] 1-6
     *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
       *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x57f              Thread name "ifnet_start_en6"                       6 samples (1-6)           priority 82 (base 82)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5226215) [0xffffff80006fbee7] 1-6
     *6  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1-6
       *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
         *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
           *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
             *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
               *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x5a5              6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  IOCommandGate::runAction(int (*)(OSObject*, void*, void*, void*, void*), void*, void*, void*, void*) + 312 (kernel + 8989096) [0xffffff8000a929a8] 1-6
     *6  IOWorkQueue::processWorkCallFromSingleThreadAction(OSObject*, void*, void*, void*, void*) + 45 (IOBluetoothFamily + 217709) [0xffffff7f821bb26d] 1-6
       *6  IOWorkQueue::processWorkCallFromSingleThreadWL() + 284 (IOBluetoothFamily + 218004) [0xffffff7f821bb394] 1-6
         *6  IOEventSource::sleepGate(void*, unsigned int) + 76 (kernel + 8982716) [0xffffff8000a910bc] 1-6
           *6  IOWorkLoop::sleepGate(void*, unsigned int) + 123 (kernel + 8976587) [0xffffff8000a8f8cb] 1-6
             *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
               *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
                 *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
                   *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x667              Thread name "dlil_input_p2p0"                       6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5192751) [0xffffff80006f3c2f] 1-6
     *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
       *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x668              Thread name "ifnet_start_p2p0"                      6 samples (1-6)           priority 82 (base 82)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5226215) [0xffffff80006fbee7] 1-6
     *6  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1-6
       *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
         *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
           *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
             *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
               *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x66a              Thread name "dlil_input_awdl0"                      6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5192751) [0xffffff80006f3c2f] 1-6
     *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
       *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x66b              Thread name "ifnet_start_awdl0"                     6 samples (1-6)           priority 82 (base 82)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5226215) [0xffffff80006fbee7] 1-6
     *6  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1-6
       *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
         *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
           *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
             *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
               *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x6fb              6 samples (1-6)           priority 95 (base 95)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  pmSlaveIdleThread + 30 (AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement + 22894) [0xffffff7f8362796e] 1-6
     *6  slave_block + 37 (AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement + 22851) [0xffffff7f83627943] 1-6
       *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x6fc              6 samples (1-6)           priority 95 (base 95)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  pmSlaveIdleThread + 30 (AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement + 22894) [0xffffff7f8362796e] 1-6
     *6  slave_block + 37 (AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement + 22851) [0xffffff7f83627943] 1-6
       *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x6fd              6 samples (1-6)           priority 95 (base 95)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  pmSlaveIdleThread + 30 (AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement + 22894) [0xffffff7f8362796e] 1-6
     *6  slave_block + 37 (AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement + 22851) [0xffffff7f83627943] 1-6
       *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x7b4              Thread name "dlil_input_ham0"                       6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5192751) [0xffffff80006f3c2f] 1-6
     *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
       *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
         *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
           *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
             *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x321e             Thread name "ifnet_start_utun0"                     6 samples (1-6)           priority 82 (base 82)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 5226215) [0xffffff80006fbee7] 1-6
     *6  msleep + 98 (kernel + 7519426) [0xffffff800092bcc2] 1-6
       *6  ??? (kernel + 7518198) [0xffffff800092b7f6] 1-6
         *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
           *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
             *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
               *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x6cbb             Thread name "kperf sampling"                        6 samples (1-6)           priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 3341752) [0xffffff800052fdb8] 1-6
     *6  lck_mtx_sleep + 126 (kernel + 2488062) [0xffffff800045f6fe] 1-6
       *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
         *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
           *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x2615f2           Thread name "thread call high #7"                   6 samples (1-6)           priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 2660709) [0xffffff8000489965] 1-6
     *6  ??? (kernel + 2662004) [0xffffff8000489e74] 1-6
       *6  IOService::pmDriverCallout(IOService*) + 52 (kernel + 8874804) [0xffffff8000a76b34] 1-6
         *6  IOService::driverInformPowerChange() + 286 (kernel + 8876238) [0xffffff8000a770ce] 1-6
           *6  IOFramebuffer::powerStateDidChangeTo(unsigned long, unsigned long, IOService*) + 39 (IOGraphicsFamily + 92671) [0xffffff7f8114b9ff] 1-6
             *6  IOGraphicsWorkLoop::closeGate() + 33 (IOGraphicsFamily + 34997) [0xffffff7f8113d8b5] 1-6
               *6  lck_mtx_lock + 653 (kernel + 2099885) [0xffffff8000400aad] 1-6
                 *6  lck_mtx_lock_wait_x86 + 486 (kernel + 3573110) [0xffffff8000568576] 1-6
                   *6  thread_block_reason + 175 (kernel + 2535007) [0xffffff800046ae5f] 1-6
                     *6  ??? (kernel + 2538999) [0xffffff800046bdf7] 1-6
                       *6  machine_switch_context + 205 (kernel + 3582205) [0xffffff800056a8fd] 1-6

  Thread 0x2615f6           Thread name "thread call high #10"                  6 samples (1-6)           priority 93 (base 93)     cpu time 0.003s
  <IO tier 0>
 *6  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1-6
   *6  ??? (kernel + 2660709) [0xffffff8000489965] 1-6
     *6  ??? (kernel + 2662004) [0xffffff8000489e74] 1-6
       *6  IOService::watchdog_timer_expired(void*, void*) + 46 (kernel + 8874446) [0xffffff8000a769ce] 1-6
         *6  IOPMrootDomain::takeStackshot(bool, bool, bool) + 901 (kernel + 9379301) [0xffffff8000af1de5] 1-6
           *6  stack_snapshot_from_kernel + 373 (kernel + 2238037) [0xffffff8000422655] (running) 1-6

  Thread 0x66               Thread name "idle #0"     1 sample (1)              priority 0 (base 0)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  call_continuation + 23 (kernel + 2102519) [0xffffff80004014f7] 1
   *1  idle_thread + 32 (kernel + 2552336) [0xffffff800046f210] 1
     *1  processor_idle + 210 (kernel + 2550850) [0xffffff800046ec42] 1
       *1  machine_idle + 778 (kernel + 3608746) [0xffffff80005710aa] (runnable) 1

  Binary Images:
   *0xffffff7f81135000 - 0xffffff7f8115bfff  com.apple.iokit.IOGraphicsFamily 517.22 (517.22)                <2AEA02BF-2A38-3674-A187-E5F610FD65B7>  /System/Library/Extensions/IOGraphicsFamily.kext/IOGraphicsFamily
   *0xffffff7f81189000 - 0xffffff7f81190fff  com.apple.iokit.IONDRVSupport 517.22 (517.22)                   <5672A7EF-44E8-3897-90DE-DAF4C1488143>  /System/Library/Extensions/IONDRVSupport.kext/IONDRVSupport
   *0xffffff7f811a6000 - 0xffffff7f8142dfff  com.apple.nvidia.driver.NVDAResman 10.28.10 (10.2.8)            <39AC3832-2295-3B7B-85F6-F69D66D46EC7>  /System/Library/Extensions/NVDAResman.kext/Contents/MacOS/NVDAResman
   *0xffffff7f8149c000 - 0xffffff7f815c5fff  com.apple.nvidia.driver.NVDAGK100Hal 10.28.10 (10.2.8)          <7064CB37-CB6D-34F7-974D-DD12944BD354>  /System/Library/Extensions/NVDAGK100Hal.kext/Contents/MacOS/NVDAGK100Hal
   *0xffffff7f82186000 - 0xffffff7f8220bfff  com.apple.iokit.IOBluetoothFamily 6.0.2 (6.0.2f2)               <00685C76-3326-3C98-A546-362BB6CAD692>  /System/Library/Extensions/IOBluetoothFamily.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOBluetoothFamily
   *0xffffff7f8332f000 - 0xffffff7f83330fff  com.apple.driver.AppleOSXWatchdog 1.0 (1)                       <B75FD221-4329-3690-9A46-45266FEE8B7B>  /System/Library/Extensions/AppleOSXWatchdog.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleOSXWatchdog
   *0xffffff7f83622000 - 0xffffff7f8363efff  com.apple.driver.AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement 220.0.0 (220.0.0) <21E90247-D120-3022-94F2-7B989603AC54>  /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement
   *0xffffff8000200000 - 0xffffff8000bfffff  kernel (4570.31.3)                                              <87641697-A3DD-30C4-B010-E65ECE57550B>  /System/Library/Kernels/kernel

UUID: 420C67A0-A14F-4387-8E7C-A83D44083863
Code: 00000002 00000014
Stackshot reason: Watchdog


Golden Noble
habe im November 2017 schweren Herzens das macOS-Upgrade durchgeführt, da unter OS-X 10.6 immer weniger Programme funktionierten und bereue die Entscheidung jeden Tag.
ein OS X 10.6 hat es gegeben, aber auch nur ganz kurz. Die richtige letzte Version von 10.6 ("Snow Leopard") wäre 10.6.8. Alle Inkarnationen von 10.6 waren jedoch nie für den iMac13,1 gemacht, den Du hast und wären auch nie ohne ganz massive Hacks gelaufen. Vermutlich meinst Du also 10.8.5 ("Mountain Lion"), mit dem Dein iMac auch ausgeliefert sein müsste.

Laut einiger Foren soll das mit den Ruhezustandseinstellungen zusammenhängen, diese habe ich allerdings in diversen Kombinationen und den Standardeinstellungen ausprobiert, ohne dass die Abstürze ausblieben.
ein Mac hat zu funktionieren, ohne, dass man irgendwelche Einstellungen (am besten noch welche, die vom Lieferungs-Default abweichen) vornehmen müsste. Dein System ist kaputt.
Neulich fiel mir dann mitten in der Nacht (und die meisten Abstürze sind zwischen 2 und 4 Uhr nachts) auf, dass der Rechner, nachdem er schon stundenlang im Ruhemodus war, plötzlich anfängt, die Magic Mouse oder die Bluetooth-Tastatur vom Bluetooth-Assistenten zu suchen, welche natürlich aus sind.
verstehe ich nicht - Du machst Maus und Tastatur aus? Die sparen auch so Strom. Meiner Meinung nach macht das weder für den Batterieverbrauch noch für die Strahlenbelastung irgendeinen Unterschied, ob Du sie ausschaltest oder anlässt. Darf ich noch fragen, wie Du das herausgefunden hast?
In anderen Nächten läuft der Lüfter wie unter Vollast, obwohl der Bildschirm schwarz ist (aber der Mac ist trotzdem warm).
Außerdem häng sich der Mac ab und an auf, indem ein Programm nach dem anderen nicht mehr reagiert und letztendlich der Finder abschmiert und ich über den AN/AUS-Knopf neu starten muss:
ich könnte jetzt noch lang und breit darlegen, was man noch alles untersuchen könnte, aber in der Kurzfassung bleibe ich dabei, dass Dein System kaputt ist. Entweder, beim Upgrade ist was schiefgelaufen oder Du hast noch Reste mit 10.13 inkompatibler Altsoftware auf dem Rechner. Die Kurzzusammenfassung reicht für den Rat, das System am besten neu aufzusetzen. Mach vorher ein Backup und vergewissere Dich, dass alle Daten korrekt gesichert wurden (am besten zweifach und am besten mit zwei unterschiedlichen Methoden). Dann führe einen SMC-Reset und einen PRAM-Reset durch und starte die Installationsprozedur mit dem vollständigen Löschen des Systemlaufwerks.

10.13.2 hat noch Bugs, aber zumindest so stabil sollte es sein, dass Du eigentlich nicht beobachten müsstest, was Du bisher getan hast.


Golden Noble
Aah, dann poste ich einfach mal den letzten Log, Die scheinen ohnehin mehr oder weniger identisch zu sein.
würdest Du bitte erst einmal Deinen eigenen Thread benutzen, ohne Themen anderer Leute zu "kapern"? Wenn man dann darauf kommt, dass die identische Ursachen haben könnten, *dann* kann man sie immer noch zusammenlegen. In Deinem Thread habe ich auch geantwortet.
  • Like
Reaktionen: dg2rbf


würdest Du bitte erst einmal Deinen eigenen Thread benutzen, ohne Themen anderer Leute zu "kapern"? Wenn man dann darauf kommt, dass die identische Ursachen haben könnten, *dann* kann man sie immer noch zusammenlegen. In Deinem Thread habe ich auch geantwortet.

Hi, ich habe einen eigenen Thread erstellt, allerdings wurden die Threads wegen der Ähnlichkeit des Problems zusammengelegt. Ich würde doch nicht irgendwelche Threads kapern...

EDIT: Dann war es 10.8.5, hatte immer das Originalbetriebssystem drauf.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Like
Reaktionen: Wuchtbrumme


Hier ist der EtreCheck-Log

EtreCheck version: 3.4.6 (460)
Report generated 2018-01-09 18:55:06
Download EtreCheck from https://etrecheck.com
Runtime: 7:49
Performance: Below Average

Click the [Lookup] links for more information from Apple Support Communities.
Click the [Details] links for more information about that line.
Click the [Remove/Report] links to remove adware or update the whitelist of legitimate software.
Click the [Clean up] link to delete unused files.

Problem: Computer is restarting
It crashes daily during standby and restarts afterwards.

Hardware Information: ⓘ
    iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012)
    [Technical Specifications] - [User Guide] - [Warranty & Service]
    iMac - model: iMac13,1
    1 2,7 GHz Intel Core i5 (i5-3330S) CPU: 4-core
    8 GB RAM Upgradeable - [Instructions]
        BANK 0/DIMM0
            4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
        BANK 1/DIMM0
            4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
    Handoff/Airdrop2: supported
    Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n

Video Information: ⓘ
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M - VRAM: 512 MB
        iMac 1920 x 1080
        Acer X203W 1680 x 1050 @ 60 Hz

Disk Information: ⓘ
    APPLE HDD ST1000LM024 disk0: (1 TB) (Rotational)
    [Show SMART report]
        EFI (disk0s1 - MS-DOS FAT32) <not mounted>  [EFI]: 210 MB
        Macintosh HD (disk0s2 - Journaled HFS+) /  [Startup]: 899.35 GB (619.39 GB free)
        (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
        BOOTCAMP (disk0s4 - NTFS) /Volumes/BOOTCAMP : 100.00 GB (34.08 GB free)

USB Information: ⓘ
            Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
                Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub
                    Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller

Thunderbolt Information: ⓘ
    Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus

System Software: ⓘ
    macOS High Sierra  10.13.2 (17C88) - Time since boot: less than an hour

Configuration files: ⓘ
    /etc/hosts - Count: 15

Gatekeeper: ⓘ
    Mac App Store and identified developers

Possible adware: ⓘ
    Unknown file: /Library/LaunchAgents/com.misguide.so.plist
    Adware: /Library/LaunchAgents/macsearch.plist
    Unknown file: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.Kalanchoe_Rameses.plist
    Adware: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.jdibackup.JustCloud.autostart.plist
    Adware: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.jdibackup.JustCloud.notify.plist
    Unknown file: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.ornis.plist
    Unknown file: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.overaccurate.sy.plist
    Adware: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.pcv.hlpramc.plist
    Adware: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.spigot.ApplicationManager.plist
    9 possible adware files found. [Remove/Report]

Clean up: ⓘ
        open /Applications/JustCloud.app/Contents/Resources/Utility.app -n --args 9 -l
        Executable not found!
        open /Applications/JustCloud.app/Contents/Resources/Utility.app --args 7 1
        Executable not found!
        /Applications/MacKeeper.app/Contents/Services/MacKeeper Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/MacKeeper Helper
        Executable not found!
    3 orphan files found. [Clean up]

Kernel Extensions: ⓘ
    [loaded]    com.logmein.hamachi (1.0.0 - SDK 10.9) [Lookup]

    [not loaded]    com.tomtom.driver.UsbEthernetGadget (1.0.0d1) [Lookup]

System Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    9 Apple tasks
    [loaded]    180 Apple tasks
    [running]    101 Apple tasks

System Launch Daemons: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    37 Apple tasks
    [loaded]    186 Apple tasks
    [running]    108 Apple tasks

Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist (? ffb65062 17b9373f - installed 2013-07-15) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    com.adobe.CS5ServiceManager.plist (? 40cdc1ff dd391a6f - installed 2013-07-15) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.logmein.hamachimb.plist (LogMeIn, Inc. - installed 2017-09-22) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    com.misguide.so.plist (? bf1a00fa 41109ad0 - installed 2017-11-01) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist (? 0 ? - installed (null)) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.teamviewer.teamviewer.plist (? 57c754ae 62d93e88 - installed 2014-03-09) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.teamviewer.teamviewer_desktop.plist (? 512a1b64 d87b8b9f - installed 2014-02-05) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    macsearch.plist (? 69e60789 4f77794f - installed 2017-11-01) Adware!  [Remove/Report]
        /Library/Application Support/Agent/macsearch
    [loaded]    org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist (Apple Inc. - XQuartz - installed 2013-11-11) [Lookup]

Launch Daemons: ⓘ
    [loaded]    com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist (? 856489a3 0 - installed 2013-07-15) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist (? 2afb3af7 96972bcc - installed 2017-11-28) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.logmein.hamachi.plist (LogMeIn, Inc. - installed 2017-09-22) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist (? 6d8cb30e 8b29c3ef - installed 2012-04-02) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist (? 0 ? - installed (null)) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.teamviewer.teamviewer_service.plist (? 46659507 ec702750 - installed 2014-02-05) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist (Apple Inc. - XQuartz - installed 2013-11-11) [Lookup]

User Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [running]    com.Kalanchoe_Rameses.plist (? 158f7620 e1925981 - installed 2017-11-09) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist (? 6a3cceca 17b9373f - installed 2013-07-15) [Lookup]
    [failed]    com.jdibackup.JustCloud.autostart.plist (? d7dffcef 0 - installed 2016-02-27) Adware!  [Remove/Report]
    [loaded]    com.jdibackup.JustCloud.notify.plist (? dd14dd92 0 - installed 2016-02-27) Adware!  [Remove/Report]
    [failed]    com.mackeeper.MacKeeper.Helper.plist (? f5c24f6b 0 - installed 2017-11-01) [Lookup] - /Applications/MacKeeper.app/Contents/Services/MacKeeper Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/MacKeeper Helper: Executable not found!
    [running]    com.ornis.plist (? 1f693e86 b342a111 - installed 2017-11-08) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    com.overaccurate.sy.plist (? ca01b9d5 41109ad0 - installed 2017-11-09) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.pcv.hlpramc.plist (PCVARK software Private Limited - installed 2015-11-30) Adware!  [Remove/Report]
        ~/Library/Application Support/amc/helperamc.app/Contents/MacOS/helperamc
    [loaded]    com.skype.skype.shareagent.plist (Skype Communications S.a.r.l - installed 2017-11-18) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.spigot.ApplicationManager.plist (? 69040a1f 217327b7 - installed 2016-12-29) Adware!  [Remove/Report]
        ~/Library/Application Support/Spigot/ApplicationManager
    [running]    com.vladalexa.MagicPrefs.plist (Vlad Alexa - installed 2018-01-09) [Lookup]

User Login Items: ⓘ
    iTunesHelper    Programm (Apple, Inc. - installed 2017-12-09)
    YTD Helper    SMLoginItem - Hidden (Greentree Applications SRL - installed 2017-04-01)
        (/Applications/YTD.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/YTD Helper.app)

Internet Plug-ins: ⓘ
    zako: zako (installed 2013-06-19) [Lookup]
    FlashPlayer-10.6: (installed 2017-12-13) [Lookup]
    QuickTime Plugin: 7.7.3 (installed 2017-12-09)
    Flash Player: (installed 2017-12-13) Outdated! Update
    SharePointBrowserPlugin: 14.7.7 (installed 2017-09-21) [Lookup]
    PepperFlashPlayer: (installed 2017-12-14) [Lookup]
    DirectorShockwave: 12.0.5r146 (installed 2013-10-24) [Lookup]
    AmazonMP3DownloaderPlugin101749: Unknown

Safari Extensions: ⓘ
    [enabled]    AdBlock - BetaFish, Inc. - https://getadblock.com (installed 2017-03-27)
    [enabled]    Disconnect - Disconnect - https://disconnect.me/ (installed 2013-11-21)
    [not loaded]    Nation - Blucora Inc - http://www.nation.com (installed 2013-06-30)
    [enabled]    Ixquick HTTPS - Surfboard B.V. - https://ixquick.com (installed 2017-03-27)
    [enabled]    Turn Off the Lights - Stefan vd - https://www.turnoffthelights.com (installed 2017-03-27)

3rd Party Preference Panes: ⓘ
    Flash Player (installed 2017-11-28) [Lookup]
    FUSE for OS X (OSXFUSE) (installed 2012-09-13) [Lookup]
    MagicPrefs (installed 2016-01-20) [Lookup]

Time Machine: ⓘ
    Mobile backups: OFF
    Auto backup: YES
    Volumes being backed up:
        Macintosh HD: Disk size: 899.35 GB Disk used: 279.96 GB
        TOSHIBA EXT [Local]
        Total size: 999.86 GB
        Total number of backups: 22
        Oldest backup: 15.10.17, 10:41
        Last backup: 17.11.17, 00:23
        Size of backup disk: Adequate
            Backup size 999.86 GB > (Disk used 279.96 GB X 3)

Top Processes by CPU: ⓘ
        55%       Opera Helper
        18%       Opera Helper
        17%       WindowServer
        14%       Opera
        14%       kernel_task

Top Processes by Memory: ⓘ
    858 MB        kernel_task
    578 MB        Opera Helper
    556 MB        Opera Helper
    490 MB        Opera Helper
    409 MB        Opera Helper

Top Processes by Network Use: ⓘ
    Input         Output        Process name
    7 MB          263 KB        Opera
    40 KB         38 KB         mDNSResponder
    11 KB         2 KB          Discord
    5 KB          3 KB          apsd
    522 B         708 B         netbiosd

Top Processes by Energy Use: ⓘ
     37.84    Opera Helper
     29.02    Opera Helper
     25.18    WindowServer
     20.16    Opera Helper
     19.10    Opera

Virtual Memory Information: ⓘ
    1.06 GB       Available RAM
    34 MB         Free RAM
    6.94 GB       Used RAM
    1.03 GB       Cached files
    0 B           Swap Used

Software installs (last 30 days): ⓘ
    Adobe Flash Player:  (installed 2017-12-13)
    Adobe Pepper Flash Player:  (installed 2017-12-14)

    Install information may not be complete.

Diagnostics Events (last 3 days for minor events): ⓘ
    2018-01-08 15:56:13    Discord.app Hang [Open]
    2018-01-08 00:33:57    CalendarAgent Crash [Open]


da wundert mich nix mehr :), MacKeeper bitte sofort deinstallieren, und alles wo Adware in Logfile steht auch deinstallieren !!



Golden Noble
Ui, dein Rechner ist mit allerhand Adware verseucht. In dem Zustand macht eine Suche nach weiteren Ursachen keinen Sinn. Du musst ihn zuerst reinigen.


Huch, MacKeeper hatte ich schon mal gelöscht.
Wisst ihr, was es mit diesen vier Dateien auf sich haben könnte?
- com.misguide.so.plist
- com.Kalanchoe_Rameses.plist
- com.ornis.plist
- com.overaccurate.sy.plist
Laut EtreCheck sind die Dateien 'possible adware'.


lade dir "Malwarebytes", und Entseuche damit deinen Rechner, den Rest den Malwarebytes nicht findet, musst du manuell mit "EasyFind" enfernen.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Golden Noble
Macsearch, jidibackup, spigot und diverses andere ist auch Schadsoftware
Lädst du Software von Chip.de softonic oder macupdate.com oder ähnlichen Portalen, falls ja, die packen derartigen dreck bei.


Habe jetzt mehrfach EtreCheck, Malwarebytes und EasyFind laufen lassen und alles, was ich so finden konnte entfernt. Danke nochmal an alle für die Tipps. Der aktuelle EtreLog sieht wie folgt aus:
EtreCheck version: 3.4.6 (460)
Report generated 2018-01-10 23:42:04
Download EtreCheck from https://etrecheck.com
Runtime: 5:02
Performance: Below Average

Click the [Lookup] links for more information from Apple Support Communities.
Click the [Details] links for more information about that line.
Click the [Remove/Report] links to remove adware or update the whitelist of legitimate software.

Problem: Computer is restarting

Hardware Information: ⓘ
    iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012)
    [Technical Specifications] - [User Guide] - [Warranty & Service]
    iMac - model: iMac13,1
    1 2,7 GHz Intel Core i5 (i5-3330S) CPU: 4-core
    8 GB RAM Upgradeable - [Instructions]
        BANK 0/DIMM0
            4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
        BANK 1/DIMM0
            4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
    Handoff/Airdrop2: supported
    Wireless:  en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n

Video Information: ⓘ
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M - VRAM: 512 MB
        iMac 1920 x 1080
        Acer X203W 1680 x 1050 @ 60 Hz

Disk Information: ⓘ
    APPLE HDD ST1000LM024 disk0: (1 TB) (Rotational)
    [Show SMART report]
        EFI (disk0s1 - MS-DOS FAT32) <not mounted>  [EFI]: 210 MB
        Macintosh HD (disk0s2 - Journaled HFS+) /  [Startup]: 899.35 GB (618.07 GB free)
        (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB
        BOOTCAMP (disk0s4 - NTFS) /Volumes/BOOTCAMP : 100.00 GB (34.08 GB free)

USB Information: ⓘ
            Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
                Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub
                    Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller

Thunderbolt Information: ⓘ
    Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus

System Software: ⓘ
    macOS High Sierra  10.13.2 (17C88) - Time since boot: about 6 hours

Configuration files: ⓘ
    /etc/hosts - Count: 15

Gatekeeper: ⓘ
    Mac App Store and identified developers

Possible adware: ⓘ
    Unknown file: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.overaccurate.sy.plist
    One possible adware file found. [Remove/Report]

Kernel Extensions: ⓘ
    [loaded]    com.logmein.hamachi (1.0.0 - SDK 10.9) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.malwarebytes.mbam.rtprotection (3.1 - SDK 10.12) [Lookup]

    [not loaded]    com.tomtom.driver.UsbEthernetGadget (1.0.0d1) [Lookup]

System Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    10 Apple tasks
    [loaded]    174 Apple tasks
    [running]    106 Apple tasks

System Launch Daemons: ⓘ
    [failed]    com.apple.postfix.master.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2017-10-03)
    [not loaded]    37 Apple tasks
    [loaded]    179 Apple tasks
    [running]    114 Apple tasks

Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist (? ffb65062 17b9373f - installed 2013-07-15) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    com.adobe.CS5ServiceManager.plist (? 40cdc1ff dd391a6f - installed 2013-07-15) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.logmein.hamachimb.plist (LogMeIn, Inc. - installed 2017-09-22) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.malwarebytes.mbam.frontend.agent.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2018-01-09) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.oracle.java.Java-Updater.plist (? 0 ? - installed (null)) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.teamviewer.teamviewer.plist (? 57c754ae 62d93e88 - installed 2014-03-09) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.teamviewer.teamviewer_desktop.plist (? 512a1b64 d87b8b9f - installed 2014-02-05) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist (Apple Inc. - XQuartz - installed 2013-11-11) [Lookup]

Launch Daemons: ⓘ
    [loaded]    com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist (? 856489a3 0 - installed 2013-07-15) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    com.adobe.fpsaud.plist (Adobe Systems, Inc. - installed 2017-12-15) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.logmein.hamachi.plist (LogMeIn, Inc. - installed 2017-09-22) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.malwarebytes.mbam.rtprotection.daemon.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2018-01-09) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.malwarebytes.mbam.settings.daemon.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2018-01-09) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist (? 6d8cb30e 8b29c3ef - installed 2012-04-02) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.oracle.java.Helper-Tool.plist (? 0 ? - installed (null)) [Lookup]
    [not loaded]    com.teamviewer.teamviewer_service.plist (? 46659507 ec702750 - installed 2014-02-05) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist (Apple Inc. - XQuartz - installed 2013-11-11) [Lookup]

User Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [loaded]    com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist (? 6a3cceca 17b9373f - installed 2013-07-15) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    com.overaccurate.sy.plist (? ca01b9d5 41109ad0 - installed 2017-11-09) [Lookup]
    [loaded]    com.skype.skype.shareagent.plist (Skype Communications S.a.r.l - installed 2017-11-18) [Lookup]
    [running]    com.vladalexa.MagicPrefs.plist (Vlad Alexa - installed 2018-01-10) [Lookup]

User Login Items: ⓘ
    iTunesHelper    Programm (Apple, Inc. - installed 2017-12-09)
    YTD Helper    SMLoginItem - Hidden (Greentree Applications SRL - installed 2017-04-01)
        (/Applications/YTD.app/Contents/Library/LoginItems/YTD Helper.app)

Internet Plug-ins: ⓘ
    FlashPlayer-10.6: (installed 2018-01-09) [Lookup]
    QuickTime Plugin: 7.7.3 (installed 2017-12-09)
    Flash Player: (installed 2018-01-09) [Lookup]
    SharePointBrowserPlugin: 14.7.7 (installed 2017-09-21) [Lookup]
    PepperFlashPlayer: (installed 2018-01-10) [Lookup]
    DirectorShockwave: 12.0.5r146 (installed 2013-10-24) [Lookup]
    AmazonMP3DownloaderPlugin101749: Unknown

Safari Extensions: ⓘ
    [enabled]    AdBlock - BetaFish, Inc. - https://getadblock.com (installed 2017-03-27)
    [enabled]    Disconnect - Disconnect - https://disconnect.me/ (installed 2013-11-21)
    [not loaded]    Nation - Blucora Inc - http://www.nation.com (installed 2013-06-30)
    [enabled]    Ixquick HTTPS - Surfboard B.V. - https://ixquick.com (installed 2017-03-27)
    [enabled]    Turn Off the Lights - Stefan vd - https://www.turnoffthelights.com (installed 2017-03-27)

3rd Party Preference Panes: ⓘ
    Flash Player (installed 2017-12-15) [Lookup]
    FUSE for OS X (OSXFUSE) (installed 2012-09-13) [Lookup]
    MagicPrefs (installed 2016-01-20) [Lookup]

Time Machine: ⓘ
    Mobile backups: OFF
    Auto backup: YES
    Volumes being backed up:
        Macintosh HD: Disk size: 899.35 GB Disk used: 281.28 GB
        TOSHIBA EXT [Local]
        Total size: 999.86 GB
        Total number of backups: 22
        Oldest backup: 15.10.17, 10:41
        Last backup: 17.11.17, 00:23
        Size of backup disk: Adequate
            Backup size 999.86 GB > (Disk used 281.28 GB X 3)

Top Processes by CPU: ⓘ
        86%       Opera Helper
        22%       Opera Helper
        20%       Opera
        11%       WindowServer
        11%       kernel_task

Top Processes by Memory: ⓘ
    926 MB        kernel_task
    498 MB        Opera Helper
    478 MB        Opera Helper
    385 MB        Opera Helper
    346 MB        Opera Helper

Top Processes by Network Use: ⓘ
    Input         Output        Process name
    7 MB          288 KB        Opera
    76 KB         32 KB         Discord
    53 KB         46 KB         mDNSResponder
    5 KB          3 KB          apsd
    810 B         1 KB          netbiosd

Top Processes by Energy Use: ⓘ
     68.68    Opera Helper
     17.22    Opera
     16.22    Opera Helper
     11.82    WindowServer

Virtual Memory Information: ⓘ
    1.19 GB       Available RAM
    24 MB         Free RAM
    6.81 GB       Used RAM
    1.17 GB       Cached files
    48 MB         Swap Used

Software installs (last 30 days): ⓘ
    Adobe Flash Player:  (installed 2017-12-13)
    Adobe Pepper Flash Player:  (installed 2017-12-14)
    Malwarebytes for Mac:  (installed 2018-01-09)
    Adobe Flash Player:  (installed 2018-01-09)
    Adobe Pepper Flash Player:  (installed 2018-01-10)

    Install information may not be complete.

Diagnostics Events (last 3 days for minor events): ⓘ
    2018-01-10 22:09:28    CalendarAgent Crash [Open]
    2018-01-09 23:58:09    Minecraft.app Crash [Open]
    2018-01-08 15:56:13    Discord.app Hang [Open]

Files deleted by EtreCheck: ⓘ
    2018-01-09 19:30:13 - ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.jdibackup.JustCloud.autostart.plist - Unknown
    2018-01-09 19:30:13 - ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.jdibackup.JustCloud.notify.plist - Unknown
    2018-01-09 19:30:13 - ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.mackeeper.MacKeeper.Helper.plist - Unknown
    2018-01-09 19:38:45 - ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.pcv.hlpramc.plist - Unknown
    2018-01-09 19:38:45 - ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.spigot.ApplicationManager.plist - Unknown
    2018-01-09 19:39:00 - /Library/LaunchAgents/macsearch.plist - Unknown


diesen Müll, bitte noch mit EasyFind, löschen, siehe die eingefügten Zeilen..

Possible adware: ⓘ
Unknown file: ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.overaccurate.sy.plist
One possible adware file found. [Remove/Report]

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Reaktionen: Jon64


Ich will mich nicht zu weit aus dem Fenster lehnen, aber seit dem Löschen von overaccurate heute morgen ist der Mac noch nicht abgestürzt. :)

Update: Nach 27 Stunden und zwei mal in den Ruhezustand versetzen und bis dato absturzfrei. Vielen vielen Dank!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
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Reaktionen: dg2rbf und ottomane