04.10.13 10:06:14,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 2279 [com.apple.hiserv]
04.10.13 10:06:14,102 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.hiservices-xpcservice[2279]) Exited: Killed: 9
04.10.13 10:06:14,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 751 [tccd]
04.10.13 10:06:14,346 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (com.apple.tccd[751]) Idle-exit job was jettisoned. Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
04.10.13 10:06:14,347 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (com.apple.tccd[751]) assertion failed: 13A584: launchd + 39476 [C35AEAF6-FCF6-3C64-9FC8-38829064F8A8]: 0x9
04.10.13 10:06:14,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 857 [coresymbolicatio]
04.10.13 10:06:14,597 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.coresymbolicationd[857]) Idle-exit job was jettisoned. Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
04.10.13 10:06:14,597 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.coresymbolicationd[857]) assertion failed: 13A584: launchd + 39476 [C35AEAF6-FCF6-3C64-9FC8-38829064F8A8]: 0x9
04.10.13 10:06:14,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 2267 [backupd-helper]
04.10.13 10:06:14,850 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.backupd-auto[2267]) Idle-exit job was jettisoned. Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
04.10.13 10:06:14,850 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.backupd-auto[2267]) assertion failed: 13A584: launchd + 39476 [C35AEAF6-FCF6-3C64-9FC8-38829064F8A8]: 0x9
04.10.13 10:06:15,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 25 [xpcd]
04.10.13 10:06:15,097 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpcd.00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000[25]) Exited: Killed: 9
04.10.13 10:06:15,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 2361 [com.apple.audio.]
04.10.13 10:06:15,350 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.audio.SandboxHelper[2361]) Exited: Killed: 9
04.10.13 10:06:15,455 _cvmsroot[2410]: audit warning: soft /var/audit
04.10.13 10:06:15,456 _cvmsroot[2408]: audit warning: allsoft
04.10.13 10:06:15,456 _cvmsroot[2409]: audit warning: closefile /var/audit/20131004075904.20131004080615
04.10.13 10:06:15,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 2369 [com.apple.audio.]
04.10.13 10:06:15,602 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.audio.ComponentHelper[2369]) Exited: Killed: 9
04.10.13 10:06:15,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 713 [tccd]
04.10.13 10:06:15,851 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.tccd.system[713]) Idle-exit job was jettisoned. Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
04.10.13 10:06:15,852 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.tccd.system[713]) assertion failed: 13A584: launchd + 39476 [C35AEAF6-FCF6-3C64-9FC8-38829064F8A8]: 0x9
04.10.13 10:06:16,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 2211 [printtool]
04.10.13 10:06:16,101 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (com.apple.printtool.agent[2211]) Idle-exit job was jettisoned. Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
04.10.13 10:06:16,101 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (com.apple.printtool.agent[2211]) assertion failed: 13A584: launchd + 39476 [C35AEAF6-FCF6-3C64-9FC8-38829064F8A8]: 0x9
04.10.13 10:06:16,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 864 [pbs]
04.10.13 10:06:16,351 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (com.apple.pbs[864]) Idle-exit job was jettisoned. Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
04.10.13 10:06:16,351 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (com.apple.pbs[864]) assertion failed: 13A584: launchd + 39476 [C35AEAF6-FCF6-3C64-9FC8-38829064F8A8]: 0x9
04.10.13 10:06:16,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 2373 [ScopedBookmarkAg]
04.10.13 10:06:16,602 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (com.apple.scopedbookmarksagent.xpc[2373]) Idle-exit job was jettisoned. Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
04.10.13 10:06:16,603 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (com.apple.scopedbookmarksagent.xpc[2373]) assertion failed: 13A584: launchd + 39476 [C35AEAF6-FCF6-3C64-9FC8-38829064F8A8]: 0x9
04.10.13 10:06:16,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 564 [aosnotifyd]
04.10.13 10:06:16,857 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.AOSNotification[564]) Idle-exit job was jettisoned. Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
04.10.13 10:06:16,857 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.AOSNotification[564]) assertion failed: 13A584: launchd + 39476 [C35AEAF6-FCF6-3C64-9FC8-38829064F8A8]: 0x9
04.10.13 10:06:17,099 aosnotifyd[2411]: assertion failed: 13A584: liblaunch.dylib + 25164 [FCBF0A02-0B06-3F97-9248-5062A9DEB32C]: 0x25
04.10.13 10:06:17,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 2296 [accountsd]
04.10.13 10:06:17,107 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (com.apple.accountsd[2296]) Idle-exit job was jettisoned. Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
04.10.13 10:06:17,107 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (com.apple.accountsd[2296]) assertion failed: 13A584: launchd + 39476 [C35AEAF6-FCF6-3C64-9FC8-38829064F8A8]: 0x9
04.10.13 10:06:17,182 com.apple.Safari.SocialHelper[2288]: /SourceCache/Accounts/Accounts-336.9/ACAccountStore.m - __60-[ACAccountStore _connectToRemoteAccountStoreUsingEndpoint:]_block_invoke - 130 - The connection to ACDAccountStore was interrupted.
04.10.13 10:06:17,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 2288 [com.apple.Safari]
04.10.13 10:06:17,362 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.Safari.SocialHelper[2288]) Exited: Killed: 9
04.10.13 10:06:17,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 267 [sysmond]
04.10.13 10:06:17,604 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.sysmond[267]) Idle-exit job was jettisoned. Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
04.10.13 10:06:17,604 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.sysmond[267]) assertion failed: 13A584: launchd + 39476 [C35AEAF6-FCF6-3C64-9FC8-38829064F8A8]: 0x9
04.10.13 10:06:17,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 1548 [com.apple.appkit]
04.10.13 10:06:17,867 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.appkit.xpc.openAndSavePanelService[1548]) Exited: Killed: 9
04.10.13 10:06:18,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 803 [com.apple.intern]
04.10.13 10:06:18,118 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.internetaccounts[803]) Exited: Killed: 9
04.10.13 10:06:18,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 802 [com.apple.ShareK]
04.10.13 10:06:18,363 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.ShareKitHelper[802]) Exited: Killed: 9
04.10.13 10:06:18,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 798 [AirPlayUIAgent]
04.10.13 10:06:18,611 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (com.apple.AirPlayUIAgent[798]) Idle-exit job was jettisoned. Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
04.10.13 10:06:18,611 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (com.apple.AirPlayUIAgent[798]) assertion failed: 13A584: launchd + 39476 [C35AEAF6-FCF6-3C64-9FC8-38829064F8A8]: 0x9
04.10.13 10:06:18,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 892 [systemstatsd]
04.10.13 10:06:18,858 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.systemstatsd[892]) Idle-exit job was jettisoned. Will bypass throttle interval for next on-demand launch.
04.10.13 10:06:18,858 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.systemstatsd[892]) assertion failed: 13A584: launchd + 39476 [C35AEAF6-FCF6-3C64-9FC8-38829064F8A8]: 0x9
04.10.13 10:06:19,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 737 [xpcd]
04.10.13 10:06:19,114 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.xpcd.F5010000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000[737]) Exited: Killed: 9
04.10.13 10:06:19,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 697 [com.apple.CodeSi]
04.10.13 10:06:19,362 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.CodeSigningHelper[697]) Exited: Killed: 9
04.10.13 10:06:19,000 kernel[0]: memorystatus_thread: idle exiting pid 785 [com.apple.IconSe]
04.10.13 10:06:19,614 Safari[820]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection interrupted
04.10.13 10:06:19,614 Little Snitch Agent[736]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection interrupted
04.10.13 10:06:19,614 Dock[740]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection interrupted
04.10.13 10:06:19,614 SystemUIServer[741]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection interrupted
04.10.13 10:06:19,614 Safari[820]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection invalid
04.10.13 10:06:19,614 Little Snitch Agent[736]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection invalid
04.10.13 10:06:19,614 1PasswordAgent[776]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection interrupted
04.10.13 10:06:19,615 Dock[740]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection invalid
04.10.13 10:06:19,615 NotificationCenter[758]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection interrupted
04.10.13 10:06:19,615 SystemUIServer[741]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection invalid
04.10.13 10:06:19,615 1PasswordAgent[776]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection invalid
04.10.13 10:06:19,615 NotificationCenter[758]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection invalid
04.10.13 10:06:19,618 Finder[871]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection interrupted
04.10.13 10:06:19,619 Finder[871]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection invalid
04.10.13 10:06:19,626 Plex Media Server[788]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection interrupted
04.10.13 10:06:19,626 Plex Media Server[788]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection invalid
04.10.13 10:06:19,630 Microsoft Word[2204]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection interrupted
04.10.13 10:06:19,631 Microsoft Word[2204]: XPC error messaging com.apple.IconServicesAgent: Connection invalid
04.10.13 10:06:19,643 com.apple.launchd[1]: (com.apple.IconServicesAgent[785]) Exited: Killed: 9
04.10.13 10:07:37,351 WindowServer[589]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Safari" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
04.10.13 10:07:44,988 WindowServer[589]: common_reenable_update: UI updates were finally reenabled by application "Safari" after 8.64 seconds (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
04.10.13 10:07:46,372 com.apple.IconServicesAgent[2424]: IconServicesAgent launched.
04.10.13 10:07:46,376 _cvmsroot[2432]: audit warning: soft /var/audit
04.10.13 10:07:46,376 _cvmsroot[2431]: audit warning: closefile /var/audit/20131004080615.20131004080746
04.10.13 10:07:46,389 _cvmsroot[2430]: audit warning: allsoft
04.10.13 10:07:46,506 com.apple.IconServicesAgent[2424]: main Failed to composit image for binding VariantBinding [0x303] flags: 0x8 binding: FileInfoBinding [0x203] - extension: jpg, UTI: public.jpeg, fileType: ????.
04.10.13 10:07:46,512 quicklookd[2419]: Warning: Cache image returned by the server has size range covering all valid image sizes. Binding: VariantBinding [0x203] flags: 0x8 binding: FileInfoBinding [0x103] - extension: jpg, UTI: public.jpeg, fileType: ???? request size:16 scale: 1
04.10.13 10:07:46,520 com.apple.IconServicesAgent[2424]: main Failed to composit image for binding VariantBinding [0x107] flags: 0x8 binding: FileInfoBinding [0x207] - extension: png, UTI: public.png, fileType: ????.
04.10.13 10:07:46,520 quicklookd[2419]: Warning: Cache image returned by the server has size range covering all valid image sizes. Binding: VariantBinding [0x403] flags: 0x8 binding: FileInfoBinding [0x303] - extension: png, UTI: public.png, fileType: ???? request size:16 scale: 1
04.10.13 10:07:46,527 com.apple.IconServicesAgent[2424]: main Failed to composit image for binding VariantBinding [0x209] flags: 0x8 binding: FileInfoBinding [0x109] - extension: jpg, UTI: public.jpeg, fileType: ????.
04.10.13 10:07:46,527 quicklookd[2419]: Warning: Cache image returned by the server has size range covering all valid image sizes. Binding: VariantBinding [0x603] flags: 0x8 binding: FileInfoBinding [0x503] - extension: jpg, UTI: public.jpeg, fileType: ???? request size:16 scale: 1
04.10.13 10:07:46,771 com.apple.IconServicesAgent[2424]: main Failed to composit image for binding VariantBinding [0x217] flags: 0x8 binding: FileInfoBinding [0x315] - extension: pxm, UTI: com.pixelmator.pxm, fileType: ????.
04.10.13 10:07:46,771 quicklookd[2419]: Warning: Cache image returned by the server has size range covering all valid image sizes. Binding: VariantBinding [0x803] flags: 0x8 binding: FileInfoBinding [0x703] - extension: pxm, UTI: com.pixelmator.pxm, fileType: ???? request size:16 scale: 1
04.10.13 10:07:47,806 com.apple.IconServicesAgent[2424]: main Failed to composit image for binding VariantBinding [0x31b] flags: 0x8 binding: FileInfoBinding [0x21d] - extension: PNG, UTI: public.png, fileType: ????.
04.10.13 10:07:47,806 quicklookd[2419]: Warning: Cache image returned by the server has size range covering all valid image sizes. Binding: VariantBinding [0xa03] flags: 0x8 binding: FileInfoBinding [0x903] - extension: PNG, UTI: public.png, fileType: ???? request size:16 scale: 1
04.10.13 10:07:52,374 WindowServer[589]: _CGXSetWindowBackgroundBlurRadius: Invalid window 0xffffffff
04.10.13 10:07:52,399 WindowServer[589]: _CGXSetWindowBackgroundBlurRadius: Invalid window 0xffffffff
04.10.13 10:08:00,457 QuickLookUIHelper[2433]: [QL] QuickLookUIHelper is stuck - force quit now
04.10.13 10:08:36,130 CalendarAgent[755]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.ICS] [ICS Error for file: BEGIN:VTIMEZONE
04.10.13 10:08:36,130 CalendarAgent[755]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.ICS] [ICS: Cal not a ICSCalendar *nil description*]
04.10.13 10:08:36,131 CalendarAgent[755]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.ICS] [ICS Error for file: BEGIN:VTIMEZONE
04.10.13 10:08:36,131 CalendarAgent[755]: [com.apple.calendar.store.log.ICS] [ICS: Cal not a ICSCalendar *nil description*]
04.10.13 10:09:05,032 _cvmsroot[2447]: audit warning: allsoft
04.10.13 10:09:05,039 _cvmsroot[2445]: audit warning: closefile /var/audit/20131004080746.20131004080905
04.10.13 10:09:05,042 _cvmsroot[2446]: audit warning: soft /var/audit
04.10.13 10:09:06,832 mds[541]: (Error) LSOF: File '/Volumes/USB-STICK' (fd=54) left open on device 738197510
04.10.13 10:09:14,659 com.apple.IconServicesAgent[2424]: main Failed to composit image for binding VariantBinding [0x40b] flags: 0x8 binding: FileInfoBinding [0x17b] - extension: log, UTI: com.apple.log, fileType: ????.
04.10.13 10:09:14,660 quicklookd[2448]: Warning: Cache image returned by the server has size range covering all valid image sizes. Binding: VariantBinding [0x203] flags: 0x8 binding: FileInfoBinding [0x103] - extension: log, UTI: com.apple.log, fileType: ???? request size:100 scale: 1
04.10.13 10:09:16,262 diskarbitrationd[22]: Safari [820]:38427 not responding.
04.10.13 10:09:16,262 diskarbitrationd[22]: coreservicesd [51]:20239 not responding.
04.10.13 10:09:16,375 Finder[871]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:16,375 Safari[820]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:17,835 tuxera_ntfs[2149]: Unmounting /dev/rdisk9s1 (USB-STICK)
04.10.13 10:09:17,843 KernelEventAgent[548]: tid 54485244 received event(s) VQ_DEAD (32)
04.10.13 10:09:17,852 Finder[871]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:17,852 Safari[820]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:17,852 Finder[871]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:17,852 Safari[820]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:18,000 kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x24, ASCQ = 0x00
04.10.13 10:09:18,000 kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x24, ASCQ = 0x00
04.10.13 10:09:18,000 kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x24, ASCQ = 0x00
04.10.13 10:09:18,000 kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x24, ASCQ = 0x00
04.10.13 10:09:18,000 kernel[0]: SAM Multimedia: READ or WRITE failed, SENSE_KEY = 0x05, ASC = 0x24, ASCQ = 0x00
04.10.13 10:09:18,944 Finder[871]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:18,944 Safari[820]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:18,945 Finder[871]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:18,945 Safari[820]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:18,945 coreservicesd[51]: SFLEntryBase::ListHasChanged mach_msg returned 10000004d
04.10.13 10:09:20,474 coreservicesd[51]: SFLEntryBase::ListHasChanged mach_msg returned 10000004d
04.10.13 10:09:20,474 coreservicesd[51]: SFLEntryBase::ListHasChanged mach_msg returned 10000004d
04.10.13 10:09:20,476 coreservicesd[51]: SFLEntryBase::ListHasChanged mach_msg returned 10000004d
04.10.13 10:09:20,476 coreservicesd[51]: SFLEntryBase::ListHasChanged mach_msg returned 10000004d
04.10.13 10:09:20,881 Finder[871]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:20,881 Safari[820]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:20,882 Finder[871]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:20,882 Safari[820]: CreateWithFileInfo failed to create URL with FSRef, falling back to blank icon.
04.10.13 10:09:22,079 coreservicesd[51]: SFLEntryBase::ListHasChanged mach_msg returned 10000004d
04.10.13 10:09:22,079 coreservicesd[51]: SFLEntryBase::ListHasChanged mach_msg returned 10000004d
04.10.13 10:11:29,138 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[721]: (at.obdev.LittleSnitchUIAgent[736]) Job appears to have crashed: Trace/BPT trap: 5
04.10.13 10:11:29,453 ReportCrash[2475]: Saved crash report for Little Snitch Agent[736] version 3.2 nightly [4044] (4044) to /Users/Martin/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Little Snitch Agent_2013-10-04-101129_Martins-MacBook-Pro-3.crash